I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 570, Xiangkai's worries

Chapter 570, Xiangkai's worries
With this military rank system, everyone's appetite has been temporarily whetted. After the autumn harvest, it is time to hold the Four People's Congress. Everyone can wait at most half a year to know the result, and they are still willing to wait for this time.

Now many people have begun to fantasize about their military ranks and the benefits they will enjoy.

At the same time, they knew that Xu Wei wanted to create an ambition to surpass the achievements of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Many people were crying in their hearts. The industry that Xu Wei just mentioned was enough for them to work hard for decades. I am afraid that the future will be the same It won't be easy.

Their ruler has always been full of energy, and after the world has been pacified, he still wants to make such a fuss. In the history of more than 3000 years from ancient times to the present, few emperors are like this.I am afraid that their idea of ​​enjoying life will come to nothing, and I am afraid that there will be more things for everyone to do in the future.

Of course, the matter of enfeoffment overseas is also in the scope of discussion among everyone, and the discussion is even heated.

Although everyone is reluctant to part with the affluent life in Ji County, it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't want an island or country that is completely their own.

One of the staff members joked: "If the government wants to give me the Treasure Island, even if it is only a hundred acres, as long as the gold and silver can be dug out, I am willing to take it!"

Then someone immediately mocked: "You dare to think about it, the gold and silver dug out of Treasure Island last year exceeded 500 million taels, and if converted into money, it would be billions. Even if we work hard, there are not many factories." The profit is more than this. And since this year, several gold mining areas have appeared around Wa Island. I am afraid that more gold and silver will be dug out this year. Now the general state and county are not as important as Wa Island. I am afraid that if you want to get close to Wa Island Difficult, if I really want to go overseas, this is just a deserted island!"

"But other deserted islands, no matter how much land they have, are not as good as our inland operations. No matter how many fields there are, what's the point? How good is life in Jixian County? If we go to a smoky place overseas, maybe a disease will wipe us out. Take them all away." The staff officer said unconvinced.

"It can't be said that there may be epidemics in the mainland, but there are few such things in overseas islands, and a gold and silver mine can be found on Wa Island. Maybe other islands will have other products, but we don't know now. , as long as the special products of these overseas islands are detected, there may be many people who really want to go overseas.

I think it’s better to look at Cao Cao’s movements first. They are not assigned to Crab Island in the north. After a few years, if Cao Cao still can’t develop, it means that enfeoffment and going overseas will only endure hardships, but if Cao Cao can really develop, we all After suffering for so many years, it is nothing to suffer for future generations.

After all, going overseas is not as strict as the internal control of the Dagan. Judging from the meaning of governance, it is completely an independent country that belongs to us. We cannot become princes within the Dagan, but it is not bad to become a king overseas! "

Many staff officers nodded in agreement. They followed Xu Wei for more than ten years and built a Mayi into the south of the Yangtze River. After having this experience, they don't mind going to remote places, they are just worried about going there. It is not what everyone wants to see when there is no future in the local area and suffering all the time.

So the key is whether there is any future in going overseas. Now many people are staring at Cao Cao and the others.

On the other side, Xiang Kai and Jia Xu got together to discuss today's events.

Xiang Kai said helplessly: "Sure enough, it's like this again. Our government seems to be very good at drawing big cakes, but I don't know what the military rank system will look like this time?"

Jia Xu said: "Maybe some financial subsidies will be given. Dagan is not short of money. It is nothing to give these heroes who have conquered the world a little more money. Dagan can support them.

But privileges may not be given. Through my observations over the past few years, I found that the ruling party does not like privileges. It has always been committed to making everyone in the world equal. To ensure this, even the emperor is not willing to do it. I admire it very much. Being in power and being able to reject the temptation of the imperial power, the 3000-year Chinese civilization has only been rumored in ancient times, and it is not known whether it is true or not, but today Xu has seen it. "

Xiang Kai worried: "But I think this matter is too unreliable, especially when the world is not peaceful yet!"

