They didn't pay much attention to the problem of food surplus!

No, I can't say that, it should be said that I am proud of it!

They are all people who have been hungry since childhood. For the decades they have experienced, there has not been too much food. It can be said that they have been in a state of hunger and cold for half their lives. The real food is still waiting for the big army to occupy Jizhou After that, that is, these few years.

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So Niu Gui saw these reports and thought it was their credit. The more grain they produced, the greater their credit. So he allocated funds to grain officials in various places and asked them to build a large number of granaries to store these grains. I don’t think this is the crisis of Daqian, but the food explosion is the prosperity of Dagan. Back then, the rule of Wenjing was based on grain, but the last time grain piled up like a mountain, the whole world didn’t worry about hunger. It was still three hundred years ago.

But these documents look different to Xu Wei. He lives in an era of abundant supplies. The shortage of food and supplies is something he remembers. Instead, what he often sees are surplus apples, surplus watermelons, surplus cabbage, etc. , so he has the deepest understanding of this situation.

Judging from the data he obtained, the grain statistics of the states in Dagan are now 12 billion shi, which is enough for the entire population of Dagan to eat for two years. 3 years or so.

Grain explosion is no longer an adjective, but a real reality. Even now, even the folk granaries are full.Many prefects in states and counties have already responded to this problem, because there is a large tax on grain, and [-]% of the tax is all grain, which is an extremely large amount.

Everywhere needs to carry out various infrastructure construction and other factories, and farmers can still pay for food, but craftsmen want real money, but their money is only a warehouse full of food. To a certain extent, food is equal to money , but in the era of food accumulation, the value of food is obviously less than money. Now even rural people in many places do not like to ask for food for infrastructure construction, but ask for money.This has exacerbated the financial crisis of the counties!
Because most of the food stored in their county treasury is grain, if these grains cannot be used as money, many counties and counties can even go bankrupt directly. A lot of questions!
Xi Zhong, the prefect of Yuyang, even wrote a letter stating that continuing to use grain to pay taxes is no longer suitable for the current situation of Daqian, and that the rich counties and counties of Dagan should instead levy five baht!
Of course, Niu Gui gave up on Xizhong’s letter after reading it. After decades of hunger and more than ten years of war, in Niu Gui’s opinion, there is no resource more precious than food, let alone food. Dagan's financial system is completely based on grain collection, how can it be changed just by saying it, and Niu Gui instinctively perceives that if such a change is made, although it is simple for local officials to collect taxes, it will have a very big impact on the people. After all, going through one more procedure will lead to one more exploitation of the people.


Moreover, Niu Gui was also worried about using five baht to pay the tax. If the court ran out of food, he would not be able to buy it if he wanted to.If you don't know that the world is not yet unified, and the natural disaster of the big man has not completely passed, compared with five baht coins, food is real wealth in Niugui and them!

After Xu Wei read this memorial from Xi Zhong, he immediately thought of Zhang Juzheng's whip method. Although the problems faced by the two sides are different, if Dagan's food is so much that the warehouse has already exploded, a whip method will indeed solve the problem. One approach to this problem.

Because the accumulation of a large amount of grain has affected the financial health of Dagan. He was able to lower the price of grain before, which is to control the price of Dagan. Xu Wei's system can be stabilized if the grain is not worried about selling.

But now that the supply and demand of grain are out of balance, the price of grain will fall to the bottom, but because Xu Wei set the structure that the purchase price of grain is 100 yuan, this is equivalent to forcibly raising the price of grain by three times. The behavior can still be tolerated for one or two years, but if your food continues to be so high, I am afraid that the market will tell you to be a big man, because even if you have a lot of money, it is difficult to buy this endless food to stabilize prices. !

Xu Wei even now has a loophole in the price of grain in Dagan. Now the price of grain sold in Dagan is 130 yuan a stone.But now there is also a large amount of grain in the folks. If the immediate urban residents buy the grain in their hands at a price of 120 yuan or even 110 yuan, don’t even think about it. Many rural people are willing to sell it.

Because the price of grain is priceless now, Xu Weiding’s purchase price is high, but now Dagan’s granary is bursting, and Dagan collects the most rural taxes, but it is basically impossible to purchase rural grain.Farmers have grain in their hands, but they can’t sell it, so they can only sell it at a reduced price. Urban residents, who can eat low-priced grain from farmers, why should they eat high-priced grain from state-run grain stores? , and finally down in the entire Dagan grain price collapse!After all, in Xu Wei's era, the power of the Celestial Dynasty could not withstand the rise in prices, so it could only be market-oriented.

