I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 584 Chapter 585, The Grand Canal

Chapter 584 Chapter 585, The Grand Canal
Wang Lei was a little angry when he heard Mi Zhu's words. Cotton cloth was comfortable and Wang Lei didn't lack money, so he liked clothes made of cotton cloth after it went public.But he didn't want to be taken advantage of. Since the cotton cloth is produced in Xiliang, no matter how expensive it is, it can't reach ten thousand yuan.

Mi Zhu continued to laugh and said: "The wool cloth I dry has its inherent flaws, that is, it is thick, which is an advantage in winter, especially when the weather has become colder and colder in recent years, many people like to be thick and thick. wool cloth, but it becomes a complete defect in summer, and clothes made of fine wool cloth cannot be worn in summer.”

Although Dagan is now in the Little Ice Age, the temperature in summer is still high, and there are even extremely high temperatures. But the disadvantage of silk is that it is not airtight, and it is easy to stick to the body after sweating, and the comfort is not high. When there was no cotton cloth in the past, rich people could only use silk.

However, after the appearance of cotton clothes, it instantly defeated silk with its advantages of breathability and perspiration, and became the first choice of rich people in Dagan in summer. Now Dagan is the place with the most rich people in the world. Under the panic buying, this is the price of a batch of cotton cloth tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, according to the Xiliang businessman, it took tens of thousands of miles of cotton cloth to sell at such a high price, and everyone can accept it.But if it is true as what Mi Zhu said, cotton cloth is originally produced by Daqian, but the price is so high, it is a bit of a mistake to take them for granted. After all, Daqian's textile technology is the best in the world, and any cloth is processed by Daqian textile factory The processing can be reduced by more than half, but now the price of cotton cloth has not been reduced, but the price has been increased. This is what makes Wang Lei most angry.

And Mi Zhu went on to say, "According to my survey, the land for cotton cultivation in Xiliang has exceeded one million, and several textile factories have opened in Xiliang. The cost of a piece of cotton cloth for Xiliang merchants is not much More than 800 yuan, or even lower, because as long as the scale continues to expand, the cost will definitely continue to decrease.”

Now even Chen Deng was surprised and said: "There are more than ten times the profit. These cotton cloth merchants have lost their profits!"

Other Xuzhou businessmen were astonished when they heard this set of data. Daqian business is developing rapidly now, but there are not many industries that can earn 10 times the profit. For a while, they envied and hated Xiliang businessmen!
"These Xiliang people are too treacherous. They all know how to cry for poverty in Jixian County. Our Dagan court has to find a way to give Xiliang more than one billion yuan every year, but we didn't expect that Xiliang people would have already made a lot of money!" A Xuzhou native The MP said angrily.

According to Mi Zhu, the cotton cloth industry in Xiliang has a turnover of tens of billions a year. Even if a piece of cloth costs 3000 yuan, the cotton cloth industry has a turnover of billions a year. Xiliang has a population of only one million. Well, even if the money is distributed equally, every Xiliang commoner can get thousands of dollars.Not to mention that the cotton cloth industry is really developing rapidly, and if it really develops into such a huge woolen cloth industry, I am afraid that Xiliang will become the richest place in Daqian.

But every time the Four Peoples Congress Xiliang people kept crying for poverty, it seemed that Xiliang would starve to death if they didn't help Xiliang, but they didn't expect that Xiliang had secretly developed such a big industry!Xiliang people are so good at acting, they have fooled the whole world.

Mi Zhu said with a smile: "The earning may not be as much as everyone thinks. After all, Xiliang is remote. Although it is not thousands of miles away to transport cotton cloth from Dunhuang to Zhongyuan, it is still 5000 miles away. The cost of transportation alone exceeds the cost of the cloth itself. s price.

And one million acres of cotton seems to be a lot, but in fact, the annual output of cotton cloth is only about 100 million pieces, and the best ones are even less. Therefore, businessmen in the Western Regions are now trying to expand the area of ​​cotton cloth planted. "

"It's just that the Xiliang people made a huge mistake. They actually placed the cotton plantation in Dunhuang to keep it secret. Although they blocked everyone's news about the cotton cloth in a short period of time, the transportation cost of the cotton cloth increased by thousands of miles for no reason! This caused the high price of cotton cloth! But Xiliang merchants can do this kind of thing, so why can’t our Xuzhou merchants do it? Xiliang is originally located in the west of Dagan, so it can be said that it is a remote area.

