archer ferocity

Chapter 204 A performance after a few months!

Chapter 204 A performance after a few months!
Under the atmosphere of this trash talk, the bp between the two sides quickly kicked off.

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan was talking eloquently: "We can see that RNG got the priority to choose the side when throwing points. They took the initiative to choose the blue side. This version of the blue side still has certain advantages."

Miller beside him nodded slightly: "Yes, it depends on whether RNG has made sufficient preparations for this finals."

Although Guan Zeyuan is a bit poisonous, what he said is true.

However, the RNG fans on the barrage began to burn incense.

"Shut up the dog!"

"Why did you get breasts before the game started... I can't ask for milk."

"Why should Guan Zeyuan be brought up in the finals... I suggest confiscating Guan Zeyuan's mobile phone before important events in the future, and let him quietly be a spectator."

"The blue side has no advantage! Take back this sentence!"

During the barrage discussion, bp officially started.

The front two-handed ban positions of the blue RNG team were given to the Tsar and Ezreal respectively.

The tsar strength of the junior junior was obvious to all in this year's spring split.

Although the comet has undergone a weakening, but with the czar's long hand, the consumption ability in the early stage is still enough for OP.

It is obviously a late-stage big nuclear hero, but it is a mess in the early laning phase, which is not very reasonable in itself.

Riot has also weakened the Tsar to some extent, but this weakening is still not enough to affect the Tsar's appearance.

Especially in the middle and late stages, the Czar is often able to launch a wave of unsolvable team battles with a wave of drift.

Therefore, it is understandable for RNG to choose to press it.

In the first game, the RNG team was on the posture.

Therefore, EDG has also given respect to the first-hand bp. According to the state of RNG's system, EDG's first two-handed ban positions are aimed at Aoun and Crow respectively.

In the commentary seat, Miller said thoughtfully: "This is the advantage of the RNG team on the bp side in this version. Although Zizi likes to play top laners with a little carry ability, his tank heroes can also take hands, so any team facing RNG must consider the entire system of RNG."

"Indeed, Aoun and Crow directly occupy two ban positions, so EDG's ban positions will be a bit stretched, and it depends on how RNG chooses... Oh? RNG bans Verus!"

Guan Zeyuan gasped slightly.

Since ban Verus and Ezreal, this is not quite like RNG's style.

"This should force EDGban to drop Kai'Sa."

Miller saw it quite clearly.

It is relatively easy to deal with Kai'Sa when there are two heroes facing each other on the lane.

One is Xia.

One is Varus.

Varus is more versatile than Xayah.

And Xia, a hero, will only have a certain suppression effect on Kai'Sa when matched with a strong enough support.

However, in terms of late-stage abilities, this version of Xia is much inferior to Kai'Sa.

For RNG to do bp in this way, the tactical intention is undoubtedly obvious.

At the EDG battle table.

"It feels like they are forcing us to take Jhin."

Xiaotian said thoughtfully.

In addition to the attitude of the top laner of this RNG, the player in the jungle is Casa.

Casa didn't play many games in the LPL Spring Split, and his winning percentage was relatively low.

But Xiaotian understands his style.

A standard map-controlling jungler who plays around the bottom lane.

In this case, if EDG takes the non-displacement drama master, it is very likely to be targeted by RNG's other lanes in the early stage.

If you don't take the drama master, then take Xia.

Xia's safety in the bottom lane is guaranteed to a certain extent...

EDG fell into a decision for a while.

"Ban Kai'Sa, take Jhin, they want to play the late game big core, we just play the early game tempo."

Li Luo pondered for two seconds and then said.

"Okay, that's it."

Abu nodded slightly.

Kai'Sa was pressed on the third floor of EDG!
on the commentary.

Seeing that the bans on both sides were finally settled, Guan Zeyuan said thoughtfully: "In this case, the three most powerful ADCs in the current version have all been pressed. How should RNG choose? I think the first floor It would be very good to take the blind monk, this version of the blind monk has been strengthened, the strength is extremely high, and this hero is also the signature skill of Kasa himself...Huh? Is the RNG directly from the first floor?"

Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised.

No matter how you look at it, a hero like Dazui can be released on the second or third floor.

What is the purpose of the big mouth on the first floor?

Guan Zeyuan was a little confused, the first and second floor heroes of the EDG team were finalized very quickly.

Blind monk, rock sparrow.

