I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 491, Economic Overheating

Chapter 491, Economic Overheating

Zhen An and the others thought about it, and immediately wrote a new letter to their family in Dahan. Although Zhen An and the others broke away from their original family, the relationship between the two parties has never been broken.

Zhen An will find a way to get Dagan's products to Dahan and sell them to Zhen's family, and Dahan's silk will also be transported to Dagan territory and handed over to Zhen An for sale. The big man has the relationship with the Zhen family, and Zhen An is the largest silk seller in the entire Dagan folk!
And the Zhen family is unwilling to break this relationship. Now that the situation in the world is becoming more and more obvious, Lei Gong is the most likely to become the master of the world. Maybe Zhen An can protect their Zhen family in the future!Under the condition that both parties are willing to maintain the relationship, the Zhen family and Zhen An have established a relationship of equality and cooperation!
Now Zhen An does not have much working capital because of investing in the Western Regions and building a silk textile factory, but the wealth of the Zhen family of the big man is several times greater than his own.

And there are a lot of people like Zhen An working hard. In the past, they were all white gloves or business managers of powerful families, but because of Xu Wei's relationship, they left the family and became a side branch of the family, but the connection between the two parties has not been broken. When Xu Wei really takes over the world, maybe these side branches will become the backbone.

And now, like Zhen An, they are also contacting their families in Dahan and asking them to buy the shares of Dagan Glass Factory!
Ji County, Consulate Government!

Xu Wei came back with great difficulty, and the high-level officials in Ji County naturally gathered together to report their work to Xu Wei!

The people present were convinced of Xu Wei's ability to make money. They saw with their own eyes that Xu Wei exchanged a glass factory for tens of billions of property, and made the glass factory even more valuable. Calculated according to the current stock price, glass The factory has really become a behemoth of more than 400 billion!
In their eyes, the 800 billion debt seems to be as huge as Mount Tai, but it seems that it is not very difficult under the means of their governance. stock, the 400 billion debt will not be resolved!
But Xu Wei didn't think it was so great. After all, it is impossible for stocks to produce value, it can only transfer wealth, otherwise Xu Wei would not have kept saying that he was cutting leeks!

Xu Wei asked calmly: "Zhen An and the others have contacted the family in Dahan?"

Jia Xu nodded and said: "The funds in their hands are insufficient, and they are not even comparable to those down-and-out nobles. If Zhen An and the others want to win the game, they can only rely on the powerful nobles of the big man. After all, they have deep roots and hundreds of people. Years of accumulation!"

Xu Wei nodded and said: "Attracting funds from big men to develop our Dagan will not only slow down Liu Bei's recovery time, but also speed up our development. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone for our Dagan!"

"Wenhe, you find a big place in Ji County and build a stock exchange. In the future, stock trading can be carried out here. Later, we can learn the method of glass factories and list all factories such as textile factories and steel factories. I want to come That's enough to pay off our debts!"

Only Niu Gui worried: "These are our most profitable factories. It can be said that they are the pillar industries of my career. If they are controlled by private individuals, it will be bad for our career!"

In this era, the government-run enterprises of the Dagan army are also a kind of welfare benefits for the Dagan army. Soldiers who are injured and retired can enter these factories and get a solid job. Therefore, every time Dagan recruits troops, a large number of people want to join the army. This is not only because of the generous rewards, but also because you can get an iron rice bowl!

Wang Ge said with a smile: "What disadvantages can there be, they are still under our rule, don't they dare to go against the sky!"

But the old man Wang scolded: "Listen to you, you want to learn from Dong Zhuo! The reason why the big man became what he is now is that people like Dong Zhuo didn't follow the rules and acted lawlessly. Are you trying to make us look like big men too!"

Guo Taixian also followed up and said: "We Dagan have the current power, that is, we have rules in our actions, so big businessmen like Zhen An, and even our enemies, powerful families, are willing to lend us money, so that we can borrow 800 billion yuan. Money, because they understand that we will not swallow this money. You see, even though Emperor Ling is an emperor, he is not a king. Who dares to lend him money. This is the consequence of the lack of credibility of the Han court.

