I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 560, clean up the garbage

Chapter 560, clean up the garbage

Although Fan Xian understood Bao Xin's mood, he could not agree with his actions.He immediately said: "Cao Cao has brought an army of 10 to support Beihai County. We need to race against time. If Cao Cao's lair has not been conquered during this period, we will completely lose this opportunity."

Bao Xin said indifferently: "If you lose it, you will lose it. Even if Cao Cao supported Beihai County, he would not be able to overthrow the sky. His entire army has come to Beihai. What can the south bank of the Yellow River do to resist Wang Lei's 30 army? Soon he will teach him to be a man."

"Besides, it's not completely useless for us to do this. The local people in Qingzhou are not small. Although most of the young and strong were recruited into the army by Cao Cao, there are still some people in the countryside. We only need to eliminate these powerful clans and master them. The Qingzhou rural regime organized these people, and our 10 army will soon become 20 or even 30. Back then, we fought more and more in Jizhou, and finally annexed the entire Jizhou easily!"

Fan Xian said angrily, "You said it all, the young and strong were recruited by Cao Cao, and most of the people left in the countryside were old and weak women and children. What's the use of me recruiting these people? It's not a waste of military rations to support them for nothing. .”

Bao Dao said: "How could it be possible that these people were raised for nothing? Although there are not many young and strong people in the village of Qingzhou, most of Cao Cao's soldiers are their families. Let them call the soldiers home, and Cao Cao's army will surely collapse without a fight. These are the best people to defeat Cao Cao's army!"

When Fan Xian heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "Is this method feasible?"

Bao Dao said, "Why is it not feasible! The Jizhou Army back then would have collapsed without a fight!"

Fan Xian was relieved, and no longer stopped Bao Xin's actions. Instead, he focused on the rear, and continued to organize the people in the rear, let them do what they could, and let these people lead the soldiers of the army. Eliminate the Wubao of Qingzhou's powerful and noble families one by one.

At this time, Fan Xian unexpectedly discovered that these people were surprisingly useful. With them leading the way, many internal problems occurred directly in the Wubao, and a large number of people who were forcibly recruited by the powerful and noble families secretly opened the gate of the Wubao, and enlarged the army to enter. .

Faced with this situation, Fan Xian had to sigh: "Sure enough, no matter how strong a fortress is, it's easy to conquer from within!"

The conversation was divided into two parts, Qingzhou was fighting fiercely, and Guo Jia was naturally very anxious about the situation in Qingzhou. He rode the Dagan rail carriage all the way day and night, and finally arrived at Jixian, the capital of Dagan, on the 5th day.Then he handed Xu Wei a letter to discuss peace.

Xu Wei also said with a look of disbelief: "Cao Cao actually wants to negotiate a peace at this time? What conditions can you come up with now?"

Now that Cao Cao is besieged by Xu Wei on three sides, there are only some big cities in Xuzhou that have not been conquered, but the rural counties have basically been brought under the command of the big army.Without the support of Xuzhou's countryside, these big cities will not last long before they fall.

Not to mention Qingzhou, which was attacked by Xu Wei with 40 yuan. Even though Cao Cao still has more than 10 troops in his hands, his failure is inevitable. In this case, what conditions can Cao Cao come up with? Make peace with yourself?

Wang Ge said with a smile: "In this situation, Cao Cao still has the ability to negotiate peace with us! Unconditional surrender is his best choice. Seeing that he is so knowledgeable, the ruling party simply won't let him dig ore. Give him With 100 mu of land, it is enough for him to be a commoner in our Dagan country."

Wang Ge's words made many people nod, thinking that this was already the best condition they could accept.

Jia Xu said: "After all, Cao Cao has more than 10 troops in his hands. If he is really willing to give up the army in his hands, it will not only reduce the casualties of our army, but also allow us to concentrate our forces against Liu Bei in the south of the Yangtze River. The subordinates think that Cao Cao's request If it’s not too high, we can still agree.”

Xu Wei still met with Guo Jia, he also wanted to see what Guo Jia wanted to say, and what conditions Cao Cao could come up with.

After Guo Jia saw Xu Wei, he immediately bowed and said: "The ministers have seen Lei Gong governing!"

Xu Wei said: "Cao Cao said that he wants to negotiate a peace. Considering that he still has 10 troops in his hands, tell us about your terms of peace! If it is not too much, I can spare Cao Cao's life!"

Guo Jiadao: "My lord is willing to give up the land of Qingzhou and Xuzhou, and only ask Lei Gong to give him a place to live when he is in power!"

Xu Wei asked strangely: "Is Cao Cao really willing to give up Qingqingzhou and Xuzhou so much?"

Guo Jia smiled wryly and said: "Facing Lei Gong's army of millions, my lord has to give up if he doesn't give up."

Xu Wei said: "I like to hear these words, but I listen to what Cao Cao means. Does he not want to give up his army and his subordinates? Or do he want to continue to conquer the world?"

Guo Jia immediately said: "No, no, my lord still dares to think about conquering the world, but he just wants to find a piece of land for our subordinates to settle down outside of the big men!"

