Chapter 453, Waterway Battle
Cao Cao said worriedly: "This cannon alone is far from enough. Lei Gong has dozens of times more artillery than us, and he has the advantage of cavalry. Moreover, Lei Gong has always been far-sighted. If he really comes to Dingtaocheng, he will definitely win the coalition forces Got it!"

Cao Cao's worries agree with Liu Bei and Yuan Shao's worries. It is obviously difficult for them to win if they are passively beaten now, but if they want to take the initiative to attack, the Dagan army has tens of thousands of cavalry watching outside the city!And Lei Gong has been victorious in all these years, and they worry about how they will defeat Lei Gong when Lei Gong comes to the battlefield!After all, even Huangfusong died at the hands of Lei Gong back then.However, few of Liu Bei and others thought that their military talents surpassed that of Huangfusong back then.

At this time, Guo Jia said indifferently: "The coalition forces consumed nearly 10 soldiers' lives, which allowed them to establish a line of defense thousands of miles long in Sili, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou. We have done everything we can. Now The two sides can only rely on hard power to decide the winner of this battle, it depends on whether Lei Gong breaks through our defenses and occupies the Central Plains, or we defend Dingtao and let Lei Gong hit the head with blood and suffer heavy losses, and withdraw from the Central Plains!"

Liu Bei, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao suddenly woke up when they heard this, yes!They have done everything they can, and the next big battle is time to fight hard!It's useless for them to worry.

Yanzhou Shanyang County, Changyi City.

Wang Yong was very excited looking at the tall Changyi city ahead with his army. Changyi is already the last big city in Yanzhou. If they capture Changyi and Dingtao, the whole Yanzhou will be captured by them. This time the battle of the Central Plains will be the biggest. The results of the battle were taken by them.

Moreover, in order to keep Yanzhou, Yuan Shao recruited a large number of soldiers from Xuzhou and Yuzhou to Changyi.Therefore, if Wang Yong really wiped out the army in Changyi and captured Xuzhou in the east of Yanzhou, Yuzhou in the south would be nothing more than a bag for the big army.

But when Wang Yong built the camp and went around Changyi to prepare to attack, he found that Changyi was not so easy to fight.

It was originally the seat of the Yanzhou Governor's Department, with a large amount of food, grass and military equipment. In addition, Yuan Shao turned Changyi into a dock in order to guard against the big army, and even built a small dock named Sishui Fort in front of Changyi City and Sishui River. Strengthen the defense and form a double defense system with the Sishui River in the middle.

It is a bit like the defense system of Xiangyang and Fancheng. Now Wang Yong wants to conquer Sishui Fort in front of Changyi City, but it is easy to be supported by Guan Yu from Changyi. Sishui Fortress is small and strong, and it is difficult for Wang Yong to invest too many troops at once. Attacking Surabaya Fort, and if he wants to bypass this Wubao to attack Changyi, he may be cut off by the Wubao in front, let alone later, and he will be easily divided into two groups by Sishuihe, and it will be difficult to form a joint force when attacking!
And if Wang Yong wants to surround Changyi and Sishui Fort and besiege, then his 8 army will be divided into three groups that cannot support each other by the Sishui River, while the defenders of Changyi can pass through the hidden bridge connecting the two sides. Troops support each other to form a joint force!In other words, Wang Yong's army can only exert one-third of the combat power of the army, and now the strength of Wang Yong's troops is no more than that of Guan Yu, which makes Wang Yong dumbfounded. How should we fight?
Historically, the defense systems of Xiangyang and Fancheng lasted for three years under the siege of the Mongols, and they persisted even when they ran out of food and ammunition.Although the Sishui River in this world is not as wide as the Yangtze River, Changyi and Sishui Fort are not as good as the defense system of Fancheng in Xiangyang, but the Grand Army does not have the strength advantage of the Mongols. Guan Yu does not need to defend for three years, he can defend for half a year and he will win up.

It can be said that the current Changyi has a high city and deep pools, strong defenses, sufficient troops, and the guard is Guan Yu, who is known as the enemy of ten thousand people. Naturally, such a Changyi is not easy to fight.

The 10 army brought by Wang Yong, after more than a month of attacking the battle, only more than 8 were left in Changyi, and only 4 infantry could be used to attack. Very tired, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to attack Changyi now!
After Wang Yong thought about it for a few days, he realized that if he wanted to break through the defense system of Changyi, he could only rely on gunpowder to break through the city violently, but the gunpowder in his hand was almost used up. If there is more gunpowder, the gunpowder will naturally be consumed quickly. He wants to second Li Gang from the East Road to fight with gunpowder.Wang Yong thought that his relationship with Li Gang should not be considered a big deal.

