I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 681, Reviving the Mohists

Chapter 681, Reviving the Mohists

Through Xu Wei's words, Xiang Kai finally understood why Xu Wei wanted to drive all these powerful clans out of Dagan. It turned out that it was to make room for a new school and a new system. It's a bit of an eyesore.

Xiang Kai asked: "Does the ruling want to revive the Mohism?"

Although Xu Wei has never admitted it, whether it is the high-level officials of the Daqian or Xu Wei's enemies, they all regard Xu Wei as a giant cultivated by the Mohist school.And obviously this was extremely successful, which even aroused the hopes of other Doom Schools, and they also wanted to copy Xu Wei's behavior!

Xu Wei is too much like the Mohists in thought. At that time, all schools of thought said to love the people, but the people of the Confucianists were at least poor. Love the people is for ordinary people!

But now Daqian can seize the world, relying on loving the people and getting the support of the people!

In addition, he is also ideologically the same as the Mohists. Now Xu Wei can be said to be the master of the world, but even though Xu Wei has unified the world, he does not want to be emperor, and he does not regard the world as his own. I set a monthly salary for myself, and I have to receive a monthly salary with them every month.

He has mastered the whole world but only has one wife. The material requirements can be said to be the lowest among the three generations in the legend, and he still lives in a small courtyard (a three-story villa with a total of several hundred square meters, in the Xu Wei seems to be extremely extravagant. Of course, compared with the imperial palace of several square kilometers of the Han emperor at the same time, Xu Wei's notation is extremely simple!)

The most obvious criterion is that Xu Wei is extremely proficient in various mechanical mechanisms and construction projects in various states. It can even be said that it is because of Xu Wei's possession of these organs that the journey to unify the world will be so smooth!
Xu Wei laughed dumbly when he heard this: "It is not an exaggeration to say that Mohism is revived. The future era will be the era of workers and machines. The more workers, the better the technology, the more machines, the more advanced the country will be. The stronger it is, and among the hundreds of schools of thought, the only one who is a worker and supports the research and development of machines is the Mohist school."

Xiang Kai said: "Then why don't the ruling Mohists train Mohist officials? A school doesn't have enough supporters, and it can't rule the world!"

Xu Wei smiled confidently: "All craftsmen in the world can be regarded as followers of the Mohist school!"

But Xiang Kai said: "To be in power, you need enough artisans to enter the officialdom, so that the idea of ​​​​government will not change!"

Xu Wei was taken aback by these words. He suddenly remembered that the later celestial dynasties seemed to have the idea of ​​engineers governing the country. Craftsmen were not the only ones who wanted to manage a country, otherwise they would be easily usurped by those businessmen!
Xu Wei thought for a while and said, "It is to establish a school for craftsmen! The war is over, and it is time to build the world!"

Xiang Kai thought for a while and asked: "How does the ruling party plan to deal with Liu Bei in Jiaozhou? They have become the only stronghold of the clan."

It’s funny, originally, to the noble families in the Central Plains, people from remote places like Yizhou and Jingzhou were not regarded as aristocratic families at all, but as tyrants, and Jiaozhou, which was at the bottom of the chain, was not even considered a tyrant. , in the eyes of the Zhongmen sect, he is just a savage.

However, after the experience of the elites in the Central Plains being hit in an all-round way, Jiaozhou has now become the only paradise for the elites in the Central Plains.

Xu Wei said: "I have no hatred for Liu Bei, and I don't have the idea of ​​killing them all. The powerful clans who fled to Jiaozhou are just a bunch of losers to me, and I don't care about their life or death. But after all, Jiaozhou belongs to the The land of the great Han, if Jiaozhou is not occupied, the world will not be considered unified."

"But it's not worth the effort to attack a remote place like Jiaozhou. It's best to solve the Jiaozhou issue peacefully. I want to find someone to go to Jiaozhou to talk to Liu Bei and ask him to hand over the land in Jiaozhou. As for the clans above and him Our subordinates, they are willing to establish their own country in a country other than the Han, and we will not stop them, and we will even give them a small amount of support if they give up Jiaozhou and reduce wars!"

In this era, the land in Jingnan is already lower than that of Xiliang's developed Chengdu, and Jiaozhou is not much different from the country of the savages. Xu Wei is not worried that his subordinates will not be able to defeat Liu Bei, but is worried that Liu Bei is in Jiaozhou. It's a barren land fighting guerrilla warfare with Dagan, which is very disgusting!

Hearing this, Xiang Kai smiled wryly and said, "It seems that the ruler really doesn't want to let the powerful clans of the big Han continue to work hard!"

Xu Wei pointed out: "The elite clan is a product of the old era. Their thoughts and actions are centered on the interests of the family, and they want to build their own small world as a prison. In this small world, they are in charge of everything.

"But this set of systems is in conflict with the industrialized system and society we have established now. Industrialized society pays attention to communication. It is necessary to break all these feudal behaviors and establish a unified large market. Shops, The unimpeded circulation is in the whole world, so the stronger I am now against the elites, the smoother and faster the industrialization of Dagan will be developed!"

"Now because of the war, I can attack the nobles and nobles unscrupulously, but after the war is over, we can no longer attack the power of the nobles and nobles in this way, so we can drive them away during the war and do a big job for our future development. The more beneficial it is!"

Xiang Kai couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Cai Yong and the others are still talented, and they can be regarded as moral gentlemen. Isn't it a little unfair to them if the ruling party hits them like this?"

Xu Wei firmly said: "The dust of the times is a big mountain to an individual, and it doesn't matter if it's unfair. After all, he is still alive. Whoever gave them justice for the tens of millions of people who died in the chaos of the world, stand on our standpoint. In other words, we high-ranking officials must be fair to those who support us!"

Xiang Kai looked at the steadfast Xu Wei, and divided the enemy and us with a firm stand. No wonder the ruling party can defeat the heroes in more than ten years and dominate the world!
After reading Zhao Qi's great scholars, Xu Wei found Niu Gui and said to him: "In order to accelerate the promotion of steam engines and promote the development of Daqian industrialization, I plan to establish a mechanical university in Jidu, how to teach anyone how to make steam engines and other production and life. This is a college for the entire Daqian. Anyone who passes the exam can enter the university to study. The first batch of students is tentatively set at 1000. You have to notify the officials of the Ministry of Rites and let the entire Dagan know about the University of Mechanics. the people know!"

Niu Gui was surprised and said: "To be in power, this is to add an imperial examination, but isn't 1000 people too little?"

Niu Gui thought it was an imperial examination, and the smallest scale of imperial examinations in Daqian had to be more than 3000 people.Xu Wei is serious about arresting corrupt officials. He will not think of a once-and-for-all method like other emperors, but will do the normal government affairs in arresting corrupt officials.Try to keep corruption as low as possible.

Xu Wei shook his head and said, "This is not an imperial examination to select officials, but an examination to select scholars. The students who come out of the University of Mechanical Engineering are not to be officials, but to enter factories to become skilled workers or even master craftsmen!"

 Today is my little girl's birthday, I can only write here, I'm going to blow out the candles.

(End of this chapter)

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