Although Marlowe was excited, Zhu Hai hesitated and said: "They are the general's enemies. The general has treated us well these years. If it weren't for the general, we would not have the fields and cattle we have now, let alone You will have the life you have now, and you still have to be a man of conscience! We are a little sorry for the general!"

But Marlowe immediately said: "A few years ago, the general treated us well, but the family has not served corvee in these years, and the corvee is endless. The property we saved with great difficulty in the past few years has been pasted back again. It’s okay if it’s like this, now it’s a troubled time, everyone is lucky to save their lives, but in the past few years we often have to go to the battlefield, if we don’t pay attention, we may die on the battlefield. It’s easy to take, but our lives were exchanged, so what’s the point of being sorry, I can see clearly that the officials in the world belong to the same family, and the general is like that!”

Zhu Hai immediately defended Liu Bei and said, "It's not that the generals are calling, otherwise the general is still willing to help us!"

Marlowe waved his hand and said: "I know that the general has the difficulties of the general, but we also have our own difficulties. In this world, if you don't leave some belongings for your family, when we really die in the battle, we are afraid that our family will be destroyed." I can't survive anymore."

Then Marlow approached Zhu Hai and whispered: "Not to mention, this may not be a way out. Seeing that this big man is about to enter Yangzhou, the general has been defeated many times over the years, so he is obviously not the opponent of the big man. We in Yangzhou are obviously about to encounter war, and now we have contacts with the Dagan people, and they will attack Yangzhou in the future, with this relationship, we can also establish friendship with them, maybe this can save the lives of the whole family!"

Zhu Hai's expression became complicated when he heard this. If he was single, he would not have betrayed Liu Bei, but now he still has to support his wife and children. He obviously didn't want his family to be in danger. Now If they take refuge in Dagan in the current situation, obviously their safety is still guaranteed, but they are a little sorry for the general Liu Bei.

But he thought for a long time and said with difficulty: "Brother, do you know what goods Dagan wants?"

Marlowe said with a smile: "Of course I found out clearly about this. Now the Dagan people have just arrived in Kuaiji County. I heard that they have established a base on a deserted island. This wasteland has nothing but savages, and everything is lacking. Whether we are Food, poultry, duck, fish, and linen are all they want as long as they are sent over, and the price is still tripled. Now many people have made a lot of money, and they even started to form caravans to go further afield to buy goods and sell them to others. Dagan!"

Zhu Haidao: "But we don't have anything?"

Marlowe said with a smile: "How can there be nothing? We don't have food in our family yet. At three times the price, half of the price is enough for us to make a fortune. After we have the money, we will go to other places in Kuaiji County to buy goods and sell them to others." They! I also contacted a few brothers, and each of us took out 100 shi of grain to sell."

Commoners like Zhu Hai and Marlowe didn't have much property at all, and even Zhu Hai's farm cattle had been passed on the battlefield once, and he had subsidized 100 shi of grain to get it!
Of course, it is not true that they have no family property at all. In recent years, the development of Jiangnan has achieved some results. In addition, Yangzhou is the prefecture that has been least affected by the war. Self-cultivated farmers like Zhu Hai still have hundreds of shi of grain in their homes. The common people are frightened by the natural disasters and man-made disasters these years, only the food at home can give them a sense of security!

Zhu Hai thought about the food in his home. Although he took out another 100 shi, the food in the house was only 30 shi, which was enough for the whole family.In the south of the Yangtze River, it is enough to carry until the next season's harvest.

Because at this time the big Han was going through the Little Ice Age, but the temperature still didn't drop immediately, and now Jiangnan is feasible for three seasons a year, but there are no rice seeds, but under Liu Bei's promotion, the entire Jiangnan basically has two seasons a year , A little further south will even plant a season of soybeans in winter, so Jiangnan is slightly more resistant to natural disasters, so at this time in Kuaiji County, no matter whether it is a commoner or a wealthy family, there is no shortage of food in their homes.

The next day, Marlowe gathered a group of 5 people and loaded a wupeng boat with hundreds of stones of grain. In a small island.

At this time, the island is very lively. Not only is there a proposed wooden pier, but there are boats everywhere on the pier, and then they saw a giant crane moving the goods on board to the pier. .And not far from the pier, there is a bustling market, crowded with people and very lively.It doesn't look like a smuggling dock at all.

"This is more lively than the Central Plains. We have so many people in Kuaiji County?" This made Zhu Hai and the others think that they had arrived in the prosperous county of Dahan. After all, Kuaiji County is extremely remote, and such a lively scene can be seen even in Kuaiji County. not!

But Marlowe said with a smile: "It's not just people from Kuaiji County, it is said that people from Jiaozhou also came here, and businessmen from Wu County also came here, so we don't do this business, someone will do it! "

Hearing Marlowe's words, Zhu Hai felt a little less guilty about betraying the general in his heart!
Then he said angrily: "Are these businessmen worthy of the preferential treatment given to them by the general? How dare they betray the general!"

After Liu Bei came to the south of the Yangtze River, he learned the policies of Dagan everywhere, and Dagan’s policy of encouraging merchants was also better than Liu Bei’s. It can be said that when other princes of the Han Dynasty were suppressing merchants, Liu Bei was trying to protect these merchants. At the same time as their property, their status was returned, and many businessmen even became officials, which was not something that happened in Dahan. In the eyes of Dahan's officials, businessmen were just fat sheep!

Marlowe said indifferently: "After all, there are only a small number of businessmen that the general can take care of, and you should have heard the saying that there is no business without adultery. No matter how good the general treats them, they will not be grateful!"

But these words made Zhu Hai think of himself, so he didn't dare to say any more!

Their boat is near the dock!
A worker approached them and said, "What merchandise did you bring?"

Marlow immediately apologized and said with a smile: "My lord, what we brought are all high-quality rice, 100 shi!"

"Rice costs 100 shi. The price of Dahan rice is 200 renminbi. If tripled, it will be 600 renminbi per shi. Can you accept this price?"

Marlowe and the others immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes!"

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