I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 574, famous in history

Chapter 574, famous in history

In the next half a year, it is just a matter of working hard in the officialdom. It can be said that the officials are not living well. The start of a state.It is aimed at the entire officialdom, and many people are caught off guard by this change.Guo Daxian arrested thousands of people, and then these people were beheaded by Guo Daxian for the most heinous people, and the lighter ones were exiled to the newly discovered Ryukyu Island. They will become the first batch of people to build Ryukyu Island.

Many of these people are veterans of Dagan, and many of them came to Guo Daxian to intercede, but Guo Daxian was unmoved.

There is also the so-called civil censor who treats them like the paparazzi of the gossip tabloids in later generations, watching every move of the officials in the officialdom. If the officials make a slight mistake, they may report it, and then they will immediately attract Guo Daxian to investigate. There is nothing wrong, but it also makes many officials frightened. Many officials feel that the current officialdom is full of traps.

Taking advantage of this trend, the Dagan Mirror News has not only become the largest-selling newspaper in Jixian County, but also the number one newspaper in Dagan. You need to read the Dagan Mirror to understand the internal trends of Dagan. It can be said that due to the accumulation of these factors, the Luoyang paper made by Dagan Mirror has become more expensive for a while.

And other people see Der Spiegel can also affect the officialdom, many people find that the newspaper can be used as a stage for their participation in politics, and they can even take revenge on the big officials who make them unable to be officials. It is also a joy to be a gentry.

The most important thing they found was that not only did Xu Wei not restrict them from accepting corruption in the officialdom, but he was even happy to see such a thing.

This is not much different from the monthly list back then, we are familiar with this set!
Moreover, only Xu Shao and a few great Confucian scholars were qualified to point out gentry and officials in the Yuedan list back then, but now they can supervise the officialdom as long as they run a newspaper. Now that Xu Wei is still there, there is nothing to see, but after Xu Wei dies of illness, they may not be able to influence Dagan's officialdom through newspapers, and finally let them re-enter Dagan's officialdom.

Driven by these many factors, newspapers discussing current affairs have sprung up in Dagan like mushrooms after rain.

The editor-in-chiefs of many newspapers refer to their reporters as commoner censors, pleading for orders from the people and eradicating harm for the country.

In less than half a year, thousands of journalists who dare to act for the people have been recruited, and these journalists have indeed caught many of their corrupt elements.

Under the influence of these internal and external factors, the officials of Daqian feel that the six months are particularly difficult!
Especially many high-ranking and middle-level officials, they originally thought that the world was about to be unified, and it was their turn to enjoy the world.

But now, with the expansion of the Censor's Mansion and the appearance of reporters, these two slaps have immediately slapped many senior officials with stares, making them dare not relax, and once again work tremblingly for the common people.

In this way, after the autumn harvest in September, the annual Four People's Assembly was opened again.

Under the auspices of Xiang Kai, everyone knows that the main content of this year's meeting is to appraise the meritorious service of Dagan, who has fought for more than ten years.

And everyone also highly approves of this bill, because many of these congressmen have joined the army and contributed to the big work. Most of them are even the old subordinates of Wang Lei, Niu Gui and others. On the side of the high-ranking officials.

It's just that they didn't expect that they would become one of the meritorious officials, which made everyone feel flattered. Didn't the ruler do this kind of thing?
But at this moment, old man Wang said: "We should not only judge the merits of the generals when we appraise the merits and awards. The common people and soldiers who worked hard were also born and died, and they gave their lives. That's why we are sitting here to judge everyone's credits. , we can't forget these ordinary heroes. So I think grassroots soldiers should also give credit!"

Old man Wang's words caused a lot of discussion among the people, but most people also thought it made sense. They are these ordinary heroes. Refused, and they have indeed gone through life and death for the big job. It can be said that one tenth of the congressmen here are disabled, so they paid their blood on the battlefield and survived barely, but their physical disabilities are not enough. Inevitable, can only retreat.

Only Xiang Kai worried: "If you really judge like this, I'm afraid there won't be too many heroes?"

Although Xiangkai knew that this was Xu Wei's proposal, he still felt that Xu Wei's idea was too unfeasible.

There were only hundreds of heroes in the period of Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the number of heroes in the period of Liu Xiu was almost the same. If you look at the old man Wang, it is possible to get thousands or even tens of thousands of heroes.

But tens of thousands of founding heroes, this is not a joke, if you really reward tens of thousands of people, no court can support it.But if they can't reward the meritorious officials generously, then wouldn't it be a joke for them to judge meritorious deeds and awards!In this day and age, everyone doesn't play tricks, and directly talks about actual interests.

But the old man Wang said indifferently: "Everyone is divided according to the size of the credit. You always have to take care of everything. You can do what you can. No one will think that the big work is the result of dozens or hundreds of meritorious officials." Bar!"

Hearing this, many councilors nodded in agreement. This world was fought by a million-strong army. How could it be possible to conquer the world with just a few dozen generals and lieutenants.

However, someone still asked: "Then how to judge, if there are dozens of people, everyone will look at the record and achievements, and there will be an order, but if there are tens of thousands of people, it will be difficult to judge. "

The old man Wang said with a smile: "It's not easy. For ordinary generals, as long as they fight bravely and kill many enemies, we can be judged as combat heroes. We don't have to give too much money and land, but we must give them honor. They came to Jixian County to accept the reception and awards from the ruling government and us, and at the same time help these heroes solve their worries in daily life. If you think about it, these fighting heroes will be satisfied.

Everyone nodded unanimously, thinking that this method is possible. Although the cost is not high, it can make these fighting heroes feel that they are valued.

