I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 599, Difficult cultivation

Both of them looked at Guan Yu in the end, after all, he was Yangzhou Mu!
And in Guan Yu's heart, he also knew that if he really followed the best military plan, Zhu Zhi's sea ban plan would be the best. This would prevent Daqian from infiltrating and sucking blood from Yangzhou, and even stretch Dagan's front. After all, Dagan wants to transport a large army to Yangzhou, but if there are no people, he will naturally find a way to transport food from the rear, and even the people who transport the food have to be recruited from the rear, which will consume more than 10 times more , In this way, Dagan can only send small troops to harass the coastline of Yangzhou.

But if this is really done, the people in Kuaiji County will be really miserable. Not only will they have to abandon their homes, but they will also have to reclaim their new homes in the barren land. The current wild environment in Yangzhou is not good for ordinary people. Even if it is friendly, the end of re-establishing a home may be a matter of life and death.

Guan Yu naturally disdains to do such things that harm the people and harm the people, but if he wants to confront Dagan at sea, he is not sure of winning. Now the strength of the big man is not as good as Dagan.Last time Guan Yu severely damaged Dagan's fleet, but this year, Dagan built two water fleets in Xuzhou and Yuzhou at the same time. Such arrogance shocked Liu Bei and others.Because they all know that this kind of consumption is not enough to fight hard, Liu Bei can only let Guan Yu abandon the land north of the Yangtze River and move the people to the south bank of the Yangtze River!Guan Yu was also worried that the navy in his hands would be severely damaged, and the whole of Yangzhou would really be over.

After pondering for a long time, he said: "I will lead the Yangtze River Navy to the Minjiang River, and fight for a blow to the navy that has severely damaged the main force, so that they will not dare to establish a stronghold in Yangzhou and spy on our military situation in Yangzhou!"

Guan Yu thought about it, and decided to fight Dagan first, and drive Dagan's fleet out of Yangzhou's sphere of influence!
Guan Yu has made up his mind, others can only promise!
Then Guan Yu commanded the Yangzhou army to advance by water and land at the same time, but the army on land was bluffing, making the generals think that they were the main force in Yangzhou, while the navy at sea kept it strictly secret, and set off along the coast towards the mouth of the Minjiang River!
At the same time, Guan Yu ordered Hua Xin to tell the people in Kuaiji County that it was just a rumor of Dagan to lead troops to attack them, and let them stay at home and not listen to the nonsense of the thieves.

After this order came down, although the people in Kuaiji County could not be relieved of their vigilance, the people who have not yet left were a little suspicious of this rumor, and they were reluctant to give up their family business. Now the court has spoken, and Guan Yu is in Yangzhou. Its reputation is not bad, everyone is willing to take a look before talking!
Divide the words!

Haitan Island is already crowded with people this time. Usually there are thousands of people here at most, but now tens of thousands of people have poured in. The population density of this small island has risen sharply for a while, and there are a lot of people on the island. The people who wanted to flee were panicked. It can be said that the situation on the island is already in a bit of chaos.

At this moment, Zhu Hai and the others boarded with all the children in the village.

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, the village chief immediately said in a panic, "Zhu Hai, this is the island you mentioned, why does it seem to be a bit chaotic!"


Zhu Hai said helplessly: "It wasn't like this before, but now there are many more people running for their lives like us, so naturally it's a bit chaotic."

Then he said to his fellow villagers: "Everyone, don't get lost! Wait for me here first, and I will ask the officials here to see if they can take us to Yizhou."

People here are not familiar with the place, and others can only listen to Zhu Hai now.

Zhu Hai walked to the pier in the north of the island, and then walked into a three-story wooden house, but the wooden house was already full of people, and a staff member said, "I want to queue up for Yizhou!"

Zhu Hai could only line up behind the others, and it was his turn after half a day.

Zhu Haicai said: "We have more than 300 people in the village who want to go to Yizhou!"

The staff wrote a note saying: "I will register for you first, but there are too many people going to Yizhou now, you have to wait here for a few more days!"

Zhu Hai anxiously asked, "How long will it take?"

