I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 718, Investment Promotion

Chapter 718, Investment Promotion

Guo Jia's words made Wu Min and the others suddenly realize that what they felt was right, half of the people in the whole world are really missing, no wonder they always feel that they are short of manpower!

But they didn't know that there was one more important reason that Guo Jia didn't mention, that is, the people in the countryside have changed from being difficult to survive in the past to small landlords now. Farming has absorbed a large number of people in the countryside. In addition, Daqian's territory far exceeds that of the original Dahan, and new territories are constantly being developed. The islands in the South China Sea are also being developed slowly. Dozens of people need to be recruited every year. Wan Qingzhuang, these measures have caused the current shortage of human resources.If the monthly salary in the factory is not high, the people who work hard would rather be farmers than workers in the city.

Wu Min said helplessly: "We should talk to the ruling party. The countryside has absorbed too many people, and they are robbing us of the population! We people provide tens of billions of dollars in taxes to the imperial court every year, and the ruling party should take care of us! Instead of continuing to let the young and strong open up wasteland and grow those low-value grains!"

Although the war has just ended, because the price of grain in Dagan has been very stable, the merchants living in Dagan do not pay much attention to the value of grain. In their view, there is too much grain in Dagan now. Some don't matter!
But there was still one person who said, "Brother, if the people in the countryside were not rich, it would be impossible for so many people to buy our cloth and goods. Look at the government's campaign to send goods to the countryside this year. These people bought hundreds of dollars." If it weren't for this, who would have known that the country is so rich and can buy so many goods from us, then we have also made a lot of money, it can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages."

Guo Jia laughed secretly when he heard this. When he wanted to make money from the people, he thought the people were too poor, and when he wanted to reduce the labor force of the people, he also thought the people were too rich, and he was unwilling to work for them. I am afraid that only businessmen would be so double-minded. marked!
Then he thought again, why didn't the powerful clan of the big Han back then have such a double standard? It will not perish so soon.

After complaining for a long time, Wu Min also felt that it was time to get to the point, so he asked, "Brother Guo, what kind of profitable business came to us?"

Guo Jiadao: "My little brother wants to invite you to start a textile factory on Crab Island! All brothers have textile factories in their hands, and the reason why your textile factories have been unable to beat the Dagan state-run textile factories these years is because your labor costs are too high. , then your organization level is not as good as Cai Qiao's, and the scale of the textile factory is not as large as Mayi Textile Factory, so brothers can't compete with Mayi Textile Factory!"

"But if there is a place where the salary of a female textile worker is only half or even less than that of a big worker, then can the cost be greatly reduced!"

Wu Min was surprised and said: "There is still such a place in Daqian? If it can be reduced to half, brother, I can drive Cai Qiao, a shrew, back home to help her husband and teach her children! Women shouldn't come out and show their faces!"

It should be said that Wu Min and other textile factory owners hate Cai Qiao the most. I think that the profit of wool cloth was more than doubled, and sometimes even doubled or tripled. At that time, it was the golden age of the textile industry. At that time, there was a textile company The factory is a cash cow.

But in such a profitable industry, Cai Qiao forcibly beat them to only about 2% of the profit, and if they were not careful, they would even lose money. This is a huge gap from when they made money with their eyes closed before, Wu Min and the others thought that it was Cai Qiao's fault that caused this result!

And Guo Jia said that the salary can be reduced by half, but they still can’t believe it. You must know that Youzhou has a relatively large population. After all, it is the capital city, and there are more people who come to Youzhou every year. Compared with other places, there are more manpower. However, the salary still cannot be reduced, because there is 100 mu of land as a guarantee. If the salary is too low, no one is willing to work in the textile factory.

On the other hand, the business atmosphere in Daqian Xincai’s land is even worse. Even if they earn more money by working part-time, the local people are more willing to farm than to work in factories. Therefore, the factories are built in the south of the Yellow River, and the labor cost is even higher. high.

This is the case throughout Dagan. It can be said that the land equalization system has supported the lifeline of ordinary people, giving them a way out, and making it difficult for budding capitalists to cruelly squeeze ordinary people!
Guo Jia smiled calmly: "There is no such place in Dagan, but it does not mean that there is no such place outside of Dagan. The labor cost in Crab Island is very low. If you are willing to go to Crab Island to build a textile factory, you can ask Brothers, I guarantee that the salary of the female workers in the Crab Island Textile Factory will not exceed 500 yuan."

"And these female textile workers don't need to pay for food and housing, and don't need various welfare benefits. This can greatly save your cost. My brother has understood the market of textile factories over the years. According to my calculations, a textile factory costs half The above costs are the salaries of the female textile workers. If their salaries can be reduced by more than half, the profit of your cloth can be increased by 2% to 3%! And this 2% to 3% profit may determine whether a textile factory prospers or collapses of."

Guo Jia's words made these people happy. If there were no benefits and their salaries were reduced by half, then their textile factories could really bankrupt the state-owned textile factories.

But Wu Min questioned and said: "But is Crab Island too remote? We went to the island to build a textile factory. Although the labor cost has come down, other costs have increased. Crab Island is in the wilderness. You don’t even have any looms, and most of your female workers are from savage backgrounds, so they know how to weave cloth?”

"The last thing is that Crab Island is too poor. There must be no local market for weaving cloth. The cloth we weave still has to be sold for thousands of dollars. Although the cost is reduced on Crab Island, but with the huge sea freight, only I'm afraid that the cost will not be reduced much at all!"

Wu Min's words immediately woke up the people present. It is true that labor costs have decreased, but if other costs increase, the cost of cloth will still increase.If other costs rise above labor costs, they may lose even more!

