Chapter 769, Conflict

"Then why are there so many ships staying here?" Zhen Xing asked strangely.It stands to reason that anyone who discovers a gold mine will guard this place strictly.

Some people reported: "The following sea ships came to this new continent and needed rest. They saw the stranded sea ships and thought that the sailors here needed help, so they landed in this area and found the gold here. Mine. After all, everyone has gone to dig gold mines, and such things cannot be hidden."

It turned out that the stranded sailors dug gold here for a month, but soon the ships behind caught up, and they came to this strange continent.Arrived in a big money sea boat.Naturally, they tried to find a way to dock.

Originally, they still wanted to get some supplies.But soon the gold mine was discovered.The two sides almost fought because of this incident.Fortunately, the manpower strength of the two sides is not much different.In the end, the two groups agreed that one of them would occupy a section of the river to mine gold separately, without bothering each other.

How could such an uninterrupted life be long!There are more and more fleets behind, and although some ships pass by them, more fleets stay here.

This caused more and more people to discover the gold here.Almost all of the dozens of seagoing ships that traveled earlier stopped here.

None of you are willing to move on, but are eager to dig for gold here.In order to dig for gold, they even formed a coalition army and captured a tribe of several thousand savages.A simple dock and town was built here.The great temptation of gold made them unwilling to move on.

After hearing the story, Zhen Xing laughed loudly and said, "This is a good thing for us. One gold mine has reduced dozens of competitors. There is no such good thing in the world."

"My lord, don't you want this gold?" the sailor who was investigating the news asked anxiously.The reason why they fought their lives at sea like this is because they want to get more real money, and the other sailors are also very excited, so they wait for Zhen Xing to order them to occupy a section of the river to pay for gold!
But Zhen Xing said: "No matter how much gold there is here, how much can everyone dig out? My Zhen family's property is billions of dollars. If they are all exchanged into gold, they can be piled up into a golden mountain. This little gold is important to me. It's nothing.

Of course, the first sea merchants wanted to monopolize this gold mine, but unfortunately with the arrival of the second and third sea ships, they found that it was impossible to do so.

But when the 30th sea ship came here, these captains found that if they did not unite, the gold mine would be divided more and more, and their interests would be less and less.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Xing sneered and said, "I don't believe that you can organize more than 3000 people with dozens of small broken boats. Not to mention that you have been split into dozens of groups. Whether you can unite is a problem. And my sea ship is bigger than any of yours. It was originally a big battleship, and its strength is more than three times stronger than ordinary sea ships. It also has 100 cannons. Which one can match the one shot of my warship, and I will piss me off, and I will directly bombard our port and sink your rotten ship!"

Zhen Xing immediately reassured people and said: "As long as you follow me to find the rubber tree and return to Dagan at the same time, I will give each of you an extra 150 million yuan. This money is worth more than 100 catties of gold. We will dig the gold ourselves. More than 100 catties of gold? But who can guarantee that he will not be plundered by other people? Jincai is touching, let alone in this lawless and wild land."

And at this moment, a small boat approached their sea boat, and Zhen Xing asked these people to come up.

A sailor said unconvinced: "You think that you are going to fight the imperial court, and you still don't allow us to stay here. I will stay here. What can you do to me?"

And because the routes are public, more and more ships will pass by in the future. Their idea at the time was to dig as much gold as possible.

Faced with so many cannons, Zhen Xing and the others were also in a cold sweat. The pirates they fought against before basically couldn't withstand the bombardment of their cannons.Such a firecracker is something they have never experienced before.

The man said arrogantly: "I warn you, now we have more than 3000 people here, if you don't obey our orders, don't blame us for sinking your ship! As you said, this place is wild In such a place, the laws of Daqian can’t be controlled, hundreds of people died on the sea, and no one can find out when a ship sank!”

But such words are hard to appease the sailors who are already ready to move. No matter how much your Zhen family's family property has, it has nothing to do with them, but the gold dug from here is real.Many sailors unite and want to stay here to pan for gold.

But the person who came was not worried, but still said arrogantly: "You only have one warship, we have 30 ships, and there are thousands of artillery pieces. Do you think we will be afraid of you? Don't think about sowing discord. , we have decided to unite together to protect our gold mines. I don't believe that your warship can match the power of our dozens of warships and thousands of artillery pieces. If your warship dares to approach the port, Just get ready to meet our thousands of artillery!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the red flag in his hand and waved it on the ship several times. The ships in the port were moving slowly, changing from a row to a row. Ten cannons were aimed at him.Obviously they are well prepared.

The three boarded Zhen Xing's ship, and one of them said arrogantly: "We were the first to discover the gold in this area. No fleet is allowed to stay here. You guys leave here as soon as possible."

So the captains of all 30 ships joined together, and they formed an alliance. On land, they plundered the wildling tribes around them, and captured the wildlings to dig gold mines for them. Forces, drive away other sea merchants who came here.And the effect of this is indeed not very good, and more than a dozen sea ships have been driven away by them.

So no matter it was Zhen Xing or his subordinates, they all watched this scene in cold sweat, fearing that the artillery on the opposite side would actually fire hundreds of shells.

At this moment, Zhen Quan stepped forward and said, "Don't fire, we'll leave immediately!"

They wanted to leave here, but the sailors were unwilling to give up the gold mine like this, but now facing hundreds of artillery pieces, these sailors did not dare to make any more noise.

After the three got off the boat, they immediately turned the bow and left this sad place.

(End of this chapter)

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