He was worried that after waiting here for a long time, the big man's army came to kill him. This small island is only more than ten miles around, and there is no place for them to escape during the war. Zhu Hai is worried that he will lead the whole village to death!
"I don't know, because there are too many people, and our transportation force is seriously insufficient. However, I have a large number of fleets. We have already reported the situation here to the imperial court. It will take less than half a month to have enough transportation. Ship, transport everyone to Yizhou!

But as long as you register, you are considered to be our big workers, and you can go to the warehouse to apply for tents and some living supplies. "

Hearing this, Zhu Hai breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged a thigh again anyway!

Not long after that, Marlowe and the others joined Zhu Hai, and the news of his leadership was even worse!

"Yangzhou Mu Guanyu has led an army of 3 to fight towards Dongzhi aggressively. If we can't escape from this island in a short time, we will die without a place to die!"

Guan Yu made his land army so powerful that basically anyone with information knew that the army was coming to kill them. If they stayed in Kuaiji County, they would still have a bit of luck in their hearts, thinking that the court would not Maybe kill them all, after all, the court still needs someone to pay taxes.

But now that they have landed on the island of the Dagan people, it is already a rebellion of the court, and no one can say anything after killing them all. The situation on the island has become even more chaotic for a while!
The army commander who manages the island, Wang Wu, had to lead an army to suppress those who wanted to make trouble, and at the same time, he kept propagating to the people here that the transport ship of Dagan was coming!

Meanwhile, Yizhou!
Bao Xin finally saw the first batch of thousands of Han people. Although they were embarrassed just after disembarking, Bao Xin said to them happily: "When you come to Yizhou, you are at your own home. Take a sip of hot water, and someone will take you to dinner later!"

Seeing so many Han Chinese, Bao Xin almost burst into tears.

He, the captain of Yizhou, did a miserable job. Although he had tens of thousands of soldiers and a small fleet of 10 warships in his hands, there was not a single Han Chinese in the entire Yizhou except for this few people in his hands. He was given 3 people to immigrate here every year, but he failed to do so. He waited in Yizhou for more than half a year before immigrating 5000 people.


The imperial court also explained to Bao Xin the reason for the lack of immigrants. At the beginning, Niu Gui thought that as long as a state sent 3000 immigrants to Yizhou, it would not be enough for the development of Yizhou.

But in order to carry out this task, the following governors shirked one by one, saying that they could not find anyone, and even tried to find a way to throw the prisoners as garbage to Baoxin, which allowed Baoxin to have 5000 people.

Moreover, the governors of Wang Lei also plausibly said: "Because the people of Daqian are unwilling to go to a wild place like Yizhou, it is impossible for us to force people to go to Yizhou!"

Even Niu Gui can't say anything about this result, because it's true, the people of Dagan don't want to go to Yizhou, which they have never heard of. The name alone is like a barren land, and the people of Dagan naturally don't want to leave the Central Plains , went to such a wild land to redevelop.

So at the very beginning, Bao Xin was on fire because of the lack of manpower, and the construction speed of Yizhou was extremely slow. He only built a wharf and a large dock, thanks to the nearly 10 savages on the island. , including credit food salt and cloth as rewards to ask these savages to help with things.

Of course, it is not that there are no savages who want to snatch Bao Xin when they see how rich they are, but the leaders of such savage tribes were killed by Bao Xin, and they were made into Jingguan to frighten other savages, and their tribesmen became prisoners of war. He opened up wasteland and built the infrastructure of Yizhou.

However, although there are many savages in Yizhou, they are not without flaws, or have no common sense, and often do things that make people laugh and cry.

Just like Bao Xin established a salt field in Yizhou, because digging salt blocks is a relatively simple matter, Bao Xin asked these savages to do it, but he never thought that these savages would actually think of urinating in the salt field. See, the salt is about to be eaten by him.

When Bao Xin caught this savage and asked him why he did this, but his answer made Bao Xin dumbfounded, because he did it when he wanted to urinate, so Bao Xin whipped the savage 10 times and drove them all out of the factory Among them, only let them do the simplest land reclamation work.

But even if the grain seeds were handed over to them, it would happen that the savages in front had just planted them, and the savages in the back immediately dug up the seeds and ate the seeds. The fields planted by these savages can be harvested three times!Bao Xin was almost driven mad by these savages.

