Chapter 405, Surrender

Xiliang, Anding County, Linjing City!

Not long after Han Sui returned to Linjing City with his defeat, he wondered if he was going to flee to Guanzhong to join Yuan Shao!

The defeat in this battle was terrible, Ma Teng was directly blown to pieces, not to mention his generals, only Liang Xing, Hou Xuan, and Cheng Yin escaped alive, and only one tenth of the [-] troops returned. Never before has such a miserable battle been fought!

And at this time, news came from Han Sui's personal guard that the envoy of Dagan asked to see him!
Han Sui also wanted to know Lei Gong's thoughts, so he asked his personal guards to bring someone in!

As soon as Dagan's messenger came in, he said, "Brother Wen Yue, long time no see!"

Han Sui said pleasantly: "When we failed to attack Guanzhong, you disappeared, brother Wenhe. Brother Wei thought you died in the chaos of war. I was sad for a long time, but I didn't expect Wenhe to join Lei Gong!"

When Jia Xu took refuge in Dong Zhuo, he often became Dong Zhuo's envoy to Xiliang, and naturally became friends with Han Sui, an old rebel!

Speaking of the Battle of Guanzhong, Jia Xu also sighed and said: "The big man has no place for us people, so I fled to the land of Hebei, and I happened to meet the famous scholar Xiangkai, and on his recommendation, I took refuge in him." Lei Gong!"

Han Sui sighed: "The reputation of Xiangkai has been getting higher and higher these years. It's really a turn of events. Who would have thought that Xiangkai, who was wanted by the big man back then, is now famous all over the world, and there are many former officials in Hebei." , This is the benefit of following the right person!"

Han Sui not only lamented Xiangkai's treatment, but also lamented that the Xiliang people were unlucky. Because of Dong Zhuo's relationship, they Xiliang people also planned to form a Xiliang party in Chang'an. Under Dong Zhuo's care, he and Ma Teng not only In addition to the reputation of rebellion, one became a general, and the other became the governor of Xiliang. The tyrants of Xiliang even brought their own children to take over Chang'an City, imagining the situation where they Xiliang people were in charge of the court.

But all this was ruined by Wang Yun, Lu Bu and the others. They assassinated Dong Zhuo and made all the dreams of Xiliang people come to naught. Their final counterattack was repelled by the big man. The Xiliang people once again became the rebellion of the big man. He, Han Sui, also became the leader of the rebellion again, what fate!He, Han Sui, is destined to become the traitor of the great man!
Jia Xu sighed when she heard Han Sui's words!The period when Dong Zhuo was in power was indeed the most powerful period for the Xiliang people!If it weren't for Dong Zhuo, no matter how talented Jia Xu was, he could only be a small official. To a certain extent, Dong Zhuo was his old master!

After the two sighed, Han Sui asked: "Brother Wen He came to see me, a defeated general, and he didn't just come to reminisce about the past, did he?"

When Jia Xu heard this, he said solemnly: "Jia is in power on our behalf to recruit Brother Wen Yue. As long as Brother Wen Yue surrenders for a reason, my family will be in power to guarantee the safety of Brother Wen He, and the family property can also be kept, but all the land must be confiscated!"

After hearing the condition, Han Sui said helplessly: "It seems that Lei Gong really thinks he is the master of Xiliang, and he humiliated this old man so much!"

Jia Xu said: "This is not aimed at Brother Wen Yue, but what we have implemented is that those who till the land get their land, and those who do not till the land get no land. If Brother Wen Yue really wants to farm, he can keep 100 mu of land. Even if we are in power, we must implement this policy, and now our officials do not have an acre of land!"

Han Sui was surprised and said, "It's fine if Mr. Lei doesn't have land. After all, the world will belong to him in the future, but I don't believe that Wang Lei, Niu Gui, and Zhang Baiqi don't have land. How can their families continue without land?" , You will never tell me that the officials who are working hard are all saints of three generations, and they have no desires and desires!"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "The sage said no. There have been many corrupt officials in recent years, but few dared to tamper with the land and food. Brother Wen Yue must have known that since the fifth year of Zhongping, The first emperor drove the entire Han Dynasty to Bingzhou with millions of hooligans.

At the beginning, Bingzhou couldn't support so many people at all, but the ruling force confiscated the grain of the entire Bingzhou, and formulated food stamps, stipulating that each person only has one stone of grain per month, and the ruling himself took the lead in eating eight buckets of grain every month. During a period of time, the ruling body lost weight. At that time, the prime minister invited the prime minister to a meal, but the prime minister ate up all the food and drink, and was seen by the prime minister as he didn't care about his downfall.

