I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 674, What I learned in Jidu

Chapter 674, What I learned in Jidu

After getting on the train, Guo Jia traveled very fast along the way. When he came back to his senses, he found that the train had entered Jidu. It really only took an hour, this train is really a magic weapon! Lei Gong has made something incredible again."

Out of the train station, what Guo Jia saw was a densely populated street. Bullock carts, horse-drawn carts, and human-powered carts and independent carts were everywhere on the road. Influence each other, and on both sides of the avenue are walking crowds, these people are full of red faces, walking on the avenue vigorously, this is what the people of the prosperous age should look like.

And there are many high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, many of which surprised Guo Jia. When he was studying in Luoyang City, there were only two or three-story wooden buildings in Luoyang City. The four-story masonry building, in the distance, he can still see taller buildings erected in the sky, like a giant!
"How could the houses in Jidu be built so high?" Guo Jia couldn't help but wondered.

For Xu Wei, after more than ten years of hard work, Jidu finally has the appearance of a third- and fourth-tier city in the 80s of the Chinese Dynasty, not talking about the level of technology, but just talking about these buildings and infrastructure.But to the people of this era, Jidu is full of high-rise buildings, which does not look like the world.

Seeing Guo Jia's bumpkin look, a commoner in the imperial capital smiled and said, "This is the first time you've come to Jidu, and you've never seen such a tall building before!"

Guo Jia replied: "This seems to be built by some chamber of commerce, but it's too difficult to build so high, so don't you worry about breaking taboos?"

Because he saw the four big characters of Wang's Chamber of Commerce written on this tall building.

There were too many restrictions in the feudal era, and the construction of high-rise buildings could not exceed the height of the palace. Although Lei Gong did not build palaces, he still had a place to live. Such high-rise buildings obviously surpassed the place where Lei Gong lived. The big businessmen don’t worry about the government looking for them. trouble?
The people in the imperial capital laughed and said: "What kind of taboo is committed? We don't care about it when we are in power. If you have money, you can build it higher. We in power said that any house that cannot be built beyond the highest place of the palace is all those officials. Can't eat enough to hold on to find a job!
They have the energy to control the people to do these things, but they don't have the energy to feed the people. No wonder the big man will perish.Our government said that building taller buildings can save the area and make it more convenient for everyone to live in! "

"The mansions of the big officials and dignitaries of the Han Dynasty have been built as huge as a community. They are not taboo, but how much land resources are occupied by each family, they occupy too much, and ordinary people like us occupy less, so we don't care about you when we govern. No matter how tall the building is, it can’t occupy too much area, especially it can’t be like the officials of the Han Dynasty, one mansion occupies the area of ​​a community, they are comfortable like this, but the common people have no place to live.”

The big businessman just heard what Xu Wei said, no matter what taboos you have, no matter how high the building wants to be, but instead find a way to limit the land area of ​​a mansion, for fear that he will become the kind that the ruling party said, one family occupies A neighborhood the size of people!

The residential complex built by the Daqian government was originally a three-story house. Later, when the technology came up, bamboo-reinforced cement was used to build high-rise buildings, and four-story and five-story residential quarters also began to appear. Most of these houses were used to house Dagan. official.

Ordinary people naturally learned the method of making big officials. After making money, they found ways to rebuild their houses. Originally, there was only one house. Building three or four floors is equivalent to three or four times the value of their real estate. These houses Renting it out is also a great deal!

However, the rich and powerful class dare not learn from the wealthy in Luoyang City to build mansions that occupy an area of ​​​​a community, and start to build their own houses taller. Later, the big businessmen found that high-rise buildings can be the best advertisement for their shops, and the number one in Jidu The high-rise buildings can be seen by millions of people in Jidu, which is not much better than advertising.

