Chapter 814, Dumping
After hearing Xu Wei's words, they realized that it is really a good deal to use billions of dollars to stably mobilize tens of millions of people!
Li Ru said helplessly: "It seems that the food problem may have troubled the court for more than ten years!"

Food prices cannot be reduced, and industry cannot accommodate the new population. They can only let the new population go to Jiangnan and Liaodong to reclaim wasteland. Even if they avoid increasing the planting area of ​​cash crops, it is impossible to change the growth of food in a short period of time.

Jia Xu thought for a while and then said: "The imperial court now spends billions of dollars every year to hoard food, why don't we spend money to build the track of the Western Regions, now Liu Bei is constantly attacking the Guishuang Empire, if Liu Bei really annexed the Guishuang Empire, a A powerful empire with a population of tens of millions has appeared in our Western Regions, which is extremely detrimental to the imperial court's rule in the Western Regions.

The imperial court should find a way to support General Duan Peng and the others to absorb the population of the Guishuang Empire to enrich the territory of the Western Regions. This will not only strengthen our control over the Western Regions, but also weaken Liu Bei's strength. If there are millions of people in the Western Regions, every year It can help the court consume tens of millions of shi of grain, which is better than the court spending money to store up grain!
And now that the Silk Road is becoming more and more prosperous, there is a large amount of goods that need to be transported. Relying on horses and camels alone is not enough for the current economic development. Although the cost of building this track is high, the cost of maintaining it should not be too high.Moreover, this track can not only calculate economic accounts, but also calculate military accounts. With this track, the imperial court's control over the Western Regions has been strengthened by more than 10 times, so it will not be easy for things like the former Han to abandon the Western Regions! "

The Eastern Han government’s abandonment of the Western Regions is the most hated thing for the entire Xiliang people. When the Western Regions were in hand, most of the entire Silk Road was controlled by the Eastern Han government. A large number of business travelers revitalized the entire Xiliang’s economy, and even the Qiang people just grabbed a few things. You can feed the tribe.

But after the Silk Road was cut off, Xiliang would become impoverished quickly, and the Qiang people and Xiliang people would still compete for the few resources. Xiliang people understand that the Western Regions are the lifeline of Xiliang, and the stronger the power of the Dagan court in the Western Regions, the more prosperous Xiliang will be.

Xu Wei thought for a while and nodded, "The imperial court is indeed paying attention to the Western Regions, and the development of the Western Regions is also on the agenda!"

This is not only the threat of Liu Bei, but also the changes brought about by the development of shipping. Historically, the Silk Road has completely declined after the Tang Dynasty. In addition to the poor military strength of the Song Dynasty, after completely withdrawing from the scope of the Western Regions, there is another important reason. The Silk Road replaced the Silk Road on the road. Without profits, the Silk Road in the Western Regions would naturally be cut off.

And now Dagan's shipping is extremely developed, and now it has been connected to the Tianfang area. Most of the civilizations of World Island have been connected by Dagan's maritime merchants. The Silk Road in the Western Regions will soon be cut off like in history.

And Xu Wei is going to find a way to find a new way out for the Western Regions, and later generations have also given the path that the Western Regions should take, which is to grow cotton as a cash crop, and at the same time vigorously develop the cotton textile industry in Xiliang, relying on the cotton industry The chain is enough for the development of the Western Regions and Xiliang.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said: "We can lower the price of grain and sell it overseas. For the imperial court, as long as the grain is sold, it is profitable! At the same time, the tax and fee for grain export will be cancelled, so that the export volume of grain will increase. It should improve a lot”

When Li Ru heard Xu Wei's words, he smiled lightly and said, "It's a very good policy to govern, even if the court loses a little, it's worth it!"

And wanting to grow cotton obviously requires a lot of labor, and it is unknown whether the population of the entire Western Regions is 200 million. It is a way to fill the Western Regions with the population of the Guishuang Empire!
Wang Guojun said helplessly: "But if we do this, the railway project will be affected!"

Daqian's finances are also limited, and most of them have budgets. Although wooden rails are more than ten times cheaper than railroad rails, but this is going to the Western Regions to build a track that is tens of thousands of miles long. The cost will definitely not be low. The money is only Probably out of the construction cost of the railway.

Then his wife Zhen Ji came out with an old man who was Wang Guojun's father-in-law Zhen Ju!

If the food of these islands could be controlled, the Dagan court would not have to worry that these forces would rebel against the Dagan court in the future. If they dared to do this, the first people who would tear up these rebels would probably be the local people!

Others can naturally think of the benefits of this, and they all nodded their heads thinking that this strategy is okay, since they will lose money anyway, and it would be good to use this method to control the food channels of overseas forces.

Moreover, Cao Cao is not necessarily dissatisfied. The silk industry in Crab Island has become more and more prosperous in recent years, but now the cultivation of mulberry trees has become a problem. After all, Crab Island is a small island, and there is not much land for planting mulberry trees. Many families are switching to rice and mulberry. If the price of grain in Dagan continues to drop, this process will become faster.

Cao Cao’s Crab Island, the price of grain is about 300 yuan a stone, more than twice that of Dagan, but the grain transported by Dagan has transportation fees and taxes, and there is no price advantage in Cao Cao’s Crab Island. Cao Cao is only in a shortage of food. Only when they imported a large amount of dry grain, but now Xu Wei uses the dumping method, the price of grain can be reduced by more than [-]%, and Cao Cao's farmers can be directly bankrupted.

The situation on other islands is similar to that of Crab Island. They don't have many people. If they can buy food at a low price, they will definitely want to expand the planting area of ​​cash crops. After all, this is more profitable.

Wang Guojun said: "Father-in-law, are you here?"

Xu Wei can only come up with the method of dumping at a low price. People in this world should have never seen this trick!Dagan's overseas forces also grow food, but the self-sufficiency rate is different. Most of the overseas food growers are savages. Naturally, the efficiency cannot be compared with the people of Dagan. The price of food on these islands is generally higher than that of Dagan. to be more than twice as high.

After the meeting, Wang Guojun returned home in a good mood. As soon as he got home, his daughter rushed over and said, "Father, Daddy has come to our house!"

Zhen Ju smiled wryly and said, "The old man came to you because he was entrusted by an old friend to ask for help?"

Wang Guojun looked surprised. Although the two parties were married, Zhen Ju really didn't ask for anything from himself, even when the children of the Zhen family were imprisoned, they didn't look for him!

Wang Guojun said: "My lord, please speak!"

Zhen Judao: "Zhen An's eldest son went to find some rubber tree, but now three years have passed, and Zhen Xing has not come back. It can be said that he has not seen anyone in life, and he has not seen a corpse in death. Zhen An begged me to come here. Please contact the people in Newland, is there anyone who knows the news about Zhen Xing?"

(End of this chapter)

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