How to deal with the problem of heroes has always been a problem through the ages. When Liu Bang made wishes indiscriminately, he dared to grant everything, so there were many people who supported him, and Xiang Yu was so stingy that many of his subordinates who were originally his subordinates also rebelled. Xiang Yu finally turned to Liu Bang to besiege him.The world was finally taken by Liu Bang.

But after defeating Xiang Yu, Liu Bang soon encountered problems. He found that he had divided most of the world, especially Han Xin, the king of Qi, whose strength was not much worse than that of Han Emperor. You are for your own country , Liu Bang killed all these princes and kings of the opposite sex.

And Liu Xiu, as the son of the plane, is easy to conquer the world, and he is kind to the heroes, but it is because of this kindness that the Eastern Han government has always been difficult to become strong, and these heroes have become the biggest moths of the Eastern Han government.

But now they are very stingy in power. They are unwilling to give status and privileges. Xiangkai is worried that the generals will lose their morale, so Liu Bei pushes them back. Half of the country is in hand.

Jia Xu said indifferently: "Master, don't worry about this. He is not governed by a few heroic officials. If Emperor Gaozu didn't have heroes like Xiao He, Han Xin, and Zhang Liang, he wouldn't be able to rule the world for 400 years. If Emperor Shizu Without the help of the twenty-eight heroes of Yuntai, it would not have been possible for the past two hundred years of the Later Han Dynasty."

"But now, master, look at my heroes, which one is irreplaceable, and which one of them became famous before they met in power.

In my opinion, all the heroes who have worked hard are now credited because they are in power. No one is irreplaceable. Even if some people are replaced, the power can still win the whole world.

The ruling can take over the whole world, relying on the support of the general public and the military officers who are continuously trained by the military academy. If the current heroes really dare to work and do not work hard, the ruling will remove them and replace them with other officers. It can calm the world. "

Xiang Kai thought it was true, Zhang Baiqi and the others did not meet Xu Weiqian, but they were just a small commander of the Yellow Turban Army, a big man and a school lieutenant could wipe him out, Niu Gui, Wang Lei and the others.It is even the ordinary people at the bottom of the Han Dynasty, who can't read a few big characters. If it weren't for Xu Wei, these people would have starved to death.

The heroes of Daqian are all losers before they met Xu Wei, because Xu Wei has the status today, and none of them is really irreplaceable. These people really don't have the capital to bargain with Xu Wei.

Jia Xu said: "The ruler already has his own ideas, and he also knows that the heroes of the great cadres may affect the future governance of the world, so he threw away the overseas land, and wanted to get all these heroes overseas to reduce their influence on the great. Influence from within.

And Cao Cao is the horse bone in power. I am afraid that in the past two years, he will support Cao Cao and let Cao Cao develop in Crab Island. As long as there is a successful example of Cao Cao, I am afraid that many heroes will want to be entrusted overseas. It solves the problem of how to reward heroes, and also solves the problem of internal friction among the cadres. It can also clear some positions and arrange more talented people to govern the world. It can be said that enfeoffment overseas is multi-purpose! "

Jia Xu's statement did not relieve Xiang Kai's worries.

"You have also heard the future development plan of Dagan formulated by the ruling government just now. The large amount of projects is frightening to death. Even though we have a strong infrastructure construction capability, I am still worried that this will lead to chaos. Since ancient times, the world has been peaceful. , there is no such a large-scale infrastructure construction, but to recuperate with the people, and chaos like governing will lead to big troubles.

"It's not uncommon for people to engage in construction. That's what the first emperor did, but the Tyrant Qin died in the second generation. Wenhe, don't you think our ruling is too similar to the original first emperor?
The first emperor ended hundreds of years of wars since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and created a brand new dynasty. "

"And we, the noble family who have been in power for hundreds of years, can be regarded as ushering in a new era. They are also ambitious. After the first emperor ruled the world, he did not stop his pace of conquest. Conquering the mountains, so the first emperor never stopped fighting in his life."

