Chapter 662, Lost

Zhang Ji was surprised for a while. With Lei Gong's ruthlessness against the big Han clan, Liu Xie can still live like ordinary people, which is really magnanimous.Families that have become royal families in the past dynasties have almost no good end. The line of Ji Zhou in the world for 800 years has disappeared without a trace, and the line of Shi Huangdi has also been cut off.

But he soon smiled wryly again, because he remembered that Lei Gong said that what he wanted to eliminate was the aristocratic class of the big man. From this point of view, he also applied the treatment of the royal family to the entire aristocratic family.For the royal family, Xu Wei was lucky to beat them into ordinary people but not kill them all.

But for the nobles and nobles, it is very difficult for them to become ordinary people. The world is not theirs, so why let them ruin their family inheritance for the Liu family's country!

Looking at Liu Xie's life now, Zhang Ji asked, "Mr. Liu, did Mr. Lei not give you the treatment you deserve?"

Liu Xie smiled and said: "This is not bad. Lei Gong asked us if we would farm or work. After knowing that we didn't understand these, he helped us rent these two stores. At the beginning, I didn't know what to do. , but accidentally discovered that the words I wrote were extremely valuable in Jidu, so I opened this Ewenxuan!"

Of course Liu Xie understood what Zhang Ji meant, but he didn't want to live the life of a bird in a cage anymore, and although he could only be a commoner in Jidu now, he was free!Of course, the most important thing is that his bottom line is low. At first he thought he was lucky to be alive, but now he can live without being watched or even imprisoned by Dagan, which is beyond his imagination. Liu Xie dare not ask too much!

At this time, a rich businessman with a big belly walked in and said, "Is the painting I want ready?"

At this time, Liu Xie immediately stepped forward and said, "The painting is finished!"

After speaking, he took out a painting and calligraphy to show the rich businessman.

The wealthy businessman glanced at it nonchalantly, and when he saw Liu Xie's private seal, he smiled and said, "It's no wonder that it was painted by an emperor, and it really looks magnificent. Hanging this painting in my mansion will definitely improve the mansion. Feng Shui!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ji was furious and said, "It's just a merchant who dares to be so presumptuous!"

Not to be outdone, the merchant said: "What kind of bull is the king of the subjugated country? This is not your big man, but ours. The big man has already subjugated the country! I paid 100 million for this painting. Do you think ordinary painters are worth so much?" How much money?"

Under normal circumstances, even a subjugated king like Liu Xie, merchants would not dare to know, after all, a subjugated king is also a king.However, Daqian vigorously attacked the nobles and nobles, so that the people of Dagan saw the downfall of the nobles and nobles, and their fear of them was reduced.

In addition, at the end of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others continued to kill the merchant class with warning orders. More than half of the merchants in the Dagan are people who escaped from the Han Dynasty. They all hate the Han Dynasty.And now Liu Xie has passively accepted this hatred. If it weren't for Liu Xie's identity, many merchants even wanted to buy murderers. After all, there were too many merchants whose families were ruined. It is also extremely enjoyable for these merchants to serve themselves and humiliate Liu Xie to avenge themselves.

In fact, Liu Xie's calligraphy and paintings did not have such a high price back then. After all, those businessmen wanted revenge, not gratitude!
However, the big man still has a large number of merchants from powerful families. They raised the price of Liu Xie's calligraphy and paintings, so Liu Xie can live affluently in Dagan by buying calligraphy and paintings, and he even bought the rented shops.

Of course, these big merchants still buy Liu Xie's calligraphy and paintings. Firstly, the price of his calligraphy and paintings has the potential to rise after being raised by merchants from the aristocratic family. This is an investment.

That is, Liu Xie was the emperor after all. I don’t know when it started to spread in Jidu that Liu Xie’s calligraphy and paintings have dragon spirit, which can guard the house, keep safe, and promote wealth. Although Xu Wei knows this is nonsense, in People in this era believe in this, so Liu Xie's calligraphy and paintings are even more valuable.

The merchants in Jidu do not lack this little money, even if they are looking for psychological comfort, they will buy two sets here, plus the bonus of imperial service, so Liu Xie became the number one painter in Jidu.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Liu Xie immediately stopped them and sent the businessman away!
Then Liu Xie said angrily: "Zhang Qing is trying to cut off my fortune!"