"RNG chose Dazui, which means that it is going to play in the late game. If this is the case, the EDG team will definitely choose to play in the early and mid-game. There is no problem with the choice of the blind monk and the rock sparrow. It is a very good two-handed choice. The RNG team... ...Morgana came out on the second floor, Xiao Ming's Morgana is very strong, let Morgana protect Dazui, and the captain came out on the third floor?!"

Miller looked at the lineup of the RNG team and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

On the whole, RNG's top three picks are relatively mediocre.

Mainly because it's a bit too late.

If it is the S7 season, there will be no sense of disobedience for such a three-handed hero.

But this is the S8.

Captain and Big Mouth, these two heroes need a long development cycle.

In this way, Xiaohu in the middle lane must choose a hero with a strong ability to roam and bring rhythm.

But... soon to enter the second round of BP.

At present, the only heroes Xiaohu can take are Ryze and Enchantress.

Will these two heroes EDG let go in the second round?

Even from the perspective of an outsider, Miller thought it was impossible.

If Xiaohu's hero pool is banned and he is forced to choose a growth-type hero, then Miller doesn't think RNG can resist until the later stage.

At the same time, RNG is on the battle seat.

Uzi bit his finger and stared at the third floor of the EDG team.

There is a certain reason why they do bp like this.

There are only two heroes who are easy to fight against the captain.

Vampires and Jess.

If EDG chooses to launch units on the third floor, then RNG only needs to continue targeting Li Luo's hero pool on the fourth and fifth floors. It's hard to come up with a sixth adc hero who can match the strength of Yang Dao Da Zui in the current version.

And if EDG chooses ADC on the third floor, then their fourth and fifth bans will target the vampires and Jess in the upper unit.

It doesn't matter what you do!

In addition, there is another trap in RNG's lineup waiting for EDG to jump into it.

At this moment, the third floor of the EDG team chose a long-lost hero.

When this hero appeared, the fans cheered instantly.

Even fans of other teams will inevitably feel a little bit embarrassed after seeing this hero.

For some players, when their signature hero is locked down, the feeling it brings to the audience is completely different.

For example, Uzi's Vayne.

Or... Li Luo's Jhin.

"Fate master... Brother Luo's life master has come out!"

In the commentary seat, the baby finally seized the opportunity, and he shouted directly in a high-pitched voice.

The cheers of the scene sounded like a huge wave.

"After several months, Brother Luo's Fate Master finally appeared on the stage again... To be honest, I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Since the enhancement of Fate Master, many teams have used this hero, except EDG I have never been able to get it... Now I finally have a chance to shine."

Miller also said with sincere emotion.

"But to be honest, EDG's double C..."

Guan Zeyuan is still reasonable.

He looked at the bp on both sides and frowned.

EDG currently has all the double Cs in the first three ban positions.

Rock sparrow and Jhin.

One of these two heroes is a roaming mid laner.

One is a functional adc.

And EDG's jungle position is also out, it is a blind monk, who is also a rhythm hero.

These three heroes will be very strong in the early and mid-term, which Guan Zeyuan does not deny.

But... What about the later stage?

Guan Zeyuan looked at the second round of bans on both sides.

RNG pressed the vampire and Jess respectively in the second round of bp.

Seeing these two heroes, Guan Zeyuan mourned silently for EDG.

He could still hold back at this moment and didn't speak.

After all, there are still units on EDG's side that haven't been released yet.

If Jin Gong can still come up with a team battle big C, then he doesn't plan to say it.

If you can't get it out...

Guan Zeyuan thought about it, and the second-hand bans of the EDG team also appeared one by one.

The two heroes were given to Malzahar and Ryze respectively.

Both of these are heroes with extremely strong push ability.

As for the enchantress... the elementary school boy didn't think that Xiaohu's enchantress could threaten him, all he had to do this time was to hold the line.

As long as the line power is in his hands, he can cooperate with Xiaotian to target uzi's bottom lane without restriction.

After the two-handed ban ended, the fourth floor of the EDG team added a hand to Karma.

The purpose of choosing Karma is to help the bottom lane duo hold the line.

The combination of Big Mouth and Morgana pushes the line extremely fast.

Once Li Luo's playman is pushed all the way in the early stage, RNG's vision of the bot lane will inevitably be mastered by RNG, and it will not be so easy to target the bot lane at that time.

In terms of pushing ability, Morgana is not as good as Karma. Karma's skills can also have a certain restraint effect on Morgana's E skill magic immunity shield.

No matter how thick your magic immune shield is, a Sa'an's Sa K will be broken if you squint it down.

So far, EDG's response has obviously been pretty good.