"We should act now. There are few big officers and officers, and they don't care if it is a few days late, but the grass-roots evaluation can be done quickly. Just last year, we defeated the big man and captured the two states and counties of the big man. Emerging There are a large number of combat heroes, and most of these heroes have retired now, and it is just now that the credit is assessed, and we can also arrange their post-retirement work according to the size of the credit!"

"And with this experience, we will be more experienced in evaluating these heroes in the future!"

Dagan's army has always been recruited during wartime, and it is mainly engaged in farming in peacetime. After all, even with Dagan's finances, it cannot afford to support 80 standing troops.

So every time, most of the army is demobilized as soon as the war is over, and only some elite backbones remain in the main army.

The retiring of soldiers involves work arrangements. In the past, such matters were basically arranged according to their positions. People with higher positions naturally had to arrange better jobs, and those with lower positions naturally had poorer arrangements. At one point, some soldiers were even given money to go home and farm.

After all, no matter how developed Dagan's industry is, it is only in the stage of handicraft industry, and the number of people it can accommodate is still limited, not to mention that Xu Wei's recruitment this time is 80, and the number of veterans is almost the same.

With the scale of the handicraft industry at this time, it is impossible to arrange these 80 people. It is also a helpless move to let these soldiers return to the countryside again.

Although there are two more states in this big campaign, it has connected the Central Plains into one piece, and without the enemy Cao Cao, the required troops will naturally be greatly reduced, like Jizhou.Now it has completely become the hinterland of Dagan. The original 5 standing army is now cut down to only 1 people, and Yanzhou has the same fate.

Therefore, after the Battle of the Central Plains, the number of large cadres decreased instead. The number of standing troops remained at about 30, and the cavalry was greatly reduced. It fell below double digits for the first time, with only about 5. Arranged on the front line of the Western Regions in the desert.

It is indeed too wasteful to let such organized and distanced soldiers go home to farm again. In the industrial age, not only machines are important, but also organized and disciplined soldiers are equally important.

After finally training these soldiers to be disciplined, it is extremely wasteful for Dagan to put them in the countryside and become loose farmers again, so Xu Wei has been trying his best to find ways to organize these retired soldiers as much as possible. Up, but as things stand, forming a state farm and eating these ex-soldiers is the best future.

After Old Man Wang's proposal, many congressmen wrote to Xu Wei, saying that they should first evaluate the merits of the soldiers at the grassroots level, and demanded that the imperial court be in the army now.The qualified heroes were screened out and came to Ji County to receive the reward.

Xu Wei naturally agreed, and he ordered Niu Gui to first assess the soldiers' merits according to the parliament's statement.

In the next month, Xu Wei's orders were issued level by level, and the credit of the grassroots soldiers was the easiest to determine. How many people were killed and how many enemies were captured? According to statistics, everyone only needs to remove mid-level and senior generals whose positions exceed those of the military Sima according to this list, and then rank them according to their merits. Finally, 5000 combat heroes will be selected.

So a month later, this group of combat heroes came to Ji County. Even though the Battle of the Central Plains had ended for more than half a year, this group of people were still injured, but their condition was much better. You can come to Ji County to receive rewards.

The reward conference is naturally public, and Xu Wei followed the process he saw on modern TV.

First, he presided over the meeting, and led the top executives to reward and encourage these heroes, and then the representatives of the heroes wore red and ribbons and paraded through the streets on tall horses.This is also an old tradition of the big army. The people who farm the fields are parading on horseback, accepting the welcome and support of the people of Jixian County.

And these fighters risked their lives to make Daqian strong now, and with Dagan people living a stable life, we must let the people know that their stable life is made by these fighters, and we must respect these fighters.

And soldiers have the honor given to them by the people, so naturally they will not be separated from the people. This is what Xu Wei wants to see. an army.

Xu Wei believes that as long as the Dagan army inherits the three-point spirit of that army, it will be enough to make them invincible.

And being able to see the shadow of that army in this world is also a bit of Xu Wei's thought!So he has always formed the main army according to the standards of that army.

After the lively celebration ceremony is over, the celebration banquet begins after the completion. It can even be said that this is the protagonist. The newly joined members have only heard of such a big banquet, but have never seen it. Now they can join in such a big banquet. They also have a sense of honor at the banquet.

And this is handled by Old Man Wang himself. Among the entire army, he has the most experience in organizing large banquets with a scale of more than [-] people.

He even had a look of nostalgia. As the strength of the Dagan army became stronger and stronger, the tribes became richer, and the old tribes were scattered in various places in the Dagan land, like the hundreds of thousands of people in those days. The scene of celebrating together is no longer seen.

And Xu Wei took the high-level officers and soldiers of the entire army to sit and eat with these combat heroes.At the same time, Xu Wei kept asking about the deeds of these combat heroes.

And this was also the most glorious moment for these fighters. They told Xu Wei enthusiastically about their heroic moments, how many enemies they defeated, how many enemies they captured, how many cities they conquered, and how much they paid.

Every soldier who talked about these heroic deeds was beaming with joy, and they talked even more eloquently.

Xu Wei said in admiration: "Your heroic deeds should not only be told to me alone, but also to the entire cadres, and even our descendants, so that they know how wonderful our country was founded. It’s not easy, and the current happy life is even more expensive, and these deeds of yours will be passed down to future generations, so that they will firmly remember them.”

After hearing the hypocrisy, the soldier was surprised and said, "I'm famous now?"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "Yes, it is to make you famous, to make your name go down in history, and you are worthy of doing so."

(End of this chapter)

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