Chapter 513, Revenge

Zhang Xi's words made everyone silent for a while. Compared with wealth, they are still more willing to retain their rights!They have been fighting for more than ten years, and they can't do anything else except fight.

But they also know that the Dagan Army has never taken in other military generals and officials from other forces except for the Yellow Turban Army. In recent years, Lei Gong captured Youzhou, Jizhou and Yanzhou, and he is willing to recruit some mud-legged officials who only wait for a few words , and are unwilling to recruit the children of the powerful and noble families as officials.Lei Gong would rather spend a huge price to train mud-legged generals to be military generals, and he is not willing to accept them who have experienced many battles as generals!

If they didn't know that the soldiers had lost their morale, they would undoubtedly lose in the battle with the main army, even if there was a [-]% chance of winning, they would fight for it.

But Yuan Tan, a dude, destroyed everything in Sili, and also destroyed their future, so they had no choice but to choose to keep their wealth.

A school lieutenant said in disbelief: "It's fine if Lei Gong accepts the Yellow Turban Army, but why does Lei Gong accept these rebels from Xiliang? Is it because they rebelled with Lei Gong at the same time, so Lei Gong regards Xiliang's rebellion as his own! During the rebellion in Xiliang, there were also quite a few noble families, why can they take refuge in Lei Gong!"

"There are also many frontier families in Bingzhou and Youzhou who have also been accepted by Lei Gong. Now many of them have climbed to the top of the Dagan army. Lei Gong said that they defended the border of the Han Dynasty and took them in when the state owned the attack. But we Guanzhong people It is useless to the country!" However, the captain said unconvinced, he also had the idea of ​​taking refuge in Dagan, so he collected a lot of Dagan's policies, but he found that it was impossible for Lei Gong to accept him, so he had nowhere to go .

Everyone was furious when they heard this. The affairs of the world are like this. If Xu Weizhen doesn't accept them at all, it's fine, but there are still some people with the same background as them, but they are accepted by Lei Gong !

But at this time, Zhang Xi's eyes lit up and he said, "Go and invite old Mr. Zhang Zhi to come over, and tell me that I have something important to discuss!"

Zhang Yun's subordinates didn't understand: "General, what do you want Zhang Zhi to do? Although he is the son of the famous general Zhang Huan, he doesn't know anything about military affairs at all, and he has already been taken away by scholars in the Kanto region!"

Zhang Zhi is the eldest son of Zhang Huan, a famous general. He was born in a famous family. He refused to be recruited by the imperial court and devoted himself to the study of calligraphy.He is good at Zhangcao in cursive script. He changed the ancient cursive method of distinguishing characters and separating strokes into a new writing method that involves up and down and is full of changes. He is full of originality and has a great influence in later generations. He is called the sage of cursive.

Of course, in this troubled world, most of the military generals look down on him. As the eldest son of the famous general Zhang Huan, he has no knowledge of martial arts and military.It can be said that it was thrown into the face of the famous general Zhang Huan. After Lei Gong occupied Xiliang, he brought his family to Guanzhong and settled in Chang'an.

But Zhang He said: "Old Mr. Zhang Zhi is the eldest son of Zhang Huan, and General Zhang Huan spent his whole life in Xiliang and Bingzhou to quell foreign aggressions, and was called the Sanming of Xiliang. Doesn't the Zhang family conform to what Lei Gong said about the country's meritorious service?" !"

"And don't forget, Dong Zhuo is Zhang Huan's protégé and old official. Dong Zhuo was able to make a fortune thanks to General Zhang Huan's promotion. Now Dong Zhuo's remaining subordinates, Li Ru and Niu Fu, have all become Lei Gong's subordinates. Among them, Jia Xu is still Lei Gong's confidant, if Mr. Zhang Zhi can help us say something, maybe Lei Gong can accept us!"

The Zhang Huan Zhang He mentioned was from Yuanquan County, Dunhuang County, Liangzhou (now Anxi County, Gansu Province).A famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, he, Huangfu Gui and Duan Xie called it "Liangzhou Sanming"

Zhang Huan was born as a virtuous man during Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. He was the first in countermeasures.He has won foreign wars many times, recruited foreigners, and promoted border peace, with outstanding achievements.Emperor Ling of Han came to the throne and moved to Da Si Nong, and was used by the eunuch group to attack the general Dou Wu.Afterwards, Shangshu defended Dou Wu and others.Lei moved to Taichangqing, resigned and returned to his hometown, taught lectures and wrote books, and no longer served as an official.

Zhang Huan's life can be said to be perfectly in line with Lei Gong's statement of meritorious service to the country, so he wanted Zhang Zhi to help them speak in front of Lei Gong.

