So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 182 Infringement on the Good Reputation of Others Causes Psychological Stress and Pain

Chapter 182 Infringement on the Good Reputation of Others Causes Psychological Stress and Pain


Hongli tilted her head, looked at the silent crowd around her, frowned and said, "It should be the thirty-seventh one, I should have counted right."

After thinking for a while, Hong Li walked to the edge of the ring and looked in the direction of the challengers: "Hurry up next one, brothers and sisters, who should it be?"

Seeing Hongli approaching, everyone couldn't help but subconsciously backed up a few steps.

To be honest, at the beginning they did despise this young junior sister who has been here for less than a year-who wouldn't despise her, what kind of immortal can one cultivate in less than a year?
You know, even if you learn a craft in the secular world and become an apprentice for others, you don't want to have any great skills if you don't learn it for more than ten years, let alone the matter of cultivating immortals!
But after the thirty-six warriors were carried away, if everyone didn't pay attention to this girl, their IQ would not be able to reach the foundation-building stage.

Well, I don't know if the few warriors who were carried away have arrived at the medicine hall. After all, it took less than an hour from the first big brother flying out to the thirty-sixth big brother flying out just now.

This also includes posing, self-introduction, and talking harshly. The actual time spent in the battle may be less than [-] minutes, and it takes more than a minute to solve one on average?
Moreover, everyone could see that Hongli had kept her hand, after all, it was pulled off by the barrel of the gun, and the bright tip of the gun gleamed coldly, but it hadn't been used yet!

"No, actually sister, you counted wrong, you have already won one hundred, come down and rest!"

"Hey! Do you have the majesty of a senior brother, calling a sister who is a few decades younger than you?"

"Then you are majestic, so go ahead."

"Hey, it's right to call me Senior Sister, after all, we are all from the same sect."

Facing Hongli's strong sense of oppression, everyone in the audience couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

"It's not true that no one dares to go up, right? Let me explain in advance, anyway, I don't dare! If you can't use your supernatural powers, you have to kneel."

"Well, what about the senior sister who liked to watch the little girl cry just now, go up and beat her up!"

"Uh, that senior sister has been carried away..."

"Oh, it's okay, Senior Sister, she really has something to do, she can deal with it!"

"It's a showdown. In fact, I am the second generation of immortals. Ten high-grade spirit stones are not attractive to me. Haha, I'm leaving, I won't bother you anymore!"

"No way……"

Hongli showed a puzzled expression: "So... there is no one?"

From the beginning until now, she didn't use any supernatural powers. She relied entirely on her marksmanship and physical fitness to fight, just thinking about preserving her physical strength to deal with the real strong people who might appear in the future.

"So, what about the strong?"

Hongli asked suspiciously: "Could it not be, this is the inner disciple?"

Everyone: "..."

Xiaohuo: "Mom is mighty!"

Xingyun: "Senior sister is domineering!"

"Hey, the number ten."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes: "If there is no next one after counting ten, I will be judged to pass directly. By then, the elders and the others will probably have nothing to say. Well, ten, nine..."

"Damn it, she's so arrogant, I can't stand it anymore, my fist is hardened!"

"Go up if you can't stand it!"

"Ah, I can see it all of a sudden, and my fist is soft again."

"I think your bones are weak..."

"Eight, seven..."

Hongli couldn't help but yawned: "If I knew it was so simple, I should have fought for some rewards from the elders. If this is the case...huh?"

Hongli was stunned for a moment, and found that there was some commotion behind the crowd, and another group of aggressive disciples came, and she couldn't help raising her brows: "Good guy, are you really serious this time?"

"Let let, let let."

A burly man in Jinbu costume separated from the crowd, sneered, and walked slowly towards the arena: "It's just a little late, after all, it's just a matter of convenience for us to come and teach the ignorant junior sister .

I would like to see, who is so brash and dares to shout here? "

"Yes, it's Brother King Kong!"

A disciple recognized the other party's identity, and was shocked on the spot: "It is said that the other party has reached the ninth floor of foundation building the year before last, and has been preparing for promotion to the Jindan stage recently, and is a strong candidate for the next Jinchang elder !"

"Wow, so why are you saying something everyone knows in a shocked tone?"

"You don't understand, some people don't know, I'm telling them."