Although the textile factory is a labor-intensive industry, it is also a market-oriented industry. There are millions of wealthy people in Ji, and the cloth can be sold easily, but if you go to Crab Island, there are wild people everywhere. To whom will the cloth be sold?

But Guo Jia said: "The transportation from Crab Island to Ji is all by sea. The cost is more than ten times lower than that of the land route. It will not increase the cost too much. And the lack of machines in Crab Island is indeed a problem!"

"But it's not too serious a problem. You can buy machines from Jidu, and then take them to Crab Island by sea. Although the cost of the machinery will be higher, the textile machines are always durable machines and can be used For more than ten years, the cost will be spread evenly in this way, and this small amount of money is nothing to everyone.”

"And the issue of female workers is even more trivial. At the time when the government was in power, all the herdsmen women in the desert were trained. How different are they from the savages? These herdsmen women can be trained. The women in Crab Island learned How much time does it take to weave! But as long as you train female workers, the cost of your cloth will soon drop."

"And I can also ask you to keep it. If the textile factories you build on Crab Island are not profitable, I will intercede with my lord and give you tax relief so that your factories will not lose money. I can keep you from going to Crab Island." Building a factory is definitely the most correct choice in this life.”

After Guo Jia’s statement, everyone nodded again, especially the tax reduction and exemption later, which made these businessmen overjoyed. You must know that you have to pay [-]% of the value-added tax to open a factory in Dagan. , their factory profitability is not a problem at all.

The labor cost of Crab Island is low and tax can be reduced. If it is shipped by sea, the cost of cloth will not increase much. Although the cost of the machine may be a little higher, the purchase of the machine usually takes more than 10 years. If it is spread out, the cost of the machine is basically Not too high, and with the reduction of other costs, the tax profit of their textile factory can be increased by more than [-]%.

After some calculations, these businessmen said: "If General Cao can really give such a good condition, then I will build a textile factory on Crab Island first, and get 100 textile machines to see the effect!"

Guo Jia was overjoyed when he heard this, and assured these people that he would personally take them to the textile factory to complete all these tasks.

Not to mention that Cao Cao's investment promotion project is in full swing.

The University of Mechanical Engineering, these students are also very lively at this time, and the entire university has become a construction site.There are students moving materials and renovating houses everywhere. Although the weather outside is cold, it is difficult to stop their determination to renovate their campus.

After Xu Wei led these students to manufacture the heating system, these students were the main manpower for renovating the school building. After all, they studied mechanical manufacturing, so it would be too embarrassing for these students to find other people to do it.And this is also where they study and live, and they also want to transform the school according to their wishes.

Xu Wei found various materials, and then asked them to assemble these heating boilers in sections, and installed this system in the school's classrooms, libraries, school buildings, and dining halls, so the entire school They have all become construction sites.Every student is an engineer.

Xu Wei was worried that the students he taught would be the same as the college students in later generations, with extremely poor hands-on ability, so he strengthened the training in this area here, so that the mechanical university even looked like a technical school.These students have worked in the machinery factory for several months, so it can be said that they are extremely capable.

Moreover, the school also has some machines that they usually let them experiment on, and they can also complete the material processing by themselves, so during this winter vacation, the Mechanical University suddenly became some machine processing factories.

But Xu Weijue doesn't think there is any problem with this. After all, most scientists in this era need hands-on ability. The first scientific and technological revolution needs scientists with strong hands-on ability.Even most of the inventions of the first scientific and technological revolution were discovered by craftsmen!
And these students are also very serious about doing these tasks. Although they have only been studying at the school for more than half a year, many of them have already taken the school as their home, and of course they are enthusiastic about building their own homes.

Now at the University of Mechanical Engineering, there are laughter and laughter from students every day. Although these things are hard work, the students don't feel tired.On the contrary, it is such collective labor that makes them increase their sense of identity with the school!
At this time, Cao Ang approached Xu Wei and said, "Principal, there are many businessmen outside the school who also want to get a heating system like this. They even want to ask us to install a system like this. Do you think we should go?"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "Of course we will. Applying what we have learned has always been the purpose of our school. The warm-up system we built should not only stay in the school, but should be used by the entire common people to improve it." Their lives now have this need, why don't we do it!"

Zhuge Liang also said at this time: "The elders of the students are all southerners, and it is difficult to adapt to the climate of Jidu at this time. They also want to buy several sets of heating systems to install in their houses."

At this time, other students also spoke up one after another. Their meanings were similar. They were all elders in the family and wanted to buy such a system.

The heating system has already started, and it has become popular in a small area in Jidu. It is these students who first started to supply their relatives and friends.

And no one who has used it does not say yes, which has led to more and more people wanting to buy a heating system for the house they live in.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said: "This heating system was developed by everyone together. In this way, we will build a factory belonging to the school. The school will provide machinery and venues with 5% of the shares, and you students will also hold 5% of the shares. You also have a share of the money the system earns!"

Zhuge Liang hesitated: "It's winter vacation now, we may still have some time, but what about the heating factory after we go to school?"

Xu Wei said with a smile: "If we outsource the parts, what everyone has to do is to assemble this system, which doesn't take much effort, and when you start school in spring and winter is over, there shouldn't be much effort. People want to put together heating systems."

After discussing for a while, these students agreed with Xu Wei's plan, and then Xu Wei outsourced all the parts of the heating system. When someone wanted to buy a heater, Xu Wei brought these students to assemble it.

So in this winter, the wealthy businessmen with a little bit of money all bought a heating system, especially Xu Wei led the team, which made them flattered and proud, after all, what they enjoyed was the service of Dagan in power.

(End of this chapter)

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