Zhang Yun has been fighting against Lei Gong's frontline soldiers, and knows the strength of the Dagan Army best. What Dagan learned was the Tyrant Qin's system of all people serving as soldiers. If it hadn't been restricted by food and grass, with the current population of Hebei, he would have made millions. The army is waiting.

Especially in the past two years, the territory occupied by Dagan has become larger and larger, and more and more food and grass can be obtained. The strength of Dagan has gradually begun to be revealed. Last year's Central Plains War Lei Gong mobilized more than 60 troops. It's not the limit of big work, and he is also clear about the good harvest in Hebei this year. It is also possible for Lei Gong to attack them with an army of one million!

He clearly knew that with such a powerful Dagan army, it was almost impossible for the big Han to win, unless a shooting star appeared from the sky like Emperor Shizu, annihilating hundreds of thousands of Dagan's army in one fell swoop, and severely injuring Hebei, so that they might turn defeat into victory. But hope is too slim.Zhang He has no hope at all!
Therefore, after Zhang Yun captured Yanzhou, he had the idea of ​​surrendering to Hebei. He has been collecting information about Hebei, but what he got was not good information. People from the gentry became officials, and Zhang Yun was envious of re-promoting ordinary people to take the imperial examination to become officials in Hebei. If he could become an official so easily, he would not have become a general.

The whole of Hebei has now become a brand new world. At the beginning, all the noble families of the Han Dynasty were all knocked down by Lei Gong. The only thing that surprised me was that Lei Gong did not completely abandon the wealthy families of the Han Dynasty. There are many families on the border of Bingzhou and Youzhou. , can only be regarded as small local tyrants. At the beginning, the elites of the Central Plains dismissed these people and regarded them as local barbarians, but they did not expect that now they have turned around and become members of the big army.If Lei Gong conquered the world, these small wealthy families on the border may not be able to become big families like the Kanto clan.

The only thing that makes Zhang He feel helpless is that he is from Hejian, his family is not at the border at all, and he joined the army as a county soldier in Jizhou. Not to mention that he did not defend the border for the country, they mainly suppressed the Jizhou Yellow Turban Army who is now relying on Lei Gong.To put it in a frustrating way, Zhang He is an enemy all over Hebei. If it weren't for Lei Gong's reputation, he wouldn't dare to surrender to Hebei!

And what his subordinates said just now reminded him that Dong Zhuo was once a former student of the Zhang family, and Li Ru was Dong Zhuo's son-in-law and confidant. Now he can only rely on this relationship so that the general army can accept them. Zhang Xi is confident that as long as the Dagan army accepts them, he can make a fortune in Hebei!

At the beginning of May of the second year of Jian'an (AD 197)!Hadong County!
Liu Bao and Liu Meng brought hundreds of elites into Yong'an County, Hedong!
Liu Bao and Liu Meng were originally Huns. After the Huns were completely annexed by Xu Wei, the Huns all began to change their Han surnames in order to integrate into the main army and become a Han. For a hundred years, most of the Huns changed their surnames to Liu, so that now the surname Liu has become the most common surname in Hebei!

The reason why Xu Wei sent Liu Bao and other Huns to Hedong was because Hedong was close to the territory of the Southern Huns at the beginning, and a large number of Huns were also entrenched in the Hedong area. Therefore, there are also a large number of Huns at the bottom of Hedong. Liu Bao and others came to facilitate them to launch an uprising of the bottom Huns.

At this time, Hedong was already very tense, and the elite clans of Hedong arranged the army controlled by their own children on the front line. Pei Jie, the prefect of Hedong, seized the time to reinforce the camp on the mountain, and at the same time, ordered people to arrange a large number of rolling stones and trees on both sides of the valley. , to block the attack of the main army.

And other families in Hedong also know that if they can't resist Lei Gong this time, they will be ruined, so the major families in Hedong have money to pay, and some people in Hedong. The most elite soldiers in Hedong are in Yong'an County, and even the small ones The artillery supported 50 frontlines. With the attack of the local cadres, under the desperate resistance of the gentry in the east of the river, and the fact that the cadres did not have an advantage in the terrain, the 5 cadres had not yet entered the east of the river after fighting for a month. !
At this time, although the front line defense in Hedong is strong, it is not as strong as the front line in the interior of Hedong. Only some second-line soldiers are stationed in counties and counties in the interior of Hedong.It can't be said that the internal defense of Hedong is loose, it can only be said that the people in the interior of Hedong are oppressed by the nobles, and it is naturally impossible for them to stand on the side of the nobles to resist the attack of the big army.

