Chapter 712, tight and loose
Seeing his subordinates full of complaints, Xu Wei also felt embarrassed!This is the only fiscal revenue of the imperial court, and every state and county in the local area is desperately launching projects, so they have to write a letter every day saying that they don't have enough money to spend!If you don't suppress their impulsive actions, the economy will be in chaos!

Fortunately, Xu Wei's old subordinates also understand Xu Wei's embarrassment. The debt of more than 1000 billion is enough to make people dizzy.

They just want to complain now, to vent their anguish for the past six months!

"In power, I heard that you have given a lot of opinions to the people in the desert in the past three days. We are here this time to hear your opinions on the development of Jiangnan!" Councilor Wu Xiong said.

This is the main purpose of their invitation to Xu Wei. They all know that Xu Wei is the God of Wealth. If they can point out an industry that can be developed, Jiangnan Development will not have to worry about funding.

Just like the glass industry in Jizhou at the beginning, even now it can provide Jizhou with more than ten yuan of funds every year.And it is with this money that Jizhou has become the top three richest states in the entire Daqian, and even the governor of Jizhou Wang Guojun can forcefully launch his canal plan, more than 100 billion yuan!Let them almost die of envy.

And now in Liaodong, the output of soybeans is getting higher and higher. The soybean industry alone can bring billions of income to Liaodong every year. The income is not as profitable as the glass industry, but the soybean industry can speed up the entire Liaodong industry. development.After nearly 10 years of development, Liaodong, which was considered a wild place, has now become the wealthiest area outside the Great Wall, and all this is because of the development path specified by the ruling party!

Now the ruling party says that Jiangnan is a good place. Although this place is full of wild animals, countless swamps, and mosquitoes that block out the sun, but the ruling party says this is a good place, then there must be a good place discovered by the ruling party. Now they I just want the ruling party to show them the way!
"You can't be biased, they are already rich in the desert, it doesn't matter if they have more money or less money, but our south of the Yangtze River is full of wilderness, and survival is very difficult!" Wu Xiong said
"Just tell us clearly, if Jiangnan wants to develop, what industry should it develop?"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "Jiangnan is a good place. It's not that I lied to you. It's just that it's really a treasure land, but it hasn't been developed yet. Do you know the tea in Yuzhou?"

A congressman hesitated and said: "I know, it is said that herdsmen like drinking tea very much! It seems that it can be sold for billions of dollars a year!"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "The herdsmen in the desert eat less vegetables in the grasslands, which can easily affect their health, so they want tea to make up for the lack of things in their bodies, and ordinary people can also maintain their health by drinking tea, so drinking tea these years There are more and more people, and the sales of tea are increasing.

As for tea, there are actually more tea in Jiangnan, and the quality is better than in Yuzhou, but the tea in Jiangnan has not been developed on a large scale. After you go back this time, you can find a way to attract investment in Jiangnan and develop tea in the hills , and the growth of tea is in the hills, and will not affect the cultivated land! "

The congressmen in Jiangnan nodded one by one and said: "It turns out that the tea industry has great potential!"

Then Xu Wei continued: "There is also the silk industry. Didn't Liu Bei leave it behind in the south of the Yangtze River? The huge silk industry, as long as you continue to expand, it will become an industry worth more than [-] billion yuan!"

Although the silk industry now lacks the military as a major customer, the people’s love for silk has not diminished, especially as the people have become rich in recent years. In the past, silk was only used by landlord families, but now there are more and more people. Many working-class people use it, so it can be said that the silk market has been expanding!

Councilman Wei Yongdao: "We have been expanding the silk industry, but it takes time to plant mulberry trees. The expansion of silk production in the past two years has not been very large, and most of the money earned has been invested by the governor in the development of Jiangnan. Otherwise, Our reclamation will be even more difficult!"

In fact, Yang Feng and his reclamation army spent most of it except for the appropriation of the imperial court, and most of it was maintained by the silk industry left by Liu Bei.