Only giving up the land, not the army, Cao Cao wants to become king overseas.But Xu Wei didn't think it mattered.People in this world may think that the great man has already occupied all the lands in the known world.

But Xu Wei knew where this was occupied?Even 1/10 of the world is not occupied, and there are unowned lands overseas, waiting for people to occupy them, and most of these unowned lands have only some primitive people, and they don't even have a country.It can even be said that during the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were very few forces that could truly become a country, and they were basically concentrated in the Middle East and Europe of the Han Dynasty.It is not wrong to say that other places are wild places!For a hero like Cao Cao, it would be beneficial for Huo Huo to go to other ethnic groups besides the big Han. After all, he opened up a new homeland.

Before Xu Wei crossed over, it can be said that the entire Celestial Dynasty was surrounded, and those second emperors could live well even with the land they grabbed from their ancestors, but people like Xu Wei can only continue to die in 996 .Now that the conditions are available, it seems to be a good choice to let the heroes like Cao Cao snatch all the overseas land in advance!

After thinking for a while, Xu Wei said: "Well, for the sake of Cao Cao being so knowledgeable, I agree to this condition. Where does Cao Cao want to lead his subordinates, the Western Regions, or Jiangnan, or the desert or overseas?"

Guo Jia's novel said: "I heard that Dagan discovered a gold and silver island overseas, and besides gold and silver, this island has an extremely large area, but there are only a group of savages and some savages living on it. My lord I am willing to help the ruler guard this island and open up a new home for my Chinese civilization!"

Wang Ge immediately said angrily: "Cao Cao is just daydreaming. Don't think that you have hundreds of thousands of troops in your hands, so you can make conditions with us. Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops can survive for two months without even talking about it. To occupy Treasure Island, Cao Cao is wishful thinking!"

Other generals and senior officials of Dagan also denounced the country one after another.Treasure Island is extremely important to Daqian.The gold and silver they excavated from Treasure Island last year added up to more than 500 million taels.It is these gold and silver that strongly support Dagan's banknotes, so that Dagan's financial market remains stable, and even if this is not mentioned, 500 million taels of gold and silver are an incomparably huge wealth.

Now Cao Cao, a defeated general, is trying to occupy Daqian's Treasure Island. To Wang Ge and the others, Cao Cao simply doesn't know what is good or bad.

Guo Jia immediately said: "Everyone is wrong. How dare my lord occupy the Gold and Silver Island where Lei Gong is in power. Wa Island has a huge area, and many places do not produce gold and silver. My lord just wants some land like this to settle himself. subordinate."

Wang Ge retorted: "That's not okay. Although Cao Cao is a defeated general, he is our enemy after all. Let him lead his troops to settle down near Treasure Island. Cao Cao may not have such an idea now, but wait a few years for his strength. After recovering, I will definitely spy on the Treasure Island where I worked so hard, so it’s not that I have left a disaster for myself.”

"You told Cao Cao that if he wants to surrender, he has the attitude of surrendering. Since he still has hundreds of thousands of troops, my family's ruler is willing to bypass his life. We will not treat the civil servants and generals under Cao Cao's command as prisoners. In the future The most you can do is live with me at ease."

Guo Jia said: "The conditions are too harsh. After all, our army still has more than [-] troops. Although we cannot defeat your large army, we can at least take away the lives of tens of thousands of your soldiers. Why should Lei Gong come up with such harsh measures when he is in power?" Conditions, what my lord wants is just a deserted island overseas, and it doesn't even belong to the territory of the big man. If it is in the big man, my lord is naturally the enemy of Lei Gong's regime. There is nothing to say about it. Both sides fight according to their own abilities.

"But my lord already wants to escape from the circle of right and wrong of the big man, and has fled overseas. Why is Lei Gong unwilling to give my lord a way out? You must know that my lord Lian Qingzhou's powerful clan has more than [-] people. It can change the world, not to mention hundreds of thousands of people are desperately fighting, and the ruling government does not give a way out. I believe it is definitely not easy to bear."

Guo Taixian sneered and said: "What else do you want to find a way out? We starved to death so many people back then, and the food in your granary was moldy. Have you ever thought about giving those starving people a way out? If you say that Mr. Lei's administration has already given you a way out." The way out is to put down the swords in your hands and be an ordinary citizen. It is the best condition for us not to pursue your crimes. If you want to raise conditions, then we will use artillery to speak. The hundreds of thousands of troops in Cao Cao's hands , Although it looks like a lot, I have wiped out hundreds of thousands of troops not once or twice, I just see Cao Cao can carry it for a few months."

But Xu Wei was a little bit moved at this time. If Cao Cao really left the big man, and brought hundreds of thousands of nobles with him, it would be a good thing for Xu Wei. The powerful and nobles were the foundational people for Cao Cao.

But for Dagan at this time, it was a pile of rubbish, rotten and stinking, especially Xu Wei wanted to bring the big man into an industrialized society. The cleaner the dregs of the feudal era, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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