Chapter 804, Demons

Liu Bei's words made the tent instantly quiet, and the place that the big man Liu Bei and the others had been dreaming about appeared in front of them again.

It was so sudden, if Guan Yu hadn't said that they wouldn't have thought of a place called Dahan, which was their homeland!
But Dahan is another place that makes them suffer. That place is now called Dagan, and there lives a powerful enemy they cannot defeat.

"Ming Gong, our biggest enemy at this time is the Guishuang Empire. Although we defeated the 10 army of the Guishuang Empire this time, the Guishuang Empire still has hundreds of thousands of troops. Allies, it’s too early to think about going back to the Dahan!” Yuan Ji immediately stopped everyone from recalling the Dahan.

Because for them, the current Dagan is their most important ally. Their weapons and equipment, food and cloth are all provided by Dagan. Without these, they would not be able to fight in Tianzhu for 10 years and become stronger.

Moreover, Yuan Ji is more realistic than Liu Bei. Now their strength in Tianzhu is not much inferior to that of the big man back then. The ideal of building a big man has been realized, and even go further. They wiped out the Guishuang Empire, and a powerful empire is already here. They took shape in their hands.

Under such circumstances, why offend Dagan, not to mention that it is thousands of miles away from the core site of Dagan, and the two sides have no conflict of interest at all. Even if Liu Bei and the others want to fight, Yuan Ji also knows that there is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat Dagan of.

In the past 10 years since Dagan defeated them, he has not stopped moving forward. Whether it is the development of the South China Sea, the expansion of power all the way to the coast of Tianzhu, or the discovery of the New World, these have greatly expanded Dagan's territory and influence.

Yuan Ji just looked at Dagan's map and knew that an unprecedentedly powerful empire had appeared. At this time, they collided with each other. Liu Bei doesn't take it seriously when he wants to fight back to Luoyang. He is over 60, and it is unknown whether he can destroy the Guishuang Empire. Why bother to worry about something big?
"My lord, as far as the geographic location between us and Dagan is concerned, there is absolutely no need for conflict between the two sides. Even if we captured Guishuang and bordered Dagan, the Western Regions are the most remote areas in Dagan. The land was given to my subordinates, and let them establish a country in the Western Regions. What's the point of us occupying the land that even Lei Gong doesn't like?"

"The Western Region alone is thousands of miles away. Even if we occupy the Western Region, how can we still fight Xiliang and reach Chang'an? This is too far away. It is impossible for an army to fight such a long distance!" Ma Liang also persuaded Liu Bei. Inappropriate thought!
No one wants to offend Lei Gong anymore. This is not the idea of ​​Yuan Ji alone, but the idea of ​​most people who follow Liu Bei's forces. At the beginning, those powerful families followed Liu Bei, but they just couldn't see any hope. At that time, only Liu Bei was holding the situation. One person is still advancing, and everyone follows Liu Bei by instinct.

But none of them thought that this road would be cleared by Liu Bei. They captured most of Tianzhu and established a country with a population of tens of millions. They really revived the Han in Tianzhu, although the people under their rule had changed Become a Tianzhu.

Those who have lost know how to cherish the happiness in front of them, so these people follow Liu Bei to fight endlessly to build their current foundation, but if Liu Bei wants to deal with Lei Gong, a powerful enemy, even if Liu Bei brings them hope, they will still oppose Liu Bei of.

Zhang Fei said unconvinced: "If you are Lei Gong, don't worry about us. We were all driven to Tianzhu thousands of miles away by him. He even sent Yan Liang and his troops to occupy Jewel Island to monitor us!"

Then he said jealously: "How is Lei Gong's luck so good? Gems can be found on any island. When we destroy Guishuang, Yan Liang will be the first to do it!"

Although Tianzhu is rich, it is impossible for these places to be comparable to places with gemstone mines, especially this year they have been fighting. Although Liu Bei has collected wealth from Tianzhu for thousands of years, the 10-year war still makes people A lot of wealth in Tianzhu has been lost. Liu Bei has tried to save money these years, but he has been troubled by food and materials.

And if they can occupy the gem island, their wealth can be increased by 10 billion, which can support 10 troops and solve their many troubles. That's why Zhang Fei is indignant about the gem island, obviously they won The enemy let Yan Liang pick the fruit.

Liu Bei laughed and said, "Yide, you are talking nonsense again. Although Yan Liang's soldiers are not many, the dozen or so warships in his hands are extremely powerful. We are no match for these warships at all, so how can we board Jewel Island! "

Although Liu Bei's strength has been expanding over the years, it has always been the strength of the army that has been expanding. After all, the army is related to their life and death. Although there is Yan Liang at sea, the army of 5000 people is not in Liu Bei's eyes. In Liu Bei's view Come on, as long as Yan Liang dares to land, he will dare to annihilate this army.

Therefore, even though Tianzhu was in a situation where there was no defense from the sea, Liu Bei was not very worried about his safety.

"And what Shi Ji said is right, we still need the help of Daqian now. If we want to destroy the Guishuang Empire, it is impossible without enough war horses, and now the source of our war horses is only the sea merchants of Dagan who can help us Bought!"

Liu Bei also has a cavalry of thousands of men, but this cavalry is extremely expensive. The horses are bought from the sea, one is from Tianfang not far away, but the price of Tianfang's horses is high, and the other is to buy war horses from Dagan. But although the price of war horses in Dagan is not high, the price of each war horse in Tianzhu has increased by more than 10 times due to the thousands of miles of sea and the war horses that died of illness on the way!

But even with such a high price, Liu Bei still gritted his teeth and bought these war horses!It can be said that these maritime merchants are the only source of Liu Bei's war horses.

After saying all this, Liu Bei shook his head helplessly. He found that although everyone was excited when Guan Yu said about the big man just now, after hearing that he wanted to fight Lei Gong again, there was a trace of panic and uneasiness on his face.

This is not just two people, but almost everyone has such fear. Obviously, everyone is scared by Lei Gong. Time to panic.

However, Liu Bei also understood the panic of his subordinates. They were beaten out of Hebei by Lei Gong, out of the Central Plains, and finally out of the big man. After losing for more than ten years, how could everyone not be afraid of such a powerful enemy as Lei Gong!
(End of this chapter)

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