If Zhen An and the others paid money now, but were swallowed up by us, the merchants who worked hard in the future will definitely see us as the same as the Han court, and it will be difficult for us to ask them to borrow money in the future! "

Xu Wei said indifferently: "As long as we control more than half of the shares, these factories are still in our hands! So our 5% shares are our bottom line. At any time, our factories must hold more than [-]% of the shares, so that these factories can It will not escape our control!"

After listening to Xu Wei's opinion, everyone nodded and agreed. In this way, they can not only raise funds, but also control the factory!

Niu Gui continued: "In power, there is one more thing. I want to report to you. Now the factories in various places are getting bigger and bigger, and the funds in their hands even surpass the county magistrate's. The funds even surpassed Liu Shi of Bingzhou Mu, so now the people below are fighting fiercely for the control of these factories, and the prefects and county magistrates in other places often misappropriate the funds of the factories, causing great troubles to the factories, we have to think of a way This issue will definitely affect the stability of our work!"

As soon as Niu Gui said this, the entire meeting room was silent, and no one thought that Niu Gui would say this here!If this is a little careless, it will be a violent storm inside Daqian.

But Niu Gui is also very helpless. Now it is difficult for him to control the factories under Dagan's rule.

You must know that what Dagan issues is a credit currency, and there is no real money or silver to mortgage. The real collateral of Dagan is the factories controlled by the Dagan army, as well as the grain in the granary and the cloth in the textile factory. You cannot control these There will be problems with goods and currency!
Problems have even begun to appear. Because of the war, the amount of currency issued by Dagan has increased over the years. After this war, soldiers have billions of dollars more in their hands, but Dagan has no corresponding goods. It has already affected prices, and Niu Gui, the prime minister, is under increasing pressure. He must not only guarantee the supplies for the army to conquer, but also ensure the stability of prices in Hebei.

But even if the industrial productivity of Daqian is growing explosively, it is impossible to increase more than the currency issued. After all, this thing can only be printed, and food needs to be planted in the first half of the year, and woolen cloth has to go through more than a dozen processes. Products cannot be easily printed out like a printing press!

However, there is a large amount of currency in the market, but there is no corresponding goods. Inflation is inevitable. The current big dry goods are grain, cloth and salt. The price of the goods has started to rise. Even though Niu Gui doesn't have much economic knowledge, he vaguely realizes that this is caused by the issuance of too many banknotes!To solve this problem, find a way to build banknotes, expand factories, and increase the number of goods in the world!

But the local state herdsmen and eunuchs don’t worry too much. They propose huge projects one by one, and then ask for financial allocations. Although the big money is more than 10 times stronger than that of the big man, Niu Gui still feels that he can’t make ends meet in the past few years. I feel like I'm about to go bankrupt!

And he also felt that the common people would not want these things. To really solve the problem of rising prices, it is necessary to produce more products that the common people can use, rather than investing in infrastructure construction.

Xu Wei asked in surprise: "Has the economic pressure of our work reached this point?"

"Government, you haven't stayed in Youzhou for the past few years, so you don't understand the situation here." Niu Gui said bitterly: "At the beginning we established a steel factory in Yuyang, and we used the latest technology. The production capacity of the steel plant has increased dozens of times, but so much steel is produced to be used, if not for the large amount of steel farm tools and weapons we have manufactured over the years and the idea of ​​using iron-clad wood to consume some steel production capacity, otherwise the steel in Yuyang Iron and Steel Works will pile up like a mountain!"

"But only agricultural tools can recover our currency. Although weapons and tracks are important, they will take a long time to show their benefits. In the short term, we will lose money! We can bear a little loss, but now The prefects in the local area are eager to become fat with one bite, whether they want to build canals, renovate roads, or even connect rails, and they never think about whether our finances can support such a large project!"

Niu Gui does not have much economic knowledge, but he can feel that light industries such as fish processing factories and textile factories can return funds. Only the things that the people need can stabilize prices, while heavy industries such as manufacturing weapons and rails , although it is very important, and it is also for everyone, but we can't let the common people spend money to buy a one-meter track and a set of armor!

