I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 497, finally considered a citizen

Chapter 497, finally considered a citizen

Relying on the forcible apportionment of bonds, Liu Bei accumulated tens of billions of money in half a year, and began to continuously cast cannons, recruit soldiers, build equipment, and restore his strength!But this also made the powerful and powerful gentry in the whole south resent Liu Bei deeply.

And Liu Bei also knows this, but there is no way to change it. Facing Lei Gong, if he cannot become stronger immediately, the big man will be annexed by Lei Gong, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River have long been overwhelmed by the burden of corvee. The scene of a thousand miles of defeat will appear again, so Liu Bei can only take away the wealth of the Jiangnan clan.

But he did this not only to protect the big man, but also to protect the powerful and noble families in the world, but they didn't appreciate Liu Bei's hard work at all, which made Liu Bei very depressed, and he felt better today when he saw the scene of the upcoming harvest !
With this bumper harvest, the lives of the people in Jingzhou should be better!

Jian Yong saw the paddy field and said: "The output of this rice is probably only 5-6 shi. The land in the south is better. One mu of land can be worth 2-3 mu of high-quality land in the north. If calculated according to double seasons, it can be equivalent to 5-6 mu of high-quality land in the north." At least [-]-[-] mu, the south is the real geomantic treasure land for farming, if I, a big man, had discovered this earlier and developed the south, the world would not have been in turmoil for so many years!"

Jian Yong was born in Youzhou, and basically there is no such fertile land as in the south, and most of the land in Youzhou is relatively barren, the yield per mu is just a little more than one stone, and it has to be fallow, so even a single family in Youzhou There are hundreds of acres of land, but as long as there are more taxes, life is still very difficult!
But now when he looks at the land in the south, he doesn't know what to say. The land in Youzhou is not so fertile, and there is no shortage of water and sunshine. Even the crops grow longer than Youzhou, and the rice production capacity It is generally more than [-]% higher than wheat, but it is a pity that the big Han did not pay attention to such a treasure land. In the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, the Han people in the area south of the Yangtze River were not even as many as the barbarians!
Yuan Ji looked at the rice fields that were about to harvest and said with great regret: "If we had known that Jiangnan would become a granary at this time, I, a big man, should have emigrated to Jiangnan to reclaim wasteland. In this way, Zhangjiao, Lei Gong and his ilk would not be able to become Enemy of the big man!"

Yuan Ji felt extremely remorse and pity in his heart. If his uncle had tried to develop Jiangnan in the first place, the world's powerful and powerful families would not have suffered from Lei Gong's calamity. Now even though Jiangnan has been developed, it is already too late, and Lei Gong has already achieved power.

Hearing this, Zhang Fei sneered, "If Lei Gong hadn't appeared, it would be impossible for the reclaimed land to appear now!"

Then Zhang Fei pointed at Yuan Ji and said with a sneer: "You are too greedy, and you don't even want to let go of the big benefits. At the beginning, my elder brother and I were farming in Youzhou, and even settled hundreds of thousands of remnants of the Yellow Turbans, but the initial results have been achieved. , The reclaimed land was annexed by you, even Liu Taiwei could not stop your greedy behavior, so Zhang Chunzhang rebelled in Youzhou, and Youzhou, which had hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the field, could not resist.

In addition, Zhuang Jiehou had achieved initial results in farming in Jizhou, and the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou was about to dissipate, and even Lei Gong was forced to hide in Mayi!But our people assassinated Zhuang Jiehou for the land of Jizhou and deprived the land of Jizhou Tuntian soldiers, so these Tuntian soldiers who could not survive turned to Zhang Yan again, and Jizhou was once again occupied by Zhang Yan! "

"My eldest brother and I have worked hard to calm the world, but you always light the fire in the place that has just settled down, so that the world will be in turmoil again! The land in the south of the Yangtze River is so fertile, and you are definitely unwilling to work hard to develop the land, but to seize These lands, you are experts in making refugees!"

Even Guan Yu lashed out at Yuan Ji: "This is the first time Guan has heard that there are Shanyue races in the big Han. They obviously look like Han people, speak Chinese, and use Chinese characters, but according to Jiangdong Haoqiang's In other words, they are not Han Chinese!"

Faced with such a problem, Yuan Ji could only smile wryly. The nobles in the Central Plains were vicious, and the tyrants in Jiangdong were equally domineering. To a certain extent, in the land of Jiangnan, the development level of the Eastern Han Dynasty was not even as good as that of the Western Han Dynasty. During the Western Han Dynasty, Jiangdong, Changsha, etc. The one that has already been developed is almost the same as that of the Central Plains. Just one king of Wu, Liu Bi, can pull out hundreds of thousands of troops, and even threaten the Western Han court at that time. It can be seen that Jiangdong had a large population and a prosperous economy at that time, otherwise Liu Bi would not have Hundreds of thousands of people may be pulled out to rebel.