It is because of the 5-mile journey from Dunhuang to Chang'an that we can help us defeat Xiliang cotton cloth. As long as we set up a cotton spinning and cotton planting garden in Xuzhou, the cotton cloth we woven can be sold directly to the most affluent Central Plains region, and The cost of shipping is extremely low, not to mention, the richest places in my career are all in the coastal areas. As long as our cotton cloth appears, these places will be our markets. Even if we sell it for 2000 yuan, there will be a double the profit, but if a Xiliang businessman dares to buy 2000 yuan, he will go bankrupt! "

But when Wang Lei heard this, he immediately stopped Mi Zhu and said: "No matter how much wasteland there is, I can't give it to you. The land I work on is all state-owned, and private individuals are not allowed to own more than 100 acres of land. If you want to Forget about a few cotton plantations."

The previous business war Wang Lei just listened to the excitement, but when he heard that Mi Zhu and the others wanted to build a plantation, he immediately came to his senses. They were called plantations. The land could be scarce, and these businessmen really wanted to make a comeback.

When Mi Zhu, Chen Deng and others heard Wang Lei's resolute refusal, they all sighed in their hearts. Obviously, the state ownership of land has penetrated into the entire ranks of officials, and they don't want to change this policy.And they can't shake this policy for a while.

Mi Zhu immediately laughed and said: "Of course we dare not violate the ruling laws. Although we cannot own land, the governor can build several farms in Xuzhou. Xuzhou now has tens of millions of acres of wasteland, which is the most fertile land. , It’s a pity that everyone feels that it’s a pity that you just report to the government that you want to build a few farms in Xuzhou, reclaim all these wastelands, and then plant all these lands with cotton. After the harvest, you can use all the cotton Leave it to me, and I'll spin the cotton into cotton cloth and that's it.

Even the people in Xuzhou can do the same. [-]% of their land is used to grow food, and the remaining [-]% of the land can be used to grow cotton. In this way, the people in Xuzhou can not only have food, but also make money by growing cotton, and the people in Xuzhou can quickly become rich .

I can sign an agreement with them, and I can purchase all the cotton they grow, so that they will not suffer, my lord, the governor will also get a generous tax, and I will also get raw materials, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone! "

Obviously, Mi Zhu has thought about this for a long time. He knows that if he promotes cotton by himself, the land alone will restrict him, but if he joins forces with Wang Lei and the big merchants in Xuzhou, he can mobilize the power of the whole Xuzhou. To expand the scale of cotton cultivation.

How profitable the textile industry is, you can see that Daqian has the most financial taxation, which comes from wool textile mills. Every year, Dagan harvests countless wool from the grasslands, and these wools are woven into tens of millions of woolen cloth. Daqian's tax revenue from these woolen cloths is close to billions. If the profits from the woolen cloths are added, tens of billions of profits can be obtained from it a year.

Now, although the cotton industry has just emerged, it definitely surpasses wool cloth in terms of potential.In other words, this is also a new industry worth hundreds of billions.

If he, Mi Zhu, can occupy one tenth of the cotton cloth industry, or even only one percent of the output of this industry, it will be enough for his family to flourish again.And this is what Mi Zhu hopes to do the most. He has no foundation, and he has been bullied too much in business. The Mi family wants to take root in Xuzhou again!
Wang Lei thought about it. It would be no problem if he only applied for a few farms, but the cotton grown on the farms was booked in advance by big businessmen like Mi Zhu, which means that the harvest is guaranteed in drought and flood, and the profit will not be lost.

So he said: "It's not a big problem to set up a few farms, I can decide by myself, but the initial investment for a farm with millions of acres of land is not small, you can afford such an investment, what can I do here?" Not so much money!"

Mi Zhu smiled and said: "Since this is the common cause of all of us in Xuzhou, of course everyone has the money to contribute, so my Mi family can contribute 1 million yuan to help the governor to build a farm. The cotton industry is extremely huge, not the old man's family." It can be solved by human beings, and naturally everyone’s support is indispensable, as long as we move quickly, my Xuzhou cotton cloth will definitely surpass Xiliang cotton cloth.”

Now the businessmen who are doing big business, the industrial chain that Xu Wei said is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Any ambitious businessman seems to be able to eat all the upper and lower parts of the industrial chain.

Mi Zhu's words made the surrounding businessmen extremely excited: "It's also counted in me, I can take out 5000 million yuan!"

"I will pay 4000 million!"

"I also pay 4000 million!"

One by one, the merchants spoke up, and Wang Lei's farm had more than one billion yuan before it even started.

But these merchants are not at a loss. These merchants all know how prosperous cotton cloth is now, and the price is actually higher than silk. It can be said that the first-class cloth in Dagan is cotton cloth, and the second-class cloth is Silk, the third class is woolen cloth, and the worst is linen.

