Chapter 522 Mutiny

"How is Big Brother Han? Did Lei Gong agree to our conditions?" As soon as Han Meng came back, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

The official positions of this group of people are much worse than those gathered by Chun Yuqiong back then. There are only Han Meng, the captain, and military commanders as the school lieutenants. There are very few, or even none. Hou Tunchang is at the first level, and at this level, he can basically be regarded as a low-level officer.

But in terms of the number of people, it is more than 10 times more, and this is because they are worried that Yuan Xi will find out that they have reduced the number of people. Now less than half of the military lords in Luoyang City are their people.

Han Meng shook his head helplessly and said: "Lei Gong is worried, this is a scam, and he is not willing to cooperate with us to attack Luoyang City. His subordinates think that relying on the artillery of the big army is enough to smash the defense of Luoyang City little by little. They don't want to need to take risks”

These officers recalled the violent shelling for the past three days, and they felt panicked. Such intense shelling was unprecedented, especially the [-]-jin cannon, which could not be supported by any fortification except the city wall of Luoyang City.In the past three days, thousands of people in Luoyang City have died tragically under the artillery.

They themselves don't think how long Luoyang City can hold out under such a fierce artillery attack?

It was because of this knowledge and Yuan Xi's unpopularity that they took the risk to join Lei Gong.

A military lord anxiously said: "What should we do now, Lei Gong and his subordinates don't trust us at all, we have nowhere to go if we want to surrender now, and Yuan Xi doesn't trust us either, let him continue to kill, just I'm afraid none of us can escape!"

The others were also disappointed when they heard the news. Lei Gong was unwilling to cooperate with them. Could it be that they were going to die in Luoyang City like this, especially at the hands of their lord? This was what made them most desperate.

Han Meng looked at the crowd and said, "It's not that Lei Gong didn't give us a way out. Now Yuan Xi is doing the wrong thing in Luoyang City. He not only kills us officers, but also ordinary soldiers and civilian husbands!"

Yuan Xi was extremely sensitive at this time. Yesterday, a village chief just said that Dagan's artillery was fierce and wanted to get out of the artillery's attack range.

However, Yuan Xi thought it would affect morale, thinking that the head of the village was in the heart of the cholera army, so he chopped off the head of the head of the village to warn everyone.

Ordinary civilian husbands who complain a few words will be slaughtered on the spot by Yuan Xi's personal guards as they intend to surrender. Now Yuan Xi's personal guards still have the momentum of Jin Yiwei.

What made these officers feel the most desperate was that in the past three days, the number of people killed by the cannon was not even as many as Yuan Xi himself hacked to death.

Many people thought that Yuan Xi was going crazy under the pressure of the powerful army. As long as he was a normal person, it would be impossible for him to massacre his subordinates like Yuan Xi at this time.

"Now the entire Luoyang city hates Yuan Xi from top to bottom. It's just that everyone is frightened by his ruthlessness and dare not resist! But in fact, we are united enough to kill him."

"Now Lei Gong has personally promised me that as long as we lead people to kill Yuan Xi and dedicate Luoyang City to Lei Gong, Lei Gong will convert Luoyang's grain, grass, weapons, equipment, and various engineering equipment into money for us. If we succeed, each of us will get millions of dollars, and with this money, even if we don’t become military officers in Hebei, we can live very richly!”

"Millions of dollars! Is this true?" This figure completely shocked the officers present. There was no way this could be done. These officers had lower official positions, and many of them were not much better than ordinary people.And millions of dollars are something they will never earn in their entire lives.

Han Meng nodded and said: "Of course it's true. Lei Gong has always made promises, and so far there has been no breach of promises. A few million dollars is a lot to us, but to Lei Gong, it's just a drop in the bucket!"

A military commander said excitedly: "Brother Han, we have done it with you. Tell me, what should we do?"

Han Meng looked at the people around him and said: "Rebellion is the most fearful of long nights and dreams. If there is one of us who betrays us, we will die without a place to die. So after you return to your camp, contact our companions. We launched an uprising together in the early morning, and we all led our subordinates at the same time to attack the imperial palace in Luoyang City. We must not let Yuan Xi react and organize a large army to encircle us, or we will die without a place to die!"

An officer asked: "Although the defense of the Luoyang Imperial Palace is not as strong as the city wall outside Luoyang City, it is still a city wall after all, and Yuanxi has thousands of personal guards to protect him. It's hard to break through his walls!"

At this time, Ma Yan, the artillery chief, said: "Although our artillery has been completely destroyed by Lei Gong, there are still some flying thunder cannons. Although this kind of artillery has a short range, it is more powerful. Although the flying thunder cannon can't break through Luoyang The outer wall of the city, but enough to break the city wall of the imperial city, and we have a lot of explosives in our hands. At worst, we pile up the explosives at the gate of the imperial city. As long as there is enough gunpowder, it is enough for us to blow the gate open !"

Han Meng was pleasantly surprised: "The soldiers of the artillery battalion will be the vanguard of attacking the imperial city later on. You can ask the soldiers from 10 villages to help you carry the artillery and explosives. This time, you must completely blow up Yuan Xi, that bastard!"

After formulating a simple rebellion plan, Han Meng said: "Everyone will start gathering soldiers after returning home. When the first ray of sunlight appears in the morning, it is time for us to attack. We must not hesitate. If we hesitate, we will surely die."

Everyone nodded solemnly. They all knew that the rebellion had failed. With Yuan Xi's ruthlessness, they would undoubtedly die. Then they dispersed one by one. After these officers returned to their army, they immediately called their soldiers one by one. Wake up and get organized.

The night began to dissipate, and the red sun began to rise slowly. This seemed to be a signal. Many soldiers in Luoyang City, led by their commander, drew their swords and gathered one by one.

Han Meng led five hundred soldiers and shouted: "Yuan Xi has no way, he killed innocent people indiscriminately, today we are going to avenge our dead comrades, everyone will kill me, hack Yuan Xi to the palace! Kill!"

The other soldiers also piled up their anger towards Yuan Xi in the past few days, and they also shouted angrily: "Kill Yuan Xi!"

Then these soldiers followed Han Meng and rushed towards Luoyang Imperial City.

For a moment, the sound of killing shook the entire Luoyang City.

Moreover, more and more people gathered with Han Meng. At first, more than 1000 people stormed the palace, and soon it became 1, and finally tens of thousands of people completely surrounded the palace.

After other soldiers and officers in Luoyang City found out that someone wanted to rebel, they didn't want to stop these rebellious soldiers from protecting Yuan Xi, but watched these rebellious soldiers from the sidelines, and even felt a little gloating in their hearts.

Moreover, the soldiers who had hatred for Yuan Xi rushed forward to join these people.

At this time Yuan Xi was also awakened. After hearing the shout of killing, he immediately ran out and saw his own guards and asked, "What's going on outside? Why is it such a mess?"

The personal guard panicked and said: "There is a mutiny outside, everyone is rushing to the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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