But this is how it works from top to bottom. Under the leadership of the ruling party, officials from all over the cadre did not dare to have problems with the food issue. They survived the food crisis by relying on everyone starving. No one in the entire Bingzhou died of starvation, and now Even though the entire Central Plains is suffering from drought, the food in Hebei is not only enough to feed everyone, but also supports us to attack Xiliang! "

Then Jia Xu said to Han Sui: "Brother Wen Yue must also be aware of the virtues of the big Han family and nobles. It is impossible for them to provide food for disaster relief, and it is precisely because Dagan can control all the food on the site that he can do it." Get through the disasters of the past few years! All land policies are the foundation of my struggle for hegemony, and it is impossible for Brother Wen Yue to change it alone!"

Han Sui suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder Lei Gong wanted to brutally kill the nobles in Hebei! These nobles will not die, but the victims will be the ones who die!"

Han Sui also knew about Bingzhou's recruitment of millions of refugees back then. He thought Leigong was seeking his own death, but what happened later slapped his face. Not only did Leigong not decline, but he became stronger and stronger. He first captured Youzhou and then After capturing Jizhou, the whole Hebei land was easily occupied by Lei Gong. He had always wondered how Lei Gong relied on a barren Bingzhou to support millions of victims, but now he attacked Jia Xu's commentary, and he finally understood a little bit!

Jia Xu also said with admiration: "When I was in power, I said that the common people are the foundation of the great efforts. Killing hundreds of thousands of nobles can save millions of disaster victims, so this is justified! It should be done. .

Now the ruling government has not killed hundreds of thousands of nobles, but it has saved millions of disaster victims. It can be seen that all the contradictions of the big man are on the nobles. It won't be where it is today! "

Han Sui smiled wryly and said, "Wen He, you really dare to think, if you really want to do this, it's not Lei Gong who rebelled, but Yuan Shao and the others!"

Han Sui didn't intend to continue entanglement with Jia Xu on the land, but said seriously: "Lei Gong's recruiting conditions are so bad, why should I seek refuge with Lei Gong? Although I don't have many soldiers, I still have seven or eight thousand cavalry. If you go to Guanzhong to seek refuge with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao will definitely treat me as a guest, so why should I seek refuge with Lei Gong as an old farmer!"

Jia Xu said with a smile: "Brother Wen Yue is willing to leave his hometown to go to the Central Plains in his later years. I really admire my brother's lofty ambition! Back then when I was in the General's Mansion, my brother had friendship with Yuan Shao. Now I want to join Yuan Shao, I think my brother can make great achievements. !"

Jia Xu's words made Han Sui's face turn red. Both of them were from Xiliang, so they knew each other very well. General He Jin has heard his name for a long time, so he met him specially. Han Yue was also very high-spirited back then, and he persuaded He Jin to kill the eunuch just after meeting, but He Jin didn't listen, and people from the Kanto like Yuan Shao excluded Han Sui, who was from Xiliang, and caused trouble. Even He Jin didn't wait to see Han Sui anymore.

Han Sui saw that He Jin was not the master of the Ming Dynasty, so he returned to Liangzhou. However, just after Han Sui returned to Xiliang, he encountered Beigong Boyu's rebellion. Become a big man and rebel until now!Speaking of which, Yuan Shao can be regarded as Han Sui's enemy, and Yuan Shao is also responsible for the situation he fell into this year!So not only are the two not friends, they can even be said to be enemies.

Jia Xu continued: "Brother Wen Yue's talent and reputation are clear in the administration. Naturally, he will not let a great talent like Brother Wen Yue become an old farmer! My family's government wants to use Brother Wen Yue's prestige to unify the entire Xiliang. Hao clan, stabilize the turmoil in Xiliang!"

Han Sui was surprised and said, "This is not easy to do, otherwise Xiliang wouldn't have been in turmoil for hundreds of years!"

But Jia Xu smiled contemptuously and said: "Brother Wen Yue doesn't understand the strength of my Dagan. The Huns and Xianbei are strong enough, but now they have all become lackeys of our ruling party, and the entire desert is under our Dagan. Under the rule of the Han Dynasty, things that the most powerful Han Dynasty could not do, but we have done it, so brother Wen Yue, don't compare us with the Han Dynasty, even the national strength of the previous dynasty is not as good as the current one. Do it!"

When Jia Xu said this, Han Sui was also stunned. He didn't think of this at all. In his impression, Lei Gong was a separatist prince occupying the three states of Hebei. The national strength of the big man can't stabilize Xiliang, let alone Dagan who only occupies the land of the three states!
But now he suddenly realized that the entire desert is already in the hands of Lei Gong, from this point of view.Lei Gong is the second hero who ruled the grassland after Mao Dun Shanyu, and with the three states of Hebei in Lei Gong's hands, this is not a separatist force of the Han Dynasty, it is basically a strengthened version of the Xiongnu Empire!
Even though the empire of Dagan has just formed, it has far surpassed the current dynasty, and it is not even lost to the previous dynasty. From this aspect, Dagan really has the national power to stabilize the situation in Xiliang!
Jia Xu continued: "There are only three reasons why Xiliang has been in turmoil for a hundred years. One is that there are many corrupt officials in Xiliang, the other is that the local tyrants have grown stronger and persecuted the people, and the last is that the Qiang people have become powerful and they disturbed Xiliang. But these three points can be easily solved for me. I have just founded the country. Although I dare not say that there are no corrupt officials, anyone who dares to be corrupt will be killed when we are in power. Corrupt officials dare not say that they will disappear. But it is absolutely impossible to be as lawless as a big man!"