"And our government is even more powerful. When the world was still not unified, the desert had already been annexed by him. Now that Liu Bei has not been eliminated, he can't wait to throw it out of the overseas mainland. Obviously, after the world is settled, our ambitious ruler want to occupy these places."

These two are heroes who come out once every 500 years. I'm afraid that both of them will end up in the same way. After working hard to get to the current situation, they will lose the hearts of the people because of the excessive abuse of people's power, and lead to the collapse of the world. .

After hearing Xiang Kai's last words, Jia Xu found that Xu Wei was somewhat similar to the first emperor, but he thought for a while and said, "There are still differences between the ruling and the first emperor. Although the first emperor suffered, his birth It is a member of the royal family, who only whips the people of the world, but rarely has a heart of love. The people are tools to the first emperor, and he doesn't care whether life is good or bad, as long as it does not affect his rule of the world.

But our governance is really based on the people at the bottom. He understands the living conditions of the people at the bottom, sympathizes with the people, and loves the people. The people like me have lived up to the love and care for them. It is with their support that the government has unified The capital of the world.

The master said that Dagan uses the power of the people to transition. This cannot be regarded as a fact. There is no corvee at all in Dagan. It can even be said that the entire Dagan only has [-]% tax, and this is the only tax. Even if the people help us do things and govern It is also paid, which is equivalent to the imperial court hiring people to do things. As long as they can earn money, the people can support themselves. Naturally, there is no such thing as excessive corvee. What is the difference between doing things for the court and doing things for merchants? "

"Master, look at the number of people that Dagan has to hire every year. In which year is it less than a million people? How many people in the world are unwilling to help me do things? They all flock here, and under such circumstances, it is a joke to say that people’s power is being abused, and the people are eager to hire their whole family away, and even become workers in government-run factories, so that they can harvest hard-core crops without drought or flood.”

Xiangkai suddenly discovered that Dagan is completely different from Dahan. Everyone hates government-run factories in Dahan, because not only do you have no income to work there, you have to support yourself. It's pediatrics.

But in Dagan, it is the place where heroes are placed. As long as you enter the factory, you will not have to suffer from hunger for the rest of your life. The status in Dagan is also high, and the income is also good. It can be said that this is the place that everyone most hopes to enter.

Under such circumstances, everyone is eager to enter the government-run factories, and if they say that the people's power is too much, this is playing hooligans.

"And I think it's a stroke of genius to distribute heroes overseas. Since ancient times, heroes have been the most difficult to arrange. In order to stabilize the country, Emperor Gaozu almost killed kings with different surnames. The weakness of the Later Han laid the groundwork, and these heroes quickly transformed into powerful clans that endangered the world. They competed with the imperial court for power and profit, and harmed the interests of the people all over the world, so that the military strength of the Later Han was less than one-tenth of that of the Former Han."

"And now it's our turn to solve the problem of heroes, and this time we have found a new way to govern, and we have taken a third way, which is to entrust heroes overseas. Even if they cause trouble, they can only cause trouble overseas.

Moreover, this method of enfeoffment also expands my Dagan's territory in a disguised form, and can increase my Dagan's sphere of influence. Even when there are too many people in my Dagan and the land is not enough, these overseas vassal states are ours. At the flood outlet of the Dagan population, all the refugees can migrate to the territory of these vassal states. "

"Eight hundred years of history, Wenhe, how dare you think, the old man only hopes that the great leader of the country will die. I am too impatient to be in power, and I like novelty things. I often come up with new systems, but the new ones The system often means that there is no experience, and it all depends on everyone to explore, but as long as you explore, there may be no mistakes. You can find ways to improve the governance of small mistakes, but if there are big mistakes, it will cause chaos in the world.

Therefore, since ancient times, the governance of the country has been dominated by inaction, and the system of the previous dynasty has been used to make minor repairs. How can it be like we only govern, the system of the previous dynasty is completely abandoned, and a new system is completely adopted, and so want Those who can accomplish something wish that the things that have lasted for thousands of years can be completely solved in the hands of one generation, and there will be troubles. "

(End of this chapter)

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