But Li Gang replied that he only had one word!
Li Gang's situation was even worse than Wang Yong's. Wang Yong penetrated the entire Yanzhou and conquered five counties, but Li Gang only conquered one Jibei Kingdom, and then met Zang Ba and Zang Ba who were stationed in Taishan County. Ba is familiar with the location, relying on the treacherous terrain of Mount Tai to block Li Gang layer by layer. Up to now, Li Gang's army is still trapped in the mountain. He is short of gunpowder now, so how could he lend it to Wang Yong.

Lacking a sharp weapon to siege the city, and not having an advantage in terms of military strength, Wang Yong could only report the problems he was facing to the headquarters of Wei County, asking for support in terms of military strength and gunpowder!
Changyi City, Sishui Fort!
Guan Yu and others are also observing Wang Yong's troops stationed in front of them!And he brought 8 soldiers, and he saw a ditch two feet wide and one foot deep outside the Dagan army camp. Outside the ditch, there were a large number of repelling horse antlers, and there were several layers of gleaming silver barbed wire defenses. In addition, there are many arrow towers on all sides of the camp. It can be said that this is a city built entirely of trees.

Sun Ce's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers and said: "Marquis Guan, the Dagan army camp is newly built, and the ground is not stable. If our army can raid the Dagan army camp at night, we will definitely gain something, and it will also boost our army's morale!"

Seeing this large camp, Guan Yu sighed and said: "Almost every general of the big army will set up this kind of camp. There is also a very ugly name called the Turtle Defense Stream! The numerous weapons and equipment of the army can be said to be more difficult to break through than the strong city. In these years, no one has ever broken through the dock of the big army! Not to mention, it is difficult for you to rush through the barbed wire fence at the outermost edge of the camp. When the General and I were chasing Lei Gong back then, we suffered a great loss under Lei Gong's barbed wire fence!"

Sun Ce said in disbelief, "But if our army only defends and does not counterattack the Dagan army, the Dagan army will attack Changyi even more unscrupulously. The success of our army's counterattack is secondary, and it can disturb the soldiers of the Dagan army. It is also good that it is difficult to restore morale and energy! And with Surabaya here, our army can quickly transport troops through the navy, and it will be difficult for the cavalry of the main army to cross Surabaya to chase us!"

Although the Sishui River is not comparable to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, it is also two to three hundred feet wide in Changyi. But it is already dozens of miles away from Changyi, which means that in this area of ​​dozens of miles, the cavalry is not as fast as the navy!

In order to keep the safety of their food roads and the connection between the two armies, the coalition forces of the princes have already sent their navy in Jingzhou to the Sishui River through the Huai River Basin.

Guan Yu thought for a while and asked Sun Ce to lead 5000 soldiers and set up a camp outside Changyi, which could form a corner with Changyi!
But defending Wang Yong is not what Sun Ce wants to do. After he established the camp, he crossed Surabaya through the navy that night, and attacked Wang Yong's camp at night. The walls of the camp were not even hit, but this made Wang Yong's 8 troops restless overnight.

The angry Wang Yong sent 1 cavalry to kill the Han army who attacked the camp, but Sun Ce quickly commanded the soldiers to board the navy's ships and return to the camp!But Wang Yong wanted to attack Sun Ce's camp, but he would be flanked by Guan Yu in Changyi City.

This is why the ancients must put a large army outside the city when defending the city.This is to prevent the city from being completely surrounded by the enemy, making it difficult to connect to the outside world, and to retain the power to fight back.

The reason why the Han army is seldom done by the Daqian army is because the artillery of the Dagan army has a long range and great power. It is difficult for ordinary wooden camps to withstand the bombing of artillery.There are many cavalry of the Dagan Army, and every time they attack the field, it is basically dominated by the Dagan Army.Even if the Han army placed a soldier outside the city, it would be easily defeated by the Dagan army.

However, Changyi was protected by Surabaya, which instead allowed Sun Ce to rely on the navy to gain the strength to fight. In this way, Wang Yong began to fight wits and courage with the Han army in Changyi!
At the same time, the 10 army led by Xu Wei crossed the Yellow River and came to Puyang, East County.

