I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 419, hit the right way

Chapter 419, hit the right way
After Gaishun left, the Royal Army summoned the high-level officials in Anding County.Tell them about the chaos of the Qiang people in the Dunhuang area!
Then Wang Guojun said: "Although I don't care about the life and death of the powerful in the Dunhuang area, there is one thing Gai Shun said is correct. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the four counties of Jiuquan in Dunhuang. They are the most innocent people. We have to care about their life and death. !"

Li Ru also said: "Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye, and Juyan belong to the country. These four counties are the territories that the Han took hundreds of years to open up. If the local people are all slaughtered by the Qiang people, we want to maintain this state again." The territory of the four counties will be very difficult, and even because of the situation in the Central Plains, it will be difficult for Dagan to spend energy in Xiliang, and these four counties may be completely reduced to the territory of Qiang Hu! This is very unfavorable to us in Xiliang, which is equivalent to The road to Xiliang is cut off, and Xiliang wants the help of the Silk Road, which is less prosperous and unfavorable!"

Niu Fu said: "Since the four counties of Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye, and Juyan are so important, we will go to the rescue! These Qiang people are our defeated generals, and it doesn't take much effort to defeat them! Now the Qiang people are like frightened birds If you see our flag, you will run for your life!"

The war against the Qiang people during this period was an eye-opener for Niu Fu. He believed that the strong Qiang warriors were easily defeated by them, and the Qiang tribes were captured by them without much cost. .

This reminded him that fighting the Yellow Turban Army was even easier than fighting the Yellow Turban Army. After all, the Yellow Turban Army caused some troubles for Dong Zhuo at the time, but it was easier for the Qiang people in Xiliang to meet the Dagan Army. Speaking of beating the chiefs and dividing the cattle and sheep, the Qiang people's combat effectiveness can't even be fully displayed!
Lei Gong is too treacherous. He likes to disturb the enemy's morale when fighting. No wonder no one can beat him these years. Using land to buy the enemy is absolutely incredible!
Liang Xing sneered: "If you say save it, save it. Dunhuang is 2000 miles away from us, and it's winter. If you send soldiers to fight 2000 miles away, do you know how many people will freeze to death along the way?"

Liang Xing, Hou Xuan, and Cheng Yin escaped with Han Sui at the beginning, and after Han Sui surrendered, they also surrendered, and now they are subordinates of the Kingdom Army.

Niu Fu retorted: "We now have sleds, and the marching speed in winter is faster than that of war horses. If we take precautions against the cold, why can't we march in winter! The governor said that we will save the people of the four counties. If we don't go, this is not to let them go." Die! The people are all dead, and you are going to garrison the four counties of Dunhuang?"

You must know that the seven counties of Anding County are still close to Guanzhong, and everyone still feels like being in a big Han, but the four counties of Dunhuang are far away from the mainland, but closer to the Western Regions, which makes people feel like entering a wild land. No one in the world is willing to settle down in several counties of Dunhuang!The local people died, and immigration was very difficult.

Liang Xing no longer refuted Niu Fu's words. He dared to say Niu Fu, but he didn't dare to blame Wang Guojun!
Wang Dangdao: "Niu Fu is right. What we need to discuss now is how to beg these four counties, not whether to save them!"

After sinking for a long time, Han Sui said: "We don't know the specific situation in Dunhuang and other places at all. It is not a good idea to rush to send troops in winter based on Gai Shun's words! It has been hundreds of years since Wubao was established. There are records of the Yumenguan being occupied, but I have never heard of the Gai family’s Wubao falling. Moreover, they have connections with the Xiliang Qiang tribe and the forces of the Western Regions. I don’t believe them. Will be wiped out by the Qiang people so easily!"

Wang Guojun looked at Han Sui and said, "I know that Gai Xun fought against you back then. Is Chang Shi going to take revenge on Gai's family now?"

Han Sui replied calmly: "If you want to take revenge, this subordinate took revenge a few years ago. Now this subordinate is just expressing his worries. There may be hundreds of thousands of Qiang people in Dunhuang, but this subordinate does not believe that Gai Shun They really can't resist these Qiang people. If their Wubao was really so easy to conquer, the big Hans have been in chaos for more than ten years, and the tyrants in Dunhuang would have been wiped out by the barbarians! And they are still alive and well, which shows that The tyrants like Gaishun are not bad, and they will not be easily killed by the Qiang people.