Xu Wei also looked helpless. It has only been more than a year, and he actually has to find a way to sell the grain.This kind of thing should not happen after the end of the war in the world, ten or even decades later, the rule of Wenjing is also something that happened 60 years after the Han Dynasty, Xu Wei remembers that Li Shimin's rule of Zhenguan had the lowest food The price reached 5 cents a bucket, which happened several years later. This is because the entire Tang Dynasty encountered an unprecedented bumper harvest, so there was such a low price of grain (Of course Xu Wei didn’t think how much the people at that time could use. The advantage, after all, but most of the common people are farming, 50 cents a stone even if there is a hundred acres of land, I am afraid that there is not much money to be made, such a skyrocketing price of food, the common people can only scrape cleanly from the gentry and businessmen).

Here, Xu Wei didn't even have a unified world, so he encountered such a problem.Although he also built some water conservancy facilities, these water conservancy facilities will not increase the food in the world so fast.


Xu Wei thought about it carefully, and found that the most fundamental reason for the skyrocketing food soaring beyond the expectations of the world was the bird droppings.

It can be said that Xu Wei did not realize the power of struvite. After all, he never stopped farming, not to mention the chemical fertilizers used in his era. The grain yield per mu is quite close, and there is no such thing as going to the field or going to the field.

But in this era, the fertility of the land really affects the yield of food, and even barren land must be left fallow frequently to protect the fertility of the land.But since Xu Wei discovered struvite, all this has undergone tremendous changes. As long as struvite is sprinkled on large-scale land, it is easy to double the grain output.

In Xu Wei's experimental park, there has already been a grain yield of more than 10 shi per mu. Of course, the reason for the fertilization of bird droppings is several times more.Now the price of guano is three times higher than that of grain. It is impossible to make money with such a fertilization ratio, but it can be seen that the potential for grain growth is very large.

It can be said that only with struvite, the plug-in of food growth, can the economic food problem be tackled, and the food revolution of the big dry, let the whole society have countless more manpower to join the industry, and strengthen the power of industrial development.

However, the opportunity created by food a few years ago has now turned into a crisis. Come to Xu Wei and the others and ask them to find a way to solve it.

Of course, Xu Wei and the others still have a little time to solve this food crisis. They are still the most precious resources in the hearts of the people, because everyone's ideas have not been changed. After all, the world is not unified and the world is not stable. The people have not yet come out of the food crisis of the year, and every family will still find a way to accumulate food at home to deal with the crisis.

Dagan local governments hired them to do projects with grain, and the people were willing to accept the grain.But Xu Wei knew that this situation would not last forever. After a few years, the granaries of the common people were full. When they found it difficult to sell the grain, even the grain in their hands was still depreciating in value.

At that time, the reality will reshape the three views of the people, and they will not be willing to use food to sell their labor force, and there will be big problems in the local construction of Dagan. After all, most of the fiscal revenue of Dagan is food, especially It is the local government. Almost all of their fiscal revenue comes from food. When food is no longer what everyone wants, the Dagan court must exchange it with real food or money if it wants to hire people.If the people don't accept the food, the finances of the big money will be cut off by more than half.

But now, only Xu Wei saw the potential crisis of Dagan in the entire Dagan court, while Niu Gui and the others did not discover this crisis, and were still proud of Dagan's prosperity.

However, local officials have discovered this problem ignorantly, and even Xi Zhong thought of a solution to this problem, that is, not to collect grain, but only charge five baht, and let the people sell the grain to the market. Get money in the market and then pay taxes.

But Xu Wei is also worried that this will cause the low price of the grain to hurt the agriculture and the prosperity of the valley to hurt the agriculture. This kind of thing has actually happened in history. Zhang Juzheng used this method to make the people of Ming Dynasty, and the autumn harvest was exploited by the merchants. In summer, when there is a shortage of food, they are exploited again, so that the people in the world can't make money no matter whether it is a good harvest or a poor harvest, and they have to pay money to the landlords.

So there appeared in the cartoon that Zhou Papi's tenants worked desperately, but their children and grandchildren all paid off Zhou Papi's debts!

I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

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