Chapter 449
In order to tear apart the phalanx as soon as possible, Lu Bu personally charged on the front line, organized his personal guards to attack the Dagan army repeatedly, tried to break the cavalry phalanx of the Dagan army, and then let the cavalry divide and surround the Dagan army.

Unexpectedly, after more than an hour of fierce fighting, his iron cavalry still failed to kill through the cavalry phalanx of the main army, and he couldn't even get close to Duan Peng for a beheading battle!After all, with the lessons learned from the past, Duan Peng and the others paid great attention to their own safety and did not charge at the forefront.

On the contrary, after withstood Lu Bu's assault, the Dagan Army began to rely on their superiority to launch a counterattack. The 3 cavalry were like three giant swords that not only reaped the lives of the Han cavalry, but also attacked extremely sharply every time. Take away the names of a large number of Han soldiers.Duan Peng commanded the army more and more courageously, but now he began to use his superiority in strength to encircle and wipe out Lu Bu's army.

Seeing that the situation on the battlefield was becoming more and more unfavorable to him, Lu Bu sent an order: "Order Yuan Tan to support us!"

At this time, Yuan Tan's army had already assembled, and he also rested for half an hour. After he received Lu Bu's order, Yuan Tan led more than 1 cavalry into the battlefield.

But at this time, Wan Lang and the others had already abandoned the heavy infantry of Gao Gan and the others, and instead led their own men to stop Yuan Tan and the others. Now the center of the entire battlefield has become Lu Bu and the others!

At this time, the senior cadres 10 miles away watched the war getting more and more fierce, but they became spectators!

Hao Meng and the others even had a sense of schadenfreude about Lu Bu and the others being surrounded by a large army. Who let Lu Bu take advantage of his scarcity of cavalry and ignore their infantry? Care about their life and death!They are also ace elites with their own arrogance.

"The whole army is going to support the right-wing battlefield, and we will help Xiansi defeat Wanlang and the others!" Gao Gan knew that if he lost this battle, it would be a catastrophe for his uncle!Even if they don't deal with Lu Bu again, they must find a way to save him!
Hao Meng said helplessly: "General, this is more than a dozen miles away, the brothers probably don't have much strength to fight in the past!"

This is the shortcoming of the heavy infantry. The mobility of the battlefield is too poor. If the soldiers are required to march for more than ten routes with armor weighing tens of catties, these soldiers may not have the strength to fight!
Gao Gan said solemnly: "Let's run first, and wait until we get close to the battlefield before fighting again! If Xiansi and the others are defeated, we still won't be able to escape!"

The senior cadres have said so, Hao Meng and the others can only accept this order and move forward in the direction where Yuan Tan and the others are fighting!
The sun is getting higher and higher, the weather is getting weaker, and the drought has left the sky without a single cloud!The fierce fighting on the battlefield intensified.Everyone was immersed in the killing, but did not notice the heat.

Lu Bu on the right-wing battlefield did not wait for Yuan Tan and the others. Facing the advantage of twice the strength of the main army, the situation of the Han army became more and more precarious.

Zhang Liao rushed to Lu Bu and said, "Feng Xian, the situation is not good for us now, we should retreat first before making plans!"

But Lu Bu observed the surrounding situation with a wry smile and said, "We are retreating now, and the high-ranking officials will surely die. Now we will find a way to join Yuan Tan and the others."

But Zhang Liao said: "Now our right wing can't beat Duan Peng and them, and Yuan Tan can't beat Wan Lang's cavalry! Now our only chance to turn defeat into victory is to pull Gao Gan and them into the battlefield. Let's just join up with Gao Gan and them Together, rely on high-level officials to consume the combat power of the main army!"

When Lu Bu really thought about Zhang Liao's suggestion!
Suddenly, a violent war drum resounded through the sky, shaking the sky and the earth!
The battle on the battlefield was in full swing, and 10 soldiers were suddenly shocked!They all looked at the direction of the sound of the war drum and looked over at the same time!I saw a cloud of smoke billowing from the south of the battlefield!

Lu Bu hesitated: "Our reinforcements?" But he was not sure.

But Duan Peng said happily: "General Huanglong's reinforcements have finally arrived!"

Then Duan Peng shouted: "Notify the whole army that our reinforcements are coming!"

At this time, Duan Peng's personal guards also shouted on the battlefield: "Our reinforcements are here!"

After several times, the entire army of the Dagan Army shouted happily: "Our reinforcements are here!"

