I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 686, breaking up and breaking up the family

Chapter 686, breaking up and breaking up the family

Pang Tong and the others also understood what Zhuge Liang meant, but none of them were happy. Youzhou and Xiliang are both frontiers, and even if the local aristocrats had to fight the barbarians in order to defend their own families, they were in the hinterland of the Han Dynasty. , There is no chance to fight with the barbarians to make contributions.

And the traditions of the big Han also despise warriors, and the elite clans in Jingzhou also discriminate against warriors. Few of their children choose the profession of generals. In this way, it is impossible to satisfy Lei Gong's condition of contributing to the world!

There are not many officials in their family like Fu Bian and Liu Yu who serve the country and the people. If there were such officials, Jingzhou Nanjun would not be a swamp. You must know that this is the closest place to the Central Plains. The difficulty of reclamation is also the lowest.

However, the nobles in Jingzhou did not think about improving the environment of their hometown. The development of the entire South County began when Liu Bei came to Jingzhou, and the development of the entire Jingzhou waited for Lei Gong to drive the nobles from the Central Plains to the south of the Yangtze River!
These people thought about what their family had done over the years, but found that none of their family met Lei Gong's preferential treatment conditions!

But Pang Tong's eyes lit up and he said: "Although there are no barbarians in Jingzhou, there are quite a few Nanmans!"

Xu Shu smiled wryly and said, "Can the Nanman's combat power compare with that of the Hu people?"

The barbarians in the frontier broke the counties and counties of the Han Dynasty at every turn, and were the greatest enemy of the Han Dynasty. Although the Nanman in Jingzhou often rebelled, they were no match for the elites in Jingzhou. Instead, they often captured them as slaves!They don't think it is any credit for suppressing some Nanban.

Pang Tong said: "But the stability of the south depends on our family. Otherwise, the whole south will now become the territory of the Nanman! And the most important thing, since the general came to Jingzhou, my family has been developing The land of Jingzhou has turned swamps into fields, barbarism into civilization, and millions of barbarians have been civilized into Han people, all thanks to us!"

Zhuge Liang nodded and said: "Shiyuan is right. The biggest contribution of our family in Jingzhou is to develop the entire Jiangnan land. If it weren't for our family, the entire Jiangnan would still be worse than Xiliang, but now Jiangnan has It is all thanks to us that we have become a land of fish and rice! I think it is precisely because of our contributions that Lei Gong did not exterminate them like the powerful clans in Yizhou!"

Pang Tong and the others broke into cold sweats at the thought of the fate of the powerful and noble families in Yizhou!We must know that the nobles in Yizhou betrayed the emperor of the Han Dynasty, but Lei Gong also showed no mercy to them, and directly moved the entire Yizhou nobles out of Yizhou. It is said that millions of people were forced to move out of Yizhou. It can no longer be regarded as uprooting, but even the soil is planed for you. Now there is no one in Yizhou that can be called a family.

If such an incident happened in Jingzhou, Pang Tong would shudder at the thought of tens of thousands of people in his family being forced to relocate, or even demoted to Xiliang or even the Western Regions!

Soon Zhuge Liang said again: "But only this little credit is not enough to protect the family, especially splitting up the big family has always been the core policy of Daqian, no big family has escaped this fate, our best now Destiny is to take the initiative to split up the family. In addition to our family’s contribution to developing Jingzhou and enlightening millions of southern barbarians, we may be able to integrate into the Dagan court! As long as we gain a firm foothold in the new dynasty, it won’t be long before our family can reunite. Revive!"

After listening to Zhuge Liang's analysis, the children of these noble families felt that it made sense, but it's a pity that they haven't taken power yet, so they can only do it in a hurry.

Xu Shu picked up the book and said: "These things are decided by the elders of our own family. What I can do now is to find a way to get admitted to the Mechanical University. This is the only place we can help the family!"

Hearing this, everyone studied more seriously, but Zhuge Liang said that the method of actively dividing the family was also passed back to the family by them.

At the same time, the news that Yang Feng was going to entertain Jingzhou's nobles also spread throughout the entire Jingzhou area, and the nobles from all over the place tried to discuss with each other how to deal with this grand banquet.

Now that Liu Bei has given way to Jiaozhou, Dagan is in full swing, how can they resist Dagan's attack on their family?

It's a pity that even though there are resourceful people among these people, facing Yang Feng who has absolute power, they clearly know what Yang Feng wants to do, but they can't think of a good way to deal with Yang Feng's blow to their family!

