After the last savage tribe on Crab Island is cleared, the entire Crab Island can truly be considered Cao Cao's territory!

So after the war ended, Cao Cao held a grand celebration in the whole army, and the whole army was extremely excited, because these soldiers could finally cultivate their fields with peace of mind.

After arriving at Crab Island, Cao Cao was very generous. The soldiers on the island reclaimed the land at will, and as much land as they reclaimed, it was theirs!Moreover, Cao Cao also helped them provide various farm tools, so now many soldiers are imagining how much land they will reclaim!

Kong Bin smiled to his four subordinates: "If we join forces and rent three cows from the lord, enclose a thousand acres of land, and buy a few savages, we can become landlords in less than three years!"

Cao Yunjin laughed mockingly: "In such a barren land, there are no landlords there. You can enclose the land at will, and whoever will be your tenant. The savages don't know how to farm, and we need to teach them hand in hand. If you don't watch these savages, Maybe we have to pay the lord compensation!"

Cui Wen also said: "Captain, at first glance, you have never planted land. Crab Island is all wasteland. This kind of land will take ten times the effort to reclaim it. Even if we are exhausted, we will not be able to reclaim so much land. Land, and even if it is reclaimed, the income of the new land is not very high, if we really want to enclose thousands of acres of land, when the time comes to pay taxes, we will pay us to death!"

Although Cao Cao let the soldiers reclaim the land for nothing, he had to pay taxes. The tax set by Cao Cao was 100%, and he had to pay [-] shi of grain for [-] mu of land!Of course, Cao Cao still gave everyone time. The newly reclaimed land will not be taxed for the first three years.

The way Cao Cao makes money is to rely on the common people to serve corvée. Basically, they cut down trees in the deep mountains of Hokkaido, and then export them to the shipyards in Dagan. Basically, each log can be sold for hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. It varies, and the export of logs is also the most important source of income for Crab Island. It can even be said that more than [-]% of the funds of Crab Island now come from these exported logs.

But Kong Bin said with a smile: "Of course I can't take care of it with intensive cultivation, but we can set a fire to burn all the weeds on the land, plant extensively and harvest lightly. As long as the land is large enough, the income is also very considerable. The fertility will come up soon. The most important thing for us is to occupy the good land first. Otherwise, if we are too far away from Caocheng, we will really go to a barren land. Although the big savage tribe has been wiped out now, it is not Without sporadic savages, it is not safe to leave the main city of Taiyuan!"

When the other soldiers heard this, they also felt that it made sense, so they joined Kong Bin's plan one after another, planning to build a manor together and recruit some savages to help with farming.

And the other soldiers are also people who have known each other for a long time, and they unite together to roam the wild world of Crab Island. Now that the war is over, they must find a way to build a new home!
In the big account of the Chinese army!Cao Cao and his confidants are also planning the future development of Crab Island!

Xun Or frowned and said: "After exterminating this group of savages, the population under our rule will exceed 40, which will consume almost 500-600 million shi of grain. The large-scale grain delivery is very important. The speed of reclaiming the land, it will take at least five years to reclaim enough land to feed 40 people, and during this time we have to act according to Dagan's face!"


Xun or felt that Cao Cao was too impatient to do things. They had insufficient food, but now they have arrested all the nearly 30 savages in the entire Crab Island, which more than doubled their food consumption.

But Cao Cao said nonchalantly: "Dagan hasn't cut off our food and grass. As long as the food from Dagan continues to come in, we don't have to worry about the food problem, not to mention that these savages live on Crab Island without farming. Now We brought steel swords and swords, and we can starve people to death, even hunting is enough to feed our population of less than 40!"

Guo Jia also said with a smile: "Wen Ruo, you are too careful. According to the information I got, this year's harvest of grain has been bumper again. Brother Zhicai kept urging us to transport more logs, but he never worried about the grain problem. Obviously, Yuyang County alone is enough to feed us 40 people! And judging from the current situation, Lei Gong does not restrict Dagan's food from entering Crab Island. You might as well worry about our lack of food. Find a way to cut down more logs, a log is worth several stones of grain now, so we don’t have to worry about cutting down a few mountains for a year’s grain!”

Then he said sarcastically: "Could it be, you think we are self-sufficient in food in Crab Island, so you don't need to look at Dagan's face, don't talk about the gap between us and Dagan now, it is the Japanese Island Governor's Mansion next to us, we It all depends on their faces!"

Guo Jia's words made everyone look ugly for a while, the joyful atmosphere disappeared for a while, and everyone fell silent. They all remembered that they had become exiles!

Cheng Yu immediately eased the atmosphere and said, "At any rate, we have started again. As long as we learn the system of Dagan, we may not be able to make a difference at the speed of Crab Island's development!"

Cao Cao's heart has not been wiped out, and the civil servants and generals who came with him don't want to just retire on Crab Island, so it took Cao Cao more than a year to figure out the whole island, and even captured all the savages. Because he knows that if he wants to develop his strength, population is the top priority, and it can even be said that it is an imminent matter. After all, they only brought more than 3 female papers back then, and there are nearly 10 bachelors on the island. If this problem is not resolved, he may not be able to sit still as the owner of Crab Island.

Now that [-] savages have been captured, more than half of them are female savages, which satisfies the requirements of Cao Cao's soldiers. After all, it is better to have female savages than no women!
Xun Yudao: "Reclaiming land is what we should do now. Without tens of millions of acres of land, Crab Island will not be stable. Fortunately, now that the savages have been cleared by us, we can directly divide the land on the island. The people of the country, and then the people of the country who got the land, are each divided into two wild men to teach them to cultivate the land, and the food problem can be solved soon!"

The system of Crab Island has almost degenerated to the Spring and Autumn Period. Cao Cao was ambitious, but the nobles who followed Cao Cao were too ambitious. After they climbed the island, they took their clansmen and chose a suitable place to build a dock. Fortress, and then land reclamation, fighting and killing they do not want to do, they are like a party princes in the Spring and Autumn Period, scattered on the fertile land of the island, Cao Cao is only their nominal leader!

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