The silk industry can be said to be the pillar industry in the south of the Yangtze River. When Yang Feng captured the entire Jingzhou, he gave a death order. The war must not affect the silk factory. After occupying Jingzhou, the production of the silk industry was resumed immediately.But the expansion of the silk industry is cyclical after all, and you can't raise silkworms without enough mulberries.

Councilor Wu Lei even said to Xu Wei: "Without the support of the imperial court, relying solely on the money earned from the silk industry, it is a drop in the bucket to maintain the development of Jiangnan! If you really want to develop Jiangnan, you want the imperial court to invest continuously for decades. !"

"Besides, these years in power haven't always talked about industrialization. How come we only engage in some agricultural industries in the south of the Yangtze River, and don't even support us in a steel factory. There are Mayi Iron and Steel Factory, Jinyang Iron and Steel Factory, and Yuyang Iron and Steel Factory in the north. We don’t have any iron and steel factories in the south of the Yangtze River, and we have to buy some agricultural implements and ironware, and we have to transport them from Hebei, you are not partial in power!”

Xu Wei said: "It's not that I'm biased, but that there are no coal mines or iron ores in the south of the Yangtze River. These two kinds of raw materials are not available. What do you use to develop the steel industry? The investment in heavy industry is huge. You don't know it, but the investment in light industry is small. Quick results, suitable for the current Jiangnan, there is nothing wrong with building a commercial crop industrial park, the investment is small, the income is fast, and the efficiency is higher!"

Xu Wei continued: "Jiangnan can develop. Cotton planting, sugarcane planting and other economic crops are very profitable. It can be said that the mild climate in Jiangnan determines that the development of agriculture in Jiangnan is better than that in the Central Plains and Northland. If you want to develop, you must strive for your strengths!"

Wu Lei smiled wryly and said: "We know what you said, in power. Some of them have already started small-scale construction, but the imperial court almost killed our projects across the board! The imperial court is too strict. We have no autonomy at all, but the officials of the imperial court are thousands of miles away in the capital, how could they know about our situation in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Of course Xu Wei knew that this situation was wrong, but he still smiled wryly: "But if you let go of you, you will mess around! The debts accumulated by the imperial court for decades are only about 500 billion, and now you have not let go, it's just that If the management is not too strict, you have accumulated a debt of 1000 billion in two years. Whether it is serious or not, I am afraid that the court will go bankrupt, and I am not sure about this administration.

Among other things, although the development of Jiangnan has achieved remarkable results, Jiangnan's debts have increased by 200 billion in two years. With Jiangnan's fiscal revenue of more than one billion yuan, are you capable of paying off these debts? "

They were also embarrassed by Xu Wei's words, and they had the most debts in Jiangnan.

Wei Yong thought for a while and said: "We mainly want to develop, and we have done bad things with good intentions, and we didn't deliberately embarrass you in power."

"If you are in power, you have to find a way to limit the chaos in the local area without letting the imperial court control it too much!"

The country where Xu Wei came from has had stable prices for decades and established a huge industrial system.Of course, the disadvantages are not without, but the control is too rigid, there is no initiative, but after the economy is released, it will become chaotic. It can only be said that the advantages and disadvantages of these two models are obvious.

In the next few days, Xu Wei continued to meet with their respective councilors and listened to their local opinions. In fact, these opinions were collected, and it was almost not enough to spend a penny, and the second court was too tight!

Wealthier states and counties have more independent rights, but Sili and poorer states and counties like Xiliang still want the support of the imperial court. They don't care about things that are too tight, but want the imperial court to increase Invest in them!

And with the arrival of state legislators, governors of various states also began to come to Jidu to report on their work and start running projects at the same time!

And Xu Wei also put forward his own idea in the high-level meeting: "Now the local government thinks that the imperial court is too strict, but the imperial court has a lot of finances, and the materials produced by the local area are also a lot. You are flocking in." Launching the project will only overheat the economy and increase prices, so in the future, each state must have its own financial plan. You first plan in advance what you will do in the next few years, and how much money will be spent, and the imperial court counts these plans. According to the importance of the project, your state's fiscal revenue and the output of production materials will also determine the production plan for the next year and the projects to be launched. In short, you must do what you can. Get on the horse and let the court add 1000 billion in debt!"