Han Sui nodded. The new dynasty naturally has a new look, so it is impossible to be like a big man. Han Sui believes in solving the corrupt officials!

Jia Xu sneered and said, "How my family's rulers in Hebei deal with the aristocrats, the tyrants who want to come to Xiliang also know!"

Han Sui understood what Jia Xu meant and said, "Indeed, if Lord Lei is in power and controls Xiliang, they won't dare to mess around!"

Just kidding, the whole of Hebei's noble families are almost killed, and Lei Gong's name was obtained by killing hundreds of thousands of noble families. No one in the world is afraid of Lei Gong.He led the army into Xiliang, and the tyrants in Xiliang panicked. I don't know how many people asked him to find a way. There were even many people who secretly supported the coalition forces with Ma Teng and wanted to rely on them to drive away Lei Gong!

As a result, their 6 army was almost wiped out in World War I!Xiliang had no power to resist at all, which boosted Lei Gong's prestige even more. Han Sui thought that before Lei Gong died, the tyrants in Xiliang would not dare to jump around!

Jia Xu finally said: "We are the most experienced in ruling the barbarians. At that time, the Xianbei had millions of tribes and 5 cavalry, but they were still wiped out by us in five years. The Qiang people are not as good as the Xianbei people. , if the ruling gets the help of Brother Wen Yue, you Xiliang tyrants, I'm afraid it will take less than a year to wipe out the disobedient Qiang people around Xiliang!"

Han Sui was surprised: "Lei Gong wants to join us to fight the Qiang people?"

Jia Xu nodded and said: "It is because the Qiang people have an advantage in Xiliang that my family's ruling will seek you to join forces, and my family's ruling also believes that the elites in Xiliang will protect the territory of the Han, so that Xiliang will not be destroyed by the Hu people. The country deserves credit, so I didn't kill you all, or your fate would be the same as that of Hebei's nobles!"

Han Sui also rejoiced and said: "Yes, yes, yes! Our big clans in Xiliang are different from those in the Central Plains. The powerful clans in the Central Plains harmed the people, and they always said that they would give up their ancestral land (here we need to name Cui Lie again, this is one of them). Assholes, if the big man really listens to him and gives up Xiliang, he will also cast a kneeling statue in Xiliang!), but we are in Xiliang to protect the people from the killing of the Qiang people, and at the same time protect the 5000 miles of Xiliang Jiangshan! We are all heroes!"

Jia Xu said: "My family's ruler wants to invite brother Wen Yue to convene a meeting of the powerful and powerful in Xiliang, and discuss how to stabilize Xiliang and develop Xiliang together!"

Han Sui said modestly: "The old man has such a great prestige, and he summoned the big clans of Xiliang in the name of being in power, and they dare not not come!"

But Jia Xu said: "My family's ruling party knows their reputation in the elite clan, and they are worried that they will not come. Let Brother Wen Yue call them, and they will feel more at ease. After this discussion, Xiliang can be stabilized. Brother Yue has become the long history of Xiliang!"

Han Sui smiled and said, "I promise to let every family in Xiliang come!"

Although not as good as Dong Zhuo's governor, he is already very satisfied with a long history as a prodigal dog!
After Xu Wei's army arrived at the city of Linjing, Han Sui immediately ordered his men to open the city and pay homage to Xu Weili: "Sinner Han Sui, pay homage to the ruler!"

Xu Wei said, "Get up! Since you have surrendered with your subordinates, I will not pursue the matter of your attack on Bingzhou. What you have to do now is to convene the entire Xiliang for discussion as soon as possible. I want to resolve the entire matter of Xiliang before winter." !"

Han Sui smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid it will be very difficult. The patriarchs of the big clans east of Wuwei County can come here, but the counties and counties near the Western Regions may not know that you have become the master of Xiliang in power!"

Liangzhou is so long and so vast. The farthest point from Dunhuang to Linjing is farther than from Linjing to Qingzhou!The tyrants in Dunhuang really want to come here, even if they are rushing now, it will take several months!
Xu Wei said: "Then call the patriarchs of the wealthy clan east of Wuwei County first!"

After receiving Xu Wei's order, Han Sui immediately wrote a letter to the patriarchs of the major families in Xiliang in his own name, asking them to meet in Linjingcheng and meet Lei Gong together!
(End of this chapter)

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