Fortunately, immigrants from Dagan came at this time, and among them was Tian Feng, who was originally famous in history. He originally dug guano rocks in Jizhou, but now the Dagan court wants them to support the construction of Yizhou. Wang Guojun is not willing Let the people of Jizhou go, and the people of Jizhou don't want to go to Yizhou, so the Wang Guojun can only throw the big Han captives who were guarding the island to dig the guano stones to Bao Xin, and Tian Feng, Gao Lan and others are among them!

Faced with the chaos in Yizhou, Tian Feng gave a solution, which is to make the savages servants of the Han people, and let the Han people teach them how to do things and how to farm. After a few years of teaching like this, these savages will become better and more peaceful. Just like everyone else.

Bao Xin was overjoyed by Tian Feng’s method. Naturally, they could no longer have servants, but they could have apprentices. He taught four savages with one Han Chinese, and during the teaching period, these savages came out to eat and drink, and the rest of the income belonged to their masters. Yes, and then use the method of the army to list all the subordinates in the entire Yizhou.In this way, with the command and guidance of the Han people, the construction speed of Yizhou skyrocketed.


Then Tian Feng offered advice to Bao Xin: "It takes thousands of miles to transport goods from Dagan to Yizhou. Even if the sea freight price is low, such a long transportation distance will increase the price of food several times. But we are only two or three hundred miles away from Yangzhou where the big Han is, if we build a base on a small island close to Yangzhou, through this base we can absorb the food from the big Han, and even recruit people to expand Yizhou!"

After hearing Tian Feng's words, Bao Xin was shocked by Tian Feng, and immediately acted according to Tian Feng's words. At the same time, he reported Tian Feng's matter to Xu Wei, saying that he wanted to use these big men's prisoners of war as officials in Yizhou ,Not sure if this is possible!

After Xu Wei received Bao Xin's letter and learned about the situation in Yizhou, he couldn't help but smile wryly. If he had a choice, Xu Wei would of course arrange for elite officials to go to Yizhou. After all, this is about the expansion of Dagan civilization. Yizhou is a place where civilization has never been reached, but the harsh conditions in Yizhou make everyone reluctant to go.

And even if someone is willing to go, Niu Gui and the others are not willing to let these elite soldiers go to that kind of wild land. Now there is a shortage of officials in Dagan, especially capable officials. If there are such officials, let them build the Central Plains well. No, why do you want to build some wild land!
Now Xu Wei understands a little bit why a group of scumbags went to explore back then, and what a great age of voyages was created. Real talents are not willing to take risks at sea!
Although Xu Wei can use the policy of developing Liaodong back then, he knows that the overseas land is completely different from Liaodong, and the mortality rate in the early stage is even more frightening. .

So he felt that using people like Tian Feng could be regarded as waste utilization, so he agreed to Bao Xin's request, but asked Bao Xin to use Tian Feng and the others cautiously. This is all good, if they contact the big man, it may even cause heavy losses to the big man.

And Bao Xin also noticed this, so he made Tian Feng the long history of the Yizhou Protectorate, but he didn't give them military power!
With the help of Tian Feng and others, Bao Xin has entered a fast track for the development of Yizhou. Tian Feng offered a plan to let Dagan sell all kinds of ironware and cloth with high transportation value to Yizhou, and then they used these goods and Dahan The common people trade food such as grains and vegetables. Although Baoxin paid three times the price, the price has been reduced several times compared to the grain transported from Dagan. What's more, they have opened up a connection with the Dahan After the trade route, thousands of Han people were attracted to Yizhou almost every month.

And for every thousand more Han people, they can teach 4000 savages, which is equivalent to 5000 more laborers in Yizhou. Now Bao Xin is in charge of 5 people in Yizhou, and has built a city in the north and south of Yizhou. , Cultivated millions of acres of land, and in addition to the 40 acres of rice planted on these lands, the remaining 60 acres of land are planted with sugar cane.

This is the economic crop that Xu Wei designed for Yizhou, because he knows that the investment in a newly developed place like this is huge. If he can’t pay back quickly, his development plan will be very difficult, and he may even die. If you can get a lot of benefits, these benefits will make Dagan reluctant to give up these overseas places!

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