I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 76, the impact is fierce

Chapter 76, the impact is fierce

Yang Feng immediately retorted: "I can survive, but there were hundreds of thousands of people who died in Jizhou that year, and these people couldn't survive, so the great virtuous teacher had to revolt!"

The judge still wanted to argue, but Fu Bian stopped him and said, "Everyone won't talk about the past. Those of us who survived must look forward after all. Zhang Dashuai has no refugees in Jizhou now. As long as you are recruited, Even if Jizhou settles down, Jizhou is the center of the world, as long as Jizhou settles down, the world will gradually settle down!"

Yang Feng said solemnly: "This is just for the benefit of your court, it has nothing to do with us rebels!"

Fu Bian said seriously: "Didn't you believe in the way of peace and rebellion for the sake of the common people in the world? Since it is for the sake of the world's people being fed and clothed, and living a carefree, equal and happy life. Then why do we continue to kill? Are there still refugees and people starving to death in Jizhou? As long as you go down the mountain, there will be no more turmoil in Jizhou. Could it be that what you say is all false, and the great virtuous teacher is just an ambitious man who wants to be the emperor! "

Zhang Yan said loudly: "No, if the great virtuous teacher really wanted to be the emperor, he wouldn't be a general, and he wouldn't lead people to rescue the people when the plague was everywhere, but the plague would really kill people, he I really want to save the people of the world!"

Fu Bian immediately said: "Now is the best chance for peace in the world. There are still millions of acres of vacant land in Jizhou. As long as you go down the mountain, these lands will all be yours!"

Zhang Yan asked: "These lands belong to the nobles, and they will agree with you to use their land to settle us. Moreover, we have a deep hatred with the nobles in Jizhou. If we put down our weapons, who can guarantee our safety!"

Fu Biandao: "Ordinary people, they will not make things difficult. As for you! I can ask the imperial court to transfer you to other states as officials. If you are still worried, you can follow me to Liangzhou. I am still in Liangzhou. A little prestige is enough to protect you!"

Zhang Yan and the others looked at each other. What they were most worried about was that they would be retaliated by the nobles after they took refuge in the court. After all, they slaughtered hundreds of thousands of nobles in Jizhou. It is impossible for the survivors of the nobles to let them go !They were afraid that if they gave up their tribe after going down the mountain, they would be retaliated by the elites!
Zhang Yan thought for a moment and said, "We still have to think about it!"

Fu Biandao: "Now is your best chance. The imperial court was defeated in Liangzhou, and now we have to redeploy the army to Liangzhou to destroy the rebels, so this is the best time for you to appease the rebels in Liangzhou. If the imperial court wiped out the rebels in Liangzhou , then it will be your turn! At that time, the court will not be as easy to talk as it is now!"

Emperor Ling waited for more than half a year, and finally raised enough troops and money. General Zhang Wen gathered more than 10 troops in Meiyang, and they began to suppress the rebellion under Zhang Wen's command.

In November, Dong Zhuo defeated the Bianzhang army and beheaded thousands of ranks.

Bian Zhang and others retreated to Yuzhong (now northwest of Lanzhou, Gansu).Zhang Wen ordered Tang Kou general Zhou Shen to lead [-] troops to pursue it, and Dong Zhuo to lead [-] troops to attack Xianling Qiang.

Sun Jian, who joined the army, suggested that Zhou Shen cut off the enemy's food roads, but Zhou Shen refused to listen and led the army to surround Yuzhong City.Bian Zhang and Han Sui divided up their troops to garrison them, rebelling against Zhou Shen's Liang Dao.Zhou Shen abandoned his luggage and retreated.Dong Zhuo's troops were besieged by Xianling Qiang in Wangyuan (now Tianshui, Gansu). Dong Zhuo was able to break out of the siege by making money from the Qiang people.So Zhang Wen's army was defeated and retreated to the front line of Sanfu.

Emperor Ling finally regretted not letting the famous general Huangfusong play in the battle, so that now he has lost troops, and the situation in Xiliang is even more critical. The entire Xiliang is almost occupied by the rebels.

Now Emperor Ling can only appoint Huangfusong as General Zuo, and lead the remnants of the Han army to find a way to deal with the increasingly powerful Xiliang rebels.

And this is what Fu Bian thinks is an opportunity. The imperial court has no way to end the war in Xiliang, so naturally they don't want to have another accident in Jizhou, and they will not object to him recruiting the Yellow Turban Army.

But Zhang Yan said in embarrassment: "Fu Zhoumu, we really need time to discuss it, after all, it concerns our wealth and life!"

Fu Bian also knew that this kind of thing could not be successful in one negotiation, so he took people back.

Fu Bian returned to Yecheng, and the judge said angrily: "Ming Gong, you forgot how the Yellow Turban Bandits choleraed the big men and slaughtered the nobles. There is nothing to appease such bandits, and they should be exterminated! And the court is in the west. How could you tell these traitors about Liang's big defeat!

The judge was very angry. He came from a powerful local family, and his family is deeply intertwined in Jizhou. Now all these connections have been cut off by the Yellow Turban Army. The number of relatives who died at the hands of the Yellow Turban Army is countless. He firmly disagrees with recruiting the Yellow Turban Army. !
"My lord, give me [-] soldiers and horses, and within a month, I will definitely bring the heads of Zhang Yan, Yang Feng and the others to bring down the yellow scarves in Jizhou!"

Fu Bian is there!They were even worried that he would disrupt the peace talks, so they simply detained him in the government office and did not allow him to join the subsequent negotiations at all.

In fact, it was not only the trial match, but knowing that Fu Bian had contacted Zhang Yan privately and wanted to appease the Yellow Turban Army, all the officials in Jizhou were in chaos, and they all came to persuade Fu Bian to stop recruiting him.

Just kidding, all these local officials in Jizhou have a deep hatred with the Yellow Turban Army, so it's fine to absorb refugees, how can you appease the Yellow Turban Army!

They resolutely did not allow Zhang Yan and the others to continue to survive, and they could still become their colleagues. Many officials simply wrote to the court to tell the story of Fu Bian's appeasement, thinking that Fu Bian was betraying the court!

After Fu Bian's memorial to appease the Yellow Turban Army came to Luoyang, it really caused an uproar.

And Fu Bian also personally wrote a letter, talking about the benefits of recruiting the Yellow Turban Army and the difficulties of the court at this time. He frankly admitted that the court does not have the strength to fight two battles at the same time!At the same time, it is stated in the memorial that the main force of the Yellow Turban Army is currently in Zhang Yan's department. As long as Zhang Yan is recruited, there will be no Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou. If Zhang Yan can be recruited, it will not only end the war in the Central Plains, but also save the court. And you can also concentrate on dealing with the rebels in Xiliang!

Emperor Ling saw this memorial, and the others didn't pay attention to it. The only thing he saw was the huge amount of military funds saved by the imperial court. There are tens of thousands of people, all of which have to be pensioned, and all the little money he has accumulated with great difficulty has been pasted into it. The treasury is empty again and the rats can be starved to death. The autumn harvest has only passed 3 months. Where can he find money to maintain the court? Nine months!

(End of this chapter)

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