Chapter 440, the city broke

At the beginning of July, Yanzhou Dongjun, Dong'echeng.

After half a month of fierce siege battles, the walls of Dong'e City were pitted and pitted by the bombing of more than [-] catties of black powder, and many places had completely collapsed.Xiahou used stone sleepers to block these places so that he did not use a large army to attack.

The entire city wall has turned blood red, all of which are stained red with the blood of soldiers from both sides, and the inside and outside of the city wall are covered with corpses of fighters from both sides.

Wang Yong seldom used black powder to attack now, and the number of artillery fires was pitiful, and the gunpowder in his hand was running out.

He looked at Xia Houdun who was fighting hard on the city wall with a telescope and said angrily, "Why isn't this guy dead yet!"

Wang Yong had the help of artillery. Although it was a siege battle, he was always the one who took the initiative on the battlefield.

It's just that Dong'e City fought extremely tenaciously under the leadership of Xiahoudun. He attacked the city several times, but was driven out by Xiahoudun with grenades made of gunpowder by his personal guards.If it weren't for the fact that Xiahou Dunshu had too little gunpowder, it would be uncertain who would win this battle.

Now Dong'e City has been blocking him for ten days. Although the defense of the Han army is crumbling, Xiahou Dun has used up all the grenades in his hands, and more than half of the soldiers in the city have suffered casualties, but he still cannot break through the city. In times of crisis, Xia Houdun would take him slightly to appear in the most dangerous places.

And in the more than ten days of offensive and defensive battles, the casualties of the Dagan Army also exceeded [-], which is one-tenth of the army in his hands. Since the establishment of the Dagan Army, there has never been such a tragic casualty.

After paying such a large number of casualties, Dong'a City has not yet been captured, which makes Wang Yong most angry.

The Dagan Fourth Army attacked the big man, and the Huanglong next to him had already quickly attacked Puyang City.On the other side, Li Gang took Emping City in the first battle, and even Gaoyi City was conquered!
Now chasing and killing Cao Ren, they are almost chasing into Qingzhou. Only he has been blocked in Dong'e City for more than 10 days. Not to mention the huge casualties, the city has not yet been conquered. This is something Wang Yong can't accept.

Such casualties made Wang Yong extremely angry: "Today, I must capture Dong'a City and cut off Xiahoudun's dog's head!"

"Everyone follow me to charge, take out the grenades and explosives, and throw them all on the heads of the Han army!"

At such a critical juncture, Wang Yong couldn't care less about the battle ahead. Even if all the gunpowder in his hands was exhausted, as long as he could attack Dong'a City, it would be worthwhile.

Following Wang Yong's order, more and more Daqiu soldiers rushed to Dong'e City.The city defense of Dong'e City has once again become crumbling and precarious.

On the city wall, Xiahoudun roared wildly, stabbing the iron spear in his hand quickly, and the soldiers on the opposite side fell to the ground bleeding profusely.

At this time, there are more and more soldiers on the city wall.Xiahou Dun saw that there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him!

"Drive the enemy off the city wall, kill!" Xiahoudun roared again, and brought his personal guards, from the place where there were the most Dagan troops, Xiahou Dun was born with supernatural power, and where the iron spears were waving, the soldiers of the Dagan army flew out of the city wall .

Under his encouragement, the soldiers on the city wall were quickly driven off the city wall!

"Brothers, follow me and fight towards the tower!" Xiahou Dun fought back frantically, but did not scare the soldiers of the Dagan Army.More people continued to climb up the city wall, killing the Han army around them, and then formed a small formation and nailed them firmly to the city wall.

When it is really unable to withstand the enemy's attack, a soldier ignites the fuse.

Seeing this scene, Xiahou Dun panicked and said, "It's not good, everyone run away!"

"Boom!" The power of the explosion spread to this section of the city wall, and no one survived within ten steps!
Even Xiahou Dun was injured!
"General, general!" Xia Houdun's personal guards shouted in fear, they were afraid that their chief general would die on the battlefield like this.

Fortunately, they found that Xiahou Dun was just unconscious, so they quickly took Xiahou Dun down the city wall and ran to the inner city.

"Boom boom boom!" The sound of explosions on the city wall became more and more intense, and the defense line of the Han army on the city wall was blown to pieces!

The soldiers of the Dagan Army under the city wall found that their comrades had sacrificed, their eyes were red, and they shouted: "Kill all the Han troops and avenge your comrades!"

The rest of the soldiers completely disregarded life and death, and quickly climbed up the city wall, and there were more and more fighters on the city wall!It was the Dagan army that soon took the upper hand. These soldiers formed an army formation and were invincible.

After losing Xiahoudun's command, the soldiers in Dong'e City were beaten and retreated steadily.Soon he was driven off the city wall.And at the highest end of the city wall, the flag of the Dagan Army was planted.

Then they opened the gate of the city, and countless large soldiers at the gate of the city charged swiftly and deeply into Dong'e City, and assembled into small formations to quickly encircle and suppress the Han army in the city.

Wang Yong continued to attack the Han army with his personal guards. The city wall fell, and the morale of the Han army was already low due to the wide opening of the city gate. The rebel soldiers quickly fled to the rear. .

"Finally captured Dong'a City!" Wang Yong looked at the flag of the Dagan army waving wildly in the wind on the top of the city tower, and watched the sound of shouting and killing in the city become lower and lower, and the soldiers of the Han army accepted their fate of being captured one by one with their heads down. were taken out of the city by them.

"Did Xiahoudun catch it?" After breaking through the city, Wang Yong asked the officer beside him.

"Caught it. In the last wave of attack, our gunpowder blew up Xiahoudun and seriously injured him. His personal guards fled to the inner city with Xiahoudun, but the inner city was easily conquered by us because of the Han soldiers' uprising. So Xiahou Dun was caught by us too!"

Hearing this, Wang Yong laughed happily and said, "Okay, Xia Houdun killed so many of our soldiers, and he deserves such an end!"

Wang Yong yawned, stretched his waist, and suddenly felt exhausted. Thinking of the tragic offensive and defensive battles of more than 10 days, he ordered: "All soldiers in the army take a rest for a day and report the good news to the ruling party at the same time!"


Divide the two ends, in Puyang not far from Wang Yong.

Gao Lan presented the banner of the Han army and formally surrendered to Huanglong!

Compared with the fierce offensive and defensive battle of Dong'e City, Puyang fought more than fiercely, but not fiercely enough!

Huanglong was very patient, using his own equipment and artillery to break through Puyang's fortifications bit by bit.

And Gao Lan is also clear about his mission. While doing his best to resist Dagan's attack, he also tries to find a way to protect the lives of his subordinates.

The outer city of Puyang was breached, so Gao Lan took his soldiers to hide in the inner city. The artillery and thunder cannons were powerful, so Gao Lan tried to build a low wall.Use houses to build some sheltered fortifications.

Gao Lan resisted for half a month like this, but he still didn't see Yuan Shao's reinforcements. He felt that his army had no way out, and he was worthy of Yuan Shao after resisting for half a month, so he led his men to surrender to Huanglong.

 Asking for a monthly ticket, only one person has voted for one ticket since today.

(End of this chapter)

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