I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 705, drastic military reform

Chapter 705, drastic military reform
After Zhao Yun helped his blind date harvest the wheat, he left Changshan County.Now that his people are well-off, he feels that he should not continue to disturb his family.

Then they went all the way north and came to Zhuojun, the hometown of Zhang Fei and Liu Bei.

The arrival of Zhang Fei was warmly welcomed by the clansmen. For hundreds of years in the old Zhang family, the biggest official was Zhang Fei, who became General Shangqing.

You must know that although Zhang Fei's family is rich, it is not as powerful as Liu Bei's family. Although Liu Bei is poor, he can at least invite Lu Zhi to be a teacher, but Zhang Fei can only become a bully in his hometown. differences in political status.

And when Zhang Fei became a general, the Zhang family could be called an official family. Of course, because of the demise of the big man, they actually didn't benefit from Zhang Fei at all.But at any rate, there was a character in the family who could speak out.

And Zhang Fei found that his clansmen were living better than those in Dahan, so he also pressed down. He was really worried that the policy of suppressing the powerful and noble clan would affect his family.

But in fact, this is Zhang Fei thinking too much. Their family, let alone a family, is not even considered a powerful family. It can barely be regarded as a family of small landlords.The family has hundreds of acres of land and runs a pig slaughtering business. When the land equalization order was issued, the family resolutely divided the family. Not only did they not suffer losses, but they gained hundreds of acres of land.Therefore, the transformation and replacement of Daqian is not too bad for them, and it has not been greatly affected.

Even if there are some positive influences, the Zhang family can be regarded as a family with special skills. After removing the aristocrats and tyrants who oppressed them, the Zhang family got the opportunity to develop instead.

Relying on the advantages of breeding technology, the Zhang family has opened several pig farms, large and small, and even now the Zhang family has become the largest pork farmer in Zhuo County. The family raises a total of 1 pigs, large and small. , and made a lot of money in this turmoil of rising pork prices, so their days in Daqian Dynasty can be regarded as very nourishing.

The changes in the Zhang family made Zhang Fei feel at ease, but Liu Bei's hometown has not changed much. In fact, since Liu Bei, the Liu family has declined. Otherwise, Liu Bei would have been weaving mats and selling shoes since he was a child. The name of the clan's relatives barely survived in Zhuo County, and the family was not even as rich as Zhang Fei's family.

When the big Han was replaced by the Dagan, because Xu Wei expanded the area of ​​attack, the clansmen of the Han family like them were less affected. They divided the land, divided their families, and continued to live the life of farming. Their money was not stretched. There are many families, but life is not bad, and the life of ordinary Liu family members is even better than that of the Han Dynasty.

After Zhang Fei learned about the situation, he was finally relieved, and went straight to Jidu.

After coming to Jidu, he didn't go to the Dagan court first, but first inquired about where the two brothers Liu Xie and Liu Bian lived.

Fortunately, the place where the two brothers live is not without secrets. Zhang Fei quickly took Zhao Yun to find Liu Xie!
When Liu Xie saw Zhang Fei, he didn't even dare to imagine: "General Zhang?"

Zhang Fei excitedly said: "Your Majesty, it's my minister!"

Liu Xie immediately said: "Where is there any Your Majesty now, no matter what I am now, I am just an ordinary commoner, the general will call me Mr. Liu!"

Zhao Yun also bumped into Zhang Fei, telling him to pay attention, after all, this is Lei Gong's lair, and his behavior can easily cause trouble for Liu Xie!

And Liu Xie closed his shop, pulled Zhang Fei into his small courtyard, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry for the emperor and the general. The emperor was fighting with Dagan on the front line, but I lost my home, which made the emperor feel sorry. Uncle suffered a crushing defeat!"

Among all the Han officials, Liu Xie felt that Liu Bei was the one he felt most sorry for. The fall of Chengdu completely cut off Liu Bei’s rear in Hanzhong, and the hundreds of thousands of troops collapsed completely. It can even be said that the Han’s territory in the south of the Yangtze River was also due to the fall of Chengdu. After that it completely collapsed.

Zhang Fei said angrily: "This has nothing to do with Mr. Liu. It's all about the disloyalty and filial piety of Yizhou clansmen who betrayed His Majesty. Fortunately, they have been solved by Lei Gong!"

Then Liu Xie asked curiously: "General Zhang is not in Nanzhong with Uncle Huang, why did he come to Jidu!"

Liu Xie has always been concerned about Liu Bei's movements even in Jidu. When he knew that Liu Bei had established a new big man in Nanzhong, he even breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Dagan has seen a lot of things, but it is difficult to accept his identity as the king of subjugation!
Zhang Feidao: "Now my brother has occupied most of the land in Nanzhong, but Nanzhong is poor and sparsely populated, and it is difficult to undertake the mission of revitalizing the Han Dynasty. My brother wants to go to the rich Tianzhu, but it is difficult to reach Tianzhu by land. My brother wants to go to Dahan. Do here, borrow or buy a fleet!"