At this time, the Han army also looked hesitant, and when the Huanglong tribe got closer and closer, Lu Bu and the others finally saw clearly that the people who came erected the banner of the Dagan army!
Lu Bu was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat!He is a veteran of the battlefield. From the dust, it can be inferred that Dagan's reinforcements are 4 to 5 infantry. It is inevitable to defeat them!
Zhang Liao immediately said: "Fengxian, we can't fight any longer. If we want to escape from the encirclement of the Dagan army while the Dagan army can completely encircle us, if we continue to delay, we are afraid that no one will be able to escape!"

Naturally, Lu Bu didn't insist, but immediately said: "Now split up and break through, one who can run counts as one!"

After speaking, Lu Bu divided the cavalry into three groups, led by him, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Liao, to break through in three directions!
At the same time, Wan Lang, who was fighting Yuan Tan, saw that the source was Huang Long, and said excitedly: "Reinforcement, our reinforcements have been pulled, and the Han army has lost!"

The exhausted soldiers of the main army immediately boosted their morale when they saw that the reinforcements had arrived, the fatigue all over their bodies disappeared, and the army was full of strength!

Song Yi shouted: "Don't let the Han army go, everyone has revenge!"

The soldiers of the Dagan Army also shouted deeply: "Don't let the Han army go, everyone has revenge!"

Hearing this voice, Yuan Tan also discovered Huang Long's support army. He was just about to send someone to ask Lu Bu what to do, but he suddenly found out that Lu Bu had divided everyone into three groups and fled in three directions without notifying him!
Yuan Tan immediately said angrily: "Lu Bu, you shameless villain, it's in vain for me to trust you so much!"

Yuan Tan wanted to continue scolding Lu Bu, but his thief Cao Hanhao stopped him and said, "General, now is not the time to scold Lu Bu. If we don't try to escape, we may not escape!"

Only then did Yuan Tan react and said: "Yes, yes! Retreat, we withdraw from the battlefield, and find a way to escape!"

He looked in the direction of Gao Gan. Gao Gan and the others still don't know what happened on the battlefield, and they are still trying to support him. Yuan Tan said shamelessly: "Send someone to inform Yuan Cai, let him abandon the army and find a way to escape!"

He knew that the heavy infantry with more than three battalions could not escape, and only by abandoning the army could they escape!

The high-ranking officer who was far away from the battlefield didn't know what happened. He just suddenly found out that Lu Bu's army, which had fought back and forth with the Han army just now, had disappeared. The cavalry scattered and fled!

This situation aroused the vigilance of the high-level cadres, as well as the vigilance of Hao Meng and other captains.

Hao Meng came to Gao Gan and said, "There is a problem. Why are all our cavalry running for their lives?"

At this time, a knight rushed into their army. He saw Gao Gan and said: "Our army has been ambushed by the Dagan army. There are 4 to 5 troops in the south cutting off our retreat! The general asked the general to find a way to escape! "

Gao Gan looked at the knight in astonishment, and then shook his head and smiled wryly. They were still defeated, no wonder they couldn't see Lu Bu, and no wonder Xiansi wanted to disperse the army and run away!
But Lu Bu and Yuan Tan led cavalry and they still had a way to escape. How could these heavy infantry escape the four-legged cavalry? After running for several miles, it was the time when they were exhausted. Although they could not even raise their weapons, but without the protection of the cavalry, where could they escape!

After the news that the Dagan army came to reinforce the army spread, the soldiers of the big Han stopped involuntarily, and the time quickly disappeared. They were panicked and flustered. Many people even wanted to escape, but soon they found that the Dagan army was behind them Not to mention whether they can outrun the cavalry if they flee to the north, but fleeing to the north is also seeking their own death!
Finally, the big Han soldiers couldn't stand the double blow both physically and mentally. They dropped their weapons one by one and sat on the ground to rest. They couldn't escape anyway, so why not take this opportunity to rest!
At this time, Hao Meng pulled Gao Gan aside and said, "General, let's run away. If we don't run away, it will be too late!"

But Gao Gan looked at the soldiers beside him with a wry smile and said, "Although I can't lead them to find a way out, I'm still their coach. I can't just abandon them like this. If you have ideas, run for your lives. One who can escape is one!" "

Hao Meng could only salute the high-ranking officials, and then took her personal guards and fled towards the place where there were few senior officials!

"Lü Bu, don't run away!" Duan Peng and the cavalry of the Dagan Army tried their best to chase and intercept the Han army. The horns of the attack continued to sound, and more than 4 cavalry of the Dagan Army kept chasing and killing the cavalry of the Han coalition army!
The cavalry of the Han army was defeated like a mountain, and even threw away their swords, spare heavy weapons, and even armor in order to fight for a chance to survive, so that they could go into battle lightly!