This is the difference between heavy industry, and it is difficult for the market to meet the needs of ordinary people. This makes it difficult for heavy industry products to be sold and return funds.People buy daily necessities, and it is difficult for them to buy swords and armor to consume steel!
Although Niu Gui didn't explain it very clearly, Xu Wei understood that this should be due to the overheating of investment in infrastructure and heavy industry, which affected the circulation of Dao Dagan banknotes.Although Xu Wei is not very proficient in economic knowledge, he has heard too much about overheated investment in the news since he was a child. If he can't control it well, it will leave a mess!
The solution is also very simple. One is to control the circulation of currency, find a way to recover the extra currency in the market, and increase investment in light industry so that a large number of goods directly used by ordinary people appear on the market in order to withdraw funds. !

But now the most acceptable to the people are civilian products such as food, cloth, salt, and dried canned fish!This requires Niu Gui to have a powerful means to control the entire Dagan state-owned factory, so that he can control the delivery of the entire Dagan goods!

Generally speaking, the state-owned enterprises in Dagan should be controlled by the Dagan court, but the actual situation is not certain, just like Zhang Baiqi basically controlled the Jizhou glass factory, and the profits of the glass factory were basically used by Zhang Baiqi in Jizhou is developing well, that is to say, he is old, and the glass factory is built by Zhang Baiqi from top to bottom, and Jizhou really needs funds to support its development. After all, the whole Dagan still lacked food at that time, so it is natural to find a way The grain production in Jizhou has resumed, so no one said anything!
But other places are different, like Liu Shi, the shepherd of Bingzhou, who needs money to make political achievements, and the most profitable enterprises in Bingzhou are textile factories and steel factories, but the director of the textile factory is Xu Juancai Coincidentally, their qualifications are no worse than Liu Shi's, and most of the textile mills are high-level wives of the army. This alone is not enough to offend Liu Shi.

And the director of the iron and steel factory is the old man Niu, which is even more unmatched by Liu Shi. Liu Shi naturally wants to control the two factories, but Xu Juan and the old man Niu don't give Liu Shi face. For the control of the factory, the three of them, It can be described as infighting.

Because Bingzhou is the first territory occupied by Dagan, most of the factory directors there are veterans of Dagan, so they can still control the factory!But this is not the case in Youzhou. The officials who come here are veterans, and the factories built here are later. Therefore, in Youzhou, it is easy for county and county officials to control their own factories!

But they still reject Niugui, because now Bingzhou is the richest place in Dagan, and the place with the best infrastructure construction, so Niugui has been mobilizing resources from Bingzhou to build in other states and counties in Hebei in recent years. place.This aroused the dissatisfaction of the officials and factory directors in Bingzhou. Although they fought fiercely internally, they were surprisingly consistent in dealing with Niu Gui! "

So in the past few years when Niu Gui became the prime minister of Daogan, he discovered that the struggle between the factory director faction and the official faction, the local faction and the court faction in Dagan was very fierce, and it had begun to affect the normal operation of Dao Dagan.

The local prefects and county magistrates also take advantage of their connections, not through him, but control local enterprises on their own to make political achievements for themselves.This made Niu Gui unbearable.

Basic projects such as water canals that affect food production are fine, but in Niu Gui's opinion, projects that are difficult to generate income in a short period of time, such as renovating roads, building tracks, and expanding cities, require too much investment. Cut it off, but in terms of place, it has to be completely different from him, and it can even be said to be completely opposite to him. You said that this made Niu Gui bear it so much.It is also difficult for Niu Gui to balance the contradictions, so he can only turn to Xu Wei for help.

Xu Wei was silent after listening.Factions fighting, no wonder!Xu Juan and Niu Laohan were leaders in steel and textile factories for a while, and they had tens of thousands of workers. The factories held more property than the state herdsmen. And the most important thing was that they had not been transferred. No wonder it will form a mountain top!
(End of this chapter)

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