At this time, Yanzhou was almost occupied by the big army. Xu Wei and his army of 10 were fighting on the inside line. Some officials organized local people to help them build camps and even handle logistical matters. Moreover, there were many cities along the way to facilitate their camping, so Xu Wei Wei's marching speed is very fast!More than 50 miles every day!
"Can the artillery keep up with the speed of the army?" Xu Wei was worried that the artillery would not be able to keep up with the marching speed.The 10-jin cannon of the Dagan Army is only a few hundred catties, but the weight of the 20-jin cannon and the 30-jin cannon has exceeded a thousand catties, and two horses are needed to pull it. It can be said that after the artillery comes out, the speed of the artillery march determines The speed of a large army marching!

Jia Xu, who joined the army, said with a smile: "In the direction of the ruling, the speed of the artillery is even faster than our marching speed!"

Xu Wei was surprised: "How is this possible?"

Jia Xu took out a simple map of the four states of the Central Plains and said: "At the beginning we expected 40 million civilians to maintain the logistical support of the [-] troops fighting in Yanzhou, but after our army occupied Yanzhou, But I found that there are many rivers in Yanzhou, and they are closely connected with each other, which is completely a water transportation system dozens of times stronger than our rail carriage system!"

"Look at the ruling, the Juyeze in the center of Yanzhou is almost connected to the rivers of the entire Yanzhou! The Jindi River is connected to the Yellow River, so that our transport ships from the Yellow River can directly enter the Juyeze from the Jindi River, which saves us 10 Wan’s husband, and Juyeze has now become a transit point for our army’s logistics. After food and weapons enter Juyeze, if they want to support Chenliu’s Yang Feng’s troops, they can go from Chengyang, Juyang, and Lihu through the upstream of the Pu River. Enter Chenliu County all the way! Although the detour is by water, the transportation volume of water transport is hundreds of times that of the land, and from this aspect, the detour is worth it!"

"The Huanglong tribe who wants to support the siege of Dingtao can travel all the way through Jishui to Chengshi City and then Dingtao! The Wangyong tribe who wants to support Changyi can first go through Jishui to Heze and go down the river. Surabaya, this road is even faster than supporting Chen Liu! But this road is still a bit troublesome. Liu Bei knows that the field battle is not the opponent of our cavalry. Now their food and grass are transported through Jishui, even to ensure the safety of the navy. However, the 1.5 army in Lu Bu's hands is even more coastal protection.

Our army in Jishui is still fighting fiercely with the Han coalition forces. General Fan Xian is now leading the main force of the navy to fight the Han army navy in Heze. Now the waterway in Dingtao has been opened.

The strength of our navy's navy would not have taken much time to defeat the Han army.But after all, the Jishui River is not a big river like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.Instead, the Han army used small boats to firmly defend the waterway along the Taochangyi line.

So I have not opened up the waterways in Changyi County until now, and most of the people are maintaining the grain roads in Dingtao and Changyi.

And the last is to support Li Gang's camp in Taishan County, and Li Gang's camp can be flowed down through the Wenshui River in the lower reaches of Juyeze! "

Xu Wei took Jia Xu's map and looked at it carefully and said with emotion: "This Juyeze is simply the transportation hub of Yanzhou! It seems that the waterway in Yanzhou is still very important. Although it is difficult to conduct a decisive naval battle, it can be guaranteed. Our army's food and grass transportation."

Xu Wei's impression of the Central Plains is a flat plain, but he did not expect that Yanzhou's water network is so dense in this era. Yang Guang does not need to build the Grand Canal in this era. Hebei can be connected to the entire Central Plains by only building a section of Jizhou!
Through this battle map, Xu Wei discovered that the Yanzhou navy was even more effective than the cavalry, because he found that if Liu Bei's navy defeated the line of defense, then even if his cavalry had the upper hand, the Jingzhou navy could still pass through Juyeze. Attack everywhere, attacking Juyang, Chengyang, Lihu, and even Zhencheng, Puyang and other cities along the river, the rear of the Dagan army will fall!

Of course, most of the water in the Central Plains is used to transport grain and grass. After all, it looks like a dense water network, but most of them are extremely narrow and can accommodate ships to transport grain and grass, but fighting is basically impossible.

Xu Wei looked around on the map and found that the only battlefield in Yanzhou that displayed the power of the Dagan warship's guns was Juyeze, other small lakes, and it was difficult for the Dagan army's fleet to even turn around.

This is also the reason why Jingzhou's navy was able to fight against Fan Xian, because Fan Xian's artillery can't exert its power at all!

(End of this chapter)

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