I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 411, kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 411, kill the chicken to warn the monkey

After the meeting on the first day, Dagan and Xiliang's elite clans came to a consensus. They made contacts, and Dagan dispatched troops. Everyone united to clear the entire Qiang people around Xiliang and maintain the stability of Xiliang!Then find a way to get through the Silk Road and make a fortune together!
But after the meeting, more than a dozen powerful families from Xiliang came to Han Sui's mansion in Anding County!

These powerful patriarchs bowed down to the Wang Guojun, but they were not so polite to Han Sui!
Not to mention that today's meeting was not what they wanted at all. Small tyrants can still benefit from it with the help of Daqian, but big tyrants like them have completely lost control of Xiliang, and even according to Daqian's Conditions, without land and private soldiers, they can't be considered powerful, this is something they can't tolerate!

"Han Wenyue, have you become Lei Gong's running dog? Lei Gong's condition is Zhao'an, and we have all these families as his own servants. Lei Gong actually wants to take away our family property with a word. Such a good thing!" Zhao Ang said angrily.

Don't look at them just now being cautious, as if they agreed to everything, but they had to bow their heads because people were under the eaves. This is Xiliang, where there has been a century of war. Believe!

The others also glared at Han Sui, venting all their dissatisfaction with Dagan on Han Sui!
"What can I do, I am a defeated general, Lei Gong asked me to call you, I can refuse!" Han Sui could only look at his friends with a wry smile. He thought it was a good thing for Lei Gong to call everyone, but he didn't expect that Lei Gong will impose such poor conditions on everyone!
But he thought about it and persuaded him: "I advise everyone to follow Lei Gong's opinion. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Today is different from the past. Lei Gong is not only stronger than the big man, but also has gunpowder in his hands. Back then we six Everyone Wan was destroyed by this gunpowder weapon. This gunpowder weapon is like thunder from the sky, and its power is even more powerful. It is impossible for your Wubao to resist Lei Gong's gunpowder!"

Han Sui's words made everyone silent for a while, if they could resist Lei Gong's army, they would not be able to come to Anding County!It was because they knew that they could not resist Lei Gong's army that they came to Anding County!

You must know that Lei Gong wants to hand over their soldiers, wealth, and rights. It is impossible for them to come. Without these, they are so powerful!
Which one of the patriarchs here does not have a solid Wubao, and there are thousands of private soldiers. Only in this way can they be called powerful in Xiliang, and only with such strength can they guarantee their family in the chaotic Xiliang.

It can be said that Xiliang is now fragmented in the Middle Ages. Their territories are like knights. Han Sui and Ma Teng are their leaders. Only when everyone gathers to fight for the outside will they form an alliance. Han Sui or Ma Teng and the others don't have much power, but they are considered the strongest among them!
Di Wang Dou Mao said loudly: "The army is all rebels. He Lei Gong is stronger than us, but he will kill us in this way. We really dare not continue to rebel? Can this big gang be stronger than the old man? The old man couldn't do anything to us Now, we don’t have to be afraid of his thunder!”

But Han Sui shook his head and said: "We are really afraid of Lei Gong. The big Han is unpopular in Xiliang. We relied on the help of the people of Xiliang and the Qiang people to repel the Han army! But after Dagan entered Xiliang, he did not kill many One person, but transported several million stones of grain into Xiliang to solve the drought in Xiliang, so that the entire Xiliang people can have enough food. Now there are hundreds of thousands of people in Xiliang living in the hands of Dagan. Maybe our clansman In this case, it is impossible for us, the people of Xiliang, to help us!"

Then Han Sui looked at Di Wang Dou Mao and said: "If you rebel, maybe your subordinates will tie you up and hand you over to Lei Gong to cut you down!"

Di Wang Dou Mao's neck felt cold. He said he was the most afraid of these people. He knew that Lei Gong likes to cut down tribal leaders like them and divide their cattle and sheep.

Han Sui looked at the other powerful patriarchs and continued: "The officials of the big man came to Xiliang to collect money, but Lei Gong sent us money and food when he arrived in Xiliang. The 100 billion development bonds alone bought [-]% of Xiliang. Nine people, those who are still dissatisfied with Lei Gong, I am afraid they are all here!"

Han Sui said seriously: "It's just that you think you can make big waves here in Xiliang by yourself!"

