archer ferocity

Chapter 293 The Courage to Die

Guan Zeyuan's analysis is clear and logical, and the content of his analysis is also traceable.

As a commentator, especially when commenting on events like the Asian Games that symbolize national honor, Guan Zeyuan has very high demands on himself.

Especially in terms of business ability, he has analyzed in detail the configuration of the Chinese team and the South Korean team and the possible playing styles.

The advantage of the Chinese team is that there is Li Luo, the core big C who can stabilize the carry, and Xiaohu's ability to add icing on the cake can be called the best mid laner.

And the disadvantages are also obvious, so apart from Li Luo, there is no second stable big C in the team who can stand up.

In the previous qualifiers, because the intensity was too low, Guan Zeyuan couldn't see whether the Chinese team had thought of a solution to this problem, so Guan Zeyuan's inner anxiety was real.

After all, in his opinion, the strength of this South Korean team is indeed more comprehensive, and the tactics are better coordinated.

The kiin of the top order can be C.

But in the same way, he can also become a tool man.

To put it bluntly, kiin is an all-around top laner.

Needless to say, faker is a mid laner. Since his debut, faker has been a typical carry type player, but the failure of the S4 season also made him quickly wake up. In the eyes of most players, the reason why faker can The reason why he won his three world championships is because he has a terrifying talent and a hard work ahead of other players.

But everyone knows that faker's real strength lies in his adaptability.

As an Assassin, he was able to quickly master other types of mid laners after being silent for just one year, and no matter what type or style of mid laner he is, he can perfectly control them .

A mid laner who can be a core output point and contribute to the team is rare in this world.

Just like Rookie, Rookie has already played offense and roaming to the extreme, but Rookie will give people a very fierce C position feeling when playing any type of hero. Even if you let him play Lulu, he still plays like C .

It's not that this is bad, but when Rookie takes functional heroes, it always gives people a feeling of using cannons to hit mosquitoes.

Faker is different.

He belongs to the kind of playing something, like something.

The South Korean team's bot lane deft is also familiar to the audience.

The standard team type AD, he doesn't have strong laning ability, but his performance in team battles is one of the best, of course, except when he has a disease, such as teleportation, plane crash, and the wheel mother's big death. .

This means that this South Korean team is very comprehensive from top to bottom. As long as the engine of Little Peanut can drive the team's overall early and mid-term rhythm, then the top, middle and bottom three C positions are all-around carry games.

And this is something that the Chinese team's system did not have.

Perhaps Little Peanut's rhythmic ability is not as strong as Xiangguo's, but don't forget that this time the South Korean team has a rhythmic and commanding ability in the lineup.


Team brain.

From a result-only perspective, Guan Zeyuan could tell that if they were to play against the South Korean team, the core idea of ​​Abramovich's bp on the Chinese team was to take the hero Luo.

The priority of the hero Luo in the Chinese team is very exaggerated.

Because when meiko faces mata and even the entire South Korean team, what he has to do is not only to play a good laning in the bottom lane.

At the same time, it is also necessary to provide roaming support, and strive to use the advantages of hero characteristics to bridge the gap with Mata's powerful roaming rhythm ability.

The South Korean team is obviously aware of this, and there is no problem with Morgana's countermeasure, at least from the point of view of bp.

Backstage lounge.

"It's kind of powerful."

Abu took a sip of water, glanced at the line that had already kicked off on the screen and said.

"Their thinking is really good, and it seems that they have made a lot of preparations."

King Ning said from the side, but after the words fell, he shrugged his shoulders: "But there is one thing to say, the premise of all this is that deft will not be blown up by brother Luo."

"It's a bit difficult to explode."

Abu shook his head slightly: "Although Xiao Luo is strong, at least Deft's Ezreal is very stable. It is basically impossible for their bot lane team to complete a line kill..."

Abu was slightly taken aback after finishing speaking.

