Chapter 679, Qualitative

These people really can't refute Xu Wei's words. In addition to their status as scholars, they also have the status of aristocrats. Lei Gong said a few years ago that the world is in chaos, and they, aristocrats, should bear the main responsibility , and now Lei Gong punishes them by depriving them of becoming officials.

Cai Yong said with a bitter face when he heard this: "Since the ruling party has seized the world, it should have the capacity for everything. We have already paid the price for what happened back then, so why should the ruling party hold on to it?"

Xu Wei said firmly: "It's not that I'm holding you back, but that the price you paid is not enough to repay your sins, and the people are unwilling to forgive you.

When you annexed the land and forced the people to be displaced, they could only rebel and survive. After the Yellow Turban Uprising, you not only did not reflect on it, but used cruel means to suppress the people. Hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people were massacred. Looking at intimidating the people, millions of people died in Jizhou alone, and tens of millions of people died in the whole world because of you. How could such a big crime be let go so easily and make the world chaotic. "

Cai Yong said unconvinced: "The world was in chaos back then, and we tried our best to make the world settle down. It's just that the sky is not what people want. We have worked hard, but our ability is not as good as the ruling power. It is too harsh for the ruling power to push all these sins on us. We are."

Xu Wei smiled and said: "I know that there are many people working hard in the big man, like Liu Yu, the neighbor of Daqian at the beginning. The price has also dropped to 30 yuan, such a price has appeared in the best prosperous age of the big man! There are also Huangfusong, Liu Bei, and even Dong Zhuo in Jizhou who are trying to extend the life of the big man!"

"However, these few few people cannot represent the entire elite clan of the Han Dynasty. In fact, even after the Yellow Turban Uprising, ninety-nine percent of the elite clans of the Han Dynasty found that the Han court's control over the local area had weakened. Instead, they were desperately annexing land. Because of their efforts, three uprisings of one million people broke out in Jizhou in just five years, and more than 5 million people died in Jizhou."

"It's not that you haven't discovered the crux of the Han Dynasty. Wang Fu wrote a book "On the Latent Fu" and he has a deep understanding of the problems that occurred in the Han Dynasty. He also mentioned the solutions, such as emigrating to the border, opening up wasteland and reclamation, and equalizing the land. , but you didn't do it!"

"Is there really no way to solve the refugees of the Great Han Dynasty? The imperial court of the Great Han Dynasty has only ten million households and a population of more than 5000 million. It just so happens that my Dagan now has more than ten million households and a population of nearly 5000 million. There is a lack of population everywhere, and more than half of the reports on my desk are asking for population from the Dagan court."

"And the reason why I have no refugees is because the land is equalized, the land in the world has finally returned to the hands of the farmers, and the people can finally have enough to eat.

You big men are benevolent and righteous, and you take one out of fifteen land taxes, but the people can't survive in the big man, but I take out three out of ten, but the people can live affluently. Isn't it because of the existence of you, aristocratic families! "

"If the world is still dominated by the great Han, and you share the land, the people can live on, and the nobles of the Han can still be prosperous and rich, but you didn't do this, but we made a big effort to bring the people back to take back their fields, then you don't want to. I blame the people for being strong and oppressing you now. When you gained power, you were unwilling to give in to the people a little bit, but now that the people who are working hard are strong, then don’t blame the people for suppressing you!"

"As long as the world is still under the rule of Dagan, it will be impossible for the nobles of the Han Dynasty to stand out. This is the price they paid for killing thousands of people."

When Xu Wei said this, Cai Yong and others all darkened. Zhao Qi, Cai Yong and others had become high-ranking men. Of course they knew the way to deal with the refugees. They can't get any of them, let alone Juntian, not to mention doing it, even if they say it, they will be condemned by the world's powerful and noble families.

Juntian was not created by Lei Gong, Wang Mang of the new dynasty used Lei Gong's current method, but among them Wang Mang failed, but Lei Gong succeeded by relying on the people!
Other reclamation and solid borders not only cost a lot of money, but are also easily annexed by the local elites.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the basic level was almost paralyzed, and it was difficult to do such a project. Even if the Han Dynasty court had money to cultivate, [-]% of it would be corrupted. The corrupt officials of the Han Dynasty dared not even provide relief funds for the victims. Greedy ink, and it was done when Lei Gong, Zhang Yan, and the Xiliang Rebellion were growing. After these corrupt officials have completely ignored their greedy ink, they will be hacked to death by millions of disaster victims in the next moment.Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the Han court to do anything under the pull of these corrupt officials!
Xu Wei's words shocked the great Confucians here and made them speechless. Lei Gong clearly defined them as aristocratic clans. In this way, many people couldn't even stand the blow and passed out.

Cai Yong thought for a while and said seriously: "The old man can't refute what the ruling said, but Confucianism has been in power for hundreds of years in the Han Dynasty, and it has created the prosperity of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years. You don't use Confucianism now, and I think it is very inappropriate."

Xu Wei asked back: "How many of the six Confucian arts are you proficient in?"

Xu Wei's mocking words made Cai Yong blush. Although he is a great Confucianist, among the six Confucian arts, ritual, music, and calligraphy can be regarded as masters in the world, but he has not learned much about the reckless ways of archery and imperialism. He is not too proficient in counting, and he has not learned half of the six Confucian arts. From this aspect, he is not worthy of the name of a great Confucian!
But soon Cai Yong recovered and said: "When in power, Confucianism talks about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. This is the foundation of stability in the world. If there were no Confucianism, the world would have been divided into a warring state. People's hearts!"

"At this time, Dagan's thinking is extremely chaotic. Of course, there is a hero like the ruling party now, but after taking power, if Dagan does not have a hero, the world will definitely be torn apart!"

"This is the credit of Confucianism!" Xu Wei nodded affirmatively at this point. Even in later generations, everyone affirms the contribution of Confucianism to the unification of the world. The West does not have a unified thought. In a state of fragmentation.

(End of this chapter)

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