And the warriors of the Hedong Gate also knew this, so even though the front line was fighting fiercely, they did not relax their supervision of the people inside the Hedong, for fear that their rebellion would cause them to be defeated by Lei Gong!
At the beginning, Yuan Shao occupied the entire Sili, which was expected by everyone. At that time, the entire Sili clan needed a prestigious leader to lead them to resist Lei Gong, and Yuan Shao was the most suitable candidate!
After Sili was occupied by Yuan Shao, resisting Lei Gong became Yuan Shao's most important task.He clearly knew that Lei Gong could call up hundreds of thousands of troops, and it was impossible to defeat Lei Gong with the military system of a standing army of tens of thousands of elite men.Yuan Shao's only choice is to defeat Lei Gong and prepare for the war.

But to form an army of hundreds of thousands, it was impossible to gather all the power of the imperial court, let alone Yuan Shao only occupied the three states of the Han Dynasty, two of which were already beaten to pieces.

So Yuan Shao and his confidantes thought for a long time, and they came up with the very popular farmland system in the late Han Dynasty. At that time, Sili was fighting fiercely, and a large number of people died. In addition, the imperial court moved the capital to Xiangyang City, which vacated a lot of land for Sili. Yuan Shao then asked the elites of the Hedong clan to give up some land, and exchanged the control of the garrison soldiers for the elites of the Hedong clan not to prevent him from implementing the system of garrisoning the fields!

And with Xu Wei, the sword hanging over the heads of the elite clan of the Hedong Gate, they had no choice but to accept Yuan Shao's farming system and spit out some land!
But any good policy will be out of shape. At the beginning, Yuan Shao’s system of garrisoning soldiers was to give land to these soldiers. Yuan Shao did not provide monthly salary and let them support themselves.

But soon Yuan Shao discovered that it was difficult for him to resist Lei Gong with an army of 30. He also needed to build a large number of strong walls and fortifications in Sili and Yanzhou, and to manufacture a large number of weapons and armor, and these required a large number of people. , and he had 30 conscripts in the three states, and a large number of people were needed for corvee service.

Yuan Shao revised the rules, and the family members of the soldiers in the field had to serve corvee, but Yuan Shao initially made the families of these soldiers serve corvée nearby!Everyone can bear it, but Yuan Shao will build more and more cities in the future, and the time of corvée is getting longer and longer. The families of many soldiers in the field began to go bankrupt, and the land that had just arrived in the hands of these soldiers was once again concentrated in the clan of Sili In the hands of the gentry!

When Yuan Tan succeeded to the throne, the soldiers could no longer support their own family without a monthly salary, so Yuan Tan had to pay the soldiers a monthly salary, and after the banknotes went bankrupt, many soldiers couldn't even support themselves.Facing the increasingly difficult life and even the threat of starvation, civil unrest broke out in many places one after another.

This means that the Hedong clan's gentry must not only resist the army of the great army, but also guard against rebellion within themselves!The nobles in Hedong scolded Yuan Tan to death. They have always given the blame to the big man, but this time they blamed Yuan Tan. The nobles in Sili wanted to appease the people, but Yuan Tan drained Sili's supplies , Let the prices skyrocket, and they dare not easily use the few materials in their hands.

And because they don't believe in Yuan Tan, so now that Sili doesn't even have a leader, it is naturally difficult for the powerful clan forces to unite to quell the turmoil in Sili. The people are in chaos!

Hundreds of Liu Bao and Liu Meng are Martians. When they came to Hedong County, they found a village and said that their Lei Gong's subordinates were here to help everyone deal with the elites!
When these people heard that Liu Bao and the others belonged to King Lei Gong, they immediately became excited. Everyone in the village expressed their willingness to follow Liu Bao and them to serve King Lei Gong!

Hundreds of people made a living in the countryside of Hedong, and it expanded to 3 horses in just three days. Of course, these people are old, weak, women and children. The slave economy collapsed, and the food of these rural people was basically robbed by Yuan Tan and the others. If Liu Bao and the others did not come, these people would not survive this winter!
So as soon as Liu Bao said to lead them to an uprising, all the local people joined in. With [-] people, Liu Bao immediately led these people to surround a Wubao in the east of the river, blasted the wall of Wubao with gunpowder, and then [-] All the people rushed into Wubao, killed the owner of Wubao and their dogs, and had a full meal in Wubao.

Liu Bao said to them: "Let's find more people. Now the clans of the Hedong Gate are trying to resist our ruling. They have no ability to resist us. Now everyone can avenge their hatred, repay their grievances, and take what belongs to them. Take all the food back!"

When the people heard this, they cheered and shouted: "Revenge, revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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