Chapter 54, prepare for war

In order to deal with the coming war.All factories in Mayi stopped their original construction tasks and began to build various weapons for war.

The refugees who opened up wasteland took the district as a unit, and started a new round of military training under the leadership of each district chief.

Xu Wei in this period is not worried about the instructors anymore. He now has 7 veterans who have been trained in the military, and he barely has the ability to lead anyone.In fact, Xu Wei has no shortage of basic officers here, but there is a great shortage of middle and high-level officers. Also only served as group leader.

Fighting these few battles was completely dependent on equipment and sneak attacks. Of course, he had some experience in fighting a few battles, but he just barely passed the novice stage, so he attached great importance to every battle.

But now Xu Wei, in order to let everyone quickly gain combat effectiveness, he uses 1 veterans as the basic officers, and every 500 people have [-] veterans as the basic officers.

The original 3 veterans were assembled, although most of them have only trained for 1 months!The real elite is that Xu Wei trained the 10 veterans for one year, plus the newly opened up farmers, Xu Wei reorganized an army of [-], and then began to train them.

And the morale of these soldiers was also very high. Not only did they not worry about the coming war, but they wanted to wipe out the Huns who came over one by one!
Several people even ran up to Xu Wei and asked, "Shuai Qu, when are we going to eliminate these Huns? We can't be passively beaten like this, we must take the initiative to attack!"

Surprised by their morale, Xu Wei asked, "Don't worry about the coming war. You must know that the Huns are all cavalry, and their combat effectiveness is very strong!"

The soldier Bao Jue said angrily: "We managed to settle down in Mayi and have a stable life, but now the Huns want to rob us of our wealth and disturb our current life. Naturally, we have to fight them desperately."

Apparently defending their homeland cost these soldiers very high!
"Besides, the Huns are just the defeated generals of our Han people. They dare to provoke us. Of course, we must deal with them and let them know who is the real master!"

Xu Wei would like to be grateful to this era. The great Han has hammered the Huns and other Huns for more than 300 years. The Han people not only have no fear of the Huns, but are full of confidence.Even if the Huns have the upper hand, everyone dares to fight. After all, in this era, everyone believes that one Han is worth five Huns. That is to say, in everyone's eyes, 10 of them can fight 50 Huns. About 10, one to one, the advantage is mine, everyone will naturally not have fear in their hearts, but want to end the war as soon as possible, so that they can continue to build their own homes!

Xu Wei looked at these soldiers and nodded, "The military spirit is available!"

Then he said loudly to the training soldiers: "Everyone, train well. Our enemy is just a group of Huns and horse bandits in northern Xinjiang. They are riding on horses, it is very difficult for us to kill them all!"

The soldiers all laughed and said, "Shuai Qu, it's not easy to catch these Hun bandits, we just need to dig a trench to prevent them from escaping!"

"These horse bandits are also treasures. Tens of thousands of horse bandits are not equivalent to tens of thousands of horses. This is not a small fortune!" The soldier said with a smile.

They also infected Xu Wei, and the enemy seemed less scary.

Xu Wei came to the ironworks and guided them to upgrade their technology. It is time to upgrade the technology of the ironworks.

Niu Laohan also stopped making farm tools at this time, and the iron factory began to make weapons with all its strength. Taking this opportunity, Xu Wei handed over the technology of mixing steel to Niu Laohan. After adding a dry pot, he stirred it with an iron rod to make the steel The carbon element can be fully burned, and the steel produced is dozens of times worth of steel. When the steel is still steaming, the water turbine drives a 200-jin sledgehammer to smash it down.
"Boom boom boom!" One by one half-chest steel armor was manufactured,
"Boom boom boom" On another production line, a steel helmet was smashed out like this.

There is also a refining production line for long knives and long swords at the back. Just use an iron grinder, and a long knives and long swords can be quickly smashed out like this.

Seeing this scene, the old man Niu sighed with emotion: "Old man, I have been working hard all my life. It is the first time that I found that weapons are so easy to make. These swords are worth thousands of gold, and they are so easy to make."

He has now recognized Xu Wei as an immortal, otherwise how could there be so many iron-making technologies, especially these machines, how could they be imagined by ordinary people, they are simply treasures!
The iron hammer is a treasure to the old man Niu, but it is nothing to Xu Wei. He has seen hydraulic presses of tens of thousands of tons, but now it is only a 200-jin hammer head, which is nothing more than a big deal.

He casually took out a well-polished common long sword: "How is the quality of these weapons?"

The old man Niu took out an iron sword and said to Xu Wei: "It's 10 times stronger than the previous iron sword, just try it and you'll know."

Xu Wei took the steel sword in his hand and slashed at the iron sword in Old Man Niu's hand.

"Dang!" The iron sword broke instantly, but the steel sword only had a small gap.

"Take these swords to deal with the enemy, and you can definitely defeat ten enemies." The old man Niu was extremely confident.

Then he said helplessly: "It's a pity that the time is too short now, otherwise we would all be equipped with such all-steel weapons, and it wouldn't be a problem even if we slaughtered these little Huns."

Xu Wei said: "It's okay, we haven't discarded our previous weapons, and now we're trying to make more. As long as these weapons can arm the cavalry, that's enough."

Then he also said helplessly: "Fighting in northern Xinjiang, without cavalry is like a blind man! But our number of cavalry is too small."

Even if Xu Wei tried to increase the number of cavalry, the number of cavalry in his hands is only 3000, and most of them have only been trained for a few months. They can only be regarded as infantry on horseback. How much combat power can the authentic Hun cavalry deliver.Therefore, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of these cavalry, Xu Wei equipped them with the latest half-length steel armor, steel helmets, and steel swords. It can be said that the price of this set of equipment exceeds 100 gold in the territory of Dahan, and it can be said that it is made of gold. cavalry
Of course, in order to improve combat effectiveness, the cavalry three-piece suit is indispensable.Horseshoes, horse stools, Gaoqiao saddles, and Xu Wei were all equipped for the cavalry.With these three-piece suits, the combat power of the cavalry has at least doubled.

Moreover, each cavalry is equipped with a crossbow bolt, and if the enemy is found remotely, they will shoot directly.It can be said that these precious cavalry have been armed to the teeth by Xu Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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