And the Eastern Han government is a lame government, not only can't restrict the powerful, so the Jiangdong tyrants who are far away from the emperor can't be restricted!The people suffered without the protection of the court.

So at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the population of the entire Jiangdong area decreased for hundreds of years, because in the south of the Yangtze River, the powerful clans still annexed the land, and the land that the people worked so hard to reclaim was basically annexed by such powerful ones. There are naturally more lands, and the barbarians have become more numerous than the Han people. The anti-nationalization that only appeared in the industrial age appeared in the land of Jiangnan thousands of years in advance!

At this time Liu Bei said: "Third brother, don't say such things in the future. With the current situation in Jiangnan, the powerful and powerful gentry have also made great efforts. What everyone has to do now is to work together to fight against Lei Gong, instead of looking for the previous ones. mistake!"

Lei Gong relied on the power of the people to have his current power, and Liu Bei could only rely on the power of the powerful clan to fight against Lei Gong, so he didn't want Zhang Fei to continue to say things that would damage his relationship with the powerful clan!

However, Yuan Ji said: "General Zhang is right. The big man will be reduced to today's situation. We have to reflect on it. In the past, the big man didn't care about the people at all, and the powerful and nobles didn't care about the people, so the people would take refuge in those who care. Their people are the ones who rebelled like Zhang Jiao and Lei Gong, they relied on the power of the common people to bring disaster to the great man, now we are fighting for the world with Lei Gong, we are fighting for the power of the common people!"

The situation in the world has become what it is now, and the clans of the big Han are even in danger of extinction. At the moment of life and death, Yuan Ji and the others constantly reflect on why their situation has become what they are now, and finally in reality. Under the oppression of the people, they have to admit that the power of the people is above them, even ten times and a hundred times stronger than them, that's why Lei Gong is so invincible!
In the past, it was difficult for the people to rebel to cause damage to the nobles. The nobles had Wubao, and even the Wubao of the nobles in the Yellow Turban Uprising was rarely breached. In addition, the Han army often wiped out hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans. He cared about the power of the Yellow Turban Army, and even used the power of the Yellow Turban Army to deal with the Han court.

But after Xu Wei got out the crowbar and gunpowder, it was no longer possible for Wubao to protect the safety of the elites. Even Xu Wei organized the power of the people to wipe out the elites in Hebei. The elites in the world are afraid , It was the first time I felt the power of the common people, even ten times stronger than the combined strength of these elite families.

There is nothing easier to convince people than a sword, and Xu Wei's cannon is a hundred times more persuasive than a sword. After seeing the power of the people, the elites in the world finally no longer regard the people as ants, but the first See them as people like you for once!

So even though Liu Bei took away tens of billions of money from them this time, the entire powerful clan of the Han Dynasty only dared to complain about Liu Bei, but they dared not pass these bonds on to ordinary people, and they shouldn't even hinder Liu Bei's actions.Because they know that they have to rely on Liu Bei and the people of Dahan to protect themselves and prevent Xu Wei from occupying Jiangnan!

Here Dong Zhuo is about to cry and come back to life. At the beginning, when he licked the nobles and nobles so much, the rights of the three lords and nine ministers were given to them, but they still couldn't bear a general and prime minister. Now Liu Bei has stripped the nobles and nobles to their skins, but they don't want to Said that he wanted to assassinate Liu Bei, and he didn't even dare to hinder Liu Bei's actions, for fear of causing turmoil in the south of the Yangtze River and attracting Lei Gong to attack the south of the Yangtze River!

Yuan Ji looked at the fields that were about to harvest and said: "The population in Jiangnan is still too small. After Lei Gong occupied Yanzhou, the population of Hebei is about to exceed 3000 million, and our Jiangnan land is only half of Lei Gong's. It’s not as prosperous as the Central Plains, so it’s hard for us to resist Lei Gong’s attack in Jiangnan!”

Liu Bei smiled wryly: "But the world's population is so large, even if we let the people have more children, it is impossible to increase the population too much in a short time!"

Things in the world are so wonderful. At the beginning, the big man hated the large population, so that there were millions of refugees in the world. These refugees rebelled every year, and they were invincible, which caused headaches for the civil and military officials of the court. But now they want to compete with Lei Gong for hegemony. I feel that the population in my hands is too small, and the force is too small!It's hard to resist Lei Gong!

