I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 726, Rapidly Developing Luzon

Chapter 726, Rapidly Developing Luzon
There is an extreme shortage of labor in Luzon Island, coupled with the lack of brick kilns to fire bricks, and the fired bricks are also used to build blast furnaces, so there are not enough bricks when building the pier. Li Aimin and the others simply use the logs on the island to build the pier , the entire pier is built with centuries-old logs, but because there are too many ships to berth, the construction of the pier is rough, but it is also extremely large, and it can even be said to be the largest building in the entire Luzon Island. group.

Behind the pier is the only civilized place in the entire Luzon Island, and it is also the urban area here. Businessmen from Dagan and other places live in it, and the carpenters, blacksmiths, stonemasons and other technical talents recruited by Li Aiming and the others, There are also sailors who came with the fleet, and the savage talents recruited by Luzon. Although this city has only been established for more than a year, it is already a small city with tens of thousands of people, and its development can be said to be extremely fast.

Not far from the residential area is the mining area, and a blast furnace towering into the sky is not far from the mining area, and this kind of blast furnace can be said to be the most technologically advanced building in Lushun, and it is also the core area of ​​Luzon Island. Over time, the output value of the mining area has exceeded 1 million yuan, and there is an increasing trend. Li Aimin and the others are confident that the output value will double next year.That is to say, this mining area ensures that the development of the entire Luzon will not be affected by funds.

At this time, the senior executives of Aimin Luzon are inspecting the blast furnace area to check the efficiency of copper mine production!
Li Aimin looked at the copper water poured out of the furnace. Under the action of the mold, the copper water quickly turned into copper lands.After cooling, these copper ingots are transported by workers to the rear warehouse with small carts, and finally wait for the transport ship to be transported back to the Central Plains for sale.

All these processes are like running water, and it can be said that the efficiency is extremely high, but Li Aimin said regretfully: "There are too few blast furnaces, and there are too few skilled workers. Even now, the daily output cannot be stabilized at more than 1 catties. too low."

They have seen the Dagan Iron and Steel Plant, which smelt hundreds of thousands of catties of steel at a time, so they really look down on such a small blast furnace of 1 catties.

Chen Aihua said with a helpless smile: "After all, this place is too far away from the mainland of Dagan. We have to use transport ships to buy everything, including refractory bricks, iron tools and even cloth and food. Although we earn a lot, we spend a lot. More."

If there was no way, they would not sell the unrefined copper ore. After all, the price of copper ore is only a tenth of that of copper ingots.

"We can still overcome other things, but there is no way to do it due to lack of manpower. Even if we are desperately catching these savages in the wild, they can still mine. If we want them to work in the blast furnace, it will be a disaster.

During this time, one or two savages will be burned to death almost every few days. Their behavior has frightened other craftsmen. Now I have tried to drive these savages out of the blast furnace work area and let them only do the simplest Work. "

After Chen Aihua and the others came to Luzon, they needed a lot of labor to mine. Their solution was to capture Luzon's savages as miners.The veterans they recruited were all armed with all-steel armor and knives, and against wildlings who only had animal skins and wooden sticks, it was a breeze to defeat a hundred.So soon tens of thousands of savages were caught here.It can be said that the entire Luzon is the place with the largest population concentration.

Although Luzon is only refining copper mines, it is still a heavy industry that requires well-trained and qualified workers to do it.Li Aimin and the others thought that copper smelting was not a high-tech industry at all.So it was decided to let the craftsmen from Daqian be the masters, and the local savages should be trained a little, and they would be used as basic apprentices to expand production.

But obviously their expectations of these savages are too high, the reason why they didn't even enter the farming civilization, and wanting them to enter the industrial age, the span is really too big.

Li Aimin and the others suffered heavy losses very quickly. After Ye Lun engaged in simple blast furnace operations, they had no organization and discipline at all.Not to mention that it is easy to make mistakes, and they often do some inexplicable things, either falling into the blast furnace and being burned to death, or scalded to death by copper ingots. Their behavior makes blast furnace accidents happen frequently.The hardworking craftsmen were frightened, so that the efficiency of the blast furnace has not been improved.

"It seems that if you want to find qualified workers, you can only recruit from the country." Li Aimin said helplessly.

If it is possible to sell copper ingots, he does not want to sell copper ore, because the price difference is more than ten times high, obviously copper ingots are more profitable, but there is no way, there are only a few hundred artisans who know how to refine copper ore in Luzon People, the output of the blast furnace is difficult to increase, but mining does not require any technical content. Now there are tens of thousands of savages in Luzon to help them mine, and the output of copper mines has far exceeded their refining speed.

Therefore, Li Aimin and the others can only sell the copper mines that exceed the production capacity to large-scale maritime merchants, so that they can get back their money.

But he has been looking for ways to increase the number of blast furnaces and the output of copper ingots.

Chen Aihua said: "Don't have too much hope. In China, the craftsmen who make iron and copper are paid extremely high. Few people are willing to come to a wild place like Luzon. If the salary of these craftsmen in our hands has not increased by 10 times , They will not be willing to come to Luzon! Let's find a way to train these savages, they are everywhere in this mountain forest, only after training, even if they can only do some very simple jobs, it is still a solution It’s a big problem, after all, they have tens of thousands of people here!”

Another point that Chen Aihua didn’t say is that they can’t afford the wages. A skilled craftsman needs 1 yuan for a salary, and a skilled craftsman needs 2 yuan. The price is so high that they can’t afford it at all. The savages, as long as they pass the training, even if ten people are better than one, they will make a lot of money!

"We also need to find a way to open up wasteland and weave cloth. These are the most basic living materials. If they have been purchased from outside, it will cost too much. We must find a way to be self-sufficient!" Chen Aihua said.

Li Aimin said helplessly: "It's just a sentence, the money is not enough! If there is no copper mine in Luzon, and we want to open up a country in this wilderness, it would not be enough to put all our money in it! "

Although the value of the copper ingots was high, they earned [-] million yuan within a year, but all the money was posted back, and it cost them more than [-] million yuan. Many families behind them could no longer afford the subsidy.

"It's still Liu Bei's luck. He captured a small country and made more than 20 billion yuan. As the old saying goes, there are no bones when building bridges and paving roads, and the golden belt of killing people and setting fires!"

(End of this chapter)

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