Zhang Ji said sadly: "You can't do such a thing!"

Liu Xieman said indifferently: "If you don't do this, what do you do? I don't know how to farm or work, and I don't sell calligraphy and painting. You think it's aggrieved, but I don't care about it." I don’t think it’s wrong to rely on my own craftsmanship to support my family. The big men are dead, so I still want to be the emperor!”

Liu Xie changed so thoroughly, it was because of his life in Jidu that Liu Xie was educated. After Xu Wei helped Liu Xie and Liu Bian rent a house in Jidu, he didn't take care of them. Is to let them fend for themselves.

In the beginning, Liu Xie and the two brothers could only rely on women like Empress Fu and Tang Ji to weave cloth to support themselves, and many wives and concubines could not bear this kind of life and left them directly. Let their quality of life plummet. After all, the gap between the lives of ordinary people and the emperor is too great. He feels that he can't live anymore, but he just dares not die.

And after discovering his talent for calligraphy and painting, although most of this talent is a bonus of his status as emperor, it also made Liu Xie's quality of life rise in a straight line, except that no one is serving him, which is no worse than the original emperor, so he is very Cherish your present life!

And Zhang Ji was also speechless by Liu Xie's words. In Jidu, if Liu Xie had the style of an emperor, he might not be able to survive.

At this time, Liu Xie asked in a low voice: "Zhang Qing, how is the emperor's uncle? I haven't seen the emperor's figure on the way. The newspaper in Jidu said that the emperor's uncle fled to the deep mountains in Jingnan, and his life and death are unknown. Some newspapers said that Uncle Huang was caught!"

Zhang Ji shook his head and said, "General, you escaped from Jingnan and have already fled to Jiaozhou!"

Liu Xie breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's good that the general escapes!"

Then Liu Xie asked strangely: "Zhang Qing was not the one who was arrested, so what did the Ji you come here do?"

Zhang Ji recounted the scene where he came to Jidu and Lei Gong to communicate with each other!
Liu Xie said strangely: "It's just a relocation. I haven't been doing well this year. Although Lei Gong has a bad reputation, he is a good person. He keeps his word. I haven't been disturbed this year, and no one has watched me. !"

Zhang Ji was at a loss for words. He couldn't say that being treated like the royal family would be difficult for the nobles, not to mention that Liu Xie could still come to Jidu, but they would be exiled to the desert, the Western Regions, or even a deserted island. , Few people can stand it!
Then they chatted all the way about their experiences over the past year. At night, Empress Fu returned home with some ingredients and found Zhang Ji in surprise: "Are there any guests at home?"

Liu Xiedao: "This is Zhang Ji Zhang Zhongjing, a genius doctor. I happened to meet today, so I came to my house!"

Fu Wan smiled and said: "Then I'll cook some good dishes and entertain the old friends!" Then he went to the kitchen!
Liu Xie said: "My lady is now a senior engineer at Jidu Textile Factory. Her monthly salary plus bonus is 10 yuan. Back then she was the one who supported the whole family! Now even though I have made some money, she still can't stay idle! Said This calligraphy and painting is unreliable after all, who knows if it will be worth money in the future!"

Not long after, Liu Bian brought a few old people to Liu Xie's place!
Zhang Ji said in surprise, "King Hongnong, Duke Zhao, Duke Cai, and Duke Chunyu, why are you all here?"

Following Liu Bian came Chunyu Jia, Cai Yong and Zhao Qi, the old ministers of the Han Dynasty. They were over 90 years old and over 60 years old.

Zhao Qi laughed and said: "It turned out to be Zhang Ji! I heard that two genius doctors came to Jidu Hospital, and they were talking about you! I will show my body later. With you here, maybe I can live past 100 years." age!"

Cai Yong answered Zhang Ji's question and said: "Lei Gong also thinks that we don't have many years to live. When the ministers were exiled, we were placed here. It's a pity that Lei Gong doesn't like our abilities. Now We all work as teachers in Jidu No. [-] Primary School, but we don’t earn much money, so we can only rely on His Majesty to support us!"