Han Sui said sternly: "Hebei's nobles are ten or a hundred times stronger than us, but why Lei Gong can slaughter them all is because Lei Gong saved millions of disaster victims and bought the hearts of the people in Hebei, and Xiliang suffered a drought. We use grain to collect money from the people, and Lei Gong will help the victims as soon as he comes to Xiliang, and now the hearts of the people in Xiliang are also in the hands of Lei Gong, if you dare to rebel, you will definitely die without a place to die!"

Han Sui's words were so harsh that they were taken aback!But these patriarchs carefully thought about what Lei Gong did in Xiliang. Although they offended these tyrants to death, they were really kind to the people. They bought the hearts of the entire Xiliang in a few months!

These patriarchs can't do without admiration. Although Lei Gong didn't win them over, he spent millions of shi grains and tens of billions of money in Xiliang to win over the entire Xiliang people!Such a brilliant trend is not something they can stop.

Thinking about it this way, the price that Lei Gong paid in Xiliang is simply too high. Their little thought is like a mantis against Lei Gong.

So after discussing with these Patriarchs of Xiliang, they found that Lei Gong's momentum is too strong now, and they can only keep a low profile!
Divide the words!

Wang Guojun also reported today's meeting to Xu Wei!
After hearing this, Jia Xu smiled wryly and said, "Inspector Wang, do you have any objections to us Xiliang people? Why do I feel that you want to force them to rebel!"

At this time, Wang Lei said with a smile: "Jia Changshi, the parents of the national army were from Jizhou who starved to death. Only he escaped to Hukou Mountain alone, and then he survived when he met the ruling party. Hate!"

Wang Guojun said with a blank expression: "At that time, there were more than 3 refugees in Jizhou who were starving. At that time, we thought that there was not enough food in Jizhou. We were just unlucky and became people without food. Wubao, there is [-] shi of grain in it, which is enough to feed the refugees of the entire Wei County. When we conquer the entire Wei County, the food of the local elites will be enough for the people of the entire Wei County for three years, but the elites like Zhao Yi I'd rather the food go moldy than help those of us starving to death, since then, I know that the rich and powerful in the world deserve to die!"

"I don't agree with the government's forgiveness of these tyrants in Xiliang. We should also kill these tyrants. With our strength, we can stabilize Xiliang, and we don't need their help at all!"

Wang Guojun's words shocked Jia Xu, how did the ruling party let such a murderous person become the governor of Liangzhou!

Xu Wei said: "If I were in the Central Plains, I would definitely kill these Xiliang tyrants, but here in Xiliang, the land conflicts are not too intense, and the cruel environment in Xiliang also forces the Han people to live in groups. There are many places in Xiliang even The Han people have not occupied a dominant position, what we have to do is to strengthen the strength of the Han people in Xiliang, not weaken it!"

"You killed a lot in Xiliang, but how many people in Dagan are willing to come to Xiliang? I am afraid that in the eyes of our tribe, Xiliang is worse than Liaodong. Liaodong is the most desolate place, while Xiliang is the most desolate place." How many people are willing to risk their lives to come to Xiliang in a century-old war-torn place?"

Even Wang Lei said helplessly: "Now everyone's life is better, and few people are willing to endure hardships. In power to develop Liaodong, my Shuofang County has the most people. The climate in Shuofang is too bad. I planted Several years of square grass, but it barely stopped the desert from spreading to Shuofang County, but still not many people like to take Shuofang County with them. Shuofang County can't grow much food and can only grow grass.

And most of the land in Xiliang is the same as Shuofang!There are only hundreds of thousands of people in Xiliang, which is not as large as my county in Shuofang. Xiao Wang, if you want to develop Xiliang, how can you develop without manpower?

