I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 699, the price paid by heavy industry

Chapter 699, the price paid by heavy industry

Pu Yuan's words aroused Zhuge Liang's curiosity. They all said that Dagan's equipment is powerful, and Dagan's ruling himself boasted that Dagan's army is invincible. Half of it depends on advanced weapons and equipment. He wants to see Dagan's How advanced the utensils are!
It just so happens that they also want to buy machinery for making sewing machines, and there happen to be several machinery processing factories in their industrial zone, so you can go and see one!
So the three of them came to a company called Jidu No. [-] Machinery Factory.

After the three of them found the factory manager and explained their intentions.

The factory manager knew that the three of them just wanted some simple hammers and iron felts, and some simple lathes, and said disdainfully: "Our machinery factory doesn't have time to process such simple parts, you should find other factories!"

Pu Yuan immediately said: "Director, there is no reason to push the business out!"

The factory manager said with a smile: "Our factory is busy processing steam engine cylinders now, and the orders have been scheduled for a year. You should find other small factories, they will have this demand!"

At this moment, a worker ran in and shouted: "Factory Manager, something serious happened. The technician who developed the water knife was shot by the water knife. Now he is covered in blood. Go and see it!"

The factory manager rushed over immediately after hearing this!

Zhuge Liang thought for a while and said, "Let's go and have a look, maybe we can help!"

When the factory manager rushed to the experimental workshop, several people had already surrounded Mechanic Wan, and an apprentice held down the place where Mechanic Wan was bleeding!
The director of the factory was surprised: "What's going on?"

A worker panicked and said, "I don't know what hit Technician Wan's arm, and he bled immediately! It must have hurt the main artery."

This Zhuge Liang couldn't run away, so he tore off a long strip from his gown and tightened the arm of Mechanic Wan, saying: "Use this method to stop the bleeding first, and at the same time find a carriage immediately, and take him to the hospital!"

At this time, the factory manager suddenly realized, wrapped his arm with cloth strips, and at the same time ordered someone to put him on a carriage and send him to Jidu Hospital!
"What is the reason for this situation!" The factory manager asked with a cold face.

Wan Jigong is one of the advanced technicians in the machinery factory, especially the machinery he developed is the most concerned by the ruling party. Now that people are injured, he can't afford it.

At this time, a worker said: "We are testing the power of the water jet, but we don't know whether it is a stone or a piece of iron, anyway, all of a sudden, Technician Wan is bleeding!"

Zhuge Liang looked at the machine in front of him curiously. There was water all around, and they also said it was a water knife. Could it be that such a thing was used to injure people, and water can also be used as a knife?

"Don't go there!" Only at this time did the factory manager realize that outsiders like Zhuge Liang had entered the factory.

However, because of what happened just now, his attitude was a little better, but he still said: "When what happened in our factory today, please don't spread it to the outside world, and this place is dangerous after all, you should leave!"

Zhuge Liang and the others had no choice but to leave here, but because he followed into the factory, he saw that there were machines more than one foot high everywhere, and these machines alone did not know how much iron they needed. The dry utensils are advanced.

After he came out, he sighed: "If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. This has been brought to the limit by the government. Now I am full of expectations for the University of Mechanical Engineering!"

At the same time, Xu Wei also found out about the accident discovered by the machinery factory. He immediately felt that the hospital went to see the technicians. There are very few senior technicians working hard these days, and every time Xu Wei sacrificed, he felt very distressed.But the development of industry is like this, bloodshed and sacrifices are required. This is the first time such an accident has happened in Dagan.

From the miners who were buried at the beginning of mining, to the workers who were burned to death by molten iron in the blast furnace melting, and the workers who were killed by the explosion of the steam engine, it can be said that the industrialization has been going on for more than ten years, and dozens of hundreds of lives are swallowed every year. All bloody lessons!
Xu Wei can only find out the cause of the accident, learn from experience and lessons, standardize the behavior of workers, strengthen safety management, and try his best to reduce casualties.

Fortunately, this Wan mechanic was lucky, he felt the hospital in time, and stopped the bleeding from the wound.

Then Xu Weicai came to the machinery factory to find out the reason.

Waterjet is a project promoted by Xu Wei. After all, people in this world would never think that weak water can cut metal. Daqian now needs a large number of steam engines, which drives a large number of parts to be cut. The traditional method is highly efficient. , but there are certain limitations, that is, it is difficult to cut large parts, and Xu Wei thought of the water jet, saying that the parts can be cut no matter how deep the thing is, so Xu Wei seemed to be on the horse to have a look, but he did not expect to There was an accident!
The factory manager had been waiting for Xu Wei's arrival for a long time. When Xu Wei asked the cause of the accident, the factory manager said: "It should be that the water in the water knife is not clean enough, and some small stones entered the tank. When they were shot out, they hit the iron plate and hit Mechanic Wan is on him!"

Then the factory director whispered: "Government, it seems that the technology of water jets is still very difficult. We pressurize the water to the extent that it can break wood at most, and the efficiency is extremely low. From the current point of view, the grinding wheel Cutters are the best technology!"

He had only heard about this water jet technology, and he thought that the big money and power would be great, and the simultaneous development of the two technologies would be no problem, but the reality slapped him in the face!

He could only helplessly say, "We'll make a decision when Mechanic Wan is ready!"

The conversation was divided into two parts. Zhuge Liang and the others found a slightly smaller machining factory. The factory manager here did not dislike the simplicity of their parts and agreed to help them manufacture these machines. When Zhuge Liang wanted to visit the factory's stamping machines, he also Agree to take Zhuge Liang and the others to visit!
The factory manager said enthusiastically: "This is our most advanced steam stamping machine, and the cylinders of our large dry pot camel machine are all completed here!"

Zhuge Liang can hear the obvious gap, the front can produce steam engines, but here can only produce pot camel machines, but this is already amazing to Zhuge Liang.

But the factory manager has a proud face. For people of this era, a stamping machine that can generate tens of thousands of forces is a magic weapon!Of course, it's just that the price of this artifact is a bit too high. The price of one such extremely high price is as high as 200 million yuan, swallowing up the profits of my factory for two years.The factory manager had no choice but to take all the orders and find a way to pay off all the debts first, otherwise other factories would have rewards and benefits, so their factory would give some dried salted fish. There is no light on the face!
Zhuge Liang and the others saw a hot red iron ingot put on the punching machine, and then it was slowly pressed into shape by the punching machine like dough, and after cooling, the craftsman took out the part.

Zhuge Liang and the others were stunned watching this scene, the steel turned into mud, even though it was red-hot steel, the power of the hydraulic press was too powerful.

The factory manager proudly introduced: "The lighter the pot machine, the better it can be used in the countryside, but its cylinder needs to be more powerful, the better, and the greater the power, the greater the pressure on the cylinder, so the only way to achieve sturdiness is to increase the wall thickness. , but it needs to increase the weight. This is the contradiction between demand and reality! And now this punching machine solves this problem! The cylinder produced in this way is not only strong, but also light and difficult to use!”

"The pot camel machine produced by our factory not only weighs 100 catties less, but also doubles the power. It can be said to be easy to use and save money. If you want to open a machine factory, power is indispensable. Do you want to order 10 pot camel machines? As a source of power!"

(End of this chapter)

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