In the south of the battlefield, Huanglong led the army to keep approaching Duan Peng's battlefield to prevent Lu Bu and the others from escaping!

It's a pity that Huanglong's army is composed of infantry and 5 horses. Although it forms a battle line that is more than ten miles long, this is Yanzhou after all, with a flat river of one horse. Bypass the front!
Huanglong also knew that he could only rely on Duan Peng's own efforts to encircle Lu Bu and the others. The only thing he could encircle was their heavy infantry far away from the battlefield!

So Huanglong continued to advance with his soldiers, and after an hour, Huanglong's army slowly came to the high-ranking army!In order to frighten high-ranking cadres and the others, Huanglong put hundreds of flying thunder cannons in front of everyone. Now the reputation of flying thunder cannons is far-reaching. Any soldier in the Han army knows the power of flying thunder cannons. All [-] people will be blown up to ashes!

Faced with such high pressure and deterrence, Gao Gan's more than [-] heavy infantry did not dare to take any action to resist, just watching Huanglong come in front of his army!

Huang Long came out and said: "Now you have no way out, surrender is your only way out!"

Gao Gan walked to the front of the army and asked, "Can your large army guarantee not to massacre the surrendered soldiers?"

Huang Long said: "I am a big soldier, and the military discipline is strict, and there has never been a massacre of soldiers!"

The high-level cadres are also aware of this, and he said sadly: "The whole army will use weapons and surrender to the big cadres!"

The soldiers of the Han army discarded the weapons in their hands one by one with no expression on their faces, and waited until Dagan captured them!

At the same time, Duan Peng and the others could only watch helplessly as the enemy cavalry galloped away. He was so angry that he called Lu Bu a long-legged general!

There is no way that Lu Bu and the others can discard weapons and armor, but Duan Peng and the others cannot do so. With the burden of dozens of catties less, Lu Bu and the others will naturally escape faster!

Moreover, the flat terrain of the Central Plains also gave Lu Bu and the others a way to escape. He had tried his best to chase and intercept Lu Bu and the others but he didn't catch many cavalry!
Duan Peng and the others chased them until dark and then let Lu Bu and the others go. After they joined up, they found that their 4 cavalry had only captured a few thousand Han cavalry. Also wiped out more than 1 cavalry, and most of the cavalry main force of the Han coalition army was trapped out.If it weren't for the nearly [-] heavy infantrymen of Gao Gan who surrendered without resistance, their battle today would not have achieved much results!
The next morning, after a night's rest!
The soldiers of the Dagan Army are still recovering, but Duan Peng and Huang Long are about to start counting the results of this battle!
Duan Peng breathed a sigh of relief: "We finally won!"

These days, his biggest worry is that his defeat by Lu Bu will affect the ruling plan to attack the Central Plains. Now he is the happiest one to win against Lu Bu!
Huang Long said regretfully: "There is still no cavalry to wipe out the Han allied forces. If Lu Bu and the others die here, the battle behind us will be much easier. Without the cavalry, they will not even be able to protect the food roads!"

Duan Peng smiled and said: "The results of the current battle are not bad. We captured and wiped out less than 1 Han cavalry and 2 heavy infantry. In this battle, the Han army lost [-] elite soldiers, enough for Yuan Shao and the others It hurts!"

Then Duan Peng asked: "What is Huang Shuai planning to do next?"

Huang Long is the coach of Dagan Middle Road. Now that the two armies have joined forces, Duan Peng will be under the command of Huang Long!
Huang Long thought for a while and said: "Take a rest for a day, and then continue to attack Dingtao County. The main force of the big man is on the front line of Dingtao. Only when we completely defeat the main force of the big man can we occupy Yanzhou!"

The story is divided into two parts. After Lu Bu and the others escaped from Lihu, the cavalry who fled from all around continued to converge. When they fled to Juyang, they found that Zhang Fei was stationed here with 5 troops. This made Lu Bu overjoyed. With Zhang Fei's protection, They don't have to worry about the big army chasing and killing them.

In this way, Yuan Tan also joined Lu Bu and the others in Juyang. Zhang Fei counted the troops who fled back to La and found that Lu Bu and the others had only 1.5 cavalry left. The only mobile force of the coalition of princes was wiped out!
Zhang Fei approached Lu Bu and Yuan Tan and said fiercely: "My elder brother asked them to investigate the situation in Dongjun, and you sent more than 3 elites in this battle!"

Even for the cavalry who escaped, their morale collapsed, and it was obviously difficult to go to the battlefield for a while, and these cavalry also lost all their weapons and equipment. It would be a huge expense to re-arm them. For the current coalition forces This defeat can be described as an unbearable defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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