However, with the appearance of the fourth and fifth floors of the RNG team, the hearts of many EDG fans at the scene sank to the bottom.

"Pig girl on the fourth floor, Tam on the fifth floor... Tam?!"

Seeing Tam's appearance, there was an uproar at the scene.

It's not because this hero is special.


RNG already has Morgana!

Play Tamm with Morgana?
Does Morgana go to the middle, to deal with the push of the rock sparrow?

"From the results point of view, RNG dug a big hole for EDG. They cheated EDG's two-handed ban position and directly moved Morgana to the middle lane. If this is the case, let me tell you the truth. It has already appeared, Morgana leads the tp station in the middle lane and the rock sparrow pushes the line, once the bot lane is covered, go directly to tp down and form a double protection against Dazui with Tam, and the pig girl will take on the front row in the middle and late stages."

"Then let the captain play alone on the top lane, and when the bottom lane fights, the captain can support a big move... The integrity of RNG's lineup is very high."

Guan Zeyuan's analysis is clear.

Let alone a professional commentator like him.

Even many spectators at the scene could see the main focus of the lineups of both sides.

Miller also gradually came back to his senses. He looked at the fifth floor of the EDG team that hadn't been lit up, and said in a deep voice: "The next step is to see how EDG will choose. For the top laner Kang Te, Jin Gong will... oh The sword girl? Brother Gong Zi’s sword girl... is relatively rare, but Jin Gong’s proficiency with this hero in the professional arena was actually not bad, and now he suddenly shows it..."

"This lineup is too extreme."

Guan Zeyuan watched EDG's fifth floor lock down and shook his head slightly: "EDG's intention of choosing Jian Ji is very clear, that is to avoid team battles with RNG in the middle and late stages, and let Jian Ji take on the role of single belt in the later stage. Others on the front are involved in clearing the line...but to be honest, the key point in a four-one-point putt is 4, not 1."

"The four players facing EDG lack the front row, and their output in the later stage is seriously insufficient. On the other hand, RNG's front row is very thick. If you want to fight a pig girl with Tam's front must have a strong continuous output ability. You can only be a hero of your own, a dramatist? Not so good."

Although Guan Zeyuan clarified his point of view, none of Miller, Wawa, and even the audience at the scene and before the live broadcast felt that there was something wrong with what he said.

that is the truth.

For a hero like Joker who has to change bullets while fighting, when other ADCs shoot a shuttle, he only shoots four shots from A.

How high can the damage of these four rounds be?It's impossible to kill a pig girl with four shots, that would be too far-fetched.

RNG battle table.

At this time, the atmosphere in the team was quite relaxed.

"Position, is it okay to hit the sword girl on the road?"

After Xiaohu watched EDG lock Jianji, he was a little worried about going on the road.

"The labor-management training match was shot one by one, and you all saw it, so don't question me, just watch my performance. If they dare to keep letting the captain go, I will keep taking it. The labor-management captain will get a C."

Xiaohu's mouth twitched at this pretentious gesture.

"Then I won't go on the road."

Casa immediately opened his mouth and said, "Your attitude is just asking for blessings."

"Don't worry, it's so easy."

The posture flicked his fingers coquettishly.

"This will make us not make mistakes in the early stage, be careful..."

The coach Heart behind him was talking endlessly.

"Coach, please go down."

Miss Yaofeng, the referee standing behind the RNG crowd, urged.

"Especially puppies, be steady in the early stage, don't play too aggressively, they may..."

"Coach, go down, you can't talk anymore."

"You want to..."

"Stop talking, coach go down..."


Heart was kicked off the bench.

Abu on the other side didn't say much.

He knew that he suffered a disadvantage in the first round of bp confrontation with RNG.

However, as an old coach in China, Abramovich has already reached the point where his heart is still like water.

RNG's swing tactics can be used once.

But it can't be used many times.

Want to nibble the first game in this way?
Seeing Heart shaking hands with him in front of him, Abu smiled politely and shook hands with him.

"Then wait and see."

Abu knew very well that Li Luo had made careful preparations for this match.

When the performance returns after a few months, it is bound to present a performance that will make the audience shine.

ps: I made an appointment with a Chinese medicine doctor in the evening, and it should be very late when I come back, so I can write another [-] characters. The [-] characters can’t write too much dry stuff, so I will write a [-]-word chapter at [-]:[-] tomorrow night. I will remember the update that I owed for a while, and I will liquidate it when there is no problem with my hand. Sorry everyone

(End of this chapter)

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