Xu Wei then asked Zhuge Liang to assemble the copper ball, plugging the air holes on both sides, and then said: "Now let's slowly fill this copper ball with water!"

Xu Wei slowly poured water into the air inlet. When it was full, Xu Wei tightened the air inlet, and then opened the air outlet, but the water didn't flow much, so it didn't come out again, even though the air outlet was downward. !
This scene surprised many students, a bit against common sense!
Xu Wei said: "This is the power of atmospheric pressure. Now the copper ball is almost sealed, and the water that just flowed out created a little vacuum inside the copper ball, which led to the dry pressure inside the copper ball being less than ours outside. , so the atmospheric pressure outside goes to the inside of the copper ball, preventing the water inside from coming out! In this environment, the water cannot flow down! "

"Now we find a way to use the piston to pump the water out of the copper ball, and we can get an almost vacuum environment."

After Xu Wei finished speaking, Zhuge Liang asked Zhuge Liang to keep pumping the water in the copper ball with the piston, but when half of it was pumped, Zhuge Liang couldn't pump it anymore!Xu Wei had no choice but to take over, and when he reached [-]% of the pump, he couldn't move anymore, and then closed the valve.

"Now more than 9% of the water in the copper tube has been pumped out, and the inside is actually a vacuum environment, because almost all the air inside has been pumped out. The outside air wants to get in, but the outer shell of the copper ball blocks the air from entering. The path of the copper ball is equivalent to the force exerted by the air on the header, so that the two hemispheres are tightly squeezed together. You can try the size of this force."

Zhuge Liang was most interested in atmospheric pressure. He was the first to pull the two handles outside the copper ball. As a result, he pulled himself blushing, but the copper ball was still glued together seamlessly.This aroused the interest of many students.

Xu Shu immediately said, "Kong Ming, I'll come up to help you!"

After speaking, the two of them pulled a handle again and again, but the two of them pulled for a long time, but they still didn't pull the copper ball away!

In the end, Xu Wei asked people to find two hemp ropes several feet long, and then asked these students to continue to work hard!

And Zhuge Liang also recruited 18 classmates to help, but the [-] people were divided into two sides like a tug-of-war and still did not pull the copper ball!
Many students were shocked at this moment. They never thought that the light air, which they couldn't see normally, had such great strength, which was stronger than 20 people!

Zhuge Liang wanted to continue asking his classmates to play, but Xu Wei stopped Zhuge Liang's behavior and said: "It's too dangerous to continue, the teacher doesn't want to see you being hit by the copper ball!"

Then he said to the students around him: "Through today's experiment, everyone must have some understanding of the power of air. The teacher assigns you a homework, which is to let everyone think about it. This atmospheric pressure can be used in pressurized wells. It hasn't been used anywhere yet!"

"Reading is not just studying, you have to learn and apply what you have learned, and use the knowledge you have learned to benefit the people. This is what the teacher expects of you!"

"Okay, today's class is here, get out of class is over!"

After speaking, Xu Wei left the playground used for experiments.

And thousands of students around also left in twos and threes!

Xu Shu and his scholars from Jingzhou gathered together. He looked at Xu Wei's back with admiration and said, "I can't imagine what kind of teacher taught such a genius as ruling power, not to mention both civil and military skills, and even the knowledge of physics." They are all so knowledgeable, a lot of knowledge is not recorded in other places! And they are so generous to teach us!"

Pang Tong was also puzzled and said, "My family and teacher have a bit of prestige in the door, but the entire Dagan mountain gate has not found the seat of the ruling sect, even the mountain gate in Jizhou is the same. The ruling seems to have appeared out of thin air!"

"It's like making the knowledge that we are taught today. Among other families and schools, it is completely unheard of and unseen. It is obviously the unique knowledge of the ruling. However, these knowledge are extremely advanced and even contrary to common sense. There are no generations and hundreds of years of observation and knowledge. Exploration cannot happen out of thin air!"

"So there should indeed be a huge door behind the ruling. The knowledge in it even exceeds the knowledge of our big Han clan and the mountain gate. How can such a huge mountain gate with knowledge go without a trace? Even until today, only the ruling person appeared , it stands to reason that the whole world now belongs to the ruler, even if the knowledge of the Mohists was oppressed at the beginning, they should go out now and spread their knowledge!"

Doubts about Xu Wei's background being from the whole great Han clan and Shanmen?

Xu Wei is the best in the world in terms of military, politics, economy, and even machinery. Naturally, this is due to personal talent, but the teacher's teaching is obviously also a very important reason, especially Xu Wei's knowledge system is obviously completely different from that of the big man. , This is not only explained by talent.

With such a large and complex knowledge system in Xu Wei, it seems that there is someone stronger than the big man outside of the big man, and the advanced countries taught Xu Wei this knowledge.

But this is obviously contrary to common sense. The Han academic circle is not closed. Their knowledge of the known world is stronger than that of scholars of all dynasties after the Song Dynasty. civilizations, even the recently discovered Indian civilization.

Thanks to the prosperity of the newspapers in Jidu, during this period of time, the information on the military, economic, political, religious, cultural and other aspects of Tianzhu civilization in the newspapers was shown to the common people, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of Tianzhu's country and culture. civilization.

Although there are many advantages, and there are many places that are more advanced than the big men, but overall, the civilization of Tianzhu is still not as good as theirs, especially when they are ruled by a group of gods, which makes the academic circles of the big guys look down on them. As early as 2000 years ago, the rule of the god stick was over.

Recently, the Five Dou Rice Sect has ruled a county's territory, and it is barely doing well, but compared to other princes of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Lu is a waste and there is not much difference.

But to the amazement of Daqian academics, if Zhang Lu went to Tianzhu, he might become the master of the Ming Dynasty!Such a level of governance is naturally not looked down upon by the big cadres.

Especially when they knew that Tianzhu was often invaded by northern nomads, and now the most powerful country in Tianzhu, the Guishuang Empire, was actually the Da Yuezhi that was previously recorded in history.

Then a formula immediately appeared in their minds, Daqian is stronger than Dahan, Dahan is stronger than Xiongnu, Xiongnu is stronger than Da Yuezhi, Da Yuezhi is the most powerful country among the Tianzhu kingdoms, so Dagan is far stronger than Tianzhu !

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