Although they know that their profits will drop after expanding their business, they will earn a lot of money if they get the first bite. If they get on the bus of wealth, their future wealth may not be much lower than that of Zhen An, a group of Hebei merchants!
But Chen Deng asked: "What about the cotton seeds? Listening to you, it is obvious that you want to expand the cotton farms in Xuzhou on a large scale, but now there seems to be no cotton seeds in the whole Dagan, and now more than a dozen people have been raised. [-] million yuan, it seems that more than one million acres will be planted at one time, and this is not a problem that can be solved with a few seeds."

Everyone was startled, as if countless money were about to fly away from them.

But Mi Zhu said with a smile: "Although the businessmen in Xiliang kept secrets strictly, and they strictly restricted the cotton seeds, they even worried that the cotton seeds would flow out of Xiliang. They squeezed the cotton seeds into oil every year, and Even the squeezed seeds will be used as fertilizer, and not one will flow out, so it can be said that the protection has reached the limit."

"But they have forgotten that cotton is not the product of my great efforts, it is a product of the Western Regions, and there are countless cotton seeds in the Western Regions, which can be said to be useless at all. After the local people selected the full seeds, Any remaining seeds are discarded.

Unfortunately, the old man happened to have a caravan in the Western Regions. He just discovered this scene, so the old man bought these cotton seeds with money, and these cotton seeds have returned to Xuzhou with the caravan of the old man. It is not a problem to produce tens of thousands of acres of cotton fields, so you don't have to worry about the problem of seeds at all. "

Hearing this, everyone finally felt relieved. Mi Zhu really thought of everything in order to revive his family, and they just need to follow along and contribute.

At the same time, at the Jizhou Chamber of Commerce in Jixian County, Wang Guojun also invited the big local merchants and councilors from all over Jizhou to gather!

Compared with those congressmen and big merchants in Xuzhou, Wang Guojun and the merchants and congressmen in Jizhou are very familiar.

They didn't say much nonsense, but Wang Guojun took out a map of Hebei and spread it on the ground, pointed at Jizhou and Youzhou with a short stick and said: "The infrastructure construction in Jizhou has been extremely complete over the years. In terms of industry, due to the distance from raw materials, the development of textile and steel industries is not as good as that of Youzhou and Bingzhou, but we have a special product of glass, and we also rank first in the salt industry and fishing industry. Now half of the canned fish in the world They are all produced in Jizhou, and the financial revenue of Jizhou is not much worse than that of Bingzhou."

This is also what Wang Guojun feels most helpless. Now the biggest industries are the textile industry and the steel factory. However, it is difficult for these two industries to grow in Jizhou because of the relationship between raw materials!
"But our development in Jizhou has reached its peak. If we want to continue to develop rapidly, we can't continue to follow the steps like this. Otherwise, we may be caught up by other states and counties!"

Zhen An, who was at the side of Wang Guojun, asked, "The governor already has a way for us to maintain the rapid development of Jizhou?"

Others also looked at Wang Guojun. For them, Jizhou has developed very fast, but since Wang Guojun said so, they can only cooperate with Wang Guojun. After all, they are parents and officials in their hometown, and they still rely on Wang Guojun to make a fortune.

Wang Guojun said: "Prefect Zhang had the idea of ​​building a water transportation network to connect the whole Jizhou, but unfortunately this idea cost too much, even with my financial resources in Jizhou, it was difficult to support it. At most, a network of water canals was built for our future development. Lay the foundation."

After the appearance of rail carriages in this world, the business of the whole Dagan prospered rapidly, and the local wealth increased rapidly. This made the senior officials of Dagan realize that roads can play a vital role in the development and prosperity of a place, and the rails After all, the carriage is not a real train, and the transportation volume is still too small, and now it has become a factor restricting the commercial development of Jizhou.

When Zhang Baiqi was the governor of Jizhou, he wanted to build a water transportation network. After all, Jizhou's geographical location is so good that the cost of digging waterways is the lowest.Just like Bingzhou is richer than Jizhou, they don't have such an idea. At most, they change the track from iron-clad wood to rail.

Wang Guojun pointed to the map of Jixian County and attacked all the way down to Zhuojun, Hejian, Anping, all the way to the Yellow River, and then said: "If we go step by step, first dig a grand canal to connect Jixian County, and connect the entire Youzhou and Jizhou. With the strength of our two states, we should be able to do it!"

Zhen An was surprised: "The governor wants to dig a grand canal!"

(End of this chapter)

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