Chapter 44, Can't Live

Gongsun Zan led the cavalry forward and found a small river hindering his progress. He didn't think much of it, but led the cavalry to wade across.

But after Gongsun Zan's 3000 cavalry crossed the river, Xu Wei stood up from the trench in the middle of the mountain and shouted at Gongsun Zan, "Gongsun Zan, you have been ambushed by me!"

The other soldiers also stood up one after another! 7000 soldiers surrounded Gongsun Zan's vanguard in a semi-surrounding manner.

Gongsun Zan was at a loss for a while looking at the ambush soldiers covered in weeds and leaves!
Xu Wei pointed at Gongsun Zan and shouted, "Kill!"

Thousands of crossbow arrows shot at Gongsun Zan and the others!
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The dense bows and crossbows seemed to be thundering, and the powerful crossbow arrows hit the Han army, and the crossbow arrows continued to harvest the surrounding cavalry like a sickle.The blood of the soldiers and horses flowed into streams and flowed towards the river. The blood stained the river so red that the stream became a river of blood!
"Quick retreat!" Gongsun Zan finally realized at this time, he wanted his soldiers to retreat, but not only was the place so narrow that it was difficult for the cavalry to turn around, but there was also a small river blocking the movement of the cavalry. Stopping it, Gongsun Zan could only watch helplessly as his soldiers were being shot to death!

Gongsun Zan looked at Xu Wei angrily and shouted, "Lei Gong, I want your life!"

After speaking, he discarded his horse and wanted to go up the mountain to fight Xu Wei.

But Liu Bei on the side grabbed Gongsun Zan and said, "Brother, now is not the time to show off, let's escape back first."

After speaking, he pulled Gongsun Zan to walk towards the small river. The small river is not deep, even if they can't swim, they can wade across it.

And Xu Wei led the soldiers to keep narrowing the encirclement, and shouted to the soldiers who stayed on the shore: "Surrender and don't kill!"

The surrounding soldiers also shouted: "Surrender without killing!"

The soldiers around saw that even Gongsun Zan had escaped, and that if they tried to escape, they would be shot and killed in the middle of the river, so they got off their horses one by one, dropped their ring swords, and now Xu Wei and the others surrendered.

Xu Wei and the others counted. In this battle, they annihilated 1000 Han troops, captured more than 1000 Han troops, and 1500 horses. It can be said that they won a complete victory.

However, he didn't want to continue this meaningless battle, so he casually pointed at a captured soldier and said, "Go and tell Gongsun Zan that I don't want to continue this meaningless battle, as long as he stops here and waits for my men." When I reach the destination, I will return the 1000 captured soldiers to him!"

The soldiers quickly crossed the river and told Gongsun Zan what Xu Wei had said.

Gongsun Zan pondered, "Is Xu Wei trying to delay time?"

Liu Bei said helplessly: "Even if this is the case, we must do what he said, and we must not give up these 1000 soldiers!"

Guan Yu on the side also said: "The terrain here is narrow and there are rivers blocking it. It is not suitable for cavalry combat at all. Lei Gong is blocking here. Unless we make a detour, we will not be able to get through. Let's talk about it when Master Liu Yu comes over!"

Zhang Fei said unconvinced: "I have fought for so long, but I have never seen such a cunning yellow scarf thief, and never fought us head-on!"

It's no wonder that Zhang Fei was unconvinced and fought 2 battles with Xu Wei, but their cavalry advantages were not brought into play at all.

Seven days later, the 3000 soldiers behind Xu Wei took a detour and joined Xu Wei on a mountain path.

Ten days later, Liu Yu also arrived with an army of 2.

Gongsun Zan naturally reported the situation here to Liu Yu!

Liu Yu smiled wryly and said: "It's been 10 days. With the marching speed of the Leigong Ministry, they must have reached Yanmen Pass. Now it's too late to pursue, and His Majesty has already ordered that as long as the Leigong Ministry does not occupy Taiyuan County, we will Let them leave them alone, but lead the army to support the state army!"

Liu Bei wondered: "Could it be that Mr. Fu Bian hasn't wiped out the Yellow Turban Bandits in Jidong?"

Liu Yu smiled wryly and said: "The Yellow Turbans in Eastern Ji are defending the city to the core. Fu Bian and his army have more than enough troops to fight in the field, but it is very difficult to attack the city. The current Yellow Turbans do not lack food and equipment to defend the city. The four cities gathered by the Yellow Turbans, Every city is high and deep, and there are more defenders than Fu Bian. Now the occupation of Jizhou has been stalemate. It is said that Chu Feiyan, who hid in Taihang Mountain, took over the position of Zhang Niujiao Yellow Scarf Marshal. Seeing that the court could not take down Jidong , already ready to move, and there are often shadows of yellow scarf bandits in Zhao Guo Zhongshan."

Obviously, for these imperial courts, Xu Wei who has fled to Yanmen County can only be regarded as a small bandit, and the Yellow Turban thief entrenched in Jizhou is the real confidant!

After Xu Wei knew that Wang Lei and the others had arrived in Yanmen County and ensured the safety of his subordinates, he left all 1000 prisoners in the camp on a dark and windy night for a month, while he himself led the army to retreat to the mountains. Go to Yanmen County through the mountain trails!
After Liu Yu took back the 1000 cavalry, he couldn't find Xu Wei and the others, so he didn't look for them again.

Instead, they returned to Jizhou from Jingkou, and then marched to meet Fu Bian again on the 10th.

At this time, Fu Bian's Ministry, under the confluence of powerful clans and county soldiers from all over Jizhou, already had 7 soldiers, plus Liu Yu's Han army in the entire Jizhou had as many as 10 people.

After gaining the upper hand in the military, Fu Bian launched a full-scale counterattack!
The cities guarded by the yellow turban bandits in eastern Jidong were breached one by one. They wanted to escape, but met Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and other fierce generals who were enemies of thousands of people.They are strong and strong, tall and brave, rushing left and right on the battlefield, unstoppable.The untrained Yellow Turban bandits were killed until rivers of blood flowed and their corpses piled up like mountains.

A war ended again. Liu Bei led the cavalry to wipe out a group of yellow turban bandits with thousands of people. There is no shortage of old people, children, and women. They lay flat on the cold ground in different postures, lying on their backs or lying down. Many people did not close their eyes until they died, watching and cursing the world desperately and angrily.

This is the ordinary people who are big and keep their own way, but now they have all become thieves!
Liu Bei stood silently among the corpses, without saying a word. Although he wanted to make meritorious deeds, he didn't want to make meritorious deeds from the people who slaughtered the big man.

At this time, he found a yellow scarf thief who was seriously injured, bleeding and lying on the ground like this, waiting for death to come!
"Why rebel?" asked with anger.

The prisoner looked at him blankly, as if he couldn't understand what he said.

"Why did you rebel?" Liu Bei asked again.

But the yellow turban thief still didn't answer.

"Why are you rebelling!" Liu Bei grabbed the captive's skirt and asked angrily.

The prisoner suddenly gathered all his strength and roared, "I can't live any longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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