In the 6th year of Daqian, at the end of March, Jiangling City!

At this time, Jiangling City was very lively, and the patriarchs of the entire Jingzhou family came here.

When these patriarchs were about to arrive, Yang Feng invited them all to go to the government office in Jiangling City!
Yang Fenggao sat on the first seat, looked at the patriarch of Jingzhou's powerful clan and said with a smile: "I have been in Jingzhou for two years, and this is the first time I have met you all!"

The oldest Mr. Pang De said with a smile: "We should have come to meet Governor Yang, but I was the one who was waiting for you!"

But Yang Feng waved his hand and said: "We were enemies in the past, and you were afraid of me, so naturally you seldom come to my place. I also understand very well, and I am also busy with affairs, so I don't have time to entertain everyone. If it weren't for a good day to celebrate with everyone today." The news has to be announced, and this official will not summon everyone!"

Pang Degong and the others looked at each other with mournful faces. Yang Feng had been in Jingzhou for two years, although he had to deal with Liu Bei and was afraid of the situation in Jingzhou, he did not attack their family.

But it’s not like they didn’t do anything. In the first year of Yang Feng’s arrival in Jingzhou, he began to replace their former disciples and old officials with his own subordinates, and the thing that made them feel the most ruthless was that Lei Gong actually sent 1 officials. Jingzhou, which is almost half the number of bureaucrats in the Han Dynasty, but now all of them are used in Jingzhou and Yangzhou.

From this moment on, Jingzhou's powerful and powerful families knew that Lei Gong did not intend to give them a way out, and the officials' arrangements even reached the village level, which simply cut off their influence on the local area.

It's not that they didn't think about resisting, but Yang Feng entered Jingzhou with an army of 20. Although after Liu Bei fled to Jiaozhou, the army in Yang Feng's hands continued to decrease, but in the second year, Dagan made another attack. What about the conscript system and reclamation soldiers, the army in Yang Feng's hands soon expanded to 30, which was more than when he was dealing with Liu Bei.

There are 60 troops stationed in the entire Jiangnan, and each county in the south of the Yangtze River has to face an army of about 5. This kind of strength makes any noble family in any county dare not cause trouble, for fear that it will be uprooted like the powerful family in Yizhou In addition, tens of thousands of people in the family were exiled to the desert!

Then Yang Feng said loudly: "The original Han general Liu Bei has promised us Dagan to negotiate a peace. He will give up Jiaozhou within a year. That is to say, from now on, the world will officially be unified under my Dagan's banner, and there will be turmoil. The troubled times of more than ten years are finally over! Everyone applauds!"

After talking about Yang Feng being the first to applaud, it's a pity that few people applauded with Yang Feng at all, and even many people were ashamed when they heard the news. Although they had expected such a long time ago, when they really got the news, they still had mixed feelings in their hearts. Chen, there is both the sadness of the great man's demise, and the fear and fear that he can't see the way forward.

These people didn't applaud Yang Feng and didn't care, but continued: "Jingzhou was originally under military control, and there are many southern barbarians in the area, so Jingzhou is still governed by the laws of the big Han, but now that the world has been unified, Jingzhou has to start gradually. To adapt to the laws of my work, and the most important law of my work is the Land Equalization Order, and everyone should take the initiative to separate families and adapt to the laws of my work!"

The patriarch of the Xi clan said: "Inspector Yang, our family has shared the land as early as when Liu Bei was in power, and now there is no land to divide!"

Yang Feng's face changed, and he said coldly: "Everyone really has no land to divide. We have been enemies for more than ten years. I know you as well as you know me. Don't you think that changing your household registration a little , Sending the land to your tenants will make me think that your land is really divided, which is really a big fallacy!"

"How many soldiers and knives do you have in your hands now! Are you stronger than the nobles in the Central Plains? The nobles in the entire Central Plains have been massacred by us. Do you think you can hide?"

"Don't daydream here, if not for the millions of Nanmans in Jingzhou, you would have been wiped out by me two years ago. Now that I have no enemies, you can be said to be the last of my Dagan. An enemy, and I will treat the enemy as mercilessly as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves.

Do you want to taste the sharpness of my big army's sword?I want to become my official's military exploits. You must know that it has always been my regret that I did not completely defeat Liu Bei. It is also possible if you become my official's credits. I have many subordinates and have not earned enough military exploits. "

Yang Feng's unceremonious declaration scared several powerful and noble families on the spot.Many people suspected that 800 knives and axes were ambushed outside the government office, and now Yang Feng was about to drop the wine glass in his hand, and let the 800 knives and axes charge them, and chopped them into pieces.