As a result, the number of high-rise buildings in Jidu began to increase. The Zhen's Chamber of Commerce built a 10-story building, and the Wang's Chamber of Commerce built an 11-story building, and then made a big house number and hung it up, so that the people of the entire Jidu can see it!
After Guo Jia listened to this commoner's introduction, he didn't know whether the high-rise buildings built in this way were good or bad, but he knew that the price of buildings built in this way must be extremely high, and all of them were built of masonry structures, which can be seen in Luoyang City. There are not many such houses. From here, it can be seen that the wealth of the people in Jidu must have far exceeded that of the people in Luoyang City, or they would not have the financial resources to build houses with masonry structures!

Then Guo Jia found a Yunlai Inn to live in.

Xiaoer led Guo Jia to a luxurious room and said: "Objectively, this small room is a bathroom. Our inn has hot and cold water. You can put the water in this bathtub and adjust the water temperature yourself. It can also be called a small room." Come to help, and this ceramic toilet is a convenient place, this one can be flushed!"

After talking about Xiao Er, he gave an example, and sure enough, a stream of water appeared!
"Why is the bathroom connected to the hut?" Guo Jia asked!
This room looked extravagant to him, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles, even the bathroom and the hut were made of porcelain, and the doors and windows were made of transparent glass. It is also difficult for the top aristocratic families to build such a luxurious room.

But the bathroom and even the hut made it difficult for Guo Jia to accept. It was as disgusting as eating half a fly after eating a feast for the princes!
Xiaoer said confidently: "This is the room designed by our ruling party. The layout is very meaningful. In this way, the guest officer doesn't need to leave the room when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and he can't smell the smell when using this toilet. You can rest directly after taking a shower, all of which can be done in one room, which is not very convenient, especially in winter without going out in pajamas!"

Guo Jia heard that this was Lei Gong's arrangement, so he didn't refute it, and was even thinking about the deep meaning of it, but it was actually Xu Wei who arranged for him to move him to this world in the modern living place, and he himself didn't understand why he did it like this layout!But whoever made Xu Wei's status high, such a layout will be popularized in Dagan!
This Xiao Er spoke very carefully, he saw that Guo Jia came to Jidu for the first time, and he had to talk about all the facilities in this house before leaving here!
At this time, Guo Jia could only sit on the bed and didn't know what to say, because the luxury of this inn exceeded Guo Jia's imagination. The tiled walls and floors made it look like a house made of jade, and a transparent glass factory. , and crystal-clear crystal lamps, all of these look so luxurious, but they only cost 200 yuan a day. Obviously, this is not a high-end inn. He lived in a much more expensive inn in Luoyang City, but But there is no good living environment here.

Now he can only helplessly shake his head and smile wryly: "The development of Daqian is too fast, so fast that I can hardly understand it!"

The next day, Guo Jia approached Xiao Er and asked, "I want to know some information about some big dry goods, but I don't know where to go?"

Xiaoer said: "Guests should be able to get the information you want by going to the stock exchange!"

So Guo Jia summoned a carriage and said, "Go to the stock exchange in Jidu!"

The coachman immediately said, "Good job!"

Let Guo Jia get in the car after speaking!

After Guo Jia came up, he found that the driver was missing a leg and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with your leg?"

The coachman smiled and said: "I joined the army and fought the princes of the Central Plains with the old man in power. This leg was broken when attacking Dingtao City. Later, it became infected and was sawed off."

Guo Jia was taken aback, this is really fate, maybe the two met in Dingtao before!
But Guo Jia immediately said: "Brother, you are a great hero!"

The coachman smiled and said, "I'm no hero, I'm just an unlucky soldier, but the ruler didn't treat me badly. This leg has exchanged this carriage and a house in Jidu. Now I spend every month in Jidu. You can earn thousands of dollars a month by attracting customers, marry a wife and have a baby, life is much better than before!"

Guo Jia nodded and said, "You can have real estate in Ji, brother, your leg is worth it!"

This treatment is much better than that of the big man. The soldiers in the big man are really dead when they die. There must be some pensions, but they are not many, and the small pensions will not reach the hands of the soldiers' families.

The driver smiled and said: "I think so too. The world was in chaos back then, and a lot of people died. Who would care about the lives of ordinary people like us? We are the ones in power. I have followed the right people in my life!"

Then the coachman asked: "Guest, what do you want to do when you come to Ji?"

