Chapter 95, Martyrs

The news of Fu Bian's assassination by Zhang Yan quickly spread throughout Jizhou, Northern Xinjiang, and even the entire Han Dynasty under the spread of someone with a heart!
All the people in Jizhou wept bitterly. Under Fu Bian's rule, they had only lived a good life for a few days, and a good official like Fu Qingtian died like this.

At the same time, they heard that it was Zhang Yan from Montenegro who killed Fu Bian, and they killed Zhang Yan one by one, and Zhang Yan's reputation in Jizhou was completely ruined.

Jizhou, Montenegro.

Zhang Yan heard the news that Fu Bian was killed, and it was also rumored that he did it. He immediately summoned all the Yellow Turban Army commanders in Montenegro!
Zhang Yan stared at these Qu Shuai seriously and asked: "Fu Bian is dead, and now the whole Jizhou is rumored that we did it, but I know that I did not assassinate Fu Bian, did any of you do this?"

Qu Shuai Yang Feng said: "I haven't gone down the mountain during this time, everyone can testify!"

Qushuai Li Damu said: "This Fu Bian is our enemy, but he is barely considered a good official. Even if we want to kill him, we will only kill him on the battlefield. How could we do such a shameless thing as assassination!"

The other Shuai Qu also shook their heads. They have been looking for a way out these days, so how can they have time to deal with Fu Bian!
Yang Fengdao: "Could it be said that the nobles in Jizhou did it? After all, compared with us, they have a greater hatred with Fu Bian, and their power in Jizhou is also stronger. It is very difficult for us to kill Fu Bian. But the elites in Jizhou have such strength! They are the only ones in Jizhou who are capable of doing such a thing!"

When Zhang Yan thought about it, he also felt that Jizhou's nobles were more suspicious, but he also knew that it was impossible for their Yellow Turban Army to make a sound in the big man, and the scapegoat could only be left to them.

Zhang Yandao: "Find a way to go down the mountain to inquire about the news about Fu Bian's assassination. We have to find a way to clear ourselves of the suspicion. Otherwise, with Fu Bian's prestige in Jizhou, we will not want to develop and grow in the future, and we may even be unable to move a single step!"

Fu Bian can be said to be a Buddha of thousands of families in Jizhou. If the people think that the Yellow Turban Army killed Fu Bian, the Yellow Turban Army would not have to think about messing around in Jizhou.

But Yang Feng said: "I think this can be regarded as a good thing. Without Fu Bian to suppress us, only relying on the corrupt officials in Jizhou, our power will grow stronger sooner or later. The more important thing is that we don't have to go to Xiliang anymore." .”

Qu Shuai, who was present at the scene, was a little happy when he heard this, and they didn't want to go to Xiliang either.

joke!The Xiliang rebels and the court have fought for hundreds of years and have not been wiped out. How can it be easy to fight.

To be honest, they all wanted to take refuge in Xu Wei in Mayi. Judging from the news from Mayi, Xu Wei was not bad, and their old friends were all reused.

News of Fu Bian's assassination spread to Luoyang City.

Emperor Ling was furious. Finally, there was such a capable minister who died like this, and was assassinated. The state shepherd of the majestic man was assassinated. This is not a slap in the face of him, or the face of the court.

The next day, the meeting.

Lingdi pointed at Cui Lie and roared angrily: "Lawless, Jizhou is still not the territory of my big man, you dare to assassinate the court officials, do you want to rebel like the Yellow Turbans!"

Cui Lie immediately shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, we did not do this. I have already informed them to pay the money. Everyone already knows that Fu Bian is leaving Jizhou. To assassinate him is not superfluous!
This is what Zhang Yan and the others did. They didn't want to go to Xiliang, and they had a grudge against Fu Bian themselves. The new grudge added to the old grudge, so they did the assassination of Fu Bian! "

Lingdi thought about it, and it seemed to make sense. Cui Lie and the others had no reason to do the assassination of Fu Bian. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhang Yan and the others should have done it, so he said viciously: "After Wang Fen arrives in Jizhou, I will give it to you immediately." Annihilated Zhang Yan and the others!"

Then he said sadly: "The big man has lost a capable and loyal minister. It's really God's blessing. I ordered Fu to be named Zhuang Jiehou."

Zhongping three years, March spring.

The news of Fu Bian's assassination did not cause too many waves here. After all, spring has come, the snow has melted, and the water conservancy and textile machines can be used again. The production capacity of various factories in Mayi has begun to increase continuously. The tribe also started a new round of land reclamation. Everyone was busy living their own good life, and no one cared about the life and death of a big Han official thousands of miles away.

Only Xu Wei heard the news and lamented that a martyr had died.

Dare to divide the land among the big Han, it is really disadvantageous to be a nobleman, so Xu Wei has foreseen Fu Bian's end.

Of course, Xu Wei just sighed, and then devoted himself to his busy work.

The new year has begun, and he plans to open up another 200 million mu of land, striving to make the entire Mayi have 300 million mu of land, and the annual grain output will reach 600 million shi.This is enough to meet the survival needs of 30 people, and to store enough food for 30 people to eat for a year. After all, troubled times are approaching, and there is no food reserve, and he is very panicked!

Some green seedlings of the winter wheat seeded last year have appeared, and the waterwheel is also pumping water, which is introduced into the field through the elevated canal, so that these wheats are thriving and thriving. As long as you see this scene of emerald green, as long as you see this scene The members of Mayi all had smiles on their faces. Everyone knew that the wheat harvest this year was not low.

And Xu Wei attaches great importance to the land reclamation situation in the new year. Except for the factory workers, other young and strong laborers will go to land reclamation and farming, including the army. The focus of the whole Mayi is on spring plowing.

Wang Lei and the others were dragged into the wilderness by Xu Wei. Xu Wei was a soldier back then. He planned to bring the tradition of our army's self-reliance to this world, so 2 troops contracted the task of 20 mu of land reclamation.

In order to motivate everyone, Xu Wei took the lead in reclaiming wasteland by himself, pulling a Quyuan plow every day, and reclaiming the land quickly. The other soldiers were very excited when they saw Xu Wei working so hard. The progress of personal wasteland reclamation is very fast.

After a year of accumulation, the current land reclamation in Mayi can be described as strong and strong, with no shortage of cattle or iron. There are more than 2 cattle alone, and more than 3 sturdy steel plows. There are more than 1500 eight-ox plows. As for other shovels, hoes, and rakes, there are not only too many of them, but also enough replacements. Finally, there is no need to open up wasteland with wooden farm tools like last year. Now the tribes of Mayi open up wasteland It can be said that they are fully armed. Xu Wei estimates that the efficiency is at least ten times that of farmers in other places in Dahan.

Because the area of ​​Mayi is a basin and the land is flat, as long as everyone removes stones, tree roots and other sundries, they can use eight-ox plows to open up wasteland. A production squadron of 40 people uses 50 cows, and two eight-ox plows a day 200-[-] mu of land can be reclaimed. This efficiency is not comparable to that of a single family. With the efforts of more than [-] soldiers and civilians, the [-] million mu of land planned by Xu Wei was reclaimed in less than a month.

(End of this chapter)

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