Yuan Xu, the head of the Yuan family, asked calmly: "You have to be reasonable in your work. Before you divided our land in the Central Plains, you said that we are the land of the annexed common people. I don't deny this. But the land in the south of the Yangtze River is all Our family worked hard to reclaim it bit by bit. Back then, the south of the Yangtze River was full of swamps, wild beasts, and dragons eating people everywhere. Such an environment is not suitable for people to live in."

"It was people from our family who came to these wild lands and reclaimed them. Every mu of land here contains the flesh and blood of our family's children. My Yuan family has hundreds of family members who died in the south of the Yangtze River in order to open up wasteland. on the land."

"And now you are taking our land away for nothing. How can there be such a thing in the world? Even Lei Gong has no such reason. Today you can use this method to take away our land. After that, you Can Dagan also use this method to take away the land of the people in the world?"

Yang Feng said solemnly: "I work hard for the court, for the country and for the people, how can I annex the land like your powerful clan, and what use is it for us to take the land!"

Yuan Xu sneered and said, "That's not necessarily the case. You Dagan don't have any farms in that prefecture or county. It means that every county in Jingzhou has your Dagan's military farms, and each area is not small. If these farms continue to expand Go on, what is the difference between this and what we did in the Central Plains!"

Yang Feng said firmly: "Of course there is a difference. We established these farms to develop the south of the Yangtze River. The farms were all built on deserted islands and swamps, and did not encroach on an inch of land from the people."

At this time, Sima Jing said: "Inspector Yang, we admire and agree with the imperial government's use of land equalization to solve the problem of displaced people all over the world, but you have to be reasonable when you work hard. Now the land in Jingzhou is reclaimed by us through hard work." , is also our foundation, and now you are forcibly seizing our land like this, which is also against the policy of the imperial court!"

But Yang Feng laughed mockingly: "I really have no way to refute what Patriarch Yuan said. Their Yuan family's land is really reclaimed by themselves, but your Sima family is worthy of saying such words! Your Sima family has taken root in Jingzhou After 200 years, the land has occupied 30 mu from scratch. Nanyang County, Nanjun is full of your Sima family's land, and it is the most fertile land. This is also your Sima family's hard work? I don't know. See how many acres of land your Sima family has cultivated with a hoe!"

Many people dare not make a sound after this overturning. Like the Yuan family and the Cui family who were defeated by Dagan and fled to the south of the Yangtze River, their strength has declined. Protected by Liu Bei, they, the nobles of the Central Plains, can only develop the swamps in the south of the Yangtze River, while local snakes like Sima Jing and Duke Pang rely on their own family's ancestral property, and they don't have to pay the price of their lives like these troubled nobles to open up wasteland. !
At this time, Mr. Pang De said helplessly: "The governor asked us to come to Jiangling City to settle old scores with me, right? The governor thinks that we have not done well in equalizing the land, and the governor can re-equal the land. I will never dare to hinder it. The governor's Juntian order! I just ask the governor to leave a way for our family to survive."

Yang Feng didn't continue to play tricks with them, and said bluntly: "In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the land equalization order, the core children of your big families have to move out of Jingzhou, like your Pang family, Mr. Xi from Nanjun, and Ma from Yicheng. , Yin family, Nanjun Huang family, Cai family, Er and other families will all move out of Jingzhou!"

"The Yuan family, Cui family, Wang family, Yang family, Linghu family, Zhang family, and Liu family from Jingzhou do not need to leave Jingzhou, but they have to break up their families and redistribute their lives in Jiangnan! It is not allowed to gather together in the form of such a big family."

"If you take the initiative to separate the family, I can arrange you to a better place, but if you learn from Yizhou's powerful clan, the whole family will be uprooted by my Dagan, and the family members will be demoted to the Western Regions and the desert." Guard the border! You have to think carefully about which path to choose!"

Yang Feng's words caused panic among the patriarchs who came here. Almost the entire Jiangnan clan would be scattered. Although they knew that this day would come sooner or later, many people still couldn't bear such a result.
Pang Degong said sadly: "We are also the common people who work hard now, can't the ruling government give us a way to survive?"

Yang Feng said solemnly: "If I give you a way to survive, ordinary people will have no way to survive! Moving and dividing your family is your only way out."

(End of this chapter)

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