Could it be that seeing Xiliang continue to be desolate, you want to kill people now, but after you have been the governor of Xiliang for a few years, you will find that even the criminals you want them to stay!People are indispensable for a place to develop! "

Xu Wei smiled and said: "You can think about these things when you are doing things. I will leave the Xiliang affairs to you. Now you have to watch these Xiliang tyrants hand over their land and release their slaves, and then distribute the land. People without land, as long as the land is allocated, the hearts of our people in Xiliang will be on our side, and the tyrants in Xiliang will not be able to make big waves!
The second is to solve the problem of the Qiang people in Xiliang. Before the Qiang people understand our tactics, we can use sledge warfare to capture more Qiang people. You must know that the people on our Dagan territory are no longer enough to fill Liaodong If you want to develop the population of Xiliang, you can only arrest Qiang people, so you must do a good job of Sinicization, so that Qiang will happily become Han people! "

Dagan has occupied half of the Han people, and the population is more than 300 million. This population seems large, but it is useless at all. A development of Liaodong has immigrated more than 700 million people, most of which are from Yuan Shao. In addition to those who originally immigrated to Youzhou and Jizhou, the population of Bingzhou has dropped below 500 million, and the pressure on the population has been greatly reduced. Youzhou and Jizhou have a population of [-] million respectively, but the largest population allows them to remove the risk of being sparsely populated. Anyway, there are still a lot of wasteland in the two places, and the potential of the land is great!

However, although there are 300 million more people in the four counties of Liaodong, these people only fill Liaodong, and Fuyu still has a large area of ​​black land waiting to be developed!
So now the population of Daqian is not too many for Xu Wei, but very small, and wasteland is everywhere. From Xu Wei's point of view, the land of Liaodong can accommodate tens of millions of people, but he doesn't have so many people.

And now there is another Xiliang. Although the land here is barren, in Xu Wei's view, even if they plant grass and graze, the hundreds of thousands of people are too few, even if they are concentrated in one county!Even with 400-500 million people in Xiliang's eleven prefectures, they can settle down!

For Xu Wei, the population is the most precious resource. The Qiang people in Xiliang have lived with the Han people in Xiliang for more than 300 years, and they are almost Sinicized. At this time, they do not want to assimilate them into Han people, but strengthen their Qiang identity. This is simply sick, because they want to create more enemies!A few million more Qiang people means a few million more labor force. People in Xiliang are fighting each other to fight for territory while leaving Xiliang's land barren. This is simply the most stupid thing in the world!
Wang Guojun nodded and said: "I will pay attention to the ruling! It's just that I'm worried that the tyrants in Xiliang won't be so obedient and divide the land themselves!"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "It's natural, that's why you need to bring a large army to supervise them! Land ownership is the most important policy of our Daqian, anyone who violates it is my enemy of Dagan, since it is an enemy, it is natural Kill them all like the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves!"

At this time, Li Ru said: "If the ruling party really wants to deter Xiliang's tyrants, it needs to kill chickens to warn monkeys! And the subordinates found a good target!"

Xu Wei asked curiously, "Who?"

Li Rudao: "Song Jian from Longxi County!"

"Song Jian?" Xu Wei has never heard of this name?

"Song Jian is a native of Fanghan. He followed Bianzhang in the early years, and Han Sui and the others rebelled. But after Bianzhang, Beigong Boyu, and Li Wenhou died, he called himself King of Heshou Ping Han, and gathered his subordinates in Yuhan. Change the yuan and set up a hundred officials!"

Xu Wei laughed and said: "Ambition is not small, but it is also a miracle that several counties dare to be kings! But this Song Jian is so arrogant, no one will deal with him?"

Li Rudao: "Although Song Jian is arrogant, his subordinates are not small. He has tens of thousands of soldiers from Hu Qi, and his combat effectiveness is first-class even among the Xiliang army. It belongs to the barren mountains, so no one cares about him at all.

But now that the government wants to kill chickens and monkeys, this Song Jian is the best choice. Among the Xiliang tyrants, there is basically no one stronger than Song Jian. Be intimidated! "

Wang Lei looked at the map and said with a smile: "Fanghan County, no wonder the army didn't eliminate him immediately, it's almost out of Xiliang!"

Fanghan has already arrived in Qinghai in later generations, so it's no wonder that Wang Lei's army didn't pay attention to Song Jian and them at the beginning. They are not so much princes as they are bandits and bandits!Just because he occupies an unimportant place allows him to entertain himself.

Now being targeted by Xu Wei and the others, he can only be the chicken that was killed!
Xu Wei ordered: "Wang Dang, you lead an army of 1 to encircle and suppress Song Jian!"

Wang Dang said: "No!"

Song Jian's strength is also enough to frighten Xiliang's powerful chicken!
(End of this chapter)

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