Because just as he finished speaking, Guan Zeyuan's voice came from the live broadcast from God's perspective in the lounge.

"The laning in the bottom lane... can only be developed against each other. It is not realistic to fight or even complete a solo kill. This makes the Chinese team only rely on the incense pot to bring the rhythm."


Abu was stunned, then closed his mouth, touched his chin, put on his earphones, and watched the game quietly while listening to the players' communication.

"I'll go straight up at level 2, and get ready for Yan Junze."

The sound of the incense pot rang out from the battle seats.

The incense pot that was red on the blue side controlled the troll to walk straight up the road.

There are not many people like him who will choose to gank at level 2.

Letme also understands very well, he and Xiangguo have cooperated countless times, so they have a good understanding.

In addition, letme's control over the proficiency of the hero Aoun can be called a must in LPL.

When level 1 was suppressed by Gnar, letme didn't panic at all, but the minions turned around and retreated immediately after Q.

It doesn't matter if you miss a few soldiers, as long as you don't lag behind in experience.

Kiin played very hard.

When his Gnar reached level 2, he went straight into the bushes and pushed forward, but letme chose to carry the minion strong A to upgrade to 2 at this time. It seemed that he didn't want to be pushed out of the experience area by kiin.

But kiin had a warning sign in his heart. The idea of ​​learning W was immediately terminated. He quickly learned the E skill, and he was ready to retreat at any time while attacking.

When the troll in the incense pot appeared from behind, Kiin's expression changed slightly.

Sure enough.

He retreated without saying a word.

However, Aoun, who reached level 2, didn't even release his Q, and rammed straight towards his position.

Kiin turned over his E skill in time to try to escape, but when his E skill jumped up, a pillar stood in front of him.

Ornn's head collided with the pillar accurately, and Gnar was directly blasted into the air.

Letme then used Q to restrict Gnar from escaping. When Gnar flashed, Xiangguo followed and flashed to bite Gnar.

But it's a pity that Little Peanut arrived in time.

"This guy……"

Seeing the red buff on Little Peanut, Xiang Guo frowned.

He knew his intentions should have been guessed.

Little Peanut's wave is obviously red, and while beating the stone man, he is also on guard against the second level of Xiangguo to catch.

If the incense pot does not come, then Little Peanut will brush down all the way after beating the stone man.

And if the incense pot comes, as long as Gnar can support it for a while, Little Peanut will arrive immediately.

But it's worth mentioning that Peanut's blind monk handed over Flash, and he flashed to Gnar's W, which prevented Gnar's tragic death.

The two sides exchanged summoner skills, but Aoun did not exchange flashes, only Xiangguo handed in, but on the South Korean team, Ueno and Ueno all exchanged flashes.

Overall, although the final result did not meet Xiangguo's expectations, at least it was profitable.

"I have the advantage, you can enter his wild area to grab F6."

Xiaohu made a reminder.

With Syndra's long-handed matchup advantage, Zoe can't be stopped if she wants to push the line before Zoe reaches level 3.

This is the biggest advantage of having Xiaohu and Xiangguo as partners.

Although Xiaohu's laning ability is not outstanding enough, he knows how to play to help Xiangguo.

"Then enter their F6."

Xiangguo made a decision in an instant: "If you hold E, they won't dare to fight. Don't hand it over too casually."

Almost at the same time, Li Luo also said, "Mata can't make it through."

In the initial laning, Li Luo and Meiko chose the way of putting pressure on the line after grabbing second.

This approach actually has a lot of hidden dangers.

The key is whether Ezreal can Q Q to Kai'Sa when Kai'Sa crosses the line to suppress.

If it can, then this suppression will automatically run aground.

If there is no Q, then the vacuum period of Ezreal's Q skill CD will be longer after the Q is empty, and the passive attack speed cannot be superimposed. Moreover, in this game, Li Luo's Kai'Sa chose the same as the previous Kali Stana brought the same talent to Fa, and Li Luo brought Congren.