Guo Jiadao: "I heard that Jidu is rich, and the stock exchange is full of gold. I want to find a business to make a fortune!"

The coachman said, "It is easy to make small money in Jidu, but it is difficult to make big money. It used to be easier, but now that Jidu has developed for more than ten years, the real profitable business has long been occupied by the rich. ! Stocks are like gambling, you can’t make money at all!”

Only after Xu Wei created the stock and the stock exchange, it has experienced a year or two of prosperity, and then it has entered a period of recession. Many businessmen and ordinary people have been locked up, but fortunately, the current stock market does not have as many tricks as later generations. Otherwise, many people will go to the rooftop!

This coachman bought stocks with a small amount of money back then, but was taken over by a high position. He couldn't sell them even if he wanted to, and lost a lot of money, so he could only hold them for a long time. Receiving a little money can be regarded as masturbation.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "I'll just take a look!"

The coachman smiled and said, "If you really want to buy stocks, I suggest you buy Jizhou water transport stocks. It is Jizhou governor Wang Guojun who wants to build a commercial bank that runs through the entire Jizhou canal. It is said that 100 billion funds will be recruited for construction!"

Guo Jia never imagined that Wang Guojun could still use this method to do what he wanted to do. He also knew in the newspaper that Lei Gong was spending all his money on Jiangnan because he wanted to help the three states in the south of the Yangtze River. Without money to support the construction of Jizhou, Wang Guojun actually thought of a way to raise funds by himself!

Just a small Jizhou can recruit 100 billion yuan to do such a huge project. Guo Jia recalled that he found that the project of repairing the Yellow River in Dahan's 200 years was comparable to this project. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. .

It's just that he asked strangely: "This can also make money?"

Dahan has been losing money doing such projects, so in 200 years, except for the Yellow River had to be repaired, Dahan has never done any major projects.

The coachman smiled and said: "Of course, Wang Cishi intends to learn from Xiliang roads and set up checkpoints on this canal of hundreds of miles. Any boat passing through this canal will have to pay tolls, and these fees will be used Dividends are said to last for 30 years, and the canal in Jizhou is planned to connect to Jidu. Although such a canal stock is difficult to make a lot of money, it is better than drought and flood guarantees!"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "This is a good idea, whoever benefits will pay!"

Led by the coachman, Guo Jia came to a 12-story high-rise building. The whole body of the high-rise building was made of cement, and the outer layer was mainly covered with tiles and giant glass. It looked like a crystal palace with golden glitter!The painting style of this building is completely different from other places. It is so extravagant that it can be seen even from ten miles away. It is very eye-catching.

"It can only be said that it is the stock exchange where the river of gold flows in the legend!"

Once inside, there was a lot of noise. The space inside was huge, even surpassing the palaces in Luoyang City, and there were crazy shouting people everywhere.

Guo Jia saw the names of factories such as Jizhou Glass Factory and Mayi Iron and Steel Factory on the high platform. These are the first batch of factories listed on the market. Everyone knows their annual profits and how much they can earn per share. It was calculated by everyone, so these stocks are very stable, and no one will buy them if the yield exceeds 30 times, because it is not as good as depositing money in money shops to get more interest!

What really drives everyone crazy is the Jizhou Water Transport Firm, these firms with unknown prospects, block the way to collect money. This canal really costs 100 billion yuan, so it needs to charge more than 3 million yuan a year to barely pay back the cost. And if you want to make money, you need There are 4 million, 5 million or even more proceeds.

But if the canal is not dug through, who knows how much profit will be made, it may be less than 3 million, or it may be 7 million 8 million 9 million, it can be said that it is completely a gamble!
Many people with small fortunes are willing to take a gamble!
And Guo Jia is not interested in these stocks, because even if he earns more than [-]%, it will not be of much use to Crab Island.

Instead, he saw something he was interested in on another sign. The goods hanging here are all the goods needed by Daqian, such as grain, steel, copper ingots, wood, and any raw materials can be hung on it.There are buyers and sellers, and the goods can be ordered after the price is negotiated.

(End of this chapter)

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