Chapter 34, Killing?

Zhang Niujiao's fainting and the cut off of the back route made many Yellow Turban army commanders panic. Chu Feiyan and the other commanders decided to retreat in batches after discussing, and at the same time blocked the news of Zhang Niujiao's fainting and the cut off of the back route.

On the first day, Chu Feiyan went south with 3 main forces, and on the second day, Bai Bo led 3 people to retreat.They wanted to retreat slowly so as not to arouse the suspicion of the Youzhou Army.

But the news that their retreat was cut off by the Bingzhou Army quickly spread throughout the Yellow Turban Army's camp, and even news that Zhang Niujiao had died of illness, which reminded the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army that Zhang Jiao died of illness last year. Soldiers and generals panicked, the morale of the army was slackened, and everyone was afraid of what happened last year.

The soldiers of the entire Yellow Turban Army began to panic. First, taxis in twos and threes left the camp without authorization, and then some of the Yellow Turban leaders led a team of thousands of people to Pingyuan County.Then things got out of hand.You call me, I call you, many yellow scarf generals did not report to Qushuai at all, and fled with their own people.

Fortunately, Zhang Niujiao woke up immediately. After he found that the morale of the Yellow Turban Army was completely gone, he appeared in front of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army to boost morale, and brought his own troops to kill the entire army.

Liu Yu and the others received an urgent report from the scouts that the Yellow Turban Army had begun to retreat southward, and there were even fleeing Yellow Turban thieves.

Liu Yu was overjoyed and said, "Brother Nan Rong must have cut off the retreat of the Yellow Turban Bandits, so they retreated in such a panic!"

Gongsun Zan immediately said, "My lord, the Yellow Turbans' army is in disarray, now is the time to take advantage of the victory and pursue them!"

Liu Yu drew out his sword and said, "The Yellow Turban Bandit's food supply is cut off, Zhang Niujiao is dead, the whole army is going south, and wipe out the Yellow Turban Bandit!"

When the soldiers heard this, their morale was greatly boosted.

Suddenly, the [-] army turned to attack the Yellow Turban Army.The [-] cavalry were divided into two groups, outflanking from the left and right. Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei personally led the white horse righteousness to charge from the front, and Xian Yufu and the others led [-] infantry to cover up and kill them.

Zhang Niujiao commanded the three armies to fight, and the two sides fought fiercely, but because the morale of the Yellow Turban Army was already in disarray, the officers and soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army failed to block the charge of the Youzhou Army and retreated step by step.

Zhang Niujiao led his personal guards to attack the cavalry who were constantly resisting Youzhou on the front line, and encouraged their morale: "Go back, only by defeating the Han army can we return to Jizhou alive!"

Zhang Niujiao, the general of the Yellow Turban Army, had rushed to the front line. The morale of the Yellow Turban Army soldiers who wanted to escape was greatly boosted. Encouraged by Zhang Niujiao, they began to fight back, and soon stopped the momentum of defeat!
Gongsun Zan, who was on the front line of the battlefield, quickly recognized Zhang Niujiao who was also on the front line. He took out his own ox horn bow and aimed an arrow at Zhang Niujiao!
"Hoo!" The long arrow instantly hit Zhang Niujiao's forehead!fell to the ground.

Gongsun Zan said happily, "Zhang Niujiao is dead, why don't you kneel down and surrender!"

Gongsun Zan's personal guards also shouted, "Zhang Niujiao is dead, why don't you kneel and surrender!"

After hearing this, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army realized that Zhang Niujiao had really disappeared. They immediately thought that what Gongsun Zan and the others had said was true, their morale plummeted, and they all began to flee south.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Zan laughed loudly and said, "Rush forward, don't let these yellow scarf thieves escape!"

The Youzhou iron cavalry outflanked the Yellow Turban Army from the left and right wings.The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army could no longer resist and fled in defeat.The Youzhou iron cavalry launched a chase, chasing hundreds of miles in one breath. Hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers were completely in chaos. Many people had no strength to escape, and there was no hope. They just lay on the ground and waited for the Youzhou army to arrest them .

In this battle, the Youzhou Army defeated about 15 Yellow Turbans, beheaded 10, and captured nearly [-].It took [-] days just to arrest these people,
Liu Yu ordered Xian Yufu, Tian Kai, Yan Rou and others to clear the battlefield immediately, take care of the prisoners of the Yellow Turban Army, and at the same time report victory to Luoyang City.

And he personally greeted Gongsun Zan and other generals who fought!
Gongsun Zan returned to the camp with his bodyguard cavalry, and when he saw Liu Yu in front of the gate, he got off his horse and said with a smile, "My lord, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou has been wiped out by us."

Seeing Gongsun Zan and the others, Liu Yu couldn't help but said happily, "Okay, Bogui, I have already reported your achievements to the emperor, and the emperor will definitely reward you!"

Hearing this, both Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei showed smiles. The reason they worked so hard was not for the purpose of becoming a marquis and a prime minister.

Gongsun Zan excitedly said, "My lord, shall we invade Jizhou now and wipe out the rest of the Yellow Turban bandits!"

But Liu Yu looked at the full battalion of Yellow Turban soldiers. Although they looked decadent, they were more than three times more than them. After the first merit, some military merit should also be distributed to the Bingzhou Army.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu said: "We still settle these yellow scarf thieves, which is a great achievement!"

Gongsun Zan frowned when he saw the 10 Yellow Turban soldiers. Apparently he also knew that it would be unsafe for so many captives to be suppressed without a large army in the barracks, but he still wanted to make achievements.

So he said: "My lord, why don't you learn from Huangfu Yizhen and kill these yellow scarf thieves to frighten the refugees all over the world, so that they dare not rebel!"

"Absolutely not!" Liu Bei said anxiously: "This is a hundred thousand people. Although they joined the Yellow Turban Bandits, they were just forced by life. As court officials, how can we take the lives of the Han people as our merits? !"

Liu Yu is not Huangfusong, he said solemnly: "I am not a vulgar warrior like Huangfusong, I only know how to use the lives of the common people to make meritorious deeds."

Gongsun Zan didn't dare to offend Liu Yu, so he could only look at his little brother Liu Bei, and said angrily, "What should we do? There are 10 people here, can we afford them? Can the court afford them?"

Everyone present knew that if the imperial court had the financial resources, they would not have murdered 10 Yellow Turban soldiers a year ago. It was because the imperial court had no choice but to help the imperial court take the blame.

Liu Bei thought for a while and said, "There are a lot of wastelands in Youzhou. If they are allowed to farm in Youzhou, these Yellow Turban soldiers can not only support themselves, but also guard the border to pay for their sins. This is a good thing for the court to kill two birds with one stone."

After Liu Yu heard it, he laughed and said: "Xuande's method is good, and I will report it to the court. Xuande proposed this method, and I will recommend Xuande as the colonel of Tuntian, who is responsible for the settlement of the Yellow Turban Army in Youzhou!"

Then he said happily: "Okay, this not only reduced the imperial court by 10 enemies, but also added [-] generals to guard the border."

Gongsun Zan said unhappily, "My lord, the cost of farming for [-] people is not low. You have a solution, but don't cause the Yellow Turban Rebellion to break out in Youzhou."

Liu Yudao: "I will think of a way. I think after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the tyrants in Youzhou will know that only by reducing the number of refugees can their safety be guaranteed."

(End of this chapter)

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