I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 61, I really know Leifa

Chapter 61, I really know Leifa

Seeing this scene, Ke Zui accelerated his riding speed.

"Boom boom boom!"

But these cavalry did not expect that all these pottery bombs exploded in the air.

This is the first time that both horse thieves and war horses have encountered such a situation. Many horse thieves were directly blown up by pottery shrapnel, and many people were shocked to death. More than 3000 pioneers died in this wave of attack. One, and even the horse thief who escaped was panicked, as if he didn't know what to do.

Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf in the rear were all shocked, this Lei Gong really knows how to use thunder!

Huo Shaoyun said: "There is nothing to fear from the demonic arts. Back then Zhang Jiao knew the demonic arts, so he was defeated by the court. Let's rush forward, and the victory will belong to us!"

Lone Wolf grabbed Huo Shaoyun and said, "You're crazy, this Thunder God is so powerful, let's run for our lives!"

But Huo Shaoyun said: "Only by rushing up can we have a chance to win. Do you want to give up 100 billion treasures? I don't believe that his thunder method can be used all the time. Otherwise, the entire Jizhou has already been occupied by Lei Gong, and he won't run away!" Now that we are in Mayi, I calculated that it will take a long time for the thunderbolt car to start, and now the impact is our only chance of winning!"

"Don't you think Lei Gong will let us go if we escape! Don't forget that he has 100 billion, even if he offers [-] million to reward our heads, do you think we can survive? Killing Lei Gong is our only way out now!"

Huo Shaoyun continued to command everyone: "Come on, kill Lei Gong's subordinates and steal Lei Gong's treasure!"

The other horse thieves followed excitedly and said, "Kill all Lei Gong's subordinates, and steal all Lei Gong's treasure!"

The scattered formation of thirty thousand horse thieves charged directly towards Xu Wei.

Xu Wei watched the group of horse thieves rushing past, approaching 100 paces.Shouted: "Shoot!"


Crossbow arrows shot at the vanguard of the horse thieves like a torrential rain.

"Raise the shield!" Ke Zui shrank his body and used the cowhide shield to block himself, and the other horse thieves followed suit!

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The crossbow arrows kept shooting at the horse thief, but this time there were not many results. Most of the crossbow arrows were blocked by the horse thief's shield. Only hundreds of unlucky ones were shot to death, or because the horse was frightened and fell off the horse.

But after rushing through this wave of crossbow arrows, the vanguard of the horse thief has reached within 50 steps of Xu Wei's army formation.

Ke Zui waited for the horse thief to take out his horn bow and shoot at Xu Weijun!

"Hush!" Thousands of long arrows shot into the formation!

Many soldiers in Xu Wei's army were shot, but more soldiers used the rattan shields in their hands to resist the wavelength arrows, and even if they were shot, they were covered with a layer of leather armor and a layer of rattan armor. The layered armor completely neutralized the power of these bows and arrows. Only some unlucky ones fell to the ground after being shot at the front door and the gap, but they were quickly pulled back by the soldiers around them for basic medical treatment.

"Order the bow and crossbow battalions of all parties to fire at close range." Xu Wei continued to command.

At the same time, Xu Wei's personal guards handed him the mace. For this reason, he was going to fight head-on.And his personal guards are considered the strongest army in Xu Wei's hands. They have realized all-steel equipment, which can be described as fully armed. For horse thieves with iron blades, it can be said to be an era ahead.

The soldiers in front of the battlefield were also looking at the battlefield with all their attention, and they were also frightened when they saw the cavalry rushing towards them.This is the same as being frightened by a fast-moving truck approaching oneself. People are instinctively afraid when facing a giant like a war horse. They keep holding on to their spears, as if this can give them courage.


The soldiers of the horse thief jumped up on their horses and kept crashing into the giant shield.But the giant spear in the soldier's hand poked out one after another from the gap in the shield, pierced into the body of the horse thief, and devoured every living life.

But even in the face of death, the horse thief behind still hit the spear phalanx with his body.Under the impact of the horses and men, many shields and spears were blown away, and a gap appeared in the complete army formation.But soon the soldiers around filled up the gap.

Outside the army formation was a piece of bloody human and animal remains, and the sound of killing was loud.

The sound of war drums soared into the sky, shaking the sky, and both sides fought each other with their lives!

"Boom boom boom!" The catapult camp fired another wave of pottery bombs. Hundreds of pottery bombs exploded in mid-air, clearing the area within 300 steps in front of the army formation. Thousands of horse bandits fell in this wave of attack.

"Shhhhhhh!" 4 long arrows shot out again!The horse bandits were hit again!More than 2000 horse thieves fell.

These two attacks brought down 3000 horse thieves. Such blows woke up the horse thieves' urge to rush for treasure. They realized that tens of thousands of them had not even broken through Lei Gong's army formation, and they began to feel scared.

The little horse bandit leader even started to think of ways to escape.

Ke Zui and the others were naturally aware of all this, but others could escape, but Ke Zui couldn't. He had put all his bargaining chips together, and failure now meant his defeat.

Ke Zui commanded his subordinates to charge for the last time. Under the rage of the horse, several spearmen were directly knocked away, leaving a big gap. Ke Zui took the opportunity to charge the rest of his subordinates into the gap!

"Go in! Lei Gong's tortoise shell is broken!" Huoshaoyun exclaimed excitedly.

The horse thieves on the battlefield were also shocked. After the results of the battle, their morale recovered again, and they desperately wanted to widen the gap.

All of a sudden, the horns sounded, the sound of killing was everywhere, the horses galloped, the swords and spears were raised at the same time, the arrows flew like flying, and the battle became more and more intense.

Not long after Ke Zui was happy, he saw an armored army rushing towards him, and the leader gave Ke Zui a mace without saying anything!

Ke Zui was startled and gathered his long knife above his head.

"Dang!" The long knife was broken by a blow from the mace, the knife broke the command, and the other side hit Ke Zui's head!Ke Zui was bleeding instantly and fell to the ground!

Xu Wei raised his mace and shouted, "Kill all these horse thieves!"


Xu Wei's personal guards followed Xu Wei and kept beheading the horse bandits who entered the army formation, and Xu Wei was even more powerful one by one. He quickly wiped out the horse bandits around, and the army surrounded them again, and kept pushing forward. Space for horse thieves!
Xu Wei checked the battlefield. The horse bandits had already entered the army, but they were still defeated by Xu Wei. Many horse bandits started to run away. Obviously, they were close to the last straw!
"Blow the horn and let Wang Yong and the others completely defeat the horse thief!"

"Woooooo!" The sound of the bullhorn reached Wang Yong and the others behind!

Wang Yong shouted: "Brothers, it's time for us to make contributions! Kill!"

"Kill!" All 2 cavalry rushed to the battlefield!This new force is like a sickle, constantly harvesting the horse thieves around.

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(End of this chapter)

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