I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 46, The Generation Gap in 2000

Chapter 46, The Generation Gap in 2000
"It's already July, at most three months, and the weather in the north is going to get cold. What we have to do now is to renovate the entire Mayi County. After all, Mayi County is too small to accommodate so many of us. We Build a large number of houses so that 7 people can live in warm brick houses this winter!"

Old man Wang wondered: "This is a big project. In our hometown, only the landlords have brick houses to live in!"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "Let's make it simple this year. Let's build a Datong shop first. Ten people live in one room. 10 people are 20 houses. 2 bricks should be able to make a Datong shop. As long as we burn out 5000 Hundreds of millions of bricks, these 1 rooms will be built, and everyone can work hard and imagine that it can be done!"

"[-] million?" This number made old man Wang dizzy for a while.

Why can't the captain understand me!Ordinary people like us can live in brick houses!There are also many empty houses in Mayi, and it is enough for everyone to squeeze together.

Is it so exaggerated?

It's just [-] million bricks, I didn't even say [-] million tons of steel!

Well, [-] million tons of steel is indeed an exaggeration. In this era, a big man can't even produce [-] million jin of steel.

The old man Niu said realistically: "Everyone should find a way to live in a tent first. As long as there is a city wall, the tent can also resist the cold and wind. We have also lived in the same way before. One hundred million bricks is too unrealistic. The old man has never seen it. With so many bricks, even if all the city wall bricks in Mayi were demolished, it would still not be enough for us to build so many houses.”

The old man Wang also advised Xu Wei not to be so rejoicing: "It is about 100 days away from winter in the north. According to what you said, the captain, it is equivalent to producing 100 million bricks every day, not to mention that this brick kiln factory has not yet After it is built, is there a brick kiln factory that can produce 100 million bricks in the world?"

Hearing this number, Xu Wei also scratched his head. He knew that there is a steel plant with a daily output of 10 tons. Could it be that these 100 million bricks are more difficult to manage than a 10-ton steel plant?
The tick mark of two thousand years is too big!Xu Wei thought it wasn't a big number, but to Old Man Wang and the others, it was an astronomical number.

Thinking that this is the feudal era, it is really embarrassing to produce 100 million bricks a day.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said, "We can build 10 brick kilns, so that each brick kiln can produce up to 10 bricks per day."

Old man Wang said with a wry smile: "Captain, we only produced 10 bricks during the half year we were in Zhongshan, and the kiln does not produce bricks every day. It takes time to make bricks, and it takes time to burn bricks. It takes time to cool down the kiln, and it won’t get up anytime soon. Let’s build a wooden house. There are giant trees everywhere on the hills near Mayi. Building a wooden house is relatively simple, and it is more resistant to cold wind than a tent! Three months The time, plus the empty house in Mayi itself, is enough for us to live in."

Wang Lei also said: "Captain, you must not forget that we are now within the range of Hu people's attack. We can't build houses even if we have bricks. Instead, we should expand the city wall of Mayi County. If safety cannot be guaranteed, we will be dealt with by Hu people." It's our goal, after all, we are the only ones who have money in the whole northern Xinjiang!"

Xu Wei scratched his head, as if he had decided on an impossible goal by patting his head.What's more, what Wang Lei said is also reasonable. After leaving Yanmen Pass, it is easy to be attacked by Hu people. It is true that the city wall must be built first.

There are too few talents, if there is Mao Xiong's unspeakable department, I don't have to worry about it.There is still a shortage of talents, and now I can't even do a city plan.

Xu Wei has self-knowledge. As an online nerd, he may have more knowledge than people in this world, but he is far superior and inferior. He wants to make specific objects by himself, but he doesn't know how to start.

But he still said: "Let's go in two steps, first make a wooden house as a temporary residence, and at the same time make bricks to expand the city wall of Mayicai, but there must be a heated kang in the house. In the cold northern Xinjiang, there is no heated kang To death!"

Old man Wang and the others all nodded at this point. They used the kang in his Zhongshan country last year, and it can be said that everything that has been used is good!
Xu Wei thought for a while and then said: "The old man just said that bricks cannot be produced every day. I know a kind of horizontal kiln. The kiln is made into a circle with partitions in the middle to block the heat. I want to complete the firing of bricks in one furnace. After that, you can put down the partitions to cool down, and the other bricks can continue to be fired, and after all the bricks are transported out, you can put new bricks in and burn them, so that there will be a continuous flow of bricks made by flow.”

Xu Wei remembered that this seemed to be a method he saw in a farming novel, saying that it could increase the speed of making bricks by more than ten times.

Old man Wang thought about the kind of brick kiln that Xu Wei mentioned. Combined with his experience in firing bricks, this method can really increase the efficiency several times. placed bricks.

The old man Wang said: "Our 20 people can't sit here and eat the mountains. Even if we have 200 million shi of grain, it won't last long if we sit and eat the mountains like this. We should open up wasteland first. This year, we will first open up wasteland and plant some soybeans to raise the land. The harvest will be better next year, otherwise there won't be much harvest from opening up wasteland next year."

Niu Gui said: "Old man, we have too many things to do. How can we have so many people to open up wasteland? If we want to open up wasteland, we need plowshares. If we want farm tools, we need to forge iron. If we want to forge iron, we need brick kilns. The iron ore factory also needs to burn charcoal and build a wood kiln. How much manpower will be wasted in doing this.

Judging from the poor and poor situation in Mayi, how can we have people to open up wasteland? Even if we open up wasteland, we can’t open up many acres of arable land. I think there are grasslands everywhere in Mayi. Why don’t we herd them? For cattle and sheep, buy some calves and lambs from the Huns there to graze, so that the elderly and children can graze. We young and strong people do some heavy physical work. "

"Grassing?" Old man Wang and the others have never done it.

During this period, Jizhou had a registered population of 800 million. If the hidden population is included, it may exceed tens of millions. Therefore, the entire Jizhou Plain can be said to have no idle land in the world. Old man Wang and the others have never pastured. If the people of Youzhou say Maybe they also know something about herding.

"Herding is something that barbarians do. How can anyone of us know how to herd!"

Niu Gui said: "It's not easy, just go to the Xiongnu and buy a few slaves, let them teach us herding."

The old man Niu said: "We are all Han Chinese. In the future, we will rely on herding to support ourselves instead of farming. This will not become a barbarian. How will we face our ancestors in the future! It's not right!"

(End of this chapter)

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