"Brother is so strong, I like it so much!"

"As expected of senior brother, even walking onto the ring is so graceful, stepping out slowly step by step, destroying the opponent's psychological defense line!"


"Elder Jinxiu's apprentice is this person..."

Hongli showed a reminiscing look, the name suddenly reminded her of a certain story that Heiyang told her before.

"That's right!"

King Kong held his head high and held his chest high: "I am Master's direct disciple. I heard that you have spoken disrespectfully to my Master. It is simply unforgivable!"

"Ah, yes, yes, I understand the truth..."

Hongli scratched her head: "Why are you walking so slowly, are you doing rehabilitation training?"

"You're just recovering!"

King Kong snorted coldly: "Didn't you hear what my brothers and sisters said, I did this to create a sense of oppression for your psychological defense! You see, the way you are urging me now is obviously nervous!"

Hongli: "..."

"Four! Three! Two..."


A gust of wind blew, King Kong appeared on the ring in an instant, patted his chest in fear, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Why are you counting down all of a sudden, you scared me!"

Hong Li: "Ah, it caused you psychological pressure."

King Kong: "..."

"Hmph, don't think that you can pass the test just like this."

King Kong adjusted his mood, and continued: "Maybe you don't know, the reward for defeating you just now has become fifteen top-grade spirit stones.

And the elders have spoken, since you want to fight to the end, then let the geniuses of us geniuses come out!
Everyone you meet next will be a gap that you will not be able to overcome in a few years, but don't worry, because you will never meet them! "


Hongli extracted the key words, and couldn't help complaining: "Is the elder so picky? It's not attractive to only increase five high-grade spirit stones. At least a double reward or something..."

"Heh, I also feel a little picky, but that's not the point!"

King Kong slapped his chest violently, Hong Li thought he was going to burst his clothes, and was taken aback, but in the end he let out a sound of intersecting gold and iron: "Boom!"

"What's the meaning……"

Hongli guessed, "Did you secretly stuff a steel plate on your chest?"

"You're the one with the chest plate!"

King Kong snorted coldly: "I'm an earth-level supernatural power, Gangjin Fudo. There are almost no people below the Jindan stage who can break my defense. I just want to tell you that you are not even qualified to tickle me!"

Hongli: "???"

Speak as you speak, why are you attacking personally?
"You are so kind..."

Hongli roared angrily: "Say it again if you have the guts!"

"I am an earth-level supernatural power..."

"Not this sentence, the previous sentence!"

"You are the only one with a steel chest..."

"Who gave you the guts to say it a second time!"

"It's not you..."

Before King Kong finished speaking, he suddenly froze, looked sideways at his bloody left shoulder, and fell silent.

What made him even more silent was that the tip of the gun had reached his throat.

"Say it again……"

Hongli's voice was deep and low: "Listen to me!!!"

King Kong's pupils shrank sharply, his Adam's apple rolled, and the oncoming murderous aura stirred his mind.

Then, the corners of King Kong's mouth curled up, he sneered, took a few steps back, turned his head and walked away: "It's hearty, it's a great battle, I missed a move, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

"It's a bad move! It's obvious that you were instantly killed!"

"Being defeated like this, are you sorry for us! Refund!"

"Shocked and thank you."

"That's right, I used so many words to describe you, and I even gave you a name, please pay for the manuscript fee!"

"If this continues, we will have to kneel forty consecutive times. After the forty consecutive kneelings, we will have to kneel sixty-eight or ten hundred consecutive times. Then there will be no more kneeling!"

"Wait, there seems to be a strange guy among us?"

"Don't pay attention to these details, quickly condemn King Kong with me: are you sorry for us!"

"Indeed! King Kong, come back and fight another [-] rounds!"

"I can't hear... I can't hear..."

King Kong silently recited the real Fudo mantra, walked a few steps, and staggered suddenly: "Well, is there a brother who will help me to go to the medicine hall?"

Hongli: "Don't help! Go by yourself!"

King Kong: "Come on, Senior Sister!"


Rubbing between her brows and sighing, Hongli felt that her estimation of the strength of the disciples of the Five Elements Sect was a bit off?

No wonder the elder is so excited about her displayed talent...

However, let the elders get excited, Hongli shook her head: "Next."

(End of this chapter)

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