Chapter 747, Slave Manor

Prosper Seoul, coastal pier!

This is the lifeblood of Liu Bei's forces. When Liu Bei captured Xielingjia, he immediately summoned 1 civilians to build the pier. After Liu Bei defeated the Tianzhu coalition forces, all the 5 Tianzhu prisoners captured by him were also invested in the construction of the pier.

So this pier is even better built than the capital of Xielingjia. A large number of ocean-going ships are parked near the pier. These ships are like huge castles docked on the pier.In the ocean in the distance, there are faint sea ships heading towards this pier. This has become the largest and busiest pier in the entire South China Sea!
At this time, the businessmen of Daqian and Zhang Shiping gathered in a conference room not far from the pier.

Zhang Shiping saw these big businessmen and said with a smile: "Brothers, I have already persuaded the general. The general is willing to sell these noble monks from Tianzhu to you, but the price cannot be low!"

Zhen Xing said with a smile: "If this matter didn't have the help of my brother, how could it be successful? I will definitely not let you suffer, brother. The price of a Tianzhu person who knows how to farm is 2 yuan. If he has management skills, the price can be ok." The promotion is 1, and for the beauties of Tianzhu, we will give you the highest price, 20 yuan, and we will never let you and the general suffer!"

Xian Yuying also smiled and said: "Brother Zhang, this is high even for Daqian. We really didn't make a dime, and we even posted the shipping fee. This is because Brother Zhang took care of our business, so we paid back this to Brother Zhang." price!"

Do the nobles of Tianzhu make money?
Of course they made money, the price they offered was high, but the price was even higher when they were sold to the islands in the South China Sea.For these businessmen, if they don't make a trip in vain, they will make money.

They sell food, cloth.Ironware and other materials came to Tianzhu. Although gold, silver and even copper coins can be earned, these are precious metals, but their volume is extremely small, and many boats have to run back empty.

For a large-scale maritime merchant, emptying so many positions is equivalent to losing money for several months. No matter how profitable such a channel is, it is a loss for merchants.

So they are eager to find a special product in Tianzhu to sell back to Dagan. Only when the goods are sold back and forth, such profits are the highest.

To be honest, the products that can be sold here in Tianzhu are extremely limited, what kind of spices are characteristic of Tianzhu!Poor local specialties, peculiar Tianzhu handicrafts, etc., such small batches of feudal handicrafts, it is impossible to meet the huge demand of sea transportation.

Therefore, these businessmen who came to Tianzhu urgently need a large and precious substitute product that can balance the shipments of both parties.

But when they saw many aristocrats from Tianzhu sweeping the streets and digging out dung, their eyes lit up, and they felt that Liu Bei was a waste of talent.

Now on the islands in the South China Sea, not to mention skilled workers, even farmers who only know how to farm are considered high-tech talents. If they can bring a few savages to farm, they will be proper management talents. Even being a team leader can be easily made.

Therefore, Liu Bei looked down on nobles in Tianzhu, and he was a proper high-tech talent when he went to the South China Sea.The big businessman immediately told Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang what he thought, and that's how they proposed to Liu Bei.

When Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang heard what Zhen Xing said, they looked at each other and nodded. They often deal with Dagan, so they naturally know that the price of this transaction is already the highest.But they don't know that the South China Sea is currently extremely short of labor, especially senior labor who can farm.

Now that Dagan is in a prosperous and prosperous age, it can be said bluntly that the entire Dagan is a beacon of civilization in a known society. Now people in the countryside of Dagan go to small cities, and people from small cities go to big cities. Everyone wants to Longing for a prosperous and lively city life, who would like to go to the wilderness of Lingnanhai to do things when they are full and have nothing to do?

Therefore, Li Aimin and the others did not have more than 10 times the monthly salary, and it was impossible to recruit people. After all, going to the South China Sea was risking their lives to do things.

That's right, they went to those deserted islands to do things, and they had to risk their lives. Although Xu Wei tried to improve the medical technology level of Daqian, but going to the tropical rainforest in the South China Sea is a job with a relatively high mortality rate. Poisonous snakes, insects, and dangerous beasts will always take their lives in unexpected places, so on the deserted island in the South China Sea, death is also a problem that needs to be faced.It is because of this situation that even though Li Aimin and the others offer very high prices, very few people come to the South China Sea. Very few people are willing to come to the South China Sea to work hard. It can be said that the islands in the South China Sea are extremely short of labor.

And these businessmen took a fancy to Tianzhu's labor force. In the known world, except for Dagan, there is no place where the population density can be compared with Tianzhu. Dagan is much worse than the population density, and it can even be said that Tianzhu is higher than Dagan.

Moreover, the civilization of Tianzhu is also extremely developed. Whether it is agriculture or handicrafts, it is not much worse than Dagan. This is much better than those uncivilized savages in the South China Sea. Even if they are farming in the South China Sea, these Tianzhu people are stronger.

So these big businessmen saw business opportunities. The profit from selling slaves is already high, and the profits brought about by bilateral trade are even higher. As long as the Tianzhu people are sold to the South China Sea, the profit will be more than twice that of casually. Here we go.

More importantly, with this special product, the trade from Tianzhu to Dagan has become the most profitable triangular trade.

They can sell a large number of industrial products to Tianzhu to make a fortune, and then sell slaves in Tianzhu to the islands in the South China Sea to make a fortune, and then buy various agricultural products from various islands in the South China Sea, and sell industrial raw materials. When it comes to Dagan, it can be said that they can make a profit at each point of trade, and this kind of triangular trade forms a closed circle, allowing the merchants in Dagan to earn more than ten times the profit in one trip.

That's why they are so enthusiastic about selling slaves in Tianzhu, because as long as they find the specialty of slaves, their commercial channels can form a perfect closed circle.

Su Shuang ordered people to give Zhen Xing and them a list of goods and said: "This is the goods that the general needs, and I have recorded them all on it. Please also buy goods according to this list when you come to Tianzhu next time. This will not only solve the problem The general’s problem, and it can also maximize everyone’s profits!”

Zhang Shiping also said: "The servants of Tianzhu are also prepared for you, we can take a look later, I will keep everyone satisfied!"

(End of this chapter)

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