Congren Kai'Sa's performance on the field is still very vague to the public.

But at least, with the characteristics of cluster blades, Kai'Sa's laning strength will be improved to a certain extent.

Like now.

After Li Luo successfully twisted Ezreal's Q skill, Ezreal and Morgana couldn't get close to the line of soldiers for a while.

Under such circumstances, mata naturally had no way to give up the opportunity of deft to seek support.

In the end, the incense pot still took a certain advantage at F6.

There were constant small frictions between the two sides in the early stage, but no one broke out.

But the collision and friction of this kind of detail alone is enough to make the audience's adrenaline soar.

The game time was 7 minutes and 30 seconds, and the first blood was finally born.

Peanut's blind monk took advantage of a wave of opportunities to reach level 6. The Q soldier touched his eyes and R flashed to kick Xiaohu's Syndra back.

But Xiaohu's reaction speed is also very fast. When he realized that he was kicked, he handed over his EQ ahead of time. Set of outbreaks.

Xiangguo's trolls arrived at the battlefield at the same time, followed up with the pillars, and took away the blind monk who had no movement skills, but the faker on the other side also took Xiaohu's head, and came up to fight I bought a set of incense pots.

Luo's timely appearance forced Faker back, but only two or three seconds later, Mata's Morgana also appeared.

"The walking ability is really outrageous."

Meiko looked at Morgana who was showing her head behind Faker, and couldn't help but click her tongue secretly.

Luo has a unique advantage in roaming. Luo can use W to shuttle terrain during the roaming process.

But Morgana has no such advantage.

In this way, mata still arrived only two or three seconds later than him, which means that mata realized the outbreak of the battle in the middle lane earlier than him, and roamed ahead of time.

It's not that meiko is weaker than mata.

It's just that there is a specialization in the art industry, and mata's talent in roaming is obviously full.

This stalemate lasted for about 10 minutes.

The two sides began to rub and collide around the refreshed canyon pioneer.

It is worth mentioning that the ads on both sides did not come to the front of each other.

Mata is not worried about the safety of Deft.

His and meiko's support left the line almost simultaneously.

Relying on the consumption advantage of Morgana's W skill, Mata has already consumed about one-third of Kai'Sa's blood volume.

Now Kai'Sa still has two-thirds of her health, but Ezreal in deft is full of health, and this wave of soldiers with artillery has also been pushed by Kai'Sa to the position of the first tower on the red side.

Deft doesn't have much mana, so naturally he won't take the initiative to fight against Li Luo.

With Li Luo's blood volume and equipment in this period of time, it was impossible for him to cross the tower and kill Deft.

According to Mata's idea, the wave of deft relies on defensive towers for development, which will be very comfortable.

However, he is not deft.

Seeing Kai'Sa who still chose to go up to the defensive tower after the pawn line entered the tower, Deft frowned.

At this time, 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

Li Luo's last hit was 86.

Deft's Izreal supplement knife is 64.

A gap of 22 knives.

In fact, due to the consumption of Morgana's W skills, a few of them were eaten by Morgana.

Of course, Deft admitted that he was indeed suppressed by Li Luo.

Because of this, Deft feels depressed.

Seeing Li Luo come up to touch the tower, he couldn't bear it anymore.

However, Deft also knows the lessons learned by countless compatriots, so he chose the safest consumption method.

First try it out with W.

Immediately after crossing E, jump to the other side of the defense tower, and at the same time A Kai'Sa again.

This ordinary set of consumption is already able to lower Kai'Sa's blood line again, to the extent that it is only half left.

And the idea of ​​deft is good.

He chose to hand over E instead of E, just to keep the attack distance with Kai'Sa.

Li Luo is not a character who doesn't fight back after being bullied.

Therefore, Li Luo fought back the first time Ezreal consumed him.

