Chapter 778, Retirement Act

The inheritance has not been cut off, and there are also embarrassing places, just like Xu Wei's attempt to forge history now, and he was punctured immediately.

The simple reason why these high-level executives easily believe that these savages have nothing to do with them is that these savages don't know how to make cars.

Forget about other things, even if you don't know how to make cars, how can everyone believe that these savages are from the same ancestor as yourself
We are all descendants of Yan and Huang, don't we know what our ancestors did?
Gongsun Xuanyuan, it is obvious that the car was made by his ancestors, and in the area of ​​the New World, there are no four-wheeled carriages, two-wheeled carriages or even unicycles. This world does not even have the concept of wheels. How could this be from them? It is even less likely that those who migrated here together were descendants of Yin Shang.

Of course, the lie was exposed, and Xu Wei didn't feel embarrassed. He did this mainly to let the savages recognize Daqian, and also to let people on his side accept the fact that he was a family, so that he could easily rule the New World.

Fortunately, Niu Gui and the others also understood Xu Wei's thoughts. He thought for a while and said, "There are many scholars studying the New World in Jidu, like Xu Shao, Sima Jing and others. They have achieved a lot during this period. Let the savages identify with our ancestors, it is better to find them, and the history should be longer, like the Fuxi period or the Suirenwang period, it might be better, because there are not many legends left in that period of history, and there are not many legends left. It’s not easy to be exposed.”

Niu Gui just told Xu Wei that if you want to compile history, it is better to find some professional talents.

Xu Wei also agreed with this opinion, and asked his subordinates to invite the great Confucian scholars in Jidu to pass it.

Jidu, the Prime Minister's Mansion!

When Niu Gui came in, a group of old brothers surrounded him and asked, "How did the old man in power arrange for the New World? What are the rules?"

Zhang Baiqi said: "If it is really stable, the good place will be occupied by other people. It is only if no one knows the situation inside, so that we can occupy a good resource. Otherwise, we will only rely on our financial resources. The cost of building a country is too great for us to afford."

But last year, Xu Wei established a retirement bill, which completely made them understand that they have to retire if they don't want to.

Niu Guidao: "Establish the Governor's Mansion of the Eastern Continent, with a food town of 2000 shi, and take full charge of the military and administrative affairs of the Eastern Continent. It's just that who the governor is has not yet been determined!"

But more than ten years have passed, and it is because they were younger at the beginning that the officialdom of Daqian has solidified a bit. Newcomers keep pouring in, but the old people feel that they are still very young and in the golden age of politics, so naturally they refuse to accept it. abdicate.

This year there is such a trend. Many older brothers have to retire as county magistrates. Although the treatment given by the ruling party is not bad, even after retirement, the salary will not be reduced. There are also special staff to take care of them. .But the loss of rights still makes it difficult for many old brothers to accept.

In recent years, the flow of Daqian's officialdom has all depended on Guo Daxian's Yushifufu. He knocked down thousands of officials every year due to various things such as corruption, which brought a little liquidity to Dagan's officialdom. Official positions brought about by the continuous expansion of land.

Zhang Baiqi asked: "Do the ruling party agree with us old brothers to go to the New World to establish a country?"

Zhang Baiqi and the others are also helpless. A year ago, Xu Wei asked the court to pass the retirement law. Officials under 2000 shi must retire to give up their positions at the age of 60. At the state and county level, they will reach the statutory retirement annuity at the age of 65, and at the ministerial level and above at the age of 70. and reach the statutory retirement age, after which they must retire compulsorily.

Yang Feng also said: "You should also think about it for yourself. Why did the ruling party transfer Wang Guojun to Jidu? Isn't it to take over your position? You can't be the prime minister for a few years. Recently, the ruling party asked us to talk. It all means the same thing, saying that officials should be younger and the officialdom should be mobile.”

So Zhang Baiqi and the others also began to find a way out for themselves.Since they want to retire from the officialdom, they have to find a way to benefit their families, and going to the New World to build a country is obviously the best way for them to retreat, to become the lord of a country and regain power , this is the best retirement for them.

They don't care how to manage the New World, what they care about is whether Xu Wei will open the New World, which is related to the prosperity of their family in the future.

Niu Gui, who was young and strong at the time, is now an old man in his sixties, Yang Feng and Zhang Baiqi are almost seventy years old, and the other old brothers are basically between 60 and 70 years old, that is to say In a few years, a large number of old brothers in the officialdom of Dagan will retire because of the retirement bill.

Niu Gui said helplessly: "I just didn't say anything about this, but if you want to go to the New World, the ruling party should agree. But the situation in the New World is not clear now. Do you want to wait until the New World is developed and stabilized before going there? Know too little, know that there are a large number of wildling tribes there, and don't know anything else."

In order to appease them, Xu Wei counted himself in, which means that at the age of 70, he himself will retire.Xu Wei set an example like this, which made it hard for these old brothers to complain. Their position is higher than that of the ruling party, and even the ruling party has retired, so what are they worth?
This is not good news for officials who have worked hard. The officials who used to work hard are very young, and 20-year-old prefects are everywhere.At the beginning, Niu Gui became the prime minister of Dagan when he was 40 years old.

Back then, the old brothers of Xu Wei were even more energetic, and they governed this brand new country with the pride of changing the world.

Lei Damu said aggrievedly: "The ruler also said that we are old and have been fighting for more than half of our lives. We are severely deficient in health. Now that we have retired, we can just take care of our health and enjoy the great rivers and mountains we built. He said that he would continue to be brothers with us for 50 years. To say so much is not to dislike us old brothers, who are old and weak and have no ability. They are not as good as these young people, and they want to replace us with these young people.”

Others are also full of grievances, and officials can still retire, which is simply an unprecedented thing. Although the Han Dynasty also had a system of becoming an official, they were overthrown by the officialdom and had to retire.

This is the first time that they have formed a system like this and retired officials in batches. They can only admire that the ruling party can really play games, but this time it is playing on their heads.

These people feel that they are all in the prime of life, and it is not time to retire at all, and they are not willing to retire.

(End of this chapter)

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