I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 426, Yuan Shao who is always planning

Chapter 426, Yuan Shao who is always planning
After hearing this, Ju Shou shook his head and said, "There are too many difficulties. Dagan's military system is complete, and the speed of mobilizing soldiers is extremely fast. Don't forget that when Dong Zhuo wanted to raid Taiyuan to support Huangfusong, Lei Gong's subordinates got the news within half a month. In a short time, 10 soldiers were recruited to guard Taiyuan County, so that Dong Zhuo's surprise attack plan failed!"

"We need to contact Cao Cao and Liu Bei, especially when we have to wait for Liu Bei to come to the Central Plains from Jingzhou thousands of miles away. We also need to prepare hundreds of thousands of food and equipment for an army, and more than a million civilians. It is impossible for Lei Gong not to know about such a big move. !"

"And as long as Lei Gong knows that we are going to attack Jizhou, with the mobilization speed of Daqian, I am afraid that our army has not yet assembled, and there are already millions of troops waiting for us to enter the tiger's mouth in Hebei!"

Tian Feng also said: "As long as Lei Gong knows that our alliance is attacking Hebei, he will definitely mobilize the Hu Qi from the desert, and it is impossible for people to run and win the war horse. I am afraid that Liu Bei will not reach Yanzhou by then, and the Hu Qi will have already reached the Yellow River. Come on! We took the initiative to attack, but instead abandoned the dock that was built at a huge cost and went to fight the cavalry on the plains, this is not worth the candle!"

"Ming Gong, the only way for us to change our situation is to reduce military investment and find ways to build water conservancy farms to save ourselves. The land we occupy is the most fertile land in the Central Plains. As long as the water conservancy facilities keep up, even this year and next year The drought in the Central Plains continues, and our food production is sufficient for self-sufficiency. Only when there is enough food and grass, can we be able to fight against Lei Gong!"

Xu You sneered and said: "We are short of soldiers and food here, but the Hebei land occupied by Lei Gong has abundant harvests year after year. According to the information I got, Lei Gong stored hundreds of millions of grains last year, which is enough for tens of millions of people to eat for half a year. , is enough for a million troops to fight for a year, the reason why Lei Gong didn't attack us last year is because he wanted to accumulate enough food for the people in Hebei for three years!"

"But this year Lei Gong attacked Xiliang first, but he didn't pay much. Even the Qiang people were punished by Lei Gong. If the summer harvest in Hebei is rich again, Lei Gong may have tens of millions more grains. He saw that we reduced our military equipment. , plus Lei Gong is now winning the Qiang people's morale!
Let's talk about it!
Will Lei Gong take the opportunity to attack the Central Plains!
After the summer harvest, Lei Gong will really attack us, what can we use to resist Lei Gong? "

"Three years ago we miscalculated when Lei Gong would attack the Central Plains, and the current predicament is the price we paid!

If we misjudged the time for Lei Gong to attack the Central Plains again today, the price we will pay this time will be unbearable. If Lei Gong captures the Central Plains, we may all die! "

Tian Feng and the others stopped talking. Now Lei Gong in Hebei has tens of millions of people, millions of troops, and enough food and grass to support the millions of troops fighting. Even if Lei Gong hits Zhongyuan tomorrow, they will not be surprised.

It can be said that the three years of drought have detected the strength of the various princes in fighting disasters. Yuan Shao did the worst, Lei Gong was the best, and now God has begun to reward Lei Gong, and the initiative of the war is in the hands of Lei Gong!
Judging from Yuan Shao's current situation, when Lei Gong launched a war, the fall of the Central Plains and Guanzhong is inevitable. If the Central Plains and Guanzhong are lost, Luoyang City will have to face Hebei's three-sided attack. It will only be a matter of time before Luoyang City falls.

If this situation really happened, Yuan Shao could only survive by relying on Liu Bei, and this happened to be the most intolerable thing for Yuan Shao.

But now the initiative to start the war is not in Yuan Shao's hands, but in the hands of Lei Gong, they are not sure whether Lei Gong will attack the Central Plains now!
Guo Tu thought calmly for a long time and said: "It's too dangerous to attack Hebei actively. Can we guide Lei Gong to attack our predetermined battlefield!"

"Hebei Leigong is not only a threat to us, but also a huge threat to Qingzhou and Dahan. As long as Leigong's army enters the Central Plains, Liu Bei and Cao Cao will definitely not stay out of it!
With Lei Gong as our common enemy, Cao Cao and Liu Bei must support us. At that time, the strongest forces of the Han Dynasty will unite to deal with Lei Gong.

Liu Bei in Jingzhou and Cao Cao in Qingzhou will also be hit hard by Lei Gong. Although our losses may be huge, we can use the food of Cao Cao and Liu Bei to support the army in this battle, and the vitality of the Central Plains can be preserved.

As long as the weather is normal in the next few years, we, who occupy the most fertile land in the Central Plains, will be the fastest to recover from all forces.

When our vitality recovers, the lord can form an alliance again and call on the princes of the Han Dynasty to attack Lei Gong and occupy Jizhou. By killing Lei Gong, the biggest rebellion of the Han, the lord can establish a strong prestige and great achievements, and even occupy Jizhou. Thunder land.

The lord became the most powerful prince of the Han Dynasty.Combining the prestige of defeating Lei Gong with the lord's family background, the lord can enter the court strongly and take charge of the court's power. The lord can go to the emperor and the people to establish a king's career. We can also follow the lord's name. Leave history!

Xun Kan said worriedly: "Although this strategy sounds good, it is too complicated, and it is easy to fail. What if Lei Gong is not fooled? What if Cao Cao and Liu Bei are unwilling to support us? And the Central Plains is the battlefield, the biggest loss It must be me, who can guarantee that we are the biggest winners in this war?
If the biggest winner of this war is Liu Bei, Cao Cao, or even Lei Gong, the last thing we want to see, then what we have done today is not digging our own grave! "

Xu You sneered and said: "We don't have many choices. Reducing armaments is a gamble, and launching a war in the Central Plains is also a gamble! If the war has less impact on us, we can also drag Cao Cao into the water! Anyway, Qingzhou is also in the front of Lei Gong's army. Down"

"It's just that everyone chooses to reduce their armaments. We can only passively pray that Lei Gong will not attack the Central Plains, and give us half a year or a year of respite. The latter is our own initiative! As long as we defeat Lei Gong with our own strength, we will You can take the initiative in strategy!"

The two sides argued fiercely. Xu You, Guo Tu and Feng Ji wanted to take the initiative to take advantage of their military strength to set off a war in the Central Plains. However, Tian Feng, Jushou Xunkan and others felt that they should lay a solid foundation and build water conservancy facilities Tuntian to survive the drought.

It is too dangerous to launch the Central Plains War now. With the time and performance of Lei Gong's attack on Xiliang, they are more likely to be defeated. I am afraid that they will burn themselves and lose Yanzhou, Sili and other places in the first battle!

Yuan Shao was always scheming without decision, and now his advisers were divided into two factions, so he didn't know who to listen to for a while.

In the end, Yuan Shao decided to go to the Xiangyang court first to ask Liu Bei to support him. Lei Gong was the rebellion of the entire Han Dynasty and should not be resisted by him alone.

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(End of this chapter)

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