I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 812, blood replenishment

But when Wang Guojun heard this, he seemed to have found a new market and said: "If tens of millions of people in Guishuang eat our dry wheat, we don't have to worry about food accumulation here!"

But Xi Zhong said: "Xiliang barely has wooden rails, but the Western Regions can only rely on camels to transport food. I am afraid that the food transported is not enough for camels! Instead of trying to find a way in the Guishuang Empire, we should How about transporting more grain to Liu Bei, since his territory is close to the sea, a sea ship can transport several thousand shi of grain."

It is impossible to transport grain to the Western Regions without even thinking about it. Xi Zhong wants to dispel the unrealistic idea of ​​Wang Guojun as soon as possible, unless he can also build the railway to the Western Regions and rely on the transportation capacity of steam trains In order to greatly reduce the price of food!Otherwise, those grains would rather be piled up in the warehouse and moldy, and the loss would be less than transporting them to the Western Regions.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said, "It's better to let Qianpu support the construction of breeding farms and farms more, and use animals to consume food!"

Xi Zhong said: "We have been doing this for several years. Now that food is cheap, many people in the countryside raise large animals such as pigs, sheep, and cattle, as well as a large number of poultry such as chickens, ducks, and geese. For meat supply, there are many thousands of acres of farms near big cities like Jidu, and they specialize in delivering meat to the cities! If the farms hadn’t expanded year after year, our food accumulation problem would have been even more serious!”

Jia Xu, who just came back from Jiangnan, said helplessly: "But this method only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, and it may not be effective. I have also established several large-scale breeding farms in Nandu. I originally wanted to use livestock to consume food, but people only need to eat more. One bite of meat means two less grains, and according to my statistics, the amount of grains eaten by people in Nandu has dropped by half in the past few years!"

Then he said with a smile: "Back then, the government only said that there was not enough food to eat and tried to eat meat. We thought it was a joke, but we didn't expect that eating too much meat could really reduce the amount of food we eat."

Li Ru thought for a while and said: "Judging from the current situation, it is difficult for the imperial court to continue to maintain the minimum guaranteed price of grain. According to our plan to increase the population by 300 million every year, it is equivalent to an annual increase of 3 million shi to 000 grain. The consumption of 4 million shi, although the increase in grain is not much, only more than 000 million shi per year, but the grain we produce every year is twice as much as the grain consumed. Calculated according to the current trend, without the interference of external factors, 1000 Years later our food production and consumption will be in balance.

And now the imperial court spends billions of dollars on food, purchase, storage, and transportation every year, which is too heavy a burden for the imperial court. If we stop this policy, we can use the billions of money to build railways , or building factories and schools, all of which can bring positive returns, which is better than wasting these funds on buying food! "

Working hard for the imperial court, the annual fiscal revenue has reached an unprecedented 800 billion yuan. Although this amount is dozens of times more than that of the Han Dynasty, Xu Wei and the others do more things and spend more. The annual education expenses alone It exceeded 60 billion, and the cost of railway construction exceeded [-] billion.

The railway is a huge boost to the economy, and millions of railway workers live by building railways.In the local area, as long as the railway is connected, the economy will be prosperous and the logistics will be stable. Therefore, there is a saying among the people that a railway repair is golden.

The construction of railways is regarded by the Royal Army as the core idea of ​​his governance. Now the Royal Army will build more than a thousand miles of railways every year. The huge railway network is slowly advancing in the land that is in the sky.

But now the Royal Army uses the method of building railways for infrastructure construction, and uses the funds from the south for infrastructure construction in the west, and through this method, the people in the west can obtain a stable income. Now the number of people on the railway construction site exceeds Millions, this is the industry that absorbs the most workers besides industry, and most of these railway workers are people from the Midwest
Relatively speaking, the coastal cities are rich, and their local governments can raise funds to build railways by themselves. Of course, they connect to relatively rich places.

As for the coastal cities in the central and western regions, they can only look aggrievedly at the young men raised by their families, running to the coastal cities one by one.

No matter whether it is at the top or among the people, they all have a positive impression of the construction of the railway, so this upsurge in railway construction is not only promoted by Wang Guojun alone, but also promoted by people from all over the world.Where possible, railways were built one after another.

The construction of railways in this way consumes a lot of steel and wood, which drives the development of Daqian's steel mills, machinery factories, and logging factories. It can be said that the entire Daqian industry is expanding at an unprecedented speed.

Wang Guojun's deeds were called the prime minister of the railway by people all over the world, which was a compliment from the people all over the world to him.

For the Daqian imperial court, the construction of railways shouldered the function of transfer payment, balancing the development of various regions and the wealth of the world.Although shipping has only been developed for more than ten years, it has now shown a strong ability to create wealth. The cities along the coast have become richer and richer these years. A large number of people have gone to the South China Sea and the New World through these coastal cities. Otherwise, simply stay in these bustling cities.

But these rich places also feel aggrieved. Obviously, the railway should be built by the imperial court, and now they need to spend their own money.However, the central and western railways do not make money, but all the railway lines of the imperial court are built in these places, which is completely unreasonable.

Although such continuous blood loss will not cause the decline of these cities in the Midwest, their development speed is indeed not as fast as that of the coastal areas.

Everyone felt that instead of spending billions of dollars on grain purchases, it would be better to use them to build railways.

However, the court's attitude was firm, and the northwest was indeed the center of defense, and the dynasties of the past dynasties mainly defended against enemies in these two areas, so the officials on the coast and the south could only endure it.

But it is unbearable to waste billions of money every year to buy food. If the money is given to them to build railways, hundreds of miles of railways can be built a year.What an impact this will have on the economy!

Xu Wei said seriously: "Since the development of industrialization, the city has been sucking the blood of the countryside. The reason why the imperial court spends most of its fiscal revenue on this infrastructure is to replenish the blood of the countryside. Without the market in the countryside, the development of industry will be impossible." will be affected."

The infrastructure of Dagan is extremely huge. In addition to spending tens of billions on the construction of railways every year, nearly 300 billion is spent on roads, canals, canals and bridges, etc., and most of these expenses are obtained by farmers. It can be said that this is a big Dry the imperial court to replenish blood in the countryside.

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