I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 787, Seize the territory

"Although this kind of sea-going ship is fast, I'm afraid it's hard to guarantee safety!" Xu Hao has been at sea for two or three years, and he has a little understanding of the performance of sea-going ships. Even Wanshi's sea-going ships may not It can guarantee safety, but this fast boat with a slender figure is very easy to be broken by the waves at first sight.

Zhuge Liang said: "In the past two years, this problem was indeed quite serious. There were often such fast boats sinking accidents, but in the past two years, with the application of steel keels, the safety of this fast boat has been greatly improved. And This kind of sea-going ship is not used for marching, it is mainly used as a communication ship, and the safety standard can be relatively lowered."

In recent years, with the great development of the navigation industry, the construction of sea-going ships has become larger and larger, and the requirements for keels have also become higher and higher. For sea-going ships over ten thousand stone, the keels are basically giant trees over a century old, and they must be straight and straight. Without cracks, this kind of wood may not be found even among tens of thousands of big trees.

Because it is rare at this time, the price of trees for making keels has risen sharply, and they can become the wood for the keels of Wanshi sea ships.The value has reached tens of thousands or even 10,000+ money.

Faced with the rising price of keel wood, craftsmen in shipyards are also trying their best to find other cheap raw materials to source wood. At this time, they thought of using steel to make keel. Steel is far superior to wood in terms of strength and toughness. , and compared with the price of 10,000+ keels, the price of steel keels can be regarded as extremely low.

As long as there is a market, there will naturally be demand, and soon the steel factory has developed more than a dozen long steel keels. During this period, steel keels began to appear in the shipbuilding industry, which is a brand new technology.

But at this time, Huang Yueying said: "What kind of fast boat do you want? Junior brother, you can do it in one step. Use a steam ship. The speed of the steam ship is faster, and there is no need for smooth sailing. As long as you have coal, you can sail for thousands of miles. No problem."

But Xu Hao smiled wryly: "Senior sister, you are trying to use me as an experimental product. The reliability of steam ships is too poor, and the journey is also extremely short. This time, the younger brother is going to the New World, and it takes thousands of miles to travel. What's the use of taking a short-legged steamer to a wharf?"

"Not to mention that the steam engine will break down every now and then. Where can I find a craftsman to repair the steam engine? Even if I bring the craftsman there, there are no parts for the steam engine!"

At this time, the steamship and its primitiveness, it can be said that apart from the advantage of speed and the need not to care about the situation of tailwind and headwind, there are no other advantages at all, but there are a lot of disadvantages, such as short voyage, low cargo capacity, and harsh conditions in the cabin , and it is not reliable, and the machine will break down at every turn.

The cost of manpower is high. In recent years, the countries in the South China Sea have tried to plunder the population, which has pushed up the cost of manpower. Therefore, it is difficult to reduce the transportation cost of river transportation.This has always been a headache for businessmen, but the appearance of steam ships has completely changed this.The powerful horsepower of the steam engine can fully support and transport ships upstream.

Inland river transportation has always been one of the main transportation forces of Dagan. The freight rate can be said to be extremely low when the wind is smooth, but it is a pity that when sailing against the current, trackers are needed to pull the boat. There are probably hundreds of people in Dagan. Wan's trackers make a living from this line of work.

So now, steam ships generally operate on large inland rivers, mainly in the Yangtze River Basin and the Yellow River Basin.This is a local wharf with a dedicated machine repair shop and a coal bunker to replenish fuel, which can completely make up for the shortcomings of steam ships. The two parties can be said to be a match made in heaven.

So he thinks that Xu Hao can't do too much, the main thing is to lay a good foundation for the latecomers.

For Xu Wei, the New World is just the future home of Dagan’s people. It is very difficult for Dagan to rule the New World. The goal of the Pacific Rim Empire seems to make people excited, but it is difficult to achieve because of the geographical division. Xu Wei is even concerned about the future of the New World. It is expected that in the first 200 years, Daqian continued to develop immigrants and expand its territory in the New World.

Xu Wei can remember that the development of the New World took hundreds of years in his timeline. Although Dagan can assimilate these savages, it should take less time than the other timeline, but it is also based on a hundred years. .

Therefore, after the appearance of steam ships, they were widely used on river ships, but not many sea ships were used. Most of them were used for short-distance voyages on coastal wharfs. People still trust sailing ships more in ocean sailing.

Xu Weidao: "These are the last steps. We only explored the coastal area of ​​the New World. Your main task as the governor is to build docks and improve the coastal cities. We don't have the conditions to develop the interior of the New World yet.

But if the wharf and coastal towns are controlled, this is like a supply line, which can allow Daqian's manpower and material resources to continuously support to the New World. It's what you should be doing for years. "

And Xu Hao also believed in sailing ships!

But the historical cycle of the dynasty is between 200 and 300 years. At that time, even Daqian is estimated to be entering the end of the dynasty. As long as the local power of Dagan is slightly weakened, the people of the New World will definitely be cut off immediately like the bald eagle back then. After all, no one will always be willing to be a commodity market and a source of raw materials, and this will not be changed by human will.

For Xu Wei, as long as the New World is occupied by a large number of people, it is a profit, and for other colonial points, he also has this idea, and robs the land in advance, so that the latecomers have no land to grab, so for himself His subordinates ran out to divide the feudal state and build the country, so he was so willing to support it.

Of course Xu Hao didn't understand his father's long-term thinking, he just thought his father's strategy was good.

In the next few days, Xu Hao was completely free. He went to the laboratory with his father to see the machine developed by his father, or went to class with the teacher in the university.

But Zhang Ning was a bit busy. When her son went to be a naval officer, she was very worried. After all, there were too many emergencies at sea, and no matter how strong a warship was, it could only improve its survivability. That's why Xu Hao is willing to take this risk. Now that he is going tens of thousands of miles away to the New World, not only the sea risks are huge, but the New World is also risky. He doesn't even know whether what he did this time is right or wrong.But in order to be in power, she can only push Xu Hao to move on.

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