The subordinates think that we should find out the situation in Dunhuang and other places first, and then send troops to Dunhuang after the winter has passed. Although this may cause Dunhuang and other places to fall into the hands of the Qiang people, it can guarantee the lives of our soldiers to the greatest extent!As for the people in the four counties of Dunhuang, they are still the subjects of the great Han, not my subordinates!At worst, we help them avenge their hatred and kill all these Qiang people to avenge them! "

Apparently Han Sui didn't agree with sending troops to Dunhuang at this time, they didn't know anything, if Gaishun and the Qiang people joined them, the soldiers who rescued Dunhuang might be wiped out!
Wang Guojun is Lei Gong's confidant, and if he makes a mistake, he will be fined three glasses of wine at most, but he, Han Sui, is a newcomer, and he is still worried that he will become a scapegoat!
Li Ru thought for a while and said: "Brother Wen Yue's proposal is the safest. We should find a way to investigate the situation in Dunhuang before considering sending troops. However, if the governor wants to rescue Dunhuang quickly, he can also find a way to solve it. We just need to station troops in Wuwei City. This saves half of the journey, as long as we investigate the situation in Dunhuang, we can quickly send troops to rescue Gai Shun and the others! Moreover, it will take time to assemble the army. According to Gai Shun, there are hundreds of thousands of Qiang people in the Dunhuang area, including Qing The strength exceeds 10. Even if we have the advantage of weapons and equipment, if we want to defeat so many Qiang people, we need to gather an army of more than 5. It will take a month to assemble and prepare the food and logistics for the [-] army. , and when the army is assembled, the winter in Xiliang will almost be over! By then we will be able to advance and retreat freely!"

Wang Guojun thought about it and found that Han Sui and Li Ru's proposal was the safest!So the Kingdom Army sent people to appease Gai Shun, and at the same time sent spies to Dunhuang to wait for him to investigate the information, and ordered Jincheng County and Weiwu County to recruit 5 troops to gather in Wuwei City, ready to fight at any time!
At the same time, Gaishun came to Anding County and surrendered to Dagan. The news of asking for help spread quickly!
For ordinary people, they just sympathize with the people in the four counties of Dunhuang, but for big businessmen like Zhen An, Gai Shun's surrender is equivalent to the whole of Xiliang falling into the hands of Dagan.

The portal of the entire Silk Road is finally in the hands of Dagan. As long as they defeat the Qiang people, the trade route to the Western Regions will be opened!Flowing gold and spices to the Western Regions, their caravans can enter!

However, the hundreds of thousands of Qiang people were not noticed by Zhen An and the others. After all, they saw with their own eyes that the Xianbei Kingdom, which was as powerful as a big Han, was annexed by Lei Gong in a few years. Hundreds of thousands of Qiang people are nothing to Lei Gong. !
For Zhen An and the others, the most important thing now is to get tickets to enter the Western Regions. They remember that Lei Gong only allows 10 caravans to monopolize the entire Western Regions trade routes!

So Zhen An and the others went to Wang Guojun and asked him when the Xiliang development bonds would start selling, and their gold was ready!Just waiting to buy these bonds, even their actions have affected the local tycoons in Xiliang.Their land has been divided by the big cadres, all the servants have been forcibly disbanded, and all the private soldiers have been wiped out by thunder. If they don't catch up with the development of the Western Regions, their family will really decline.

Therefore, the tyrannical owner of Xiliang often approached Wang Guojun and asked him when the Xiliang development bonds would be sold?

Wang Guojun couldn't laugh or cry, but he would not refuse such a gift of money. If they prepare money and food now, it will indeed be good for the Xiliang army to enter Dunhuang!

So in the middle of February of the second year of Xingping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 195)!

Xiliang development bonds officially appeared in the money shop not far from the governor's mansion. Those who buy bonds can use gold, silver, cloth, grain, war horses and cattle to buy bonds, and those who buy bonds worth 10 billion can buy them. Once you get an access card, you can enter and leave the Western Regions freely!
This news caused a sensation in Xiliang. Zhen An and the others were happy that they could get a pass to enter the Western Regions. They are wealthy merchants in Dagan, and they have a lot of assets and deposits in Dagan Money Shop. They can transfer these deposits to the Governor's Mansion of the Royal Army immediately.