"And in order to control the expansion of local debt, the local government will not allow borrowing in the future. If any of you dare to mess around, the court will deal with it together! You should also formulate a plan to reduce debt. The debt you owe at the local government must be within It will be eliminated in 10 years." After speaking, Xu Wei stared at these governors seriously.

The debt of more than 1000 billion was suddenly inflated, and Xu Wei is also dissatisfied with these governors, so they must tighten their rights in this regard!

Sure enough, when Xu Wei said this, many people's faces were ugly. Dagan is now a really rich state, that is, the three Hebei states that Xu Wei first occupied. Although the income of other states is much stronger than that of the Han Dynasty, but Compared with what they want to do, the money is still too little. The development of local governments depends on financial appropriations, as well as the way they borrow. But now that Xu Wei has stopped their borrowing, they only need to rely on financial appropriations Come build the place.

It seems that there is only dissatisfaction with their behavior this time, and the control of the local government must be strengthened.

However, Xu Wei is still a governor of various states and said with a sweet date: "At the same time, the imperial court also began to classify factories in various places. The important ones for Daqian, the huge factories are all imperial court enterprises, and the scale is slightly smaller, which can only radiate local ones. The factories are controlled by the state governments!"

What Xu Wei said made the governors of the states ecstatic. All the states can have their own factories, and they can control more funds. It will be more convenient for them to start any project!It is also easier to make political achievements!

However, Xu Wei made it clear to them in advance: "Whoever establishes the project is responsible for managing these factories for you. You are not allowed to mess around. The rights and responsibilities are the same. If you get the rights, you must bear the responsibility. If there is a problem with these factories, it is It's your responsibility!"

"If these factories do not develop well and lose money and go bankrupt, you will honestly follow the plan set by the court in the future!"

The governors of various states said with confidence: "Don't worry about being in power, we promise to develop these enterprises, and you will not be disappointed!"

There are still people who don’t make money by opening factories. Mayi Textile Factory, a factory makes more money than their entire state. If there is such an enterprise under their control, why do they need to try to make money like this.

After the meeting, many governors were all smiling, at least they got some of what they wanted!
Only Niu Gui shook his head and said: "They still don't understand the difficulties of running a business and factory. If they are a little careless, they will not only fail to make money, but will also lose money! Then they will know that the imperial court has actually been helping them out!"

Niu Gui has always been in the top management of Dagan, and he knows more about it. Regardless of the fact that the factories in Dagan are very profitable, there are actually many factories that are not profitable.

These factories have only been established for a few years, and the management is not very capable, which quickly makes the factories lifeless.Relying on one product to maintain the operation of the factory, and the leaders of the factory did not talk about improving efficiency, but also desperately stuffed people into the factory. As a result, there were too many workers and too many people who were idle, eating up the profits of the factory The imperial court also needs to subsidize these factories!

There are also some factories, although their management has done nothing wrong, and they are trembling to control costs, but their products are not popular with the market and cannot be sold.

And every time he encounters such factories, Xu Wei will make up his mind to directly let these factories go bankrupt and divert workers, and the management of those factories will also lose their rights and become ordinary workers.

In the past ten years or so, there have been many bankrupt factories like the Dagan court. The accumulated number of bankrupt factories is even more than the surviving factories in Dagan. Only the surviving enterprises will become bigger and stronger.

So Niu Gui knows that a large and powerful factory is followed by a large number of factories that have collapsed, and opening a factory is not a matter of making money without losing money.

The imperial court controls the control of materials, has the most complete talent pool, and has huge funds to back up factories. Even so, a number of enterprises will fall every year, and the local government is simply impossible to compare with the imperial court.

But Xu Wei said: "It's good to let them see their weight clearly, so that they won't always think that the imperial court is restricting their talents! Now everyone depends on their ability, and if they do well, they will earn more. If you are poor, you will go bankrupt, so that you can select people who are really capable."

(End of this chapter)

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