I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 645, Open the road in Shuzhong

Guan Yu led the Yangzhou Navy to defeat the Chaohu Lake in Dagan, which shocked the entire Jiangnan. The situation in the Hanzhong War in the past few years has not been good, and people of insight in the world have noticed that the Hanzhong is in danger.

However, Guan Yu's victory in this battle was like a glimmer of hope for the powerful and noble families in the south of the Yangtze River. The big army is not invincible, and they will also be defeated. Under such circumstances, this victory has become extremely important. Guan Yu The daimyo caused a sensation in the entire south of the Yangtze River, and was regarded as a hero by the Han side!
It's a pity that Guan Yu didn't do this hero for long, and soon they were desperate again.Because Fan Xian's navy landed in Qiantang County in Kuaiji County, although Guan Yu built a fort here, he also arranged for 2000 soldiers to be stationed there.

But in the face of hundreds of warships and 5 troops, the Qiantang Fort was flooded by artillery, and the defenders were defeated after two or two days of resistance.

After Fan Xian captured Qiantang County, 2 marines quickly landed, and then captured the surrounding counties and counties such as Yuhang and Fuchun, and the richest county in Kuaiji County was captured.

These places are the hinterland of Yangzhou. After the Dagan army landed for the first time, the Xuzhou army can continuously enter Yangzhou through the sea channel. It can be said that Yangzhou at this time is already extremely dangerous.

In the past two years, every one of Yangzhou's powerful and noble families has tightened their strings, and when they heard that the Dagan Army had invaded Kuaiji County, the string broke instantly.

Dahan, let the family be destroyed like this. If Lei Gong wants to rob the house, he can rob it. If he wants to be exiled, he can be exiled.

Under this kind of thinking, the nobles and nobles in the entire Kuaiji County saw the flag of Dagan and they were looking forward to the wind. This is the bravery. In many places, Fan Xian has not yet sent soldiers, but only heard that Fan Xian's army is coming. , The flag on the city becomes the army's!As a result, Fan Xian had to divide his troops to station in these counties, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to speed up and transport Wang Lei's army to Kuaiji County!

After Zhu Zhi knew that Kuaiji County had been conquered by Fan Xian, he immediately sent someone to contact Guan Yu and asked Guan Yu to lead the navy back to help!

So even though Guan Yu defeated the Chaohu Navy, but allowed the Dagan army to occupy a stronghold in Yangzhou, it is not known whether they can withstand the continuous stream of soldiers from the Dagan army. It is really hard to say whether Guan Yu will win or lose this battle .

At the barracks of the Dagan Army in Hanzhong, Xu Wei was watching the battle reports of Yuzhou and Yangzhou at this time.

As Liu Bei took the initiative to expand the front line, nearly a million soldiers from both the Dagan and Dahan galloped and fought on the 5000-mile front. But it also lost several counties in Yangzhou. More importantly, let the Dagan army establish a stronghold in Yangzhou. Later, it will face a steady stream of Xuzhou troops attacking Yangzhou. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss.

In the direction of Jingzhou, Zhang Fei's offense was even worse. The vanguard was beaten back by Yang Feng as soon as they left Jingzhou.The Luyang defense battle is being fought, but facing the tens of thousands of elite troops in Yuzhou, there is also a steady stream of reinforcements from the rear.Obviously at this time, it is difficult for Zhang Fei to keep Nanyang County. The Han army's front in Nanyang County is constantly retreating, which is beneficial to Daqian.

Now the overall trend on the battlefield is still that the big players have the upper hand.At this time, the strength of troops in the Jiangnan area was only more than 40, but the Dagan army could mobilize [-] troops. No matter in terms of equipment or strength, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not as good as Dagan.In Xu Wei's view, according to this trend, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will be defeated faster than Liu Bei!
Seeing the battle report, Xu Wei smiled and said, "Liu Bei has done a good thing, and has accelerated the progress of the unification of the world!"

The terrain in Hanzhong is inherently dangerous, and Liu Bei brought the elite of the entire Hanzhong to Hanzhong, so Xu Wei did not take down Hanzhong after fighting for two years. At first, Xu Wei thought that Liu Bei was running out of food and grass, and the war was about to end. up.

But he didn't expect Liu Bei to be so determined that he went all out and robbed the granary of the entire family in central Sichuan.Xu Wei was extremely surprised when he knew about this. This is still a powerful and domineering big man, just like a little white sheep. If Dong Zhuo sees this scene, he will definitely come alive with anger!
But it was the worst news for Xu Wei. Liu Bei got tens of millions of grains. Before the grains were exhausted, it was obvious that this war would be difficult to end.

But now changing the direction of attack and attacking in the Jiangnan area may improve the situation in Hanzhong. This change is beneficial to the big party!So Xu Wei simply waited for good news from Yang Feng and Fan Xian in Hanzhong!
At the same time, on the plateau snow-capped mountains, Ma Chao led his men through hundreds of miles of swamps, and then walked hundreds of miles along the mountains, and finally found a gap in the mountains.

Ma Chao and the others crossed this mountain pass excitedly, dressed him and his men as Qiang people (spent more than a year in the wasteland, now Ma Chao and the others only need to wear sheepskin jackets to be more Qiang people than the Qiang people) and continued southward, and finally they found In front of him is Guangrou County in the middle of Sichuan, which is only 300 miles away from Chengdu, and there are no pass barriers along the way, so the army completely killed Chengdu directly.

"We succeeded!" This discovery made Ma Chao extremely excited, and he finally found the way to attack!After making this huge discovery, Ma Chao and the others immediately returned the same way, and then passed the news to the Hanzhong front!

Half a month later, Hanzhong, Dagan Army barracks!
Zhang Baiqi walked in excitedly and said to Xu Wei: "It's great news to be in power. Ma Chao has sent a message. He has opened up the road from Xiliang to Shuzhong. This swamp actually has room for an army to walk." As long as we pass through this swamp and walk another 500 miles, we can enter Guangrou County through the gap in the mountains. After marching for more than [-] miles, our army can reach Chengdu directly. There is no defense along the way. As long as our magic soldiers descend from the sky, with Chengdu's weak defense now, we will surely be able to defeat Liu Bei's hometown by then, and let's see how he will fight against us!"

Xu Wei excitedly said: "Finally found the way to enter Shuzhong, Ma Chao and the others have made the first contribution! Zhang Baiqi, you lead an army of 3 into Wudu County and Ma Chao and the others, remember to try to select people on the plateau Qiang soldiers living in the region, they are more adapted to the plateau environment, I am waiting for your good news in Hanzhong!"

Zhang Baiqi bowed his hands and said: "This subordinate will definitely give the little emperor who is in power to catch the big man!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Baiqi left the big tent, and then began to order the soldiers in Xiliang, especially the soldiers near the plateau, all of which were taken under his command!

The next day, Zhang Baiqi marched towards Wudu County with the 3 troops!

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