And the tyrants from Xiliang happily pulled their gold, silver, and copper coins into the money shop in a carriage, and the carriages that only pulled gold and silver were lined up in a long queue, which made the people of Anding County dumbfounded when they saw it. Unexpectedly, the local tyrants are so rich!
But soon these tyrants and big businessmen encountered a problem. Although they were rich, they could not afford such a huge figure as 10 billion yuan. For example, Zhen An is now the richest businessman in Daqian, but his rise is Relying on Xu Wei, counting from the opening of a textile factory in Mayi, he has not risen for even 10 years. Although he is already a very successful businessman, all his family properties add up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of the real estate such as the factory is also counted. The money and materials that Zhen An can really take out are only more than 1 million yuan.And the rich merchants who are worse than Zhen An can't even get 1 million yuan in supplies.

On the contrary, it is the noble families in Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Hebei. Although they were taken away by Xu Wei for their fields, food and privileges, Xu Wei did not touch their money. They only use their own family property to do business, and now these big men and tyrants have a lot of family property!

For example, the Wang family, Guo family, and Linghu family in Bingzhou united and took out goods worth 20 billion yuan, and then got two tickets from Wang Guojun to freely enter and exit the Western Regions!

But the behavior of the Bingzhou clan has awakened others. It is difficult for them to get tickets to enter the Western Regions with their own property, but they can join forces to form a caravan. So Zhen An joined hands with his old friend Xian Yuying and other big businessmen to raise funds. After paying 30 billion yuan, they got 3 tickets to enter the Western Regions, and then the Haoqiangs in Youzhou and Hebei also united to get 2 tickets to enter the Western Regions.

As for the local tyrants in Xiliang, although they occupy a favorable location, they have been in chaos for decades after all. Even the families of tyrants don’t have much money. Hundreds of millions of dollars can't be raised.In this competition for financial resources, Xiliang's tyrants took advantage of the local area and only waited for a ticket to enter the Western Regions, which made Han Sui and others very depressed.

Han Sui and the others were also amazed by Dagan's wealth. It took less than 100 days to raise 10 billion yuan, which would have been impossible for the big men back then!At the same time, they also lamented Lei Gong's strong reputation.

With only one monopoly system, the entire businessman can spend tens of billions of money to buy this access card. Back then, Emperor Ling didn't have such a reputation, and no one dared to hand over the tens of billions of money to the court. !It's no wonder Lei Gong has been invincible in all these years, and he has far surpassed the big man in the light of concentricity!
And Wang Guojun got the tens of billions of money and food. It can be said that there is no shortage of money and materials for Xiliang's development. He immediately asked Li Ru to formulate a five-year development plan for Xiliang.

At the same time, it began to purchase military materials, such as wool cloth and military uniforms, in the entire military industry system of Daqian.There are also war knives, armor, spears and other weapons for war.

Because the Kingdom Army was in a hurry, the logistics department also specially mobilized 5 people's equipment from the Bingzhou arsenal to the Kingdom Army, and told him: "It will take a year to build new equipment, and we are worried that it will affect your future. So I transported these second-hand equipment for you, although these weapons and armor are second-hand, but they are very well maintained, and the price is only half of the new weapons, you saved a lot of money!"

For the Kingdom Army, second-hand equipment is not a problem. What he lacks is time. He has armed all these equipment among the 5 troops in Wuwei County. The horses used by the soldiers are all replaced by Xiliang horses. 5 horses of horses and supplies of grain and grass, as well as a large amount of grain and grass purchased from Bingzhou, came to Xiliang.

It can be said that with this tens of billions of money, the whole of Xiliang seems to have opened up a money hook, and both military power and infrastructure have developed rapidly.

After the 5 army in Wuwei County was fully armed, the spies also found out the news of Dunhuang. Basically, as Gai Shun said, hundreds of thousands of Qiang people not only broke through Zhangye County, but even Jiuquan County was also conquered.

The common people and tyrants of the two places fled to Dunhuang County to protect themselves, and the tycoons of several counties in Dunhuang also united to resist the attack of the Qiang people city by city. Break through, and don't let the Qiang people grab food!

Therefore, although Jiuquan County was conquered by the Qiang people, the Qiang people did not grab much food this time. Facing Dunhuang's powerful and flexible defense, the Qiang people's soldiers were not as sharp as they were at the beginning. Now the battle lines of both sides remain in Yumen County generation!
After understanding the situation of the Qiang people, Wang Guojun asked Li Ru to stay in Anding County. He, Han Sui, and Wang Dang came to Wuwei County, and then marched towards Dunhuang County with a mighty army of 5 to support them!
(End of this chapter)

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