Chapter 755, Global Voyage

Jidu, Mechanical University, football field!
In order to inquire about rubber trees, Zhen Xing found Shen Jianxin, a classmate who was a teacher at the University of Mechanical Engineering, and wanted to learn more about rubber trees.

And Shen Jianxin took Zhen Xing to the football field to watch the football match between Mechanical University and Jidu Military Academy!
Zhen Xing was surprised when he saw this huge football field: "For playing football, the ruling party actually built such a huge field. This is not like the ruling party's style at all!"

He also played football Zhenxing. When he was studying in Mayi, Xu Wei, who was the principal of Mayi Primary School at that time, often led them to chase the football, consuming their energy, and it was just a big fight later. There are more and more, and Xu Wei has no time to play football with these little devils, but football has slowly become popular.

Shen Jianxin said with a smile: "The people in Jidu like to watch football games. In order to facilitate the people to watch the games, the ruling simply built this huge football field, which can satisfy [-] people to watch the games. The ruling is also very supportive of such games, How to say that civilization is its spirit, and barbarism is its physique. You can’t let Nanshan go just because the world is peaceful! Now every university in Jidu has such a large football field!”

In the past few years, nothing has happened. In order to maintain the bravery of the common people, Xu Wei began to popularize sports events in later generations, and built a large number of stadiums, among which football is the most popular.

Now there are even university leagues. Jidu's Mechanical University, Infantry Academy, Naval Academy, and Normal University together form the Jidu University League. Now they will send their respective football teams to play on weekends.And this game was also warmly welcomed by the people of Jidu, and tens of thousands of people watched each game.

Zhen Xing saw the students of the Mechanical Academy who were being bumped by the Infantry Academy constantly, and couldn't bear to shake his head and said: "Civilization can't be seen, but barbarism can be seen, this is too cruel!"

However, because of such cruelty, the voices of the surrounding audience were also very fierce, not losing to the football fans of later generations.

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "There is no way, the students of the Infantry Academy are all animals, each of them is eight feet tall, tall and big, and they practice martial arts. Naturally, ordinary students cannot be their opponents."

Zhen Xing watched the game for a while, and then asked Shen Jianxin, "I want to find the rubber tree that I need to govern, can you give me more information! It's too vague to only talk about the mainland thousands of miles away."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Your Zhen family is so rich, you also want ten thousand taels of gold for ruling?"

Zhen Xing said: "I want to get the quota for Jianguo!"

Shen Jianxin was surprised and said: "You still have such great ambitions, but as an old classmate, I still want to remind you that this voyage is a narrow escape, otherwise the ruler would not have offered such a big reward! Your family is so rich, Just don't try your best!"

Zhen Xing said seriously: "My father is already the most successful businessman. If my family wants to go further, they can only go into politics. They just restrict the entry of merchants, so the rubber tree is my only chance."

Shen Jianxin looked at Zhen Xing and shook his head, and then said: "You can also study mechanical manufacturing like me. If you can make a machine like a steam engine, you can not only become famous all over the world, but also become an academician. The political status of an academician is not comparable to The prime minister who did it is bad!"

Zhen Xing smiled wryly, "After so many years, how many academicians are there in Dagan?"

Shen Jianxin said: "There are only miracle doctors Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo. Originally, we wanted to recommend the ruler, but the ruler refused!"

Zhen Xing smiled wryly and said: "There are two out of tens of millions of talented people. If I had this ability back then, I would not have taken over the family business. I think it is more reliable to find rubber trees!"

Shen Jianxin said: "Then you have to be mentally prepared."

After finishing speaking, he found a small stone and drew this pattern on the concrete floor, saying: "The map governing has been announced to the world, and you must have seen it too!"

Zhen Xing nodded. Xu Wei wanted to find the rubber tree, but he didn't want to go on an adventure, so he drew a world map and marked the approximate location of the rubber tree. It's just a simple map, and there is only an approximate s position.

Shen Jianxin had already drawn the map at this time, and then he pointed to the vast Pacific Ocean and said: "If you really want to find rubber trees, you must not take shortcuts across the entire Pacific Ocean!"

He drew the nearest horizontal line and said: "The length of this line is more than 2 miles. You can only see some small islands along the way and there is no continent at all. If you take this channel, no matter how powerful your astrologer It's hard to pinpoint your own position!"

The sextant and star-moving techniques needed for navigation were all lit up by Xu Wei in advance, and Xu Wei also made all these techniques public, and taught the sailors of Daqian to learn these techniques, so the sea-going ships of Daqian always walk in straight lines, and they can Locate the islands that live in the channel.

"You won't be able to get supplies for several months along the way. With such a long passage, even the most advanced sea-going ships can't keep it safe!"

"So if you want to save your life, the best channel technology goes north along Wa Island, all the way to the Xianbei Peninsula. There is also the northernmost garrison point in Dagan, which can give you some supplies, and then your ship If the ruling map is correct, you can see the mainland in less than 500 miles!"

Speaking of this, he said seriously: "If you don't see it, you sail another 500 miles. If you still haven't seen the mainland, turn the bow and come back immediately, because this continent was also seen in ancient books by the ruling party. We don't have any evidence. It proves that this continent really exists, so don't make fun of your own life!"

Zhen Xing asked in surprise, "You don't believe in governance?"

Shen Jianxin said: "You really are a scumbag. The ruling party taught us that scientific research should be suspicious of everything, not to mention that now it is only the content of the ruling party's reading books. The ancients used to exaggerate. Who knows if there is such a thing?" Continent! Maybe they saw a mirage, and they said that this continent really exists. Life is in danger. So there is nothing wrong with thinking a little more."

"And if you do see the continent, and it looks like it's drawn on the map, you sail along the shelf to where the rubber trees are!"

Zhen Xing looked at the waterway in surprise and said, "This waterway should not be more than twice as long! How long will it take to sail?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "This waterway is about 10 miles long. It is estimated that you will have to travel for more than a year or even longer to reach your destination. According to the ruling, there are only some savage countries on this road, and the civilization is very low. As long as you It should be the safest way without leaving the continental shelf!"

(End of this chapter)

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