Yuan Jidao: "There are a large number of barbarians in the mountains of the four prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. It is estimated that there are millions of them. Although the Lord has absorbed a large number of them into the plains to reclaim land and build towns, the scale is too small, and there are too few people going down the mountain. The subordinates suggested setting up officials and government offices to appease the barbarians, and in the five thousand miles south of the Yangtze River, all the barbarians will be enriched into our Han land, so as to enhance the strength of our Han!"

Liu Bei asked, "Shi Ji, what choice do you have?"

Yuan Ji said: "Ma Xuan from Yicheng in Xiangyang, his family has lived in the Jiangnan area for generations, and he has made good friends with many barbarians in the south of the Yangtze River. If Ma Xuan becomes an ambassador to appease the barbarians, he will definitely send a large number of barbarians from the Jiangnan mountain area down the mountain! The barbarians are powerful, and with a little training, they will definitely become the elite against Lei Gong!"

Liu Bei said: "Then first let this Ma Xuan become the 600 shi's appeasement ambassador. If he can really let a large number of barbarians come out of the mountains, Bei will definitely use him!"

One month later, in the four states in the hands of Liu Bei in the south, there was a bumper harvest of grain. In this way, Liu Bei, who was injured in the Central Plains War, quickly recovered, and Ma Xuan did not disappoint Yuan Ji's recommendation. This month alone In a short time, he recruited 10 barbarian tribes, and tens of thousands of people went down the mountain and became the people under the rule of the big man!Liu Bei was overjoyed to be promoted to Ma Xuan as the captain of the barbarian guard, and let him have full command of the affairs of recruiting the barbarians in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because of the abundance of food in his hands and the presence of generals like Ma Xuan, Liu Bei recruited a large number of Nanman in Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Yizhou to increase the population under the Han rule. Build cities and towns to let them settle down, and register these southern barbarians to increase their population. In less than half a year, millions of barbarians in the south were recruited by Liu Bei and became Liu Bei's tribe!
Then Liu Bei recruited soldiers among these barbarians to form an army, which allowed Liu Bei's military strength to recover quickly, and soon reached [-] again!Of course, the combat effectiveness and equipment of these armies cannot be compared with Liu Bei's veterans.

In Yuzhou and Sili, Yuan Tan and the others also ushered in a bumper harvest of winter wheat, but at this time the situation in Yuzhou and Sili was already very bad!

If the elite clans in the south of the Yangtze River have a sense of crisis about the current situation of the great Han, the elite clans in Yuzhou, Sili, will feel like they are sitting on pins and needles.

And Yuan Tan felt even more that he was sitting in a crater that might erupt at any time. After the end of the Central Plains War for more than half a year, Yuan Tan never left his armor and sword, and was afraid that the cavalry would rush to Yuzhou at any time. Surround them!When you go out of the city, you must have a battalion of people and horses to follow you.

Under such a sense of crisis, Yuan Tan and the others are very capable of action!As soon as he fled to Yuzhou, he immediately sent his second brother Yuan Xi to garrison Luoyang City, and sent Simpi to help Yuan Xi!

And while I kept Yuzhou, right after the war ended, I immediately started recruiting troops in Yuzhou to build artillery, weapons and armor!
However, Yuan Shao's finances were already in jeopardy. At the beginning, Yuan Shao had to rely on Liu Bei's support to barely maintain the [-] troops. The cost of melting copper coins to cast cannons is extremely huge, and Yuan Tan cannot bear it at all!

Although he has no money, Yuan Tan doesn't want to just sit around like this. At this time, all the powers in the world are carrying out currency reforms. Lei Gong in Hebei uses stocks to raise funds. This is something Yuan Tan can't learn at all. He didn't make money like this The factory used to list!
And Cao Cao of Qingxu and Liu Bei of Jiangnan also learned to issue banknotes, but Liu Bei used grain, silk, and salt as collateral to issue currency, and Cao Cao almost used grain and salt.

It is also very difficult for Yuan Tan to learn these things. He has no food and only some salt in the Hedong area, but it is not enough to support the huge currency reform compared with the advanced sea salt!
But counselors like Yuan Tan and Xu You knew that currency reform was the only way to bring them back to life. If they could not recover their strength before Lei Gong's next attack, they would surely die. Therefore, Yuan Tan entrusted Xu You with full authority over the currency reform. From Yuan Tan's point of view, Xu You's intelligence will definitely bring their forces back to life!
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(End of this chapter)

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