They are high-ranking officials who were captured together with Liu Xie, and they basically have no live heads for a few years. Xu Wei did not exile them, but arranged for them to live in Jidu. He was even worried that they would not survive, so he found them I took a job as a teacher at Jidu Primary School, and of course the teacher's monthly salary was barely enough for them to live on. After Liu Xie made money, they all liked to come to Liu Xie to eat and drink. It was also a kind of hugging to keep warm the way it is.

Hearing this, Zhang Ji was shocked and said: "Everyone is a great contemporary Confucian, Lei Gong actually let them become elementary school teachers, this is not humiliating people!"

Chunyu Jia said with a wry smile: "What Lei Gong wants is Mohism, Mathematics, Craftsmanship, and even your medical knowledge, he likes it, but he doesn't want Confucianism, of course no one will learn this Confucianism, now we can be teachers is already Lei Gong Take care of us immortals!"

Their Three Views have already been broken and reorganized. Although they have lost the decline of Confucianism, they have recovered and can accept this calmly.He was just a little bit disappointed, Lei Gong actually looked down upon the skills he had learned all his life.However, Dagan is prosperous and prosperous, and even he can't say that Lei Gong treats the sages harshly. After all, the big Han was not so rich and powerful under their rule, and the Confucian knowledge is completely inferior to Lei Gong's.Naturally, he has no face to say that he is a talented person.

In Jidu, there were many great Confucian scholars who were in the Han Dynasty. To put it mildly, they wanted to serve the Ming Lord. To put it bluntly, they wanted to become officials.

And these people are also very disappointed with Lei Gong, and often write articles in newspapers to mock the court of Dagan, but in the eyes of the people of Dagan, this is just the cry of a defeated dog, and they want to be officials in Dagan, even if they don't even want to think!
Today's big cadres select officials, first are retired military officers, second are outstanding farmers in farming, third are outstanding factory managers in government-run factories, and finally are officials with imperial examination background. Most of them are also related to mathematics, or political issues, and there are no Confucian topics.

Use it or waste it. The Dagan court doesn’t need Confucian knowledge anymore. Their Confucian masters are no different from trash. Now even the elites in Dagan seldom study Confucianism, but specialize in mathematics. , Mo Xue, do what he likes and want to be reused by Lei Gong!

Zhao Qi said: "The Analects of Confucius can still enter Daqian Primary School. Confucianism still has sparks. Lei Gong is a generation of heros, but Lei Gong's descendants may not have his ability. At that time, Lei Gong's descendants will need our Confucianism. Now we need it. What we do is to make Confucianism de-emphasize reality, if Confucianism has not become more and more illusory over the years, it is difficult to solve the real problems of the big man, and the officials trained are all high-minded and incompetent, and the world will not be taken by Lei Gong."

Obviously Zhao Qi still has confidence in Confucian knowledge, they can afford to wait for a Lei Gong, and they can even afford to wait for a big job!With this experience, the vitality of Confucianism will definitely become more tenacious!

Cai Yong said with a hint of despair: "Lei Gong is a peerless genius, he can push away Confucian knowledge and the concept of governing the country, create a concept of governing the country by himself, and manage Daqian so prosperously, this is not even a war. In the end, Dagan's national power will be dozens of times stronger than Dagan's. I can't even imagine Dagan's peak period. This will definitely be an unprecedented prosperity. How can our Confucianism compare? In ten years, our Confucianism will disappear in history like other schools of thought!"

Zhao Qi is a confident person, Cai Yong is a pessimist, especially now that the prosperous Jidu has been impacting his three views, elevated aqueducts, rail carriages, cement roads, cement high-rise buildings, waterwheels, huge textile factories, steel factories, etc. Wait, all this in Jidu is a completely different world. When he saw that cloth was spun like flowing water, armors were forged from the assembly line one by one, and grain was piled up like hills.

All of this is a world he doesn't know, and it is a world that is dozens of times stronger than the big man. Let him know that there is another way of governing the country that is so many times stronger than Confucianism, and it is simply invincible!
The most important thing is that there is no place for them in this new world. Isn't this equivalent to saying that they are superfluous, and that the great man declined and perished because of having too many of them. This is Cai Yong's most desperate point.

Zhao Qi said calmly: "Tolerance and acceptance is the way of my Confucianism. We must learn from Lei Gong's ruling philosophy and skills. As long as we can keep up with the progress of the times, Confucianism will not die out. The ones that really die out are the conservative and closed schools!"

(End of this chapter)

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