Liu Xie said with a serious face: "The fleet is a military weapon, and Lei Gong is afraid that it is impossible to lend it to the general!"

Zhang Fei smiled wryly and said, "Brother also knows this, so I mainly want to see if I can buy some second-hand sea boats!"

Liu Xie thought for a while, then took out his bankbook from his room and handed it to Zhang Fei, saying, "This is my little deposit, about 100 million yuan, I hope it can help Uncle Huang!"

Zhang Fei immediately refused and said, "Fei can't ask for Mr. Liu's money!"

But Liu Xie said with a smile: "Take it, this money is not of much use to me. You can see my house, and you know that I don't lack money in Ji. On the contrary, it is the emperor who needs this money to revive the big man. It can be regarded as my contribution to the big man!"

Liu Xie has said so, Zhang Fei can only take the passbook.

Then Liu Xie said: "Uncle Liu and Uncle are now officials in the Department of Foreign Affairs of Dagan. I'm afraid you need Uncle's help in this matter. I will introduce Uncle to the General!"

This was a surprise for Zhang Fei.In fact, he and Liu He are old acquaintances. Back then, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei and others were Liu Yu's subordinates. He and Liu He also met several times.

Under the leadership of Liu Xie, the two met.

Naturally, there was a lot of emotion, and Zhang Fei also told Liu He about Liu Bei's current situation, and finally sent a request that he would borrow a fleet from Dagan to expedition to Tianzhu.

Such a major matter was naturally beyond Liu He's ability to handle, so he immediately reported it to his superiors, and at the same time asked Zhang Fei to stay in Jidu for a while, waiting for news.

In the end, the news was reported to Niu Gui layer by layer, but Niu Gui refused without even thinking about it. At the beginning, they and Liu Bei were life and death enemies. Now that they have not made trouble, they are already worthy of Liu Bei. They even want to borrow a battleship, even without thinking think.

I dare not let this news be known by people like Wang Ge and Li Gang, but they became interested in such things instead.

After Fan Xian became the governor of Yangzhou, the commander of the navy became Li Gang. He became the top leader. He naturally wanted to expand the strength of the navy, and now he has a lot of overseas interests, such as gold and silver from Japanese Island, wood from Crab Island, and sulfur And human resources, sugar from Yizhou, spices and precious wood from the Nanzhong Islands, and trade routes from Tianzhu, these can bring tens of billions of income to Dagan every year, and this territory of tens of thousands of miles needs Navy to maintain.

But Niu Gui has been reducing the navy's military funds for a very simple reason. The war is over and they have no enemies!

"There are no enemies in this sea area. What do you do to build a super battleship that is more than ten thousand stones and can accommodate hundreds of naval guns? Isn't it a waste of money to use it to hunt whales!"

"You can build three medium-sized warships of 5000 stone with the money you spend building one super battleship like this, and my artillery is invincible in the world. Why do you need to build thousands of giant cannons that weigh nearly 50 jin, and 50 jin cannons are also invincible People are formidable, ordinary pirate warships, you can smash them with one cannon. One [-]-jin cannon is enough to make five [-]-jin cannons."

In this way, under the influence of Niu Gui, the military expenditure of the navy was cut in half, and many large ships and artillery projects were stranded, and even so, Li Gang didn't even dare to lose his temper, because the army next door was even worse .

After Liu Bei, the enemy, surrendered, the world was unified, and there were no enemies in Dagan. In order to reduce debts, Niu Gui directly cut off more than 7% of Dagan's standing army and military expenditures. The military system has undergone drastic reforms. First of all, The military power was separated from the prefects and governors of the counties, and five war zones were established, namely the Southeast War Zone, Xiliang War Zone, Desert War Zone, Central Plains War Zone and Central War Zone. These five war zones have three systems: standing soldiers, conscripts, and militias. Formed.

The strength of each military region is not too much, only 1 to 2 standing troops, coupled with 8 to 9 conscripts, form a complete theater with an army of 10.This can not only maintain the combat effectiveness of the army, but also save military expenditures, and retaining an army of more than 50 is enough to face any enemy.

Now only the southeast theater is in a special situation, and has the largest number of troops. The militia and standing army can add up to more than 50.But most of them are field soldiers, not to mention consuming the funds of the Dagan court, but they can also provide a large amount of grain and funds to the Dagan court every year.

After Niu Gui's set of military reform measures, not only the local military power was completely deprived, but also the military expenditure plummeted. Now the army's military expenditure is only [-]% of the original.

With the efforts of Niu Gui, the Daqian court completed the transition from military to construction within a year.

The generals who worked hard looked at Niu Gui's reforms with gritted teeth, but they couldn't say anything, because the war was indeed over, and such disarmament was a very normal thing. Xu Wei even specially summoned them, the generals and lieutenants. , told them the importance of disarmament, and strictly prohibited them from influencing the disarmament policy system.

At the same time, in order to resettle these military cadres, throw them all into the cadre academy in Jidu, let them learn how to transfer to local officials.

(End of this chapter)

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