Raise your hand to level A to catch Q, and while releasing the Q skill, twist your figure towards the only three ranged soldiers left in your family, giving Ezreal the possibility to Q to himself.

But it was clearly a feint.

An ADC not only needs to be strong and delicate.

You have to be careful.

Obviously, as a young man in the new era, Li Luo, the sixth child in the canyon, has this kind of mind.

The exchange of skills between the two sides is only between lightning and flint.

Deft was indeed fooled. When he played Ezreal's Q, Li Luo's Kai'Sa turned around and twisted back, and at the same time gave him an A.

It's just... because of this turning around and Deft's control over the attack distance, Li Luo was locked by the defense tower when A made this general attack, and took a bit of the damage from the defense tower.

The damage from the defense tower directly lowered Li Luo's bloodline, and Ezreal's follow-up basic attack reduced Kai'Sa's blood volume to about a quarter!

"He has therapy, but so do I."

Deft narrowed his eyes, his blood volume was still half.

Cong Ren gave Li Luo's Kai'Sa the upper hand in the number of basic attacks in this duel.

And after another A hit, Li Luo's Kai'Sa has quickly traded E to widen the distance between him and Ezreal, ensuring that Ezreal can't attack himself with A without Q.

During the confrontation between the two, every move was full of details.

As a commentator, Guan Zeyuan can only explain through what he can see in this short one-two-second confrontation.

"Ka'Sa made a mistake here, he resisted the tower! Deft moved to kill, Kai'Sa's blood volume is very dangerous! The plasma is still one level away, and it will be full before one level away!"

Amidst Guan Zeyuan's exclamation, the confrontation between the two sides has also reached the most dangerous situation.

Realizing that his A is not enough for Kai'Sa, deft decisively turned in his ultimate move to try to deal damage.

Kai'Sa's position is close to the wall.

There is very little room to move here, so you can only go outside.

His big move is easier to hit!

However, at the moment when Ezreal pulled his ult to charge up the power, Li Luo's Kai'Sa turned around in an instant, and raised his ARA's extreme explosive hand speed to fill up and detonate the plasma in an instant!
The half-blooded Ezreal's blood volume instantly plummeted to the same level as Kai'Sa.

And after ARA was played, Li Luo moved to the side to avoid the damage of Izreal's big move. The position of Li Luo's flash was also very particular, because he could just A to the position of Izreal!

Deft hastily handed over the healing technique, but after a basic attack, A landed on the shield of Kai'Sa's ultimate move.

Knowing that Kai'Sa's ult shield was about to disappear, Deft gritted his teeth and made a risky move.

The next moment, a golden light flashed on Ezreal's body.

The idea of ​​deft is simple.

That is to use Q flash to paste Kai'Sa's face.

He is gambling.

Bet Kai'Sa couldn't react.

Professional players will pinch summoner skills to death.

Sometimes, because of this habit, it is really pinched to the point of death and it is still useless.

According to the judgment of Ezreal's Q skill, if EZ hand in Q flash, then Q will be released from the location where the flash landed.

In the face-to-face situation, Li Luo might not be able to react.

But the premise is... Ezreal can Q.

In the spotlight.

When Ezreal Q stepped forward, to be precise, at the moment when the golden light shone, a green light shone from Kai'Sa's body.

And Li Luo's Kai'Sa turned slightly to the side and stepped down.

The white secret technique shot across Kai'Sa's side.

Deft's expression froze instantly.

Ezreal in his hand also froze in place.

Accompanied by Kai'Sa's unpretentious basic attack, Deft's Ezreal... fell to the ground with a bang.

Blood volume, cleared.

And Li Luo's Kai'Sa was boosted by the treatment, and her blood volume was not bad.

It's even almost the same as when deft launched a chase.

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

And at the match table of the Chinese team, while Li Luo let out a sigh of relief, he also smiled at Xiangguo's praise of "Fuck, you are too fierce" and said: "He was fooled."

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