Chapter 482, painting a pie
Zhang Baiqi heard Xu Wei's way of selling, not only made money, but also controlled the glass factory, so he wanted to get a piece of the pie and said: "The government, this glass factory has developed to its current scale through hard work in Jizhou." , you sold it like this, what should we do in Jizhou? I have no objection to selling shares, but at least half of the funds must be kept in our Jizhou!"

When Xiangkai heard this, he said angrily: "Zhang Baiqi, do you still have a sense of the overall situation? Don't you have a share in Jizhou's 800 billion debts? Jizhou has suffered from droughts all these years, and it's not because of the support from other states and counties. You, the canal tracks and waterwheels in Jizhou are not supported by other states and counties. Many of the 800 billion debts are owed by you.

In this year's Central Plains War, we spent more than 200 billion yuan, and you Jizhou soldiers Jiaminfu paid millions of people, but earned billions of dollars. You Jizhou has already taken advantage of it, and now you still have the face to say it These!And according to what you said, the income from the textile factory belongs to Bingzhou. Yantian, the shipyard, and the canned fish factory belong to Youzhou. "

Although Zhang Baiqi was embarrassed, he still said firmly: "The glass factory in power is an important part of our Jizhou's finances. If we lose more than one billion yuan, how can we build the tracks, roads and canals in Jizhou?"

Xu Wei said: "Cooperate well with my actions, and I can increase your budget by [-]% next year!"

Zhang Bai rode on the horse and said: "Then we can talk about it like this!"

Xu Wei said: "We have to do a good job with this APP, so that Zhen An and the others will spend a lot of money to buy our shares, so now you have to cooperate with us!"

"Be criticized?" Zhang Baiqi, Jia Xu and Xiang Kai didn't understand what this meant?
Xu Wei said: "It means painting a big cake. We want to paint this big cake beautifully, so Zhen An and the others are willing to pay a high price!"

Xu Wei thinks that he should not be as powerful as Accountant Jia, and can turn a business of hundreds of millions into hundreds of billions, but it should not be a problem to turn a business of more than one billion into tens of billions!

Zhang Baiqi said: "I will do what you say!"

Xu Wei said: "Prepare the profitability of the glass factory in the past few years first, and then hand it over to Zhen An and the others. As long as they are moved, our plan will be completed!"

Jia Xu and Xiang Kai also wanted to see how Xu Wei said how to make a business worth tens of billions!
After discussing with Zhang Baiqi, Xu Wei came to Zhen An and the others again!

Seeing Xu Wei, Zhen An immediately ran up and said, "Regent, do you really want to sell this glass factory?"

Zhen An didn't dare to think about buying the entire glass factory, but if he had [-]% of the shares in the glass factory, it would be a big deal. Just relying on this glass mirror, this is a hard-core crop that guarantees harvest from drought and flood. If he uses all his family property to exchange for glass Zhen An is absolutely willing to change the shares of the factory.

Xu Wei said: "The people here are all my own people. You all know the debts I have incurred. Now the annual interest repayment is billions. Although I don't think it is much, after all, it can be paid off in two years at most, but Everyone is unwilling to live in debt, there is no way, they are all people who are used to living in poverty, seeing such a high debt, everyone is shocked, I can only take out the most profitable factory, think Way to pay off some debts!"

Tian Zhong said excitedly: "I don't know what regulations you have in power, how do you sell the glass factory?"

Xian Yuying said: "My current wealth depends entirely on the blessing of the ruling party. If I can help the ruling party, even if it means going bankrupt, the villain is willing!"

"Yes, please give me a chance to go bankrupt!" The crowd was excited for a while, Zhen An and the others were afraid that they would not be able to buy the shares of the glass factory!After all, there are dozens of competitors here!
At this time, Zhang Baiqi came over with a few people, carrying a pile of books on his back, and said, "Government, this is the account book of Jizhou Glass Factory!"

After hearing this, everyone became quiet for a while. Zhen An and the others knew that the glass factory must be making a lot of money every day, but how much money did they make?They don't know, the account book is the most convenient for them to understand the profitability of the glass factory.

Xu Wei said: "Since we want to sell this glass factory to you, naturally I want to tell you about the situation of this glass factory?"

Then he said to Zhang Baiqi: "The detailed account books can be seen by themselves. Tell me about the profitability of the glass factory in the past three years since its establishment!"

Zhang Baiqi said with an ugly face: "Jizhou Glass Factory was established in the first year of Han Xingping. Under the guidance of the ruling party, the profit of that year exceeded 10 billion, of which [-] billion was earned in the Han Dynasty!"

Zhen An and the others all had mocking smiles on their faces. Of course they knew how the big man's billion came from. They exchanged some glass beads worth only a few tens of dollars in the big business. Because of this matter, the whole big man The nobles of the big family became the laughing stock of the world, and they also mocked the powerful and powerful families of the big man, and spent tens of thousands of times the price to buy some glass beads.

However, they also felt that it was too irrational to be in power. In order to attack the powerful clan of the big man, they actually directly smashed the Liuli market.Originally a piece of glazed jewelry was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but now it can only be sold to women in the countryside at a price of tens of dollars, it is so irrational!
So Zhen An and the others also know that the glass factory’s real profit in the first year is only the 1 million yuan, but this is already an exaggeration. If Zhen An’s textile factory wants to earn the 3 million yuan, it needs to sell woolen cloth worth 3 billion yuan. It will take him three years to sell three million bolts of cloth. In this respect, the newly established glass factory is already more profitable than the textile factory he has been running for nearly 30 years.

Zhang Baiqi continued: "In the second year, the profit was only [-] million yuan because there were no big men, ordinary people and idiots to send money!"

The profit has doubled in one year, Zhen An and the others are now seeing gold, this is really a gold mine!
"Although this year is not over yet, because we made the glass mirror, the current profit is [-] billion. By the end of the year, it is estimated that there may be a profit of [-] billion!"

This is a golden mountain, as long as you go up and dig a random piece, it will be golden gold. If Xu Wei was not here, they would all want to pounce on it to see the numbers on the account book.

At this time, Zhang Baiqi said angrily: "Government, our glass factory is so profitable that we don't need to sell it. This year we can earn 15 billion, next year I promise to earn 30 billion, and the year after that I promise to earn 60 billion." 4 million yuan, our glass factory can earn tens of billions of dollars in the fourth year at most, and the debt of 800 billion yuan, our glass factory can be repaid in less than 5 years, we should not sell this now The golden hen!"

At this time, Xiangkai also said: "Since the glass factory has made so much money in power, let's pay off our debts slowly, don't rush for a while, anyway, the money earned by the glass factory in Hou Nianguang will be enough to pay back these debts." I'm